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Seven Deadly Sins parody: patreon reward

Chapter 2  https://www.patreon.com/posts/nudist-bar-2-35668951 

Chapter 3 Unwinding

The Boar Hat was a growing business, one with a unique shtick that was hard to believe. It was hard to spread the word, as some people would be too embarrassed to say they went let alone talk about the mind-blowing experiences they found there. Good food, good booze, was one thing but tended to be overshadowed by the servers. Though among the Holy Knights it was spread that the place was a great place to unwind.   

Also even if they didn’t get a plethora of new customers, repeat customers were doing the business well. One particular customer was looking forward to his next visit. Gilthunder was one of Liones’s strongest holy knights.  Every Holy Knight had heard stories of the Sins, the secret order of the knights, made up of sinners. Though the king trusted them, and the other knights respected their absolute strength, the linchpin was Meliodas. He kept the others in line, but with everything, in peace, the sins disbanded and the majority were recruited by Meliodas to work in his tavern.  

There were still threats in the world of course, but the threat level was significantly reduced to the point the Holy Knights could handle it. Meliodas did more than just lead the Sins, he also trained several Holy Knights personally. His biggest admirers were probably Gilthunder, the son of the Great Holy Knight. His hero, his idol, was Meliodas, something his father Zaratras knew all too well.  

He often complained to his brother Dreyfus. “At this rate, he’ll love Meliodas more than me!” Dreyfus tried to ease his brother’s worries but it was hard to deny. Meliodas was strong, charming, good looking and only got sexier as the years went by. Meliodas became the fantasy of several men. He’d probably even have more fans if he remained a Holy Knight, poor Dreyfus had no idea about Meliodas’s bar, he had way more fans now.   

Dreyfus once heard his own son during some alone time cry out the blonde’s name. It was a shock, to say the least, but he just wanted his son to be happy, and it was good he was finding himself. “Even if he does have a crush on Meliodas, that doesn’t mean things will change, you’re still his father!”  

“But I used to be his hero!” he cried.  

Dreyfus thought he’d have more advice, but Meliodas was a hero to the people, and he could have claimed the Grand Holy Knight title except he didn’t want it. “There, there, you can’t blame the boy for liking him or even having a crush on him.” His brother pouted. “Didn’t you tell me you had a sex dream about Meliodas?”  

“That...” he blushed. “Was just a dream...yeah just a dream...I was drunk and passed out, and had some weird dream.”  

“Drunk after half a glass, sure...” His brother was a lightweight sure but the so-called dream he remembered so vividly. Zaratras had gotten touchy-feely with the blonde, and they went back to his place.  

The Grand Holy Knight was stripped fast and he loved being free and naked. He was taken to bed by the blonde, and Zaratras got a little nervous as he hadn’t been with anyone since his late wife. Meliodas gave him one of his world-famous massages that had Zaratras riding high and relaxing until he came. The blonde then gave him head, thanking him for the meal, before stimulating his cock and balls in-kind milking him of another release. It was an amazing blowjob, even his late wife couldn’t handle his manhood.  

Zaratras was well endowed, wielding a mighty lance instead of a humble dagger. No one could suck him so easily often having to work what one couldn’t fit in their mouth. Not Meliodas, he took the man all the way down with ease, working his lips, mouth, throat, and tongue to please every inch of his impressive human dick. Even as he came Meliodas kept sucking him, milking him of a few extra spurts.

He was spent, but Meliodas worked some magic and he was hard again, the last thing he remembered was Meliodas mounting him, sinking down onto his dick and riding him like a champ.  

He came so much he passed out, but when he woke up he was in bed alone, his sheets clean, his body fresh as a daisy, so he thought the whole incident was a dream. Little did he know it was very real, Meliodas had ridden him till he was satisfied, cumming all over the sleeping knight’s face and pecs, and proceeded to lick every inch of him clean. He cleaned the sheets and left leaving the knight a kiss on the cheek.  

Despite such a clear memory he still thought it was just a dream. Dreyfus didn’t believe it was real, thinking someone so strong wouldn’t bottom. He didn’t know Meliodas that well.  

When Meliodas left the order, Zaratras worried his son would be heartbroken. He wasn’t wrong Gil became colder, driving everything he was feeling into training. Gilthunder was in love with Meliodas deeply in love, even the princess he often guarded knew that. His friends Howzer and Griamore could tell he was unhappy but he would deny it adamantly.   

Meliodas was his hero, his teacher, and his first love. When he left Gilthunder was upset, but he chose to bury his emotions.    

He took the departure bout as hard as Ban, but he buried his feels instead of trying to drink them away. He was haunted by dreams of Meliodas leaving him, he chased after him but he can never reach him, causing him to wake up in tears. One element of the dreams was chasing after the taller blonde, only to regress in age, until he could no longer continue his pursuit.  

This only furthered his annoyance and raised his frustrations which he took out in training. Gilthunder was already a powerful Holy Knight wielding the power of lightning, a skilled fighter, ramp that up by his new drive to distract himself from dealing with Meliodas leaving. Zaratras was worried about his son, but Gilthunder said he was fine, he was just trying to focus on getting stronger.  

He often sparred with Griamore and Howzer, but lately, the two weren’t enjoying being on the receiving end of Gilthunder. Since they were stronger, he tended not to hold back against them. What’s worse if the two were too exhausted to continue Gilthunder would simply set his sights on the apprentice holy knights. It wasn’t like he was being cruel, this was training after all and those he sparred with often did improve and get stronger after facing him, but he was scary...so scary…

Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack

Howzer sighed, wiping some sweat from his body with a towel. “Is he still at it?” Griamore approached him, both males were sweating.  

“Yeah, he convinced some apprentice knights to fight him as a group.” he shook his head. “Guess they thought they could overwhelm him by numbers but...”  

Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack

“Too weak!” Gilthunder was fighting with only a wooden sword, but his lightning aura made him look like a demon. “You aren’t coordinating your attacks!” Smack! “Your stance is shaky a best!” Smack! “You’re holding your sword too tight!” Smack! “You’re grip is too loose!” Smack! “You keep hesitating!” Smack! “Too slow!” Smack!  

The knights he was fighting didn’t stand a chance really poor guys. Though Gilthunder’s advice was spot on, not that it was appreciated since they were being trounced so soundly and completely. He finished off the group leaving them groaning on the ground. “Work on improving yourselves, we’ll try this again later.” the knights gulped and nodded.  

“Man you are brutal,” Howzer tells him as he comes over to the two. “You know not everyone can be trained the same way.”  

“I’m simply showing them their flaws through combat if it were a real battle they’d be dead.”  

“Be that as it may, with times being so peaceful shouldn’t the apprentice knights be focused on more spiritual training and trying to learn and harness magic?”  

“That’s too soft, just because its peaceful doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be on guard!”  

“I think you are too wound up Gil,” Howzer says before making a big mistake. “If Meliodas was here he’d say the same thing.” Griamore’s eyes widened and began to sweat, and Howzer froze realizing he just poked the bear.  

Gilthunder’s aura turned dark and heavy. “Perhaps training with the apprentices is too extreme, let’s see how your skills have been improving.” Lightning crackled in the sky as Gilthunder’s rage bubbled.  

Howzer gulped and looked to Griamore for help, but the muscle head had already put up his magical barrier Wall, around himself. “Look, man, sorry, but you do need to relax a bit, I’ve heard about this crazy new bar nearby we should check it out.”  

“A bar?” Gilthunder shook his head. “I don’t drink much.”  

“A lightweight like your old man huh?”  

“I’m not a lightweight!”  

“Prove it then, let’s check this place out!” Gilthunder agreed, realizing he just got goaded into agreeing, these two were his oldest friends so they knew each other very well. “A holy knight doesn’t go back on their word, right?”  

“Fine!” he growled. Howzer high fived Griamore, the two had heard about this place and hoped it’d help their friend unwind. “The Boar Hat huh? Never heard of it.”  

To be continued Little Gil Becomes a Man!


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