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Ben 10 parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

Chapter 2  https://www.patreon.com/posts/tennyson-ten-2-23158939 

Chapter 3 Ben’s First

The bed creaked and moans reverberated through the tiny room that belonged to Rook Blonko. The furry male was bare ass naked on his hands and knees, his alien dick bobbing with every powerful thrust from Ben Tennyson. He had quite a mess beneath him, his alien spunk was spilled all across the sheets. He had three orgasms already, one from the foreplay, that went on and on until Rook was perfectly prepared for Ben’s massive dick. The second came when Ben buried his full dick inside him, it took time and he was slow, only driving home on the last 3 inches, but Rook couldn’t hold back.

He felt so full, his abs bulging from the sheer size of Ben’s massive length, the poor guy was spent as Ben was just getting started. He gave the revonnahgander long and hard thrusts, making him feel every inch of him, and making his plump rear jiggle. The friction on each thrust made it feel like his insides were melting, with each passing second the heat spread through his entire body. His poor prostate was struck with every pass getting pulverized by Ben’s monstrous size. His third orgasm happened even with his cock soft, a sensation that left hearts in Rook’s eyes.

Rook panted and drooled. Ben was rearranging his insides, and he loved it. The human hero thrust and thrust, never stopping even as Rook tightened around him. His endurance was crazy, and it was driving him mad. Ben fucked him back to full hardness, his head was getting fuzzy, but he didn’t care. He wanted more, he was a perverted kitty and needed Ben’s milk!

He thought Ben was a machine, pounding into him in a steady rhythm, his pre-cum making his insides wet. The Tennysons always made sure their partners came more than them, with their stamina it was easy, but Ben liked to go beyond when the mood struck him. It may have seen effortless to Rook, but Ben was holding back his release to make this last. Rook’s insides were hugging him so nicely and making the sweetest noises.

His body was flushed with arousal, he couldn’t stop smiling, it had been a while since he’s gotten his dick wet so to speak. He wanted to prolong the experience, but even a Tennyson had limits. “Rook your insides are so tight!” it was like his body was trying to milk him of his seed, tightening as he pulled back to increase the friction. “I’m gonna cum!”

“Inside, please cum inside me!” he moaned, bucking back and grinding his ass into Ben’s pelvis.

“If you insist,” he covered Rook’s body with his own, shortening his thrusts but speeding up. He gripped his hand and laced their fingers.

“Ben!” Rook moaned, his climax building up to the final release, his insides tightening around Ben, increasing the friction between them. He squeezed Ben’s hand. “I’m cumming!” he cried out, shooting his load across his sheets.

“Me too!” Ben moaned, his climax following Blonko’s his massive cock expanding and pumping Rook full of his seed. Rook shivered as spurt, after spurt, after SPURT~ pelted his insides relentlessly. His stomach was filled up to the brim and began to expand like a water balloon.

‘So full~’ he purred in delight, his insides squeezing Ben’s dick so tight it was like he was trying to milk every drop. His toes curled in delight and he rode the high of an extra mini orgasm on top of the last.

Ben sighed in delight as he emptied his balls into his partner. “Mmm!” His cock softened into a semi-hard state, but it was enough to pull out of Rook’s tight ass. Blonko whined at the loss, his hole throbbing to be filled. He was wrecked, deliciously so, Ben watched with wild fascination as his cum filled the void his cock left behind. The sight alone was enough to stir him back to full hardness.

He got a butt plug and stuffed his ass so none of his cum was wasted. Rook was rolled over, away from the puddle of his own cum. Ben changed the sheets, Rook watching him, watching his impressive length bob and sway. He laid back down and cuddled with Rook. “You are amazing!” Rook purred and nuzzled him.

“So are you,” Ben kissed him. He pets Blonko and helped him relax and catch his breath.

“Your stamina is so impressive.” Rook stared at his impressive rod, hard and throbbing. Ben lazily stroked his cock.

“You are just so sexy!”

“Could you tell me about your past partners?” He had heard rumors, but he wanted to know.

“If you want. I did say you could ask me anything.”

“Was it with Miss Green or Kevin Levin?”

“Funny you should ask, and I never slept with Kai!” he said sounding almost offended. “Back then I was torn on if I wanted to be with a guy or a girl first. Kevin had just come back into my life and I was thinking about asking Julie out. Levin and I had some history and my date with Julie didn’t go great. I didn’t know just how bad the Tennyson genes could get.”

-x-Ben’s Pov-x-

Gwen’s studies had backed up with all the hero work we had been doing. So it was just Kevin and me on stakeout duty. We were watching out for a shipment of alien tech that that Forever Knights were wanting to get their hands on. We were four days into it and my balls were itching like crazy. I didn’t realize my balls had gotten bigger, I was so horny my dick was caught in a semi-hard state the last two days. There wasn’t a lot of time to get off, I had enough time to use the bathroom, shower, and get back.

Being stuck in a car together wasn’t helping, it was hot, Kevin smelled good, and not to stroke his ego he looked damn good. Still does…

I thought I was going crazy, every move he made seemed like such a turn on. His black shirt almost looked painted on at times, his jeans looked like a second skin on him when he got in and out of that car. I knew I had to get off just once to clear my head and reduce the ache in my balls. “Kevin...I’m sorry dude but I gotta jerk off!” I told him and began undoing my belt and pants. “I haven’t gotten off in days!”

“Damn...that long, fine just put a condom on I don’t wanna mess in my car...whoa!” Kevin had never seen my dick before, he must have liked what he saw because he got all red, and his hands went to his crotch hiding his arousal. I didn’t know if Kevin was gay or what, but I was glad to see he had some interest in me.

“Thanks, man,” I sighed as my dick hit the free air. I borrowed one of Kevin’s condoms, but it was a bit snug, and it only covered 6 inches of my dick. I worked my shaft and played with my balls, I tried to hold back my moans but it had been a while and I was sensitive. I was shocked that I was already pre-cum, filling up the condom making it bubble up at the tip and droop.

I could feel Kevin’s eyes on me, he was stealing glances, lightly palming himself. He must have been just as pent up as I was...well maybe not exactly as I was...Tennyson genes and all that. I had no idea I could get so backed up. That poor condom looked like a water balloon ready to burst, the condom had ridden up three inches.

My hands worked my cock together, getting a bit closer to orgasm. “See something you like Kevin?” he nearly jumped out of his seat. “Don’t be shy, go ahead and whip it out.”

“I’m not shy Tennyson!” he unzipped his pants and let out a groan. He had a wet spot on his boxers, with some shifting he had his pants and boxers down enough to let his 6.5-inch dick up, he was thick, a nice fat penis.

“You got a nice piece there Kev!”

“Says the man packing a rifle.” he licked his lips. Kevin rolled a condom over his dick and began to jerk off. “Just hurry up!”

“I’m trying to, but I’m so backed up.” It wasn’t a lie either, my cock was so hard it actually hurt, blue balls for a Tennyson was like torture.

“Do you want a hand or something?” With one hand on his dick, Kevin looked so cute, using his free hand to rub the back of his neck.

“I already got a hand, two of them in fact, you got anything else?” I loved the way he blushed.

“You want me to...” He starred at my dick like he was wondering if it was possible.

“I don’t think this condom is gonna be able to contain it.”

“Fine!” Kevin tried to remove the condom on my cock, but it caused the contents to spill over my penis making it glisten. “Oh fuck!” He shifted in his seat and leaned over. Kevin started licking my dick, lapping up my pre-cum so it wouldn’t make a mess in his car. Damn his tongue felt so good, he was so into it he kept licking my shaft even after he got it nice and clean.

I didn’t know Kevin could look so sexy, he looked lust drunk as he lapped at my length, kissing, licking, sucking on spots of my manhood. I wasn’t sure if one could leave hickies on a dick but Kevin was sure as hell trying. He finally moved up to the tip and began to tease me a bit with his tongue. “I had no idea you were packing such a monster Tennyson!” he kissed my tip, making my whole rod twitch. “I think he likes me!”

He wrapped his lips around the head and began sucking on the tip, drinking my pre-cum fresh from the tap. Kevin struggled to suck my dick a bit, gagging slightly as he tried to take it into his mouth and down his throat. I told him he didn’t have to go that far, which struck a chord with Kevin. He took it as a challenge to swallow as much of my cock as he could. What he didn’t fit he worked with his free hand.

A quick glance I saw him jerking off heatedly, he was really enjoying sucking my dick as much as I was enjoying receiving it. His moans of delight ran through my length and made me all tingly. “Fuck Kevin, I’m gonna cum!” He doubled his efforts on my cock, releasing his own and pumping me with both hands as he sucked on the head. He gave my tip such a tongue lashing I could only toss my head back and moan as I came.

Kevin whined as he met the full force of my pent up orgasm, gulping down thick mouthfuls of semen. If he didn’t swallow fast enough his cheeks would puff out, it was almost cute. I watched him chug my semen for a solid ten minutes. Somewhere in there, he had found his own orgasm as his condom was full of his fresh spunk. Kevin hung on, as to not get a mess in his car, and he drank every drop. When my release finally subsided he slumped back into his seat, looking dazed.

He hiccuped. “I drank too much cum!” He looked over and saw I was still hard after all that.

I was still feeling frisky, and Kevin looked so damn sexy but his manhood looked spent. That’s when I got an idea to get his engine going again. I pulled off his used condom and downed the contents in one gulp. “Oh fuck!” Licking my lips I smiled at him before leaning over to kiss him.

Our tastes mixed together as Kevin kissed me back. I don’t know how long we were making out, but Kevin’s engines were officially revved. “Back seat now!” We ditched our clothes and piled into the back seat. Kevin put a new condom on, but since we were short on lube I decided to put my genes to good use. I nudged his hole just enough so I could let my pre-cum pour into him.

After about five minutes his insides were nice and wet. We made out some more as I fingered him, practically drove him crazy, but this was our first time and it was gonna hurt so the least I could do was make sure he was fully prepared. “Damn it Tennyson fuck me now or I’m gonna do it myself!” he yelled at me, it was hard to take him seriously when I had four fingers up his ass, but even I was getting impatient. I put on one of Kevin’s condoms and lined up with his ass. I gave him my hand to squeeze as I pushed in.

I’m sure it hurt, I didn’t want him to hurt, but when I tried to pull out Kevin glared at me. “Stop now and I’ll kill you!” I didn’t want to die, so I kept going, watching his stomach bulge from my cock for the first time was amazing. I kept giving him more and more, and slowly his body adjusted to accept every inch of me. I’d learn later Kevin being an osmosian helped our first time out a lot, as normal humans just couldn’t take all of me. (Rook could believe it)

Kevin’s windows fogged up, his moans making the air vibrate around us. “Move Benji, fuck me!” I did, I gave him my virginity and he gave me his. He had some experience before this but only using his mouth, he told me later he was saving his cherry for someone special. He never did tell me who it was. (Rook facepalmed) His car rocked as we had sex, I was very new to this and Kevin was so very tight.

We lasted as long as we could before cumming again. I was right Kevin’s condoms weren’t right for me it broke and I pumped him full of semen. Kevin was mad that we did end up making a mess, and he made me pay to get his car cleaned, but it was so worth it.

End Pov

“Kevin was the first guy I slept with.” Purr Purr “Rook?”

The furry alien was giving him a look he’d only seen him give meatball subs. “Did my story make you horny?”

“Yes, yes it did!” Rook pounced on his cock. “Kitty wants his milk!” he said before going to town on Ben’s cock. Ben simply moaned and let his partner work. Rook had more questions but currently, lust was driving his brain, and questions could wait.

To be continued
