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Pocket Monsters parody: Backburner

Pokemon is such a huge series I have to break up the backburners into parts here is Kanto - Hoenn Saga


Pocket Adventures 3

What if Ash received Hitmonchan and kept Primeape? Ash has just won a fighting Pokemon tournament inspiring a challenger to pass his Pokemon to Ash to be trained. He gets a Hitmonchan a more mature Pokemon who not only grows stronger but helps teaches Ash about his body and desires. Switcher Ash/Human/Pokemon

Pocket Adventures 4

What if Ash actually trained for the Pokemon League? Brock decides to oversee Ash's training personally, without Misty's taunting Ash is able to build confidence and even catch some new Pokemon. Like Shellder, Tangela, Machop, Cubone, and even a Ghastly. Feeling more confident Ash decides to express and explore certain feels he's had which Brock witnesses and joins. Switcher Ash/Pokemon/Humans

Pocket Adventures 5 

What if Ash caught Weedle? Ash managed to catch Weedle, much to Misty's displeasure. The two bug types bonded with Ash gaining some of his unique tastes. Ash likes bondage, so the two help Ash build a harem. Top Ash Bondage Ash +Pokemon 

Pocket Adventures 6

What is Ash caught Farfetch'd? During the Orange islands arc Ash Tracey and Misty arrive at an island that's chock full of the rare species the flying type. Ash gets excited and decides to catch one. While having some down time feelings are shared, emotions are tested, and a harem is built. 

Pocket Adventures 07

What if Ash caught Horsea? The group has ended up on the beach, so Ash lets his pokemon out for some fun in the sun and meets a Horsea. The water type befriends him, though bails out when Misty tried to catch him. Ash enters a Harem Conest of sorts where guys get to strut and show off, and the winner gets some major prizes. Horsea agrees to help Ash out. Oral Fixation Ash + Pokemon/Harem

Pocket Adventures 08

What if Mewtwo wasn't a villain? After Mewtwo escapes Giovanni he bumps into Mew, who offers him to travel as pokemon do to see what he is and how he fits into the world. He goes into hiding traveling the world in the shadows to see the world for himself. Giovanni hasn't given up on Mewtwo, but will he be able to continue when his actions nearly gets his son killed. Ash/Pokemon/Trainers Harem

Pocket Adventures 09  

What if Ash caught Dratini? In the safari zone after catching his 30 Tauros, Ash rescues a Dratini from Team Rocket, the two bond, and the little dragon type wants to go with Ash, to see the world beyond the safari zone. Ash gets to capture him after a proper battle. Switcher Ash/Pokemon/Trainer

Pocket Adventures 10

What if Ash found the Mew Fossil along with Togepi's egg? Ash does indeed find a strange new fossil, he sends it to Oak to see if he can restore it. He does and Ash gets his very own Mew. The two form a bond, but this bond does incur Mewtwo's anger. Ash/Mew/Pokemon/Trainer

Pocket Adventures 11

What if Ash managed to catch Aerodactyl? Charizard battle Aerodactyl, and before he falls into Jigglypuff's spell, he throws a ball and manages to catch the Aerodactyl. Charizard saves him from the fall, and Ash finds an egg. Aerodactyl and Charizard have a rivalry, and Ash uses it to train the two, gaining both of their respect. Bottom Ash/Pokemon/Harem

Pocket Adventures 12

What if Ash got Ponyta? Ash wins the race for the Larimy Ranch, and is given a pokemon egg for his victory. The egg is of Ponyta. The fire type bonds with his master, understanding Ash's needs and helps gather the other pokemon to sate him. Bottom Ash/Pokemon/Trainer/Harem   

Pocket Adventures 13

What if Ash got Psyduck? Psyduck was following them after a recent incident, but Misty finds him annoying despite saying she likes water pokemon. She insults Psyduck and makes him cry, which Ash comes in and offers him a place on his team. Misty spares no time to insult both of them, be it the fact Psyduck can't swim, or can barely battle. Ash helps Psyduck learn to swim and helps him level up, his actions resonate with his other pokemon as well. Once Psyduck becomes a powerhouse on Ash's team Misty changes her tune and she tries to get him to join her, but Psyduck isn't dumb, he stays with his master. Switcher Ash/Pokemon/Trainer

Pocket Adventures 14  

What if Ash caught a Paras? Brock caught a Zubat in Mt. Moon, but it wasn't the only type of pokemon found there, Ash finds a weakened Paras who was struggling to move about. Ash helps him and treats him and helps put an end to Team Rocket's trap and wants to join Ash. Like Pikachu he doesn't want to evolve and his effect spore and mushrooms are quite useful. Hypno Growth Ash/Pokemon/Trainer

Pocket Adventures 15

What if Ash kept Muk? After catching Muk, the others think its best to send him to Oak, but Ash isn't so sure about that. He does really need to train his pokemon. He keeps Muk, who likes him and doesn't release his foul odor anymore, Muk comes in handy against Erica and her gym of Grass types. Tentacle Switcher Ash/Pokemon/Trainer

Pocket Adventures 16  

What if Ash caught Jigglypuff? Jigglyppuff wants to sing, and often scribbles on people's faces. When he shows up, Ash panics and throws a ball, it catches Jigglypuff much to Ash's surprise. With Oak's help, they develop a microphone Jigglypuff can use to sing and not put people to sleep, with its dream realized he works to help Ash become an even better trainer. Top Ash/Jigglypuff/Pokemon/Trainer  

Pocket Adventures 17

What if Ash trained Charmeleon? Charmeleon has become a handful after evolving so Ash tries to train it. Things are rough Charmeleon seems to have forgotten everything they've been through, or maybe Charmeleon's feelings for Ash are more complicated than they seem. After an incident with a rather violent Poliwhirl, Charmeleon struggles to protect his trainer. Bottom Ash/Charmeleon/Pokemon/Trainer

Pocket Adventures Venonat

What if Ash caught a Venonat? On the way to Fuchsia Gym Ash runs into a wild Venonat. The pokemon is quite skilled and hard to catch, but Ash can’t help but want to try. Misty thinks Ash should leave it, but the boy thinks he’s cool. Bondage Switcher Ash/Pokemon/Trainer  

Pocket Adventures Exeggcute

What if Ash caught an Exeggcute? The gang has come across a strange pokemon, the grass and psychic type has been hypnotizing trainers in order to protect itself and mess with trainers. Ash manages to catch the little guy, he’s a bit of a prankster but Ash gets his help. Top Ash/Trainers  

Pocket Adventures Drowzee Days

What is Ash caught a Drowzee? Something strange is going on when Ash and co arrive in town and find that everyone is naked. No one seems to think its strange walking around in the buff, but the gang gets hit with sleep waves and lose their clothing too. The source of the trouble is a Drowzee, Ash catches it and developed a bit of a nudist streak. Switcher Ash/Pokemon/Trainer

Pocket Adventures Ditto  

What if Ash caught a Ditto? Since meeting Duplica Ash wanted to catch a Ditto. He finds one on Cinnibar Island, the little guy loves to cause mischief and battle. It suits Ash just fine, even helps him learn more about himself. Toys Ash/Pokemon/Trainer

Pocket Adventures Mime Time

What if Ash caught Mr. Mime? Ash stumbled across the mysterious Mr. Mime a psychic type pokemon. Ash battles it and manages to catch it before getting interrupted. The psychic type really likes Ash and gets jealous when Brock tries to cook for him. Not only is Mr. Mime good outside of battle his power is top notch. Switcher Ash/Pokemon/Trainer  

Pocket Adventures 18

What if Ash caught Voltorb? After Ash's Orange Island victory, he comes across a city over run by Electrode, Ash befriends a Voltorb. The Electrode need a home so Ash calls Oak, and they get the idea of bringing the Electrode to Oak's ranch, they get plenty of room, and when they get built up their power can be humanely milked and be used to power the town, and even be sent out to help power other towns.  

Pocket Adventures 19

What if Ash got a Spinarak? After Ash helps out officer Jenny she thinks he’d do well with a Spinarak of his very own, so Ash tries to catch a Spinarak. He does and the two bond, Spinarak like Pikachu not liking to be in his ball. Switcher Ash/Pokemon/Trainer Bondage

Pocket Adventures 21

What if Ash traded for Wobbuffet? Ash has a large heard of Tauros, so many he doesn’t have time to train them all, when he meets a trainer wanting to raise a new pokemon after training his Wobbuffet big and strong. Ash asks his Tauros and one volunteers so no hard feelings are had. Ash’s new Wobbuffet likes to pop out of his ball, and is a tank on defense. Top Ash/Harem

Pocket Adventures 22

What if Ash caught a Giraffarig? Ash catches a strange psychic type Pokemon, this catches the interest of another psychic type trainer and the two have a decent battle. Ash has a lot to learn about Psychic pokemon and himself. Switcher Ash/Harem

Pocket Adventures 23

What if Ash caught Fearow? It was a tough bugger, but it was using its power to overthrow the balance. After Ash caught it, the balance returned and he was able to keep his Pidgeot. The flying type is tough to handle but the two bond eventually. Bottom Ash/Harem

Pocket Adventures 24

What if Ash caught Scyther? Ash caught Scyther and Beedrill during the bug catching contest, his catches earn him first place allowing him to keep both. He gives away the Beedril but keeps the Scyther, the fierce battler falls for Ash and even evolves. Switcher Ash/Harem

Pocket Adventures 25

What if Ash caught Jigglypuff? Ash got a Moon Ball from Kurt just perfect for catching a pokemon like Jigglypuff. The mischievous singer gets caught and Ash trains it right, explaining that it’s song puts people to sleep because that’s what its supposed to do, its a lullaby and he’s got the best in the world. The pep talk works and he and Ash bond. Top Ash/Harem

Pocket Adventures 26  

What if Ash caught a Slowpoke? In the Slowpoke well there were many Slowpoke even 1 that wanted to battle. Ash helped it and after stopping Team Rocket he became one of Ash’s pokemon. After some time he evolves into Slowking! He bonds with Ash and even helps translate his pokemon for him. Switch Ash/Harem

Pocket Adventures 27

What if Ash got a Miltank egg for winning the Tauros Tournament? Ash got a Miltank for his victory in the Tauros Battle, he loved the egg very much, and when it hatched the two bonded. Miltank loves to battle and bonds with Ash, their milk can make Ash a tad lust drunk, nothing his pokemon can’t handle. Switcher Ash/ Mix Harem

Pocket Adventures 28

When preparing for the Whirl Island Cup, what if Ash caught Remoraid? Ash was looking forward to the up and coming tournament, so much so he and Misty seek to find some new water types. Ash catches a Remoraid, and in its battle with Psyduck it evolves into Octillery. He was able to win, and Ash moved on. The new water pokemon and he bond Ash discovering some new things about himself and his pokemon and friends. Bottom Ash/Pokemon/Trainers

Pocket Adventures 29

What if Ash got to raise Lugia? A young Lugia has been playing around the whirl islands. It sees Ash and starts following him, watching them train and battle and gets excited. They meet officially and Ash saves him from Team Rocket. Ash gets it back to its mom, but the little guy wants to battle with Ash. Switcher Ash/Harem

Pocket Adventures 30

What if Ash caught Suicune? Suicune had shown up, not the first time Ash saw it. A crazed trainer finds Ash pathetic for wanting to catch such a legendary pokemon. Ash acts him for a challenge and to the crazed trainer’s surprise Suicune accepts, they battle and Ash battles hard and manages to use his Fast Ball to catch him. Switcher Ash/Harem

Pocket Adventures 31

What if Ash caught Entei? Entei is rumored to be showing up at these special hot springs that all Pokemon seem to frequent. A trainer is trying to catch it, but Ash has an edge, a Heavy Ball he got from Kurt. After an intense battle Ash manages to catch the legendary, the pokemon is powerful and passionate!  

Pocket Adventures 32

What if Ash caught Raikou? A mighty storm was ravaging an area in Johto, a true sign of Raikou. Ash is interested in catching such a legendary pokemon, Misty has her doubts but Ash is determined. Turns out Raikou is in the area and Team Rocket wants to catch him. Ash uses his Fast Ball and get a powerful new friend. Bottom Ash/Harem

Pocket Adventures 33

What if Ash catches Larvitar? Ash and Larvitar have been bonding for some time now. They bring him home, but what if he wants to stay with Ash. The mother is brought to Oak’s lab, and Larvitar and Ash get to stay together! Switcher Ash/Harem

Pocket Adventures 34

What if Ash caught Sneasel? A powerful Sneasel is causing trouble at the Ho-Oh shrine. Ash likes its power and tries to catch it. He’s not the only one, but with a bit of help from Cyndaquil and its evolved form Ash is able to catch the powerful dark type. Top Ash/Harem  

Pocket Adventures 35

What if Ash caught Poochyena? Ash has come to Hoenn and Professor Birch was helping show Ash around and they get caught by a pack of Poochyena. Ash battles them with Pikachu and is able to catch one. The two bond and Ash learns more about Hoenn pokemon and himself. Switcher Ash/Pokemon/Trainer/Harem

Pocket Adventures 36

What if Ash caught Wurmple? Ash was inspired by the pokemon contests. So he tries to become both a coordinator and excel as a trainer, mixing both elements. He catches a Wurmple and it evolves into a Beautifly. He loves Ash and the two hare in new experiences. Ash/Pokemon/Trainers

Pocket Adventures 37

What if Ash caught a Seedot and got a Nuzleaf? Ash gets a new grass type after battling and catching a Seedot. It evolves into a mischievous little Nuzleaf, it doesn’t want to evolve anymore and Ash has to change to get used to his new grass and dark type. Hypno Mind Control Ash/Pokemon/Trainers

Pocket Adventures 38

What if Ash catches a Shroomish? Ash and Max were looking around the city to find some new pokemon. They find a Shroomish, recognizing a grass type would help him in the Rock type gym. He catches it and the two bond, the bond helps Shroomish change and expand its strength. Switcher Ash/Pokemon/Trainer

Pocket Adventures 39

What if Ash caught Cacnea? Ash was looking around for some new pokemon, when he comes across a rather affectionate Cacnea. He’s taking quite a liking to him, the two train and battle together and Ash learns about himself thanks to him. Bottom Ash/Trainer/Pokemon

Pocket Adventures 40

What if Ash catches a Ralts? Ash stumbles across a pretty powerful Ralts. Being a psychic type Ash thought it’d be a great pokemon to use against Brawly. He catches it and the two share a link, Ralts acts as a translator for Ash and his pokemon. Ash/Pokemon/Harem

Pocket Adventures 41

What if Ash catches an Aron? While getting lost in a cave thanks to a Team Rocket trap, Ash bumps into an Aron. Thinking the rock and steel type would help find a way out he catches one. Bottom Ash/Pokemon/Trainer/Harem

Pocket Adventures 42

What if Ash catches a Feebas? After his loss to Brawly, Ash is torn on what to do, he goes for some special training. Fishing for some new pokemon, they encounter a Feebas, May insults it and hurts his feelings, Ash catches him and helps him grow big and strong, evolving into a Milotic. With his help Ash participates in the league and contests. Ash/Pokemon/Trainer/Harem

Pocket Adventures 43

What if Ash caught Zangoose? Team Rocket’s Seviper attacked a Zangoose, Ash helps him recover and gets some payback. He wants to stay with Ash and he gets a pretty strong pokemon. Switcher Ash/Pokemon/Trainer/Harem

Pocket Adventures 44

What if Ash caught Seviper? A wild Seviper attacked May’s Torchic, but Ash battles it and doesn’t let it get away. Seviper wants to perform in Pokemon contests. Ash practices both and mixes the skills to throw of gym leaders and coordinators alike. Bottom Ash/Pokemon/Trainer

Pocket Adventures 45

What if Ash caught a Carvanha? During Ash’s training after losing to Brawly, he finds himself among a horde of these Dark and Water types, he gets away but one seems adamant on fighting. Ash catches him and the two bond. Top Ash/Pokemon/Trainer  

Pocket Adventure 46

What if Ash caught a Nuzleaf? Ash is still training for his rematch with Brawly, but must help a Nuzleaf who’s being chased by Team Rocket. The Nuzleaf is both a nice battler and a skilled performer, giving Ash the inspiration to try both battle and contests. Top Ash/Pokemon/Trainer  

Pocket Adventures 47

What if Ash caught Duskull? Ash really missed out catching Haunter back in Kanto, so when he meets the ghost type in Hoenn he doesn’t let the chance pass up again. He catches his first Ghost type Duskull. He’s quite the little trickster but has a knack for performing, pushing Ash to try new ways of battle, which helps him get stronger in ways he didn’t know before. Ash/Pokemon/Trainer/Harem

Pocket Adventures 48

What if Ash caught Sableye? Ash is training for his rematch with Brawly, and while exploring a nearby mine, he finds a Sableye and a pretty powerful one. It likes Ash’s guts so sees if he’d be a worthy trainer. After a tough battle Ash manages to catch it getting both his first Ghost and Dark type. Switcher Ash/Pokemon/Trainer/Harem

Pocket Adventures 49

What if Ash caught Shuppet? Ash and his friends are being tormented by a playful Shuppet. May and Ash compete over it, but when Team Rocket tries to punish Shuppet for messing with them its Ash to the rescue. Shuppet falls for Ash and he catches the skilled ghost type. Ash/Pokemon/Trainer Harem

Pocket Adventures 50

What if Ash got a Lileep? Ash enters a Poke Ringer event with his Taillow, the winner gets one of two Pokemon Fossils, that can be revived into a Pokemon. Taillow evolves and Ash gets the win, ash gets the fossil for Lileep. Tentacle Bottom Ash/Pokemon/Harem

Pocket Adventures 51

What if Ash got a Wynaut? After winning a Poke Ringer contest Ash gets a pokemon egg, it hatches and Ash gets a Wynaut! It’s quite the unique pokemon, he doesn’t want to evolve but loves to battle. Ash/Pokemon/Trainer

Pocket Adventures 52

What if Ash caught Absol? Team Rocket is after Absol, despite its power it is able to dispatch them easily. It seeks a worthy battle. Ash provides it one, its a hard battle but Absol sees Ash as a worthy master. Switcher Ash/Pokemon/Trainer

Pocket Adventure 53

What if Ash caught a female Mawile? Team Rocket is after Mawile, it has unique skills Jessie thinks will be perfect for contests. She’s not wrong as Mawile has stage performance and a tough battler. She wants a strong trainer and Jessie is not her cup of tea but Ash? Ash/Pokemon/Trainer Mix Harem

Pocket Adventure 54

What if Ash caught a male Mawile? Mawile is a powerful Steel type, something Ash has been looking for. He’s a tough battler, but Ash earns his respect and the two have a proper bond. Switcher Ash/Pokemon/Trainer

Pocket Adventure 55

What if Ash caught Latias? With the Pokemon of the Sea and Land going to war, Ash gets help from the pokemon of the Sky Latias. After stopping Team Aqua and Team Magma, ash asks Latias for a battle, but there is no need Latias wants to be with Ash. Switcher Ash/Pokemon/Trainer

Pocket Adventures 56

What if Ash got a Latios? Lance sends Ash on a mission to help him stop Team Magma and Team Aqua. Ash goes and thinks he’ll have to battle Latios, but the pokemon reads Ash’s heart and finds him worthy. Ash gets a pretty amazing Pokemon on his side, but doesn’t use him to win gym battles easily but instead helps them train other pokemon. Switcher Ash/Pokemon/Trainer  

Pocket Adventures 57

What if Ash caught Trapinch? Ash is traversing the Battle Frontier and meets the little ground type. It wants to battle and get stronger and one day evolve, Ash wants to help make that happen. The two bond and grow stronger and stronger together. Bottom Ash/Pokemon/Trainer  

Pocket Adventures 58  

What if Ash caught Numel? Ash is preparing for the Hoenn League and feels a new fire type would help his Torkoal get stronger. He finds a Numel and Fire and Ground type. The two fire types have a heated rivalry but that only makes them stronger. Top Ash/Pokemon/Trainer

Pocket Adventures 59

What if Ash caught Makuhita? Ash is training for the Hoenn League and manages to capture a fighting type, the two bond but the Pokemon’s seed has a unique effect on Ash. He starts gaining weight, his pokemon quite enjoy the softness. Chub Switcher Ash/Pokemon/Trainer

Pocket Adventures 60

What if Ash caught Elekid? During his frontier brain run Ash meets a wild and powerful Elekid. He catches the little guy and the two bond, Elekid grows into an Electrobuzz and he and Ash awaken to a unique bond. Switcher Ash/Pokemon/Trainer

Pocket Adventures 61

What if Ash caught Tropius? While spending the day at a Pokemon park, Ash catches the eye of a Tropius. This has happened before with his Chikorita, however Grovyle wants to protect Ash. What happens when Ash catches him, a whole lot of growing, a whole lot of changing, and bonds growing deeper. Ash/Pokemon/Harem

Hoop Coordinator

Ash is surprised when he's exploring the woods and a strange ring appears in the sky and drops an egg in his lap. Oak lets him take care of the egg and hatches an unknown Pokemon, Hoopa. Ash befriends Hoopa, and the two one day set off to become Coordinators. Hoopa is quite the little performer, and loves his master very much. Top Ash/Hoopa/Pokemon/Trainer

Hands of Thunder

During a thunderstorm Ash gets lost in a forest. Some pokemon try to help him but as the storm rages beyond control, Ash is saved by the mythical pokemon Zeroara and the two bond. Even as Pokemon Poachers or members of Team Rocket seek to capture the powerful electric type. Ash helps protect him, but when its time to go on his journey, will Zeroara let him go or travel with him. Ash/Zeroara/Pokemon Harem

Embrace of the Sea

During a powerful rain storm Ash is swept away by a flood in Pallet Town. Only for Ash to show back up carrying a strange silver egg. The egg hatches into a Lugia, much to everyone’s shock but he bonds with Ash and the two have a wild adventure especially with people after his legendary friend. Ash/Lugia/Pokemon/Harem

Pokemon From Space

Ash goes to investigate when a star falls from the sky. He keeps the strange meteorite. Inside contains a strange and unique pokemon known as Deoxys. It’s time with Ash finds him wanting to stay with the human and help him in his goals of becoming a pokemon master. Ash/Deoxys/Pokemon/Harem  

Pokemon Ranger Ash  

Ash has grown up with a strong love of pokemon, he realized early on he liked having adventures and meeting new pokemon than necessarily catching them. Oak has him train with Officer Jenny before sending him to the Ranger Institute. Ash becomes a ranger, and thwarts the schemes of Team Rocket members.  

Thunder Egg

After a powerful thunderstorm, Ash finds a strange pokemon egg. He takes care of it and Oak even agrees that Ash can have whatever hatches from it as his pokemon. It hatches to reveal a tiny Zeroara, it grows up with Ash and reaches its true height. Ash/Zeroara/Harem

Race to be a Master

Ash caught a fine heard of Tauros at the Safari Zone. He decides to test one out when he hears about the Big P Pokemon Race, the winner gets a special pokemon from the breeders there. Using this win he launches forward and gets serious about his training. Switcher Ash/Pokemon/Harem

Genie of Pokemopolis

While Ash and Brock are training they discover a mysterious ruin. Inside they find a strange bottle unleashing a strange little pokemon. When some Kaiju pokemon start making trouble, Ash must unleash Hoopa’s true power to try and put a stop to them. With Hoopa’s help Ash trains for the pokemon league. Ash/Trainer/Pokemon  

Size Doesn’t Matter

Ash has a Ditto, a very unusual Ditto, when it copies smaller pokemon it has no issue, but bigger pokemon are copied but shrunk. Ash doesn’t seem to mind since he’s just as strong. He can understand the issue, while Ash was an average guy he’s surrounded by big dicked guys that love to make him feel small. Ash snaps, and he shows those big d’s are just useless decorations between their legs. Hyper Macro size Difference

Cautious Trainer Wynaut?!  

Ash wanted to get a Kanto starter pokemon, but he over slept and got a Pokemon not even from Kanto. It was from a mystery egg Professor Oak was studying. Wynaut can’t battle like other pokemon and Ash gets into some trouble. He decides to be more cautious and train his pokemon up to be perfectly prepared. Ash/Trainer/Harem   

Pocket School Starter Elekid

Ash always loved Pokemon and wanted to enroll into Pokemon School so he could get a pokemon. He gets a rather strong electric type who loves to battle. While they excel in battle classes, he struggles in some other things. Once he graduates he can go on his pokemon journey. Toys Bottom Ash/Pokemon/Trainer

Pocket School Starter Magby

Ash enrolled into Pokemon school so he could get a pokemon of his very own. He gets a rather unique fire type, that likes to perform. Ash must adapt if he wants to pass his classes and go on his journey. Switcher Ash/Magmar/Pokemon/Trainer

Cool Coordinator

Ash wants to be a coordinator that follows the “Cool” style, using moves to make his pokemon look cool, instead of cute or beautiful. He's actually got a lot of fans and rivals. He actually befriends a gym leader who secretly wished to be a coordinator. Ash/Trainer/Harem

Cute Coordinator

Ash is a crossdresser, and wants to become a coordinator that follows the “Cute” style, using moves to show off his pokemon's cuteness. He has his own tastes on what makes a pokemon cute, that his rivals Misty and Gary disagree with. Brock gets the hots for Ash, and they even start dating. Ash/Trainer/Harem

Tough Coordinator

Ash is a young man who's jacked! Ash likes both contests and pokemon battles, following the “Tough” style. He likes to show off his pokemon's strength, and works with them to be as strong as they can be. He has rivals on boths sides, competing with Gary in the gym circuit and Misty in the coordinator circuit. Ash/Trainer/Pokemon/Harem

Clever Coordinator

Ash is a pokemon nerd, he likes to not only study them but play with them. He becomes both a trainer and coordinator, following the Clever style, he is able to actually to create combo moves fairly easy. Toys Ash/Trainer/Pokemon/Harem

Hypnosis Coordinator

Ash wants to become a trainer and a coordinator, his dreams are mocked by Gary. Ash’s pokemon Exeggcute teaches him a lesson with some hypnosis power. Ash works to become a pokemon master with a little help from his eggy friends, he’ll get to train a lot more than just pokemon. Hypnosis  Ash/Trainer/Harem

Son of Thunder

Ash is Lt. Surge's son, and while Surge can't wait for Ash to join the trainer circuit, Ash however wants to be a coordinator. Surge is pissed, thinking Ash is doing this to make a fool of him. Ash goes on his journey despite his father's approval. Surge gives him an ultimatum, win the pokemon league and he can do what he wants with his life, lose and he gives up the coordinator dream to take over the gym. Ash/Trainer

Psychic Brother

Ash is Sabrina's brother, he has psychic powers like hers, but didn't lose himself to the pursuit of power. Delia took her son away to keep him away from Sabrina. When the two meet Sabrina isn't sure she's willing to let him go. Will Ash be able to defeat his sister, or will he become a toy for her amusement? Ash/Pokemon/Trainer

Son of Fire

Ash is the son of Blaine, who after his journey became a researcher. He was apart of the Mewtwo project, and sent one of the failed experiments to his son Ash to raise. Blain couldn't face his failure, but maybe Ash can help save Mewtwo from himself. Ash/Pokemon/Trainer

Flora Brother

Ash is Erica's brother, the two don't get along well, their family has been strong trainers or ran the perfume business but Ash wants to become a coordinator. Erica wants to see if he can even prove himself as a trainer, and if he can he can pursue his dreams. Ash/Trainer

Rocket Son

Ash is the son of Giovanni, though he doesn't know anything about his father other than his mom called him a bad boy. He still wants to become a trainer, he has a rivalry with Gary, but when the truth about his father come to light will Ash join him? Hypnosis Ash/Pokemon/Trainer  

Wind Training

Ash has gotten all 8 badges, but must prepare for the pokemon league. He's a bit intimidated by Gary's catch count, so Oak suggests Ash go to Fula City, saying that he can not only find Kanto Pokemon, but other pokemon as well. So Ash Brock and Misty go for the Wind Festival, and Ash enters a catching contest along with Misty the two competing but Misty keeps finding bug pokemon making her run away screaming. Ash/Pokemon/Trainer

Ash's Red Adventure

Ash is a young trainer ready to set off on his journey, he gets a Charmander, and can't wait to explore this new world. All trainers get to carry 9 pokemon, some unique Pokemon Ash manages to get his hands on is Ekans, Oddish, Mankey, Growlithe, Scyther and Electabuzz. Ash/Pokemon

Ash's Blue Adventures

Ash is a young trainer ready to explore the world of pokemon, with his partner Squirtle he seeks to capture all kinds of new pokemon. He also has another dream, one his pokemon like Sandshrew, Vulpix, Meowth, Bellsprout, Magmar and Pinsir wish to help him out. Ash/Trainers

Kanto Sun

Things have changed in Kanto, the bonds between human and pokemon have taken a more Alola feel, because of this trainers can carry 9 pokemon at a time, rider pokemon can be registered. Ash has his rivals, including some transfer students who wish to try the Kanto League. Top Ash/Pokemon/Trainer

Johto Moon

Things are changing in Johto, the bonds between human and pokemon have taken a more Alola feel letting trainers carry 9 pokemon. Ash has more rivals, and even meets trainers from other regions seeking to experience the gym circuit. Ash’s pokemon want their trainer to be happy, though he can be dense in the ways of love, so they work hard to try and get Ash mated. Switcher Ash/Trainer

Hoenn Sun

Hoenn has changed a lot, trainers are able to carry 12 pokemon. With the help of ride pokemon it makes travel a lot easier. Ash is making friends and more rivals, as his bonds with his pokemon he explores contests. Ash is dense, and doesn’t notice when trainers flirt with him, but luckily he’s got good wingmen with his pokemon. Bottom Ash/Trainers

Sinnoh Moon

Ash is off to the Sinnoh region, things have grown more developed here in Sinnoh, trainers get to carry 12 pokemon, use ride pokemon, battles, contests, and more. Ash explores bonds with trainers and pokemon alike. Though his rival Paul can be a bit cruel. Switcher Ash/Pokemon/Trainers

Blue Y

Ash is a student at the Pallet Town trainer School and as such has been trained to handle 12 Pokémon. Still there is only so much that he can learn in school. While Ash might not be great in Book Smarts, but his bonds with pokemon are top notch, Oak notices and offers Ash to enter the Mega Class, to learn about Mega Evolution and gets a Key Stone! Ash/Pokemon/Trainer

Oak's Care

Oak takes care of many pokemon, but Ash's pokemon are very unique. They require special care, and while it takes a toll on Oak, he enjoys his work very very much! Its quite the beneficial arrangement. Oak/Ash's Pokemon

Ash's Kanto Diary

Ash has had many opponents, many rivals, and many encounters with Team Rocket, some special moments Ash recorded in his Diary, one that Brock finds and ends up reading… Ash/Trainers

Ash’s Johto Diary

Ash traveled the Johto region keeping a rather inclusive diary. He left it behind hoping no one would read it, but Tracey had come over to help clean when Mr. Mime was under the weather. Tracey is in for an entertaining read. Ash/Trainers

Voodoo Channeler

Ash has a form of psychic power, while it's not as powerful as say Sabrina, he's got some power. Fulfilling a condition Ash can make voodoo dolls of his opponents, or should it be said out of his opponents. Ash/Trainers  

Ninja Ash

On a school trip to Fuscha Ash meets Koga, and shows interest in becoming a Ninja. Koga gives Ash a pokemon egg, and mysteriously lessons appear at Ash's home. These lessons follow the pokemon ninja arts, ancient techniques for training pokemon. Ash uses them slowly gaining rank as he competes in the pokemon league. Ash/Pokemon/Trainer

Martial Artist Ketchum

Ash loves pokemon, he also likes training, he even teaches his pokemon martial arts making even seemingly weak pokemon super strong, their bonds grow strong and his unique fighting styles lead to some interesting battles. Though it is difficult but his pokemon love the training, the results are clear, this martial artist will go right to the top. Ash/Pokemon/Trainer

Maid Ketchum

Ash is a boy who likes to wear a maid outfit. It started off as crossdressing, until he found a style that fit him. Some approve some don’t, but Ash is no push over one could even call him a battle maid. He likes to battle and help people, he often gives a hand. Crossdressing Oral Fixation Massage Hand Ash/Harem

Surfer Ash

Ash has always loved the sea, and while he’s not trying to become a water pokemon master. He does want to become a fine trainer. When going for gym battles or contests Ash isn’t without his speedos. It might appear he’s lazy but Ash has a unique method of training. Switcher Ash/Trainer Harem

Channeler Ash

Ash has a weird connection to spirits ever since some bullies left him in the woods at night. He was lost and scared and was found by some ghost pokemon. Since then Ash has been into the supernatural and it even effects how he battles, he might seem crazy but his methods get results, especially on some of the more difficult trainers. Seals Binding Perverted Exorcisms Switcher Ash/Trainer/Harem

Blessings of Butterfree

In the ancient times giant Kaiju pokemon often waged war with each other not caring that their battles made the humans suffer. Some did not feel this was okay such as Jigglypuff or a giant Kaiju sized Butterfree, this kaiju left its blessing bestowing its power onto a human. Ash/Pokemon/Harem

Arcanine’s Guardian

Ash’s family is the guardians of the treasure that holds the Kaiju Arcanine. As a result they’ve been blessed/cursed to become monsters. Ash transforms like a werewolf gaining strength and speed, the ability to talk to pokemon, and he can breathe fire. He also goes into ruts and heats. Switcher Ash knot

Charizard’s Blessings

A ritual was performed on Ash Ketchum when he was 10, to receive the blessings of what people called the Charizard God. It’s blessings changed Ash forever, blessing him with both sexes, and a cock he can manipulate making it grow larger at will.  

Curse of Gengar

Ash’s ancestor had sealed the Kaiju Gengar away. Not without some issues sealing them caused a backlash of power, granting his family the power of a ghost type pokemon. Ash learned of this as he was able to walk through walls dissapear and fly. Once his powers came in he got a little payback on Gary, he gets his starter and even befriends a Gastly. However the kaiju gengar seeks revenge wanting to use Ash as his host so it can never be sealed again.  

Curse of Alakazam

Ash has been suffering serious headaches, when they occur strange psychic things happen. In order for him to get control of this, he’s sent to Sabrina. Even she has a hard rime dealing with his tremendous power. She discovers he’s been cursed by an ancient power, but with her help Ash gains control of his powers some what, but he’s a struggle. By connecting with his pokemon he’s able to gain more and more control and even understand his pokemon, but will he be able to handle it when he meets the one who cursed him.  

Dragon Scale

The Kaiju Dragonite was attacked by Team Rocket, it didn’t take a lot of damage but it did leave a scale behind. Ash finds it and it changes him, into a dragonoid monster, the change is powerful and kinda scary. Brock promises to help him, but Misty calls him a freak and leaves. Two Cocks Ridges Top Ash/Harem

Perfume Problems

Ash’s real problem with perfume comes from the fact he has to wear scent blocking clothes. As it turns out, Ash’s scent glands are pure when he sweats he produces a highly attractive musk that turns men into drooling lustful fools. Erica should have bothered to check into why Ash wasn’t a fan of it maybe she could have helped instead of humiliating him.

Witch Trainer

Magic exists along side psychic power, Ash comes from a long line of trainers with magical power. He learns to practice his magic with the help of his pokemon. A witch isn’t all powerful they have their magical limits, but can replenish their magic through the essence of love. Ash/Pokemon/Trainer

Pokemon Magician

Ash is a skilled magician, he likes to perform which is why its no surprise he likes to enter contests. He does want to become a pokemon master, but he follows his own process. Going the middle path he likes to use moves that catch people by surprise, and does his magic shows to raise extra money. Hypnosis Ash/Trainer

Ash the Teenage Witch

Ash was given a spell book on his thirteenth birthday, he is a witch and not only does he have to travel to become a pokemon master he must travel to master his witch craft. While he tends to blunder some of the bigger spells basic and variety spells he excells. In truth Ash has a lot of magical power he just doesn’t have control.  

Pallet Town Witches

Ash and Gary are both witches, and its their job to go out and catch pokemon to be their familiars. The two often compete in spells going back and forth, and swear to settle things with pokemon. They have to be careful when using magic, not everyone approves and even seek to kill or even enslave witches to make use of their magical power.    


Ash is a witch, one capable of making all kinds of potions and concoctions with the help of pokemon. Using special moves he’s able to make special brews and even witch bombs. This catches the eye of Team Rocket who often try to capture him and his pokemon. Growth Macro Oral Fixation Ash/Pokemon/Trainer

Johto Coordinator

Ash may have lost the Kanto League and won the Orange League, but he’s off to the Johto Region, but it seems theres a big deal going on in Johto right now, the Johto League’s coordinator circuit has also started. Misty was watching highlights of it, Ash got interested, and he registered as a coordinator as well. Since he’s registered for each, he’s able to carry a total of 12 pokemon.  

Pocketmonsters the GS Adventures

Giovanni intercepts a call from Kurt, saying he was able to break the lock on the GS ball. So orders go out that Team Rocket has to get the GS ball, in order to get the power that lies inside. Ash must call in friends to help stop Team Rocket from getting the powerful pokemon that lies inside.  

Silver Run

Ash Ketchum has learned a lot since his pokemon Journey, with his loss in Kanto and win in the Orange Islands, Ash sets his sights on Johto. He faces new pokemon and old, new rivals, and finds a way to hone his skills and make his pokemon stronger through the Johto Battle Club. By registering through the battle club, he’s able to carry 9 pokemon.   

Johto Ninja Academy

Ash and his friends meet Aya and enroll in the Pokemon Ninja Academy. Ash decides to learn all he can, and passes the academy receiving the official title as ninja. With his new knowledge he is able to train his pokemon to be even stronger and bond with them and trainers. Switcher Ash/Pokemon/Trainers  

Ball Master

In the Johto Region there are special balls that can be made through apricorn. Ash uses these new balls to become a better trainer catching new pokemon to bond with. You’d be surprised how pokemon cum effects the body. Bottom Ash/Pokemon/Trainer

Apricorn Dom

Ash learns of some special Balls that can be made through apricorn. Using them he can even catch trainers, the drive and dominance helps break down some barriers and he works harder to be a better trainer, so he can catch more trainers. Top Ash/Trainer/Harem

Johto Growth

Ash has collected all the badges, so its time to prepare for the Johto League. He remembered his issues with the Kanto League and he swears not to make the same mistakes. Charizard flies him around and he goes to Kurt to get some new balls to catch some pokemon. With new pokemon and proper training he may just win the Johto League.   

Flavor of Battle

Ash learned a lot from his mom and Prof. Oak, one amazing thing is he’s a skilled cook. He often makes his own pokeblock and pokemon food, his cooking skills are great but his battling skills are greater. As he explores different regions he learns about contests and finds his battle recipes suit both gyms and contests.  

Daddy Ditto

Ash has always stared at the family photo of the Ketchum family and noticed his father doesn’t appear in it, just him, his mother, and his mother’s Ditto. Imagine Ash’s shock later when he finds out he’s half pokemon and Ditto is his daddy. Its not all bad, he can understand pokemon, use pokemon moves, and even manipulate his size. Switcher Macro Hyper Ash/Pokemon/Trainer/Harem

Flame of Life

Ash was killed by someone, his body found, with the help of Ho-Oh he’s given the flame of life, and brought back from the dead, but things have changed. Ash can’t remember who killed him, and he can now talk to pokemon. He’s also being hunted by Team Shadow a group that wishes to harness the Flame of Life. Bottom Ash/Harem

Poke Lords

Pokemon and humans live side by side, some would call upon them to do battle in war times but things were mostly peaceful. Ash is a young orphan with no family name just trying to get by with any means how. His actions attract the attention of a few young lords.  

Eevee Brother

Ash is the youngest of four, his older brothers are Rainer, Sparky, and Pyro. It was a family tradition to start off with an Eevee and raise it up. There is a lot of pressure on him to evolve his Eevee, but Ash wants to become a pokemon master, and if Eevee doesn’t want to evolve he doesn’t have to.  

Meow Magic

Team Rocket interferes with a spell from a pokemon Magician. Ash gets changed, sprouting cat ears, claws, a tail, he’s become a Meowth hybrid. He’s got the powers Meowth gave up including the ability to use Hypnosis. Its quite useful when dealing with his new found desires. Mind Control Hypnosis Hyper Switch  

Team Hypno

A new team has begun to usurp Team Rocket, no one knows who started this new Team or who the leader is. Their numbers are growing more and more, and wearing rather revealing outfits. Mind Control Exhib      

Johto Wind Festival  

A grand festival is happening in the johto region. Trainers from all over gather to try and catch and train their pokemon. Ash is excited and enters, competing with Misty and a few others. This festival is a big win for Ash, and he even meets a legendary pokemon not seen in Johto! Ash/Harem

Silver Special

Ash has gotten all 8 badges, and is able to go to the Silver Conference. He learned his lesson from the Kanto League and he does some serious special training. With this training not only does some of his pokemon evolve, they level up and learn some strong moves. Ash/Gary/Harem  

Ash’s Crystal Adventure

Ash may have lost in the Kanto League, but he gets to go to the Johto League. He’s not gonna make the same mistakes, he’s gonna train his pokemon catch new ones and battle his heart out. Ash/Trainer/Harem

Gold X

Ash and his Pokemon are heading to Johto. Here they discover a new form of evolution Mega Evolution! Not only is he getting badges he has to find Mega Stones and learn to master this new power. Morty has had a vision about Ash and decides to travel with him. Ash/Trainer/Harem

Silver Y  

Ash lost in the Kanto League, but he was able to make a come back in the Orange Islands. He feels refreshed and ready to take on a new challenge. He comes to Johto and must learn to master the power of Mega Evolution, his bonds with his pokemon grow more and more. Ash/Pokemon/Harem

Crystal Z

Before Ash leaves for the Johto Region, he’s able to beat and capture a powerful Fearow, allowing him to keep his newly evolved Pidgeot. He receives a strange crystal from Prof. Oak, its a key to a new form of evolution. Ash must now not only catch and train new pokemon but master this new power. Ash/Pokemon/Trainer/Harem

Alpha Johto

Ash is a young alpha heading to Johto to expand his harem. His rival Gary and him have a score to settle, to see who will come out on top. His alpha pheromones are quite the pleaser especially with Pokemon. Ash/Pokemon/Trainer/Harem

Beta Johto

Ash is a cute but naive beta, his pokemon often have to look after him and make sure he’s not tricked by some arrogant alpha. His beta pheromones are quite strong and sweet, which can drive alphas wild. Alpha/Beta Bottom Ash/Pokemon/Trainer/Harem

Attract Rule

People and Pokemon unions were not uncommon, soon 65% of the world population are human Pokemon hybrids. Ash is a Pikachu Hybrid, Gary is an Eevee hybrid, the two often fight and battle a lot, but Ash just learned a new move that gives him an edge. With his special move he starts capturing the hearts of hybrids and builds a harem. Hypnosis Mind Control Hybrid  

Pokemon Compass

When a human is born they are granted a soul beast Pokemon, a pokemon that reflects their soul. When they come of age they sprout animal traits. Their soul pokemon can battle, but any damage they take the soul bond makes you feel it. Ash seeks to become a pokemon master and find his father who mysteriously disappeared.  

Blessings of Giraffarig

Among the kaiju pokemon of pokemopolis Giraffarig protected humans, it bore witness to the future so it passed a blessing onto the humans, a family line held the blessing for many years. Ash is the latest vessel for it, he sprouts a tail that can bite and talk, Ash has visions of the future, and must deal with his massive endowments. Hyper

Curse of Ariados

Doing the great war of the kaiju that split the kanto region from the johto region, many humans took the side of the pure kaiju. Ariados cursed a hero transforming him into a monster, granting him power but cursing him to live in fear. Ash is his descendant, he’s an arachne hybrid, he’s strong, his chiseled, and heavily endowed.  

Mark of the Houndour

Ash saved a pack of Houndour from Team Rocket, things get a little wild and he’s marked by them. He transforms, his body getting larger, his hair growing wilder, his manhood changing. He can breathe fire now and his deepest desires have been let loose. Ash/Harem

Octillery Curse

Legend speaks of a sealed Octillery that served an evil king, this king threatened to try and rule the world. Even when the king was defeated the Octillery continued to live out his dark dream. Team Rocket lets out this terrifying creature, and while Ash is able to beat it, the creature curses him changing him into a scylla. Tentacle hyper  

Big Wolf in Hoenn

During a full moon Ash is bitten by a Mightyena. This turns him into a werewolf of sorts. This makes things very different as his bonds are changed between friends and pokemon alike. This gains some attention from Team Rocket, and the hunt is on.  

Ash of the Nymph Tribe

Ash is a member of a tribe of humans with unique biologies. They have a strong sex drive and often mate with both humans and Pokemon. Oak knows of them and even showed his grandson Gary where they lived. Ash is invited allowed to become a pokemon trainer, this can be troublesome since his nymph attire is rather explicit. Switcher Ash/Pokemon/Trainer

Radioactive Spinarak Blood

Team Rocket was experimenting on Spinarak, they just need to transport it back to base and have Jessie and James transport it. Things happen and it gets away, it bites Ash transforming him into a poke human hybrid. He’s got super strength, can walk on walls, spin webs and even use Pokemon moves. He can even evolve growing additional arms!  

Radioactive Joltik Blood

Team Rocket is experimenting on a Joltik, its modified and dangerous, biting Ash and transforming him. He’s able to walk on walls, spin webs, and even produce electro. With his new powers he’s able to bond with his pokemon and other trainers more. Shock Play Ash/Harem  

Muk Suit

Team Rocket was needing a Muk for their experiments. Jessie and James steal Ash’s Muk and give it the serum. It changes him giving him a shiny-ish purple and black design. It escapes and joins back with Ash joining him like a symbiote, becoming a skin tight body suit on him and granting him unique powers.   

Grimmer ??? Region

Ash spotted a strange pokemon he had seen before but not of this type. It looked like a Grimmer but its color was different and it had rows of pointy teeth. Ash tried to catch it but he’s the one who’s caught. This pokemon hypnotizes him and makes Ash the perfect host, essentially evolving Ash. Now with a new partner and a new mind set Ash works to become not only a pokemon master but a trainer master. Tentacles   

Wrath of Mewthree

Ash finds Mewtwo again and his memories are restored. Giovanni finds Mewtwo and captures him, not willing to use the rogue pokemon he decides to take his seed and use it to create a new one. Too bad Mewthree’s programming goes haywire and he becomes a world wide threat. Mewtwo and Ash must work together to try and stop the mad clone from wiping out all life. Ash/Mewtwo

Tracey’s Diary

Tracey Sketchit had a crush on Ash, he wanted to be with the young man but didn’t have the nerve to tell them. After getting caught by Ash’s pokemon moaning their trainers name, things take a strange turn as Tracey must service each of them. Tracey doesn’t mind thinking that if Ash’s pokemon want him like this then maybe Ash does to. Ash’s Pokemon/Tracey

To Catch A Mew

Ash is a young trainer just starting out on his journey. Things take quite the turn when he stumbles across the mythical pokemon Mew. It was too strong for his party, but Ash is determined to catch and raise his pokemon to one day battle and catch Mew. Unware to him Team Rocket is making moves of their own, trying to gain powerful pokemon for world domination.  

To Catch A Ho-Oh

Ash and his partner Pikachu have been chasing adventure since the start of their journey. They saw a legendary and mysterious pokemon with only a rainbow feather as proof. After some time and study its revealed the pokemon comes from the Johto region. Ash goes hoping to get strong enough to meet and catch the legendary pokemon. The trials will not be easy, especially with Team Rocket making moves in the shadows.  

Rocket Duo

Ash and James are partners in Team Rocket, their goals are to assist in capturing powerful Pokemon to take over the world. Ash has a brilliant plan for helping, by becoming the Kanto champion, and challenging some of the gyms and turning them into Team Rocket bases. Mind Break Hypnosis Ash/Trainer/Harem

Johto Champion

Ash has prepared for the Johto League, he’s using both Kanto and his Johto Pokemon. He even calls on some friends he’s made across Johto, and brings them on to his Team. With the help of his Snorlax and Charizard he’s able to beat his rivals and even take the league. Becoming the Johto Champion doesn’t mean the end for Ash, he still has a long way to go in becoming a pokemon master.  

Wager of the Sea

Ash is a merman living in Pokelantis, despite being friends with Water Pokemon, Ash dreams of going on land and becoming a trainer. In order for Ash to do this he needs magic, too bad a Sea Witch has her sights set on Ash’s soul, so she makes him a deal granting him legs but Ash has to win the Kanto League, if he doesn’t she gets his Soul.  

Lord of the Sea

Ash is a unique merman with Rough Skin. He saves the life of a traveling trainer and learns of an evil plot by Team Aqua. The plan to flood the world with their power will bring the wrath of the sea, not even Water Pokemon will survive the destruction. Ash uses some magic to take human form and travels with the trainer he saved to stop Team Aqua. Once the mission is complete will Ash be willing to give up the land forever. Ash/Brawly/Harem

Were Manectric

When Ash comes to the Hoenn region he’s bitten by a modified Manectric. Ash is transformed into a werewolf like being, with yellow streaks in his hair like thunderbolts, blue fur cuffs on his wrists and ankles, and the ability to absorb and discharge electricity. His powers can be synced to his emotions so when he’s pent up in other areas it can be dangerous, so he’s granted permission to build a harem. Ash/Trainer/Harem  

Hoenn Earth Festival

It is just a short time for the Hoenn League, and a grand festival is being held in honor of Groudon. Trainers can use this festival to catch new pokemon, train their pokemon, and even find ways to evolve their pokemon, the perfect chance to prepare for the upcoming tournament. Ash/Pokemon/Trainers

Hoenn Champion

Ash does some special training, helping his Hoenn Pokemon to get stronger for league matches. With his team prepared his matches go a lot better, and he’s able to claim the title of Hoenn champion. This isn’t the end of his journey though, he’s got the Battle Frontier and the Sinnoh League ahead.


Team Rocket was experimenting on an Arcanine but it escapes. Trainers have been trying to capture this surprising wild Arcanine, Giovanni demands it’s return before it bites someone. Arcanine bites Ash transforming them both, Arcanine becomes more anthro while Ash becomes more beast like. Switcher Ash/Arcanine/Pokemon/Trainer   

Ash’s Hoenn Adventure

Ash received a letter from Prof. Birch after seeing his match in the Johto conference, giving him a chance to get a Hoenn starter pokemon. Ash arrives but Birch is in trouble with a pack of Poochyena, Ash gets a pretty cool Treecko and with him and Pikachu dispatch the Poochyena and he even catches one. This is just the start of his adventures in the Hoenn region. Ash/Pokemon/Trainer/Harem

Reversing Evolution

On their adventure Ash and Pikachu are attacked by Team Rocket, Butch and Cassidy. They wanted to punish Ash and Pikachu from their previous defeat. Pikachu evolves into Raichu and hates it. Ash doesn’t know what to do, but he tries using the power of aura to save his friend, Oak says its dangerous and he doesn’t know what will happen, Ash doesn’t care, he uses aura to mix his aura with Raichu’s and uses it to reverse the evolution. It works, but Ash doesn’t make it out without consequences, he spouts a raichu chair, his cheek marks become more defined and his ears become pointy. He’s turned into a hybrid!

Butterfly Contest

Ash didn’t release Butterfree, the two have been close for many years. Now in Hoenn Ash is introduced to Contests and Butterfree absolutely loves it. Ash learns two ways to train which helps both contests and battles. Ash/Butterfree/Pokemon/Trainer/Harem  

Pocket Meadow

Ash is a new trainer and he’s taking over his father’s old ranch. He meets new trainers, friends and foes alike while catching new pokemon, training them, and working together to keep his farm going. It’s a trainer’s job to meet all the needs of his pokemon, all the needs. Switcher Ash/Pokemon/Trainer

Shadow Break

Team Shadow is causing trouble in the Johto Region, Ash and his pokemon must work together to not only train and get stronger they must purify the shadow pokemon whenever they find them. Little does he know that Team Shadow has created the ultimate shadow pokemon from a silver scale belonging to Lugia, Ash must call upon Ho-Oh to defeat the dark creation. Ash/Pokemon/Harem

In the Dark of the Night

Mewtwo has been Ash’s Pokemon for a few years now, the two have grown close, but the Psychic type can’t help but sense something terrifying coming. He’s not wrong Giovanni has spent years recreating the technology that created Mewtwo and uses it to make Mewthree, a completely obedient weapon...or is it… In the dark of the night Mewtwo has been having nightmares of a power that surpasses his own, one that could destroy their happiness.

Devon Test: Hybrid

Ash and friends get brought to Devon Corp, the president is showing them all of their inventions, including one believed that can turn a human into a pokemon. Ash is so excited he’s willing to test it. Devon agrees, and while Ash doesn’t become a full Pokemon the machine turns him into a hybrid.  


The Devon corp has developed a serum believed to be able to evolve any pokemon perfectly. Team Rocket steals the stuff causing Ash and friends to try and get it back, the mutagen breaks getting on Ash and he’s transformed into a Pikachu hybrid, as Pikachu is the pokemon he’s in contact with most. Sadly with the mutagen gone and the data scrambled there’s no way to recreate the fluid or find an antidote.  

Voodoo Collector Ash

Ash has some unusual psychic power, he’s able to create a doll linking someone’s mind and body to it. When Ash meets a trainer he likes or even one he feels could be fun to play with he uses his powers and makes a doll from them. So he can always keep track of his boys and even teleport them to him if he has their doll. Top Ash/Trainer

Gamma Kanto

Alphas betas and omegas have almost gone completely extinct, replaced by Gammas and Deltas. Ash is a Gamma seeking to start his adventure as a Pokemon trainer. As a gamma he’s born with two dicks and now that he’s come of age they’ve grown quite large. He hopes to one day have a harem to love. Two cocks Top Ash/Harem

Delta Johto

Ash has come of age in Johto, his sub sex awakening his body changing, and with it so do his relationships with his companions and pokemon. He had no idea he was a delta, which means he has both genitalia. His time in Johto is about to become a lot more wild.  Intersex Ash/Trainer/Pokemon

Gamma Hoenn

Ash had set off for the Hoenn region, he isn’t a little kid anymore and its time for his sub sex to awaken. He sprouts a second dick, and his sex drive doubles. His bonds with his companions and pokemon are about to reach a whole new level. Two Dicks Ash/Trainer/Pokemon  

Attract Cologne

Ash gets some experimental cologne poured on him, it has a crazy effect on everyone who gets a whiff of him. People and Pokemon alike, one whiff and they get so horny. Ash doesn’t know what’s going on but since its his fault he takes responsibility. He may be a growing trainer, but he’s a master in the bed room.  

One Shots

Jolt Bet

Lt. Surge believes he can beat Ash and his Pikachu so he makes a little wager. Ash wins and now he must make good on the bet. Ash is more hardcore than Surge expected but he's so pent up he finds himself enjoying the fact he lost. Ash/Surge

Ghostly Play Time

Ash is surrounded by the ghostly trio, Ghastly Haunter and Gengar. The trio have been so alone for a long time, they decide to have some major fun times with Ash before he has to leave. Ash/Ghost Pokemon

Ash's Helping Hand

After Brock's latest failure at landing a girl, he goes to Ash for some helping hand. Ash doesn't mind helping out his buddy, but worries about his future. Hand Jobs Anal Fingering Nipple

Bad End: Thunderbolt

Gary loses to Surge, his powerful Raichu knocks Gary down a peg. He was so confident in his victory Surge decides to teach the trainer a lesson. Bondage Dominance Humil

Bad End: Perfect Machine

Team Rocket captured Lt. Surge before going after Raichu. Raichu tries to defend himself, his volts getting slurped up and being used to power Team Rocket’s machine, a machine that’s fucking his trainer non stop. Machine Milking Humil  

Bad End: Mewtwo's Reward

After Mewtwo crushes Gary's pokemon, Giovanni lets the psychic pokemon play with his defeated opponent. Mewtwo takes control of Gary's pokemon and uses them to humiliate the trainer before mounting him. Hyper Furry Mind Control

Bad End Mind Break

Gary was so arrogant, going as far as to insult Mewtwo was a big mistake. Mewtwo uses his psychic powers to teach Gary a lesson and when Ash finds him he’s in for a huge surprise of his former rival.  

Bad End Tentacool's Revenge

Tentacool have gone crazy thanks to Nastina, and even innocent trainers aren't spared as they rampage. The Water and Poison types use their tentacles and poison to mind break humans, stripping them and feeding them their tentacles.  

Bad End Grimer Rampage

The Grimer have grown stronger and swarm the trainers and people of Gringy City. Their touch can dissolve clothing, and after Misty abandons them to escape Brock and Ash are swarmed by the poison pokemon, but they are just the appetizer before the Muk.  

Bad End Hypno's Nap Time

Hypno's sleep waves are effecting not just children but trainers in the area. They are losing their minds and falling prey to their base desires, all the while Hypno is feeding on their lustful dreams and growing stronger drawing more people into its web.

PokeNip Problems

After the pokemon get a whiff of some PokeNip they want to play with their trainers. Ash and Brock had no idea just how much, by the time they realize what their pokemon really want its too late, their clothes are gone and they are getting mounted by their horny pokemon.  

Doctor Exam

Ash has gone in for a physical, his physician is Doctor Proctor. The man can seem lazy but when someone interests him he pulls out the charm. He knows how to turn an exam into a fun time for both him and Ash.  

Beach Boys

At the beach there is being held a Hercules event, where guys can show off for the crowd. Ash is convinced to enter along with Brock, its not lookin great for him especially with Gary trying to show off to, but Ash gets a little excited and his secret Grower side is revealed and he becomes king of the beach with his own harem. Hyper

Bad End Prehistoric Panic

Aerodactyl has awakened and taken charge of the other fossil pokemon. He leads a revolution and swarms the people above, keeping the perfect prey for himself and leaves the rest for breeding stock.

Bad End Kadabra’s Toy

Sabrina is done playing with Ash so she gives him to her Kadrabra, it’s psychic powers are used to make Ash its own personal play thing. Kadabra/Ash (Bonus)

Getting Over Ivy

Brock was super depressed after getting dumped by Professor Ivy. Ash can't stand seeing him like this so he does his best to help Brock get over it. He's willing to do anything...maybe he shouldn't have said anything… Brock/Ash

Ivy's Cage

Brock was super depressed after living with Professor Ivy. Turns out the poor guys dick was caged and he has no idea how to get off anymore. Ash knows how to help him, but will Brock become addicted to it. Ash/Brock

Peeping Tracy  

Tracy was watching some pokemon late at night, but when he returned to camp he found that Ash was gone. He searched and found the boy doing some alone time, smitten he decides to draw, before Ash turns things up and he has to do some alone time of his own.

Watcher and the Watched

Ash was going through Tracey’s notebooks and discovers some drawings of him. Tracey asks Ash to model for him, which brings out a side Ash wasn’t expecting, he gets turned on. Tracey lets slip that he’d like to see that and things snowball from there.   

Vileploom Mess

Ash and Tracy get caught in the head of a Vileploom, it responds in kind by blasting them with a strange spore. The two become hot horny and high, and begin to go wild on each other. Can they be cured or will they completely lose their minds to lust.  

Blame it On the Heat

Its a hot summer day, and the boys are cooking. Misty is off diving for water pokemon, so Ash suggests they go skinny dipping in the nearby lake. Tracey agrees but things get hotter, Ash notices and gives the artist a kiss. Just blame it on the heat he tells him. Ash/Tracey

Mating Feels

Tracey was watching two Pokemon, when they suddenly start to mate. He wasn’t expecting that considering the fact the two pokemon were males. Tracey gets hard and starts thinking about weird stuff and ends up needing Ash’s help.  

Golduck Show Off

A mysterious Golduck appears, but it doesn’t have an interest in girls but guys. It shows off to Ash and Tracey, and things get a little wild when its size and powers affect them.  

Never Watch A Tentacruel

It’s Tentacruel mating season, but Tracey isn’t aware as he sneaks on a batch of horny water monsters. He’s drawing drawing, but when he looks up the monsters are gone, but when he turns around he’s caught and the watcher is about to experience the mating first hand.  

Orange Island Zubat

Tracey disturbs a nest of Zubat trying to draw their unique features. They spot him and hit him with a mass wave of Supersonic, this attack has a rather unique effect on Tracey, he gets terribly confused and eventually brainwashed.  

A Sappy Ending

Ash gets covered in some high quality sap much to Heracross’ delight. The bug type goes a little wild on Ash and gets a taste of his own sap. Heracross/Ash  

Bug Hunger

There have been strange disappearances in the forest recently,  due to an imbalance in nature the bug types have gotten aggressive with humans looking for food, Ash and Brock find the missing people but soon are caught themselves. Bug Pokemon/Ash and Brock

Buggy Bonding

Bugsy wants to show Ash how to bond with his bug types, he has his Scyther and Ash has his Heracross. Ash thinks this is agonna be fun and then Bugsy starts stripping.  

Stantler Aroma

Brock finds a weakened Stantler and tries to help it only for him and Ash to be charmed by the wonderful aroma its horns give off. The two get a little wild. Ash/Brock

Illusion Confusion

The group is attacked by ghost pokemon who trap the boys in an illusion. Brock thinks he’s finally getting lucky with a girl when he’s really getting lucky with Ash. Ash thinks he’s in a dream so just has fun with it. Brock/Ash

Charizard Rut

Ash gets to close to the Charizard Valley, and a gang of powerful Charizards swarm him. Turns out its Charizard mating season, and Charizard hasn’t claimed Ash so it’s a cluster fuck literally.

Bad End Charizard’s Lesson

Charizard attacks some of the stronger Charizards. He’s in way over his head, and to punish him they don’t just pound his ass but pound his trainer’s ass in kind.   

Wired For Lust

Shingo has been keeping tabs on Ash. Keeping video on Ash’s battles and watching it on loop. He gets excited watching Ash battle and although he knows where he is, he instead uses his computer to enact his lust.

Data Never Lies

Shingo has tons of data on Ash, he believes his data is never wrong, and until he’s proven wrong he won’t let go. He believes Ash is a mini magnum according to his data. Ash challenges him to prove it. Shingo agrees not realizing Ash is a grower.   

Live Stream

Its not easy having a relationship from region to region. Ash and Shingo try to make it work, through the computer, nothing like a live stream sex show between the two. Toys Exhib Ash/Shingo

Rematch Shingo’s Win

Ash and Shingo meet up and have a match, his Blade beats Ash’s Heracross, the final attack was a little overwhelming and caused Ash to lose his clothes, Shingo and Blade share a look and decide to play with their rival.  

Rocket Upgrade

Team Rocket tricks Shingo into trying out a new piece of tech that will better sync his data and his battling. He should have walked away, but instead he falls into bad habits and ends up brainwashed by a trojan horse program. James/Shingo

Forbidden Pool

Ash and Brock discover a mysterious hot springs, curious as to why its not in the guide book they try it out. Turns out the spring is forbidden to use, even pokemon stay away from it. It has a rather intense effect on the body.  

Ghost Play

Ash had come to the gym looking for his forth badge, but found ghost types. They toy with Ash a bit before Morty shows up and sends them off, Ash may have come to his senses but his body is in need.  

Bad End Morty’s Win

Ash loses against Morty, his Gengar proving too strong. For his victory Morty decides to make Ash his mate, his Gengar approves. Mind Control Macro

Bad End Black Flame Candle

Team Rocket has broken into the tower and finds a forbidden artifact. Morty tries to stop them but Meowth lights the candle, causing all the nearby Ghost Pokemon to go nuts and turn on Morty. Ghost Pokemon/Morty

Bad End Buggy Bondage

Ash loses his match against Bugsy, and the gym leader finds Ash pretty cute. So after his win he decides to keep Ash, his bug types not letting him leave the hive(the gym).

Noctowl’s Hypnosis

Ash was battling against Morty pretty hard, his Noctowl was showing off his strength. Ash had him use Hypnosis, while Gengar dodged, the attack carried forward and Morty got himself hypnotized. Ash/Morty  

Bad End Rocket Trap

The tickle droid is let loose on Ash, but it’s got some upgrades. Ash is tickled and stripped, and is unable to escape the robots touch. Machine Toy Multiple Orgasm  

Bad End Rocket Trap 2

Brock was caught in a Team Rocket Trap, they want answers on to where Pikachu is, but Brock refuses so James busts out the tickle droid, and its been modified for more features. Machine Toy Milking

Bad End Rocket Trap 3

Gary believes he’s too smart to fall for a Team Rocket trap. James proves him wrong when Gary gets nabbed by the Tickle Droid freshly modified and equipped with whole new features. Machine Milking Toys

Bad End Rocket Trap 4

Tracey really should have been more careful, he’s lured away in the middle of the night because he heard some strange pokemon call. It wasn’t a pokemon it was Team rocket’s tickle droid and its here for him! Machine Milking Toys

Mewtwo’s Victory

After Giovanni tries to betray Mewtwo, the psychic pokemon isn’t gonna let him get away with that. Giovanni finds himself stripped and forced to take the Psuedo legendary cock. Mind Break Humil Mewtwo/Giovanni

Rival’s Bet

Ash and Gary have been rivals for a long time, long ago they made a bet, to have a battle in a big league and the winner gets a special prize. Ash wins in the Johto League and Gary is willing to honor that bet.  

Ursaring Mating Season

The group is traveling through the woods and it turns out its the Ursaring Mating season. Many signs warn trainers not to travel through or at your own risk. The powerful normal types find the trainers and do what the season entails.  

Mile High Club

After their match Falkner takes Ash up into the air to show him a good time. He wants to give Ash a true reward for beating his gym, a little something extra. Falkner/Ash

Caged Bird

Ash earning his badge from Falkner gives him a couple of benefits, for example fucking said gym leader. Ash is amazed to see Falkner in all his naked glory including the cage fitted to his dick. Cage Ash/Falkner

Hive Win

Ash has defeated Bugsy, and the bug lover wishes to give Ash an extra reward for Ash’s victory. He’s quite impressed with Ash’s size, he just loves big...ahem “bugs” so the two have a fun time in the jungle. Ash/Bugsy

Ride My Wave

Ash loses to Brawly, and the fighting type gym leader seeks to help Ash relax and ride the wave. Things get a little wild and Ash learns to ride Brawly’s wave. Brawly/Ash


Brawly can’t help but enjoy Ash’s moxie and passion. He wants to see how far that moxie goes. Ash may not get a badge but he does have a blast with him. Foot Job Switcher  

Brawly’s Extreme Training

Brawly as a fighting type trainer pushes his body to the limits even getting some of the most unique training equipment. Ash finds out just how extreme his training gets. Fucking Machine Toys  

Vigoroth Heat

Ash and Norman have a test battle between Pikachu and Vigoroth, Norman thought it would be fine but the normal type was in heat and goes a bit wild. Ash/Vigoroth/Norman  

Vigoroth Mating Season

Max sees a pack of Vigoroth and rushes into it, not realizing its mating season. Brock and Ash try to save him but get caught up and overwhelmed by the normal types now they have to take care of the pack’s needs.

Normal Misunderstandings

When May comes home with Ash, Norman thinks Ash is her new boyfriend. He demands Ash prove himself, but is so excited he doesn’t explain why. Ash thinks its to be for gym match, so he agrees. Things get out of hand, Norman is embarrassed he jumped to the wrong conclusion, but is impressed with Ash giving him his number. Ash/Norman

Like Father Like Son

Ash has been dating Max, and is amazed at how big a pervert he is. When he comes back to town for his gym badge he learns the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Ash/Max/Norman

Pikachu Evolves

On Ash’s 18th birthday Pikachu has a special birthday present for his trainer, a thunder stone! Hes finally ready to evolve and take their relationship to the next level. Ash/Raichu

Plump Berry

Ash and Brock discover a brand new kind of berry, Brock gives it a try, and it has some rather unique effects on humans. On Pokemon it just makes them become full, but on humans well...Brock swells growing plumper, softer, thicker. Ash gulps and dives into the softness that is Brock.  

Orange Berry

Ash and Tracey find some strange berries, Tracey claims as a Pokemon Watcher he knows all about berries, and is happy to study and even sample one to see how it tastes. He tries it and it causes some rather unique effects, he gets softer and plumper and hyper horny. Ash/Chubby Tracey


Brock just loves cooking for Ash, he loves keeping him Full full full! Even Ash’s insane metabolism can’t keep up, and he starts getting plumper and softer. Ash knows he shouldn’t he but he can’t resist Brock’s cooking and Brock can’t resist Ash’s softness.

Golduck Love

Misty’s Psyduck finally evolves, but it stops listening to her and reveals it has the hots for Ash. Misty can’t believe it so her pokemon proves it by mating with the trainer. Golduck/Ash   

Don’t You Recognize Me?

Gary has been traveling by car all over Kanto, he’s been dining at all the best restaurants, and his ego hasn’t let him notice the weight he’s gained. When he finally meets Ash at the end of their journey Ash doesn’t recognize him. Though Ash admits Gary is much cuter like this, he plays with his softness and Gary can’t help but get excited.

Making Babies

Butterfree has a tough choice to make, go with the Pink Butterfree and leave Ash to make babies, or stay and run the risk of never having children again. Ash gives him a compromise, he’ll have Butterfree’s babies. Mpreg Gaping Eggs  

How Sceptile Got His Groove Back

Ash’s Sceptile has been depressed since evolving, Ash doesn’t know how to help his friend, but gets an idea. Sceptile can’t believe his trainer would go so far for him. Ash/Sceptile

Mewtwo’s Gift

Mewtwo wanted to thank Ash for his help and teaching him a lesson. He uses his Psychic power on the boy, Ash is surprised as his body is changed, his manhood grows exponentially. Mewtwo can’t resist such an impressive creation and decies to help Ash give it a whirl. Hyper Ash/Mewtwo  

Twice The Heat

It’s Charizard mating season, and Ash learns that his Charizard is special he’s packing double the dragon cannons. Since Charizard doesn’t have a mate it’s up to Ash to take care of him.  

Bad End Horde Zagoon

Max is a new trainer, having come of age. He’s been studying Pokemon for years so he thinks he’s ready. That is until he accidentally gets a horde of Zigzagoon after him, the horde overwhelms him and Max gets taught a huge lesson. Zigzagoon/Max

Muk Hugs

Ash’s Muk is very friendly, it loves glomping onto people. What Oak never told Ash was that its poisonous body tended to dissolve clothing. So when Ash sees his Muk after so long he gets glomped, after his clothing dissolves things escalate from there, Muk really was such a loving Pokemon. Ash has to wonder what Oak has been teaching his pokemon. Tentacle


Mewtwo left Ash but the two shared a link. Mewtwo used this link to visit Ash in his dreams, though he couldn’t remember when he woke up the sensations were quite real. Ash/Mewtwo

Want So Strong

Mewtwo misses Ash terribly, his feelings were growing too strong, and his power responds and Ash suddenly gets teleported, while Mewtwo is in the process of some alone time. Ash gives him a helping hand.  

Max Peg

Max is a new trainer, he got his starter pokemon and meets Ash. He thinks he can take on and even defeat Ash. He pushes Ash too far and he decides to take Max down a peg. Ash/Max older Max.  

Frontier Reunion Surge  

Ash has returned to Kanto to take part in the Battle Frontier. This course has him run into a familiar face. Lt. Surge is impressed with Ash’s growth, in more ways than one. Ash/Surge

Rematch Fee

Ash lost to Lt. Surge once, but if he wants to battle him again he’ll have to pay a fee. He wins and plans to make Surge pay him back with interest! Surge/Ash

Their Secret Base

There is a base just for them, when they are here they can forget the world around them and just enjoy each other. Not a twerp and not a Team Rocket agent. Ash and James just relax and share their love for each other, in this base its all they need. Ash/James

Tucker’s Secret Reward

Tucker steals Ash away for a special reward. He can’t stop thinking about the way Ash battles it got him excited. He just has to see if Ash is as creative in bed. Ash doesn’t disappoint. Ash/Tucker  


Tucker was gonna star in a special movie, but his guest star canceled, and with no one to replace him the movie is cut. Ash wants to help so volunteers, though he maybe would have thought twice knowing what kind of movie he was performing in. Ash/Tucker  

Bad End Rocket Evolution

Team Rocket captured Surge and sent him to get evolved. Surge thinks he’ll escape, that he won’t give in but Team Rocket is very tricky. Soon the gym leader has evolved into a slut for Team Rocket grunts.  

Bad End Rocket Evolution 2

Brock was standing strong as a Gym leader, but after a challenger hits him with a surprise attack he wakes up in some kind of lab. They know all about his girl chasing, so decide to help him evolve and finally get what he wants. Brock has no idea what’s in store but he’ll be very much not a virgin very long.  

Gift For the Boss

Jessie and Meowth decide that James is getting too soft, so they decide to make him a gift for the boss. He needs some training, but after some machines are done with him he’s the perfect gift for the boss. Giovanni/James

Building Confidence

Toren doesn’t have much confidence, he’s shy and has trouble dealing with things. Ash is full of confidence, and decides to help build Toren’s confidence. Toren is a bit shy but he trusts Ash, after awhile he starts to get into it. Ash/Toren

Anniversary Dinner

Ash and Brock have been dating for a few years now, Brock makes Ash breakfast every day, but this day he makes it extra special. Cooking in nothing but an apron, and helping Ash work up an appetite.  

Old Car Kink

Ash and Gary have been fooling around for a year or so, and Gary asks Ash if there was something he always wanted to do. Ash wonders if Gary still has his old car. Car sex, back seat sex.  

Webby Fun Hun

Harley wants to fool around with Ash, he goes a bit overboard, using his pokemon to tie Ash up. Harley can’t help it Ash is his new favorite. Macro Bondage Ash/Harley

He’s Mine Hun

Harley thinks Ash and Brock are May’s boy toys, so he tries to steal them. Ash however is already gay and has no interest in May, so while Harley thinks he’s beating her, Ash just enjoys the coordinator’s tight ass. Ash/Harley  

Harley Rides Again

Harley spots Ash, May, Brock, and Max, he decides to play a little prank on them. Using his Wigglytuff he puts them to sleep, and plans to leave them naked in the woods, but he runs into a goldilocks situation, this cock is too small this cock is too big, but this cock is just right.  

Rose Tsundere

Ash and Drew are a couple, the two often sending the other roses before a big match or contest. Ash finds it cute while Drew can handle gestures, in private he becomes a total tsundere who goes crazy when Ash pleases him. Ash/Drew

A Rose and its Thorns

Drew is so cool and bold when he’s performing in pokemon contests, but behind closed doors he wants to submit, and even enjoys a bit of pain. You can’t blame him for wanting a taste of the thorn, and Ash gives it to him. Dom Spank Ash/Drew  

Grass Jealousy

Ash catches the eye of a Tropius who wants to mate him, which angers Ash’s Grovyle. Ash doesn’t want them to fight, but will he be able to handle the compromise. Tropius/Ash/Grovyle

Rival Breaking Gary

Ash’s pokemon are sick of how some of Ash’s rivals treat him. Gary pushes things too far and the pokemon decide to teach the trainer a lesson. Mind Break  

Rival Breaking Richie

Ash’s pokemon felt robbed during their match, Richie claimed to be Ash’s friend but did nothing when he was in danger no mention of postponing the match due to interference. So they decide to get some payback. Mind Break

Rival Breaking Morrison

While Ash defeated Morrison, the rivalry isn’t over. Ash’s Pokemon think Morrison would be happier belonging to Ash then being a rival. His Pokemon agree assisting Ash’s Pokemon in changing their trainer.  

Mimey Mishap

While Ash is sleeping Mr. Mime comes into his room and spots his morning erection. He thinks the boy needs to be cleaned which causes a major mishap to take place.  

Mime Daddy

Mr. Mime has become the man around the house, with his impressive size and psychic power its hard not to see, Ash tries to stand up but with his size Mr. Mime shows how much of a man he is. Spank Size Diff Humil

Invisible Lock

Mr. Mime traps Brock in a see-through wall, he sets him up for the use of travelers and pokemon alike. Brock never messed with Mr. Mime’s role again, and became far more popular.   

Bara Berries

Ash finds a weird berry, one lick seemed to stimulate his muscles. He wouldn’t give his pokemon anything without trying it first, after trying it his muscles swell and his cock grows massive. Brock(Tracey) (Insert character here) is stunned at the growth.  

Celebi Returns

Oak and Ash receive an unexpected visitor in Celebi, the Time Travel Pokemon, it wants to play with his old friends again, Ash isn’t sure what’s going on until Oak eats a berry Celebi brings him and he’s returned to his youth. “Sammy?!” Sammy/Ash

Torkoal Heat

Ash loves his pokemon, going as far as to take his Torkoal to a place where the Torkoal mate and have babies every year. Sadly Torkoal doesn’t find a match so Ash plans to aid his monster friend. Hyper Growth

Third Cannon

In a match Gary’s Blastoise battles a Crobat, after it gets confused by Supersonic things get complicated. Blastoise thinks its mating season and Gary is his mate. His giant cannon comes out and Gary is in BIG trouble. Hyper Growth  

Meowth’s New Move

Meowth thought he used up all his smarts learning to talk, but as it turns out he has just enough to learn a move from a Tutor. Using Hypnosis he puts the twerp in his place, James gets cocky too, so he shows them who’s top cat. Meowth/Ash/James

James the Bride

Jessiebelle has caught up with James, and the poor guy just can’t catch a break so he makes up a lie that he’s getting married. Ash wonders how he got dragged into this. Jessiebelle isn’t buying this unless they consummate the relationship.  

Bad End Revolt

James’s pokemon are turned against him by Butch’s Drowzee, with them under his control things will not end well. His clothes are gone and he has to take the full brunt of his pokemon’s power and lust. Butch wants to humiliate him, his plan is close to succeeding.  

Stress Relief

James had a fight with Jessie and runs off bumping into Ash. He vents and Ash understands having to deal with Misty. The two bond and James says he needs to release some stress, Ash says he’d help and the two have an interesting night.

Sleep Tight

James has a crush on Ash, but they are on two different sides. He found a way to indulge his desires when he hears Ash moan his name in his sleep. A little Sleep Powder and James makes Ash’s dreams come true.  

Growlithe Play

James has a kink, he finds a club in town that lets him act out his desires with a like minded partner. He dressed up like a slutty little Growlithe, what he wasn’t expecting was for his trainer to be Ash Ketchum!  


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