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One Piece parody: Tier 1: Mermay special

Chapter 2  https://www.patreon.com/posts/octo-luffy-2-0-2-18923619 

Chap 3 Memories Like the Sea

“Absolutely not!” Sanji shouts. “You want to train Luffy to be a cook?”  

“Why not?” he says. “When I was a pirate I was both cook and captain.”  

“No way,” Sanji says. He knew how Zeff “trained” it involved powerful kicks to the head for failure. It was why Zeff didn’t hire any female staff. Sanji remembered quite clearly when he and the other chefs asked for female chefs.  

Zeff cut them off saying, he teaches through kicks. At the time Sanji simple said, ‘If she doesn’t learn you can kick her!’ This got him a swift kick to the head for his foolishness, and 6 more hits for good measure. Men mustn’t kick women! He believed this was common sense even from when dinosaurs were around.  

He went into a wonderful teaching moment, stating that you can make as many mistakes as you need as a human! But, if you betray the honor of manhood, you must pay with your manhood. “I’ll cut off your manhood at the root and chop off my own head as well!”  

His words were scary enough as is, but Sanji didn’t get why he had to cut off his head as well. “That’s how a parent pays the price.” he had said. This surprised Sanji to his own history. In this moment the man became more than his savior who shared the same dream, he became a father to him.  

The thought of Zeff kicking Luffy made Sanji’s blood boil. “I won’t let you lay a hand on Luffy!” he says. Zeff smirked.  

“I thought I raised you better, it’s all well and good to be chivalrous, but it’s Luffy-kun’s choice if he wants to stay and take part.” he looks to Luffy. “You don’t have a ship yet right?”  

“Not yet, since I don’t have a crew and I could swim on my own I had planned on buying one once I saved up enough.” Luffy set his bag of treasure on Zeff’s desk. “Not a bad haul.” he says. “I’ll tell you what, you can buy our shopping boat as a starter, you can pay with this and your earnings by working here.”  

“Hey! I told you!” Sanji was cut off by a quick kick to the head. “Sanji!” Luffy gasped.

“He’s fine, he’s taken more hits then that before.” he sits back down. “Luffy, you claimed you wanted to be king of the pirates.” he nods. “That means you’ll be heading to the grand line, and searching for the one piece.” again Luffy nods. “As you should know being a pirate means chasing your dreams. To be captain means something greater, you aren’t just responsible for your dreams but the dreams of your crew, you need as many skills as possible. Wouldn’t you agree?”  

Luffy thinks about it. “You are right. I’ll work for you, for now, but once I’ve made enough money to buy the shopping boat I’ll be leaving and I’ll be taking Sanji with me.” Sanji blushed, and Zeff smirked. “It’s a deal!” they shook on it.  

Zeff was a crafty old sea dog, he had no intention of taking Luffy’s money. Sanji was so love sick about the mermaid that saved their lives, he was worried that if it turned out to be a man Sanji would throw away his feelings. As it turns out he had nothing to worry about.  

“So being a mindflayer, you must know all about the runts past, am I right?” Sanji tensed at that. There were some things he didn’t want Luffy to know about.  

“No not exactly, to me the mind is like a sea, a deep beautiful sea, with memories, dreams, and thoughts like bubbles. The memories and thoughts people bury deep, are like the cold dark depths of the darkest sea.” He says, before smiling. “Sanji has many pervy thoughts.” he says with a joyful chuckle. Luffy could venture deeper into a person’s mind, but there would be negative ramifications unless passage was freely given. Zeff sighs. “But, Sanji’s dream of finding the All Blue, it’s a wonderful dream.” he says. “I know he’ll find it one day.”  

Sanji found himself falling deeper in love with Luffy. “So, have you ever cooked before.” Luffy blushed.  

“I’ve hunted, and cooked my food with my brothers around a fire, but no I’ve never really cooked before.” Zeff smiles and pats his shoulder.  

“You’ll learn!” he says.  

“Luffy, don’t do this, the old man is vicious!” this got Sanji another kick. “See what I mean?” he says as Zeff exits the room, taking Luffy’s money to the vault for safe keeping. Sanji goes over to Luffy. “Why did you agree?”  

“Because, if I stay here and train, that means we can spend more time together to.” he says smiling. Sanji’s heart skips a beat. ‘He’s too cute!’ he shakes his head. ‘Think Sanji, at this rate Luffy-sama will suffer under that old geezer’s kicks.’  

“I’m sure it’ll all work out.” Luffy says. “I mean you survived, and I’m pretty tough.” That’s when Sanji got an idea.  

“Luffy, can you learn from memories and thoughts?” he asked.  

“Well yes,” Mindflayers could learn through feeding upon the minds of others, it’s what made them so terrifying. Before Luffy could warn him that doing so would be dangerous.  

“Perfect, devour my thoughts!” he says. “You can learn to cook through me.”  

“Sanji you would willingly give your thoughts to me?” Sanji nods. “You silly man.” Luffy kissed him. Sanji was confused, but kissed back.  

They made out for a bit, as Luffy’s tentacles coiled and caressed Sanji’s body. “Sanji, Mindflayers can take knowledge, by devouring the thoughts of people, it’s why we are hated and feared” He rests his head against Sanji’s, tears dropping onto Sanji’s face. “But when knowledge is freely offered we can do so much more!”  

Sanji shivers as the tentacles caress his body. “Luffy?” The blonde gasps, and wanted to brush away his tears but currently had his arms bound by tentacles. “Sanji, focus only on your thoughts of cooking, think only of cooking can you do that for me?”  

“For you anything.” he says, his heart racing. Luffy starts nibbling his ear, and Sanji starts panting.  

“Then close you eyes.” He obeys, and focuses his thoughts. He can feel Luffy probe his mind, and it feels even better than before.  

In the sea of Sanji’s mind, bubbles had come together, glimmering like jewels among the others. Luffy went over to them and began to taste them. His eyes flashed red, as he took part in Sanji’s memories.  

Within these moments Sanji felt naked, open and exposed, yet he wasn’t scared or embarrassed. In a few minutes, he felt like Luffy was behind him, tentacles teasing him intensely. Then the scene shifted, to Sanji being naked on a plate, Luffy a giant.  

He was scooped up, and slipped into the other’s mouth. He shivered as Luffy’s tongue lapped against his naked body. Little by little he is consumed, yet he felt no fear. Once he was swallowed the scene shifted once more.  

A sea of tentacles, matching Luffy’s color, they found Sanji, caressing every inch of him. They left not an inch of him untouched. He writhed in absolute pleasure. His feet, his legs, his ass, his cheeks, his taint, his balls, his cock, his abs, his chest, his nipples, his pits, his shoulders, his arms, his neck, his ears, his back, and his mouth. He was getting stimulated all at once, just when he thought he was gonna cum the scene faded.  

In another scene, Sanji found himself younger, and he was hurt and in pain. His eyes full of tears. “Sanji,” a voice washed over the scene with warmth. “Sanji,” he felt himself get scooped up. He quickly clung to the person holding him. “Sanji!”  

The scene vanished and he was in Luffy’s arms. “Welcome back, you did very well.”  

“Luffy?” everything became clear. “I can still cook, I remember everything. Did it work?”  

“We’ll see, I have the knowledge. I’ll have to hone it, but Sanji...what you did, what you shared with me.” he kissed the blonde again. “Thank you!” Sanji had hearts in his eyes.     


The boys went down to the kitchen and made the introductions. “Luffy-kun will be training here, he’s Sanji’s boyfriend so treat him nicely.” Sanji felt like he could murder Zeff.  

Anyone that dared to make fun of Sanji for having a boyfriend got a swift kick in the head. Luffy got to work, accessing the knowledge Sanji freely shared and he began to wow everyone. “Make us a vegetable fried rice, a soup, and a steak appetizer.” Zeff ordered.  

He cleaned, and chopped, not wasting a single ounce of food. The men couldn’t believe it, it was like watching Sanji cook in the kitchen. However with Luffy’s tentacles he was able to do the work of 4 men at once. He prepped the ingredients for one dish while he finished preparing for the other.  

All through he tasted to make sure everything was going smooth. “Order up!” he says having finished what Zeff asked for. “Whoa, it’s not bad!”  

“Well aren’t you full of surprises.” When a mindflayer took knowledge they became like a mimic. It was always considered a copy, and if the mindflayer’s body didn’t match the person they copied from then it often had issues using what they took. “You gave him your cooking knowledge didn’t you?”  

“Something like that.” Sanji still had his skills, his memories, they were all intact. The thing about sharing knowledge, it wasn’t a copy, it was an experience. Luffy was able to take the knowledge Sanji gave him, and hone it.  

The first week he got the basics down, and he became a great assist in the kitchen. He and Sanji were in perfect sync with each other. Luffy made the skills his own, but he didn’t surpass Sanji. Sanji had the creativity and the drive to be a top chef, Luffy didn’t have that, but he still enjoyed being in the kitchen with Sanji, so his skills got honed in a different way.  

Sanji was loving it to, normally he handled prep himself in the kitchen. Luffy was right there, meeting his needs, and the dishes were flying out of the kitchen. With his tentacles Luffy was a one man army.  

Zeff joked. “If Luffy stayed full time, I could fire the whole lot.” it was just a joke of course. Still Luffy didn’t want to be a bother, and since the wait staff quit so frequently, Luffy asked to try that. “Not a bad idea.”  

He introduced Luffy to the customers, and that he was a merman. Luffy expected shock or disgust, but many east blue people never got to see a merman, let alone a scylla. So the Baratie had a new waiter and chef.  

Before the Baratie was famous for their tough cooks, and fights with pirates. Ironically those still happened, just now the pirates would try to kidnap Luffy, and the cooks would beat them up for trying. Luffy had won their hearts, not the same way as Sanji, but they were protective of him.  

Sanji still got into the most fights, mostly because, there was always a guest that tried to get a little to handsy with Luffy. He was quick to punish the letch with a swift kick to the face. “Sanji you know I can handle myself right?”

“Of course, Luffy-sama, but it gives me great pleasure, to protect you.” he kissed Luffy’s hand, sometimes a tentacle it didn’t matter. Sanji still flirted with girls, and Luffy didn’t mind.  

“Oi Luffy, Sanji’s flirting with a female customer again!” the other chefs were quick to rat on him.  

“Hehe, Sanji-kun was born to love the ladies.” he says.  

“He doesn’t deserve you Luffy.” the chefs cried. “Sanji’s so lucky I wish I could kill him!” they cried. “It’s not fair.” They even slept in the same bed. Sanji practically dove out of his clothes like he was Lupin the Third, clad in only his boxers soaring into Luffy’s waiting tentacles.   

Scylla’s tended to have multiple partners, having a slightly higher sex drive then most merman. Sanji didn’t care so long as the person knew the rules. Don’t try to steal Luffy away, don’t hog Luffy to yourself, don’t lie, cheat or betray your fellow harem brothers.  

To be continued


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