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Naruto parody: Backburner

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Naruto Backburner



Fox House

Sasuke’s father wanted him to marry someone he didn’t love, or like, or could stand at all, so he got cut off in order to force him. Sasuke instead left home and tried to find a place to live. He ends up finding the Fox House, a strange place run by Naruto Uzumaki. If he stays there he can have a roof over his head, three square meals, and a nice big bed, but will he be able to stand the perverted owner of the house or all the perverted room mates he’s living with. AU Exhib Cage Macro Naruto/Harem

Uzumaki Prince and His Servants

Naruto Uzumaki is the prince of a nice kingdom, he’s got his servants, his skills, and a sharp mind. So when he comes across a boy with jet black hair he takes him into his home to train him to become another servant. Some thinks Naruto just wants another pretty face around, but Naruto knows, he remembers of the lost prince of the Uchiha clan, even without the crest mark on his body Naruto knows him, that he does. AU Crossdressing Exhib Toys Naruto/Harem

The Butler the Master?!  

Sasuke Uchiha is a prince, and when he came of age he was allowed to choose a butler to serve him for the rest of his life. He chose Naruto Uzumaki, one no one saw as anything special. Naruto was groomed and trained to serve Sasuke, but the prince had a secret a need, that only his butler could satisfy. While Sasuke reveled in his pleasures it was Naruto who secretly began ruling the kingdom from behind Sasuke’s shadow. AU Dom Naruto/Multi  

Kiba’s Pet Road

Kiba has been a top for years, and he’s been a good one to. Point him at a hole he could wreck it, point him at an ass he could eat it out, he’s pleasured many men and women to completion. Lately he’s found himself getting distracted, in group sessions he finds himself starring at other subs with jealousy. So he decides to take a vacation from the dom life and explore the way the other half lives, he must find a dom, and explore the road of being a pet, but when his vacation is up, will he go back to topping, or will this new experience become something he can’t ever forget. AU Dom Pet Exhib Naruto + Kiba/Multi

Naruto’s Maids

Naruto is a CEO, he’s got his hands in several big businesses that have landed him a lot of money. What is his secret? Could be the charm, the good looks, his partner or the harem of maids that would do anything for their master. Naruto trained each of them personally, and his butler Shikamaru helps keep them in line. Peg Cage Cross Exhib Toys AU Naruto + Shikamaru/Harem

Fox Call

Naruto runs a business helping CEO’s distress. His number is passed around, some thinking he’s just some tail to pound, but his skills help show these bosses who’s boss. Some swear they’d never call Naruto again, but give it a week maybe a month tops and he’s getting a call back to help scratch that itch. Bondage Spank Rings AU Naruto/Multi

Naruto’s Life With Monster Boys

Naruto had a normal life, before a lazy Interspecie Exchange Rep brings him a monster boy. It was all a mistake, but when he saw how nervous the lamia was he couldn’t say no. So his place got renovated and he registered to be a host family. Several monsters end up in his lap, and to make matters worse they all have the hots for him, which wouldn’t be bad except it goes against the rules...sorta...AU Monster Boy Naruto/Harem

Farmer Naruto

Naruto didn’t have much in this world, just the farm his mother left him. Its hard work but it was Naruto’s home, but if things didn’t change fast, he’d lose his farm to greedy business types. In order to save his farm he agrees to open his farm to monster boys, harvesting milk and other things from monsters just might save his farm, or will the horny monsters make even more trouble. Milking Lactate Monster Boy AU  

Talented Talent Scout

Naruto is working for a talent agency, but he’s in the red, the last three clients he’s brought in haven’t done great. He has to land some real talent or risk being fired. He’s desperate so he even goes after some hard cases. Most of them want nothing to do with Naruto, that is until they learn about Naruto’s own talent. They’ll sign with Naruto’s company but in exchange they get to have him. Macro AU Top Naruto/Multi

Naruto and the Nudist Tribe

Naruto Uzumaki is a struggling actor, so his manager Hinata takes him on a trip to explore the world and gain some insight into the world. Unfortunetly he’s kidnapped by the mysterious nudist tribe. Naruto’s surrounded by tree to tree naked dudes, each one hot hung and naked 24/7, and these boys are very touchy feel. He’s got a lot to learn from them, and they got things to learn from him too. AU Exhib Macro Naruto/Harem

How Not To Summon A Fox Demon

Naruto was just a simple gamer otaku, but his game character was a powerful fox demon, rising through the ranks and becoming a demon lord. It was a normal day for him, crushing challengers with his skills, but then he wakes up summoned to a strange new world. He’s summoned by a dark haired elf named Sasuke and a beast man named Kiba. The two try to enslave him only for the magic to be reflected and the two get enslaved to Naruto. AU Naruto/Harem

Naruto the Shield

Naruto was summoned to a strange new world as one of of the four cardinal heroes, each one getting a legendary weapon. He is the shield hero, Sasuke is the sword hero, Neji the bow hero, and Kabuto the spear hero. He’s seen as inferior from the start but his excitement isn’t perturbed that is until he’s nearly tricked and accused of a crime he didn’t commit. Losing his status, money, and party, he has to go in alone until he finds a way of building a party of his own. AU Naruto/Harem

Naruto the Kunai

A legend of 5 heroes summoned to a new world. The shield, the sword, the bow, the spear, and the kunai. Naruto Uzumaki becomes the kunai, even though he’s seen as a joke. As the kunai in the games of their world, was an event release, but it turned out to be a failure, since the kunai weapon needed the user to get up close, and couldn’t be used to parry anything except projectile attacks. Some called it a glass canon, boring, useless, inferior, Naruto doesn’t care he thinks its cool so he wants to become a hero to defend the world.  

Ninjas Versus Waves

The founding of ninja villages was to protect the world from the waves of destruction, an onslaught of terrifying creatures sent to kill on mass. The various ninja techniques were developed to help fight against evil, long ago a great sage forged weapons of unique power to battle against the waves, each village holds one of these weapons. Shuriken of Leaf, Sword of Mist, Gourd of Sand, Spear of Cloud, Flute of Sound, and the Scythe of Rain. Those chosen by the weapons are tasked with forming a party and fending off the waves, but it seems those of bare the chosen weapons have no interest in working together.    

Kiba the Shield Hero

Kiba was brought to a strange world as one of the four heroes, after being accused of a crime he didn’t commit he has to try to survive the waves of destruction. He gets a slave, a young fox demi human named Naruto. Kiba tries to act like he doesn’t care but Naruto brings a light into his life, so much so he doesn’t want anyone to take his Naruto away. Kiba/Naruto/Harem  

Cabin Fox

Sasuke wasn’t happy being sent off to some dumb camp, he shares this sentiment with a few other guys, he gets assigned to the Fox Cabin. Sasuke was grimacing and thought this camp was gonna suck, that is until he meets the cabin supervisor. Naruto Uzumaki was a walking wet dream, tall, blonde, tan, and wearing shorts so short his massive bulge was prominent. Looks like this summer isn’t gonna be a boring one.  

Hypnosis For Nerds

Naruto wasn’t a very popular guy, he often gets bullied and picked on, the jocks, the cool kids, teachers, anyone really. Naruto picks up a strange book on hypnosis and decides to deal out some payback, the only thing he can’t decide what shall he turn them into. Crossdress Humil Hypno Pet Naruto/Harem

Beach Bum

AU Naruto works at the local beach. He's not the brightest guy but he's a good person. There's not a station at the beach that doesn't want his help. He's got quite the fan club, but some are against him saying he's just a bum.  


AU Naruto is a master who wants to find a few pets, but with his money and status, he always attracts pets who just want his money. So he hears about a Clambake a beach event where pets come to find a master. A lot of fun in the sun and a lot of sex, Naruto goes undercover to find a pet or two ones that will love him for him not his money.

Summoned Fox

Naruto is a demon, a fox demon, with a sub class of incubus. Naruto gets summoned by a boy named Kiba thinking he was summoning a succubus. To his shock he gets a guy and Naruto. His world is thrown upside down but its one hell of a ride.  

Lil Devil

Sasuke was a younger Incubus, his older brother was far more experienced. He was often summoned, but one day Sasuke is chosen to handle a virgin. Sasuke uses every trick but the blonde has stamina size and a heart of gold. The deed is done but Sasuke can't bring himself to take his soul. This causes a stir in the netherworld.  

Ah My Devil

Naruto was a lonely virgin with bad luck, he was just spending his night alone when the mirror he accidentally came on glowed and out came a demon named Gaara. He's here to grant Naruto a wish but ends up bound to him.   

Lycan World

Naruto like everyone else in the world is a werewolf. Everyone can transform at will but during the full moon the transformation happens and everyone gets a little wild and horny. Some studs spend all night screwing like crazy, in this world strength is everything. Kiba wants to fuck Naruto but the blonde isn’t gonna make it easy, who will be getting fucked tonight?  

Ninja Verse

Concubine Ninja

Naruto was trained in the art of pleasure and the art of ninjutsu, making him a triple threat. Using his concubine skills he’s able to strengthen bonds and steal hearts. His ninja skills are strong enough to even keep jounin on their toes. Lot of guys have been curious by the strange boy who comes to school in an orange kimono, he fights with fans and wind chakra, and many of his opponents end up naked and exposed. Switcher Naruto/Harem


Minato had his son a tad earlier, a night of passion earning him a child before even the Uchiha’s had their first child. He grows up to be a strong ninja, and the youngest jounin, not only is he skilled in wind style but also genjutsu. He becomes the sensei of Kiba Shino and Hinata, and he’s one hot sensei, possibly the wet dream of every genin and even a few jounin. Kakashi sees him like a little brother, Asuma sees him as his fiancee, and some see him as master!  

Daddy Uzumaki

Naruto is a new Jounin, Kakashi’s junior and just a year younger than Iruka. He was able to befriend Kurama and learn a lot from him. His skills were recognized so he was asked to train the next generation of ninja. They need a firm hand, with their arrogance it seems he has to go all out. Things may go a bit of out of hand as one of his students call him Daddy during punishment.  

Plump Fox

Naruto is raised by the Akimichi clan, and joins Chouji as a chubby hubby. He has the wind style, the Akimichi clan jutsu, and a sumo taijutsu style that makes him a tough opponent. He and Chouji seek to show the ninja world the beauty of plump. Though raised like brothers Naruto and Chouji couldn’t shake their feelings for each other, and they come up with a plan to build a harem together. Switcher Naruto/Chouji/Harem

Canine Brothers

The Inuzuka family took Naruto in and raised him as one of their own. Kiba and Naruto were like brothers, but feelings were stronger than that. The two were strong with alpha instincts, and competed with each other. Kiba doesn’t want to give up his ass so easily but Naruto has an ace in the hole, Kiba submits and helps Naruto with his crazy idea of building a harem. Top Naruto/Switcher Kiba/Harem

Shika Cho Ruto

Naruto is raised by the Yamanaka family and is Ino’s older brother, he becomes a skilled sensor ninja thanks to Inoichi and he takes the Yamanaka style seriously. So when Ino fails the ninja exam its up to Naruto to take the place for the Ino Shika Cho formation. Ino becomes jealous of Naruto, and if you think she’s mad now just wait till the blonde steals her dad’s heart to boot.  Top Naruto/ Switcher Inoichi/Harem

Smart Fox

Naruto is raised by the Nara family, with proper guidance Naruto is able to develop his mind, he can be as calculating as Shikamaru but more energetic. The two are close, so close Naruto notices his brother isn’t taking proper care of himself. Shikamaru says its too troublesome so Naruto gives his bro a hand, a mouth, and more. Shikamaru wants to help Naruto achieve his dream, even though it’s troublesome. Naruto/Shikamaru/Harem

Uzumaki Butterfly

Naruto is raised by the Aburame clan and learns to control bugs, his specialty is butterflies and caterpillars. His abilities and bond with Shino allow him to take different paths, his ninjutsu grows from inspiration. Shino is just so happy to have someone who understands him and notices him. Naruto/Shino/Harem  

Lost Island Mission

A strange island has appeared, and a mission has popped up to explore the island. A team is gathered of Naruto, Kiba, Shikamaru, Chouji, Shino, Neji and Lee, but as soon as they got close to the island they ship wrecked and get stranded on the island. There is plenty of food, and Naruto’s skills are helping them survive, but needs are growing, can Naruto help with those to. He says theirs no strings attached, but feelings start growing as needs are met. Just when Naruto thinks they are saved, Sasuke Juugo and Suigetsu get stranded on the island to.  

Four Fist: Kekkei Genkai

Naruto was born with a rather unique trait, he’s got four arms! With proper training he can actually use two jutsu at once creating unique combos throwing off many opponents. Naruto is still Naruto and the boy still practices some pervy jutsu, much to the enjoy of his mates. His skill in ninjutsu and taijutsu grows with each passing year. Naruto/Harem

Chakra Eater: Kekkei Genkai

Naruto was born with a unique kekkei genkai one that gave him mouths in the palm of his hands. He’s able to not only eat raw chakra to replenish his strength, but he can devour ninjutsu and learn the technique after digesting it, same with other nature chakra. Oral Fixation Rim Naruto/Harem  

Touch of Lust: Kekkei Genkai

The men of Naruto’s family inherited a rather unique kekkei genkai, it was known as the touch of lust, should anyone touch them or be touched by them they are filled with a strong lust that had to be sated or be driven mad. Naruto thought it was a curse, but as he got older he finds his skill to be very useful for interrogation. Switcher Naruto/Harem  

Blessed by the Wind: Kekkei Genkai

Naruto holds a power believed to be given to him by Kyuubi. Wind seems to protect Naruto similar to Gaara’s sand, and Naruto’s wind style is so strange and wild and can’t even be seen through by the sharingan. Top Naruto/Harem

Wild Blaze: Kekkei Genkai

Naruto was born with his mother’s red hair, he has a unique ability passed onto him either by his parents or Kyuubi. He can conjure and manipulate flames, fire will always protect him and he cannot be burned. When Naruto was younger someone tried to kill him by burning his place down, but it didn’t go well. Red Hair Naruto/Harem

Water Guard: Kekkei Genkai

Naruto was born with a rare protection, some thought it was Kyuubi’s doing making him more monstrous. Water protects Naruto, and he was able to use water ninjutsu far more easily than others. Water Nature Naruto/Harem

Hunter Chains Kekkei Genkai

Naruto’s Uzumaki Chains have evolved into a special Kekkei Genkai one that protects him from danger and becomes an offensive force when used in battle. They can have a mind of their own which leads to some awkward situations, but its an ability Naruto takes seriously and uses to protect his friends and mates.  

Soul Manipulation: Kekkei Genkai

Using this unique ability Naruto is able to separate his soul into pieces and place those pieces into objects bringing them to life. These hommies are loyal to Naruto and obey him without question. Using this power Naruto makes unique weapons and even applies it to his panted pervy jutsu. Sasuke learns this first hand when Naruto gets the drop on him and leaves him with a living dildo that drives him crazy.  

Beast Seed: Kekkei Genkai

Kyuubi grants Naruto a special kekkei genkai one that makes him a beast, both on the battle field and in the bedroom. This power can spread, those that drink or take Naruto’s seed becomes a beast like him, those that respect him as alpha. Many enemies seek to destroy Konoha but Naruto can turn the tides with his beasts and his skills. Furry Transform Growth Hyper Knot Naruto/Harem

Time Stop: Kekkei Genkai

After the god of death reaps Naruto’s parents souls, he gives the boy a gift, an apology of sorts, the ability to stop time. Though its limited to once a day now, as he grows up and gets stronger he can do it more times. There is just one law with such a powerful jutsu, Naruto can never take someone’s life using it, if he does his time will be robbed from him and he will die. Not a bother for Naruto since he can have plenty of fun with someone with this ability. Humiliation Time Stop Shenagins Pervy Jutsu Naruto/Harem

Forbidden Jutsu Series: Hypnotic Eye

Naruto learned another technique from the forbidden scroll, a doujutsu. Using this jutsu he plans to get some respect and a little payback. The hypnotic eye technique is a powerful jutsu, one that can both shape minds and twist them. He can also leave sub commands placing someone in a hypnotized state without using his jutsu over and over. Hypnosis Mind Control Naruto/Harem

Forbidden Jutsu: Slave Kiss Jutsu

Naruto learned this technique from the forbidden scroll. This jutsu is known as the slave kiss jutsu, a kiss on the cheek will make someone a temporary slave, a kiss on the lips will make someone a slave for life. Using this jutsu Naruto begins to change his life, strengthening Konoha’s power and building a harem for himself. Mind Control Switcher Naruto/Harem

Forbidden Jutsu: Four Witches Jutsu

Naruto learned this technique from the forbidden jutsu, it enhances one’s strength and speed granting them four arms as well. It gives the user access to a special taijutsu list and when mastered can give the user the ability to use two jutsu at once. Four Armed Naruto/Harem

Forbidden Jutsu Garden Flower Jutsu

Naruto learns of a special technique from the forbidden scroll after practicing it he’s able to make body parts bloom like flowers upon any surface he sees. This was a technique designed for assassination but Naruto has more fun uses for this power as Konoha and the world will soon see. Surprise Hand Jobs, Foot Jobs, Fisting, Multiple Cocks.  

Forbidden Jutsu: Slow Wave Jutsu

This special jutsu from the forbidden scroll can manipulate one’s time so to speak, anyone or anything touched by this special energy is slowed down for a minimum of 30 seconds and a maximum of 5 minutes, only the user of the jutsu knows and the amount of chakra put in it matters. Thanks to this jutsu Naruto is even more of a prankster,  

The Guardian of Leaf

Shikamaru has met the guardian of leaf, a monster of a man who’s gentle but strong. Naruto is the Centaur of the hidden leaf village, a sealed monster from the olden days and whose power has watched over the village for years. However the time for him to remain in the shadows is ending and he must venture out to protect the young nin who have been captured. Centaur Switcher Naruto/Harem Hyper

Uzumaki Lamia

Kushina was one of Orochimaru’s students, so when he didn’t step up and take care of the boy he did. Harnessing the Kyuubi’s chakra he was able to change Naruto into a lamia. He was taught by Orochimaru and even became a leader of his own team. In Sound he gained strength and respect, so when he returns to Konoha for the chunin exam he can show them the power of one they didn’t want. Two Cocks, Lamia Naruto, Hypnosis, Humil, Naruto/Harem


Naruto is a demi human, born from the union between a human and demon fox. He’s a werefox capable of some serious power. His unique biology is masked with ninjutsu and his beastly nature allows him to use nature chakra more easily. Things are going good until Naruto goes into rut and needs to mate. He’s sought after by several big names in the ninja world, can he defend himself and his mates? Knot Furry Naruto/Harem

Nature Fox

Naruto is a nudist, thanks to Kurama he’s learned how to control and use Nature Chakra. He’s called a pervert thanks to his exhibitionist streak, but he doesn’t care if he stands out. With his nature chakra control and mixing it with Kyuubi’s chakra he’s able to create what Orochimaru attempted to create with the curse seals, but his are far superior. With his skills he’s able to heal Kimimaro and rescue Juugo. Nudist Naruto/Harem

Puppet Theater  

Naruto is a traveling performer, but is secretly a ninja using the dolls in his performance are secretly his ninja tools. He locates a lost Juugo and rescues him from Orochimaru’s clutches, Juugo finds a home and someone who can not only contain him but help him and Kimimaro. So when the bone user comes to reclaim Juugo a rumble is on. Naruto/Juugo/Kimi

Beast Puppets

Naruto is a puppet user, developing puppets in the shape of beasts harnessing various skills to make them the ultimate weapons. With his large supply of chakra its said he can control nine puppets at once. People think he’s a joke, but the joke will soon be on them as Naruto Uzumaki rises to change the future for himself and others.  

Hypno Puppets

Naruto has developed three very special puppets, combining them with genjutsu and pervy jutsu he intends to claim a life denied to him. He learns his life of hell has been a lie, one forced upon him by the elders. Using his special puppets he builds a harem and army, Konoha must change no matter what. Mind Control Hypnosis, Brain Break

Buggy Puppets

Naruto uses puppets modeled after insects, Dark Arachnid, Red Centipede, and Blue Scorpion. The puppets can combine to form a tank Naruto can ride in. His skills in puppetry earn him the place of genin but not everyone is pleased. Naruto doesn’t care he’s gonna prove them wrong. Bondage  

Doll Art Uzumaki

Naruto struggles with basic ninjutsu, but with his special talent he may be able to find a work around. Creating special dolls he’s able to combine skills and surprise his enemies, these dolls aren’t alive but with Naruto’s puppetry skills he’s able to show that sometimes being clever trumps being powerful.  

Demon Doll

In Naruto’s loneliness he turns to Kyuubi, who gives him a unique skill in exchange for partial freedom. Naruto makes a plushy of Kyuubi and seals a part of him inside it. Naruto can now make dolls and conjure demons to live inside them. Don’t let the adorable plush decieve you these demon dolls are loyal to Naruto, heaven help anyone who upsets their master.  

Chakra Operated Boy

Tobi managed to kill Naruto during the Kyuubi attack forcing Minato to make a deal with Kyuubi to save his son’s life. Kyuubi creates a puppet body and through his and Minato’s efforts put the boy’s soul inside it. Naruto lives but he’s no longer human. Naruto has to be careful as his chakra keeps him alive if he uses too much he’ll stop moving and he could be destroyed.  

Kyuubi’s Puppet Master

Naruto is struggling to become a ninja, Kyuubi gives him the idea of becoming a puppet master, Naruto begins to make puppets based on Kyuubi’s instructions. He’s growing stronger and more skilled, with just 1 puppet he’s able to take down chuunins, with three he was even able to best Kakashi. Just wait till they see his nine puppet formation!  

Elemental Puppets

Naruto has the wind chakra, but he’s developed special converts that can take his wind chakra and turn it into the other elements, he places these converters into puppets. His strongest puppet being the wind puppet, but the others are quite strong and because of the other elements they throw enemies off on what he’s capable of. Naruto/Harem

Rinnegan Puppets

Naruto awakens the rinnegan, and he combines it with his puppets, each puppet having unique abilities. His Rinnegan path isn’t the same as Pain’s, so he’s got tricks not even he can predict. Mind Break Toys Naruto/Harem

Uzumaki Pain

Naruto was under constant attack, seen as a monster instead of a hero. One night Naruto is nearly killed and awakens the rinnegan. Using it he creates Six Special Clones extensions of himself and ones who embody his path of the rinnegan. Each clone is more durable and has a unique power and gained unique traits compared to the original blonde. Naruto/Harem

Orange Rinnegan

 Naruto has the power of the orange rinnegan, a doujutsu he can control. Despite this power given to him at birth he works hard to control the 7 paths of sin he's been given. Madara sees this rinnegan as a threat to his plans and knows the boy must be destroyed.  

Life and Times of Uchiha Sluts

Sasuke and Itachi are the personal sluts to one Naruto Uzumaki, not that Naruto doesn’t share in the bountiful raven haired beauties. Since becoming his sluts the Uchihas have reconciled and learned to love all things pervy. Naruto + Everyone/Itachi/Sasuke

Kyuubi’s Heat Leak

Kyuubi has gone into heat, making his chakra twisted. To make matters worse Naruto has been pretty backed up lately too. His body is changed by the Kyuubi’s chakra and through his scent, chakra, and seed he begins to change those around him, beastly boys, girls into boys, and sluts beyond measure. Poor Gaara should have listened to Shukaku.  

Kyuubi’s Prank Deodorant  

Naruto buys some new deodorant that Kyuubi hates! Naruto isn’t gonna change it so Kyuubi changes it himself manipulating it with his chakra. He sprays and his new musk has a strange effect on the guys around him. The need sex, crave sex, and wants Naruto’s d, and learn about the Uzumaki stamina.  

Naruto’s Unusual Yaoi Dream

Tobi tries to trap Naruto in a dream world, it works as Naruto has an unusual yaoi dream. Wild sex, exhibitionist friends, pervy outfits, and he has a harem?! This dream might be too good to wake up from as Naruto is given the fame and love he’s been wanting for decades.  

Kyuubi’s Revenge

Kyuubi hates being cooped up, and notices that Jiraiya isn’t training Naruto properly. After the seal is weakened he reaches out to Naruto and begins to train him himself. He gives Naruto a kekkei genkai one that will make the boy stronger and make him the instrument of his revenge. He doesn’t hate Naruto seeing him as a victim to, so he plans on killing two birds with one stone.  

Kyuubi’s Rule

Kyuubi was sick of being a prisoner, he took advantage of the darkness in Konoha and raised Naruto, teaching him when others didn’t. Kyuubi would use Naruto to rule turning the village into his own personal den. With his power and Naruto’s pervy jutsu those innocent will serve them, while the guilty will suffer the fate as beasts for their enjoyment.  

Fox Eye Style

Kyuubi gives Naruto a Doujutsu, one that allows him to see through all genjutsu and cast it flawlessly, making up for one of Naruto’s biggest weaknesses. Prolonged use of the jutsu will make Naruto go wild, but will calm down after some time. Hypnosis Mind Control  

Fox Painter Fox Tail Artist

Naruto is taught to use the Hypnotic Arts by Kyuubi, using this special genjutsu and art jutsus he becomes a genin assigned to Kakashi. He’s got quite a few tricks up his sleeve, from the hypnotic pain spectrum and the ninjutsu that comes from specific colors. He proves he’s not just a knucklehead, he’s an artist! Naruto/Deidara/Harem

Snake Nin

Naruto’s mother was the student of Orochimaru, so she has the snake summoning scroll, and she leaves Naruto two ninja snakes. Azaspa and Basco are loyal only to Naruto and will fight even Orochimaru to protect him. Orochimaru wants Naruto to join him for a number of reasons. Naruto wants to walk his own path!  

Frog Nin

After training with Jiraiya Naruto returns with two nin Frogs at his side and a lot of few tricks up his sleeve. With his nin frogs Naruto has back up when dealing with Sasuke, Kyuubi, and so many other threats. Hyper Naruto/Harem

Fox Nin

During the training with Jiraiya Kyuubi noticed the Toad Sage was neglecting his training. So he makes Naruto a deal and gives him a peace offering. He gives Naruto a scroll allowing him to summon foxes and even gains two nin foxes. His new fox style is impressive and on par with the Inuzuka style things will be a whole lot more interesting.  

Turtle Nin

Naruto was given a scroll by his mother Kushina, the turtle summoning scroll, with it he’s able to obtain a nin turtle, a loyal guardian and protector. Naruto has an impressive length, not only is he super hung, but he’s a grower to boot. The legends of the Uzumaki Men is true!!!! Hyper Grower Naruto/Harem

Uzumaki Tsunami

During the time skip, Naruto trains with Jiraiya he learns Wind Nature chakra and taps into Water Chara, combining both he is a walking tsunami of destruction. Gentle as the ocean and calming breeze, but as strong as a typhoon and as unpredictable of the sea. He will get Sasuke back their natures are conflicting but can also support each other.

Pervy Ninja of Konoha

Naruto and Sasuke have been training together since forming Team 7, which is odd since they were thought to be enemies in ninja school. As it turns out the two came to a compromise, an understanding between them. Big Dicked Naruto/Sasuke/Harem

 Snake Chain

Orochimaru takes Naruto since Jiraiya abandoned him. He experiments on the boy granting him two dicks and some other unique abilities. He can conjure chains with snake heads granting him a unique sealing jutsu. He gains quite the following in sound, and soon forms a team to enter the chunin exam. Two cock Naruto/Harem

Pervy Sage

Naruto masters Sage mode with Jiraiya but combines it with his pervy ninjutsu style, he can do all kinds of things make his cock grow, make a clone of his cock, amplify one’s sensitivity, even warp one’s sense of pain for pleasure. He’s an all new man look out world the Pervy Sage is returning to Konoha and things won’t be the same again.  

Symbiote Deal

Kyuubi can’t stand being in his cage anymore so he’s willing to make Naruto a deal, the two would still be bonded but this way Kyuubi would be in the outside world. Kyuubi turns into an orange goo and leaves the seal and joins with Naruto’s body, he can henge into any outfit Naruto needs, augment his strength and abilities and now without him needing to surpress Kyuubi his chakra is on full blast allowing him to learn more ninjutsu.  

Naruto’s Ultimate Pervy Jutsu: Sexy Himbo Jutsu

Naruto grows bored waiting for Jiraiya and practices a new jutsu, at first he doesn’t think it worked, but when he tries it in front of Jiraiya he learns it does indeed work. Jiraiya’s muscles and cock grow as he loses sense and desires only to fuck. When Naruto performed the jutsu on himself it did make his cock and muscles grow but his mind remained in tact, now anyone who drinks or absorbs his seed gets himbofied.  

Dark Deal Fox God

When one of Kiba’s pranks pushes Naruto too far Naruto turns to Kyuubi to get revenge. Kyuubi gives him the power to exact his revenge. Naruto takes Tsuma and Hana and turns them into his bitches, eventually literally with Kyuubi’s help. He takes over the Inuzuka house hold and humiliates the dog nin, but it doesn’t stop there Naruto/Kyuubi’s influence spreads Kyuubi growing stronger with each mate he takes. Transformation Mind Break Macro Dick Mix Harem

Snow Fox Style

Kyuubi helps Naruto master Wind and Water Nature chakra and through hard work Naruto is able to learn ice style. He gives him a scroll, the scroll of the Snow Fox with ninjutsu, taijutsu, and even genjutsu for him to learn. Jiraiya had no idea since he was off doing “research”. Of course Naruto wouldn’t be Naruto without putting his own twist on his new style.  

Shadow Beast Style

When Naruto reveals a shadow ability, he’s brought to Shikaku Nara to raise and train. Though it is different than the Nara Shadow Style its one he can help Naruto control and master. With his shadow beast ninjutsu style Naruto becomes a ninja, but is the world ready?  

Orochimaru’s Secret Weapon

Orochimaru had been experimenting on a new creature, an ancient creature, he was able to revive with Juugo’s cells. He has the sound four distribute these little babies all over Konoha and when the time is right they are unleashed. Orochimaru isn’t sure what’ll happen but he’s underestimating these creatures, they are beyond his power and unleashing them would change the ninja world forever. Cock Hugger Rule 63

Forest Fox Style

Because Naruto is poor he’s not able to buy weapons or equipment to compete with his fellow ninja, so Kyuubi teaches him the forest style, allowing him to turn plants into weapons for him. Leaves into shuriken, flowers into weapons, even the ability of turning regular plants into man eating monsters. This style proves effective against even the toughest of enemies.  

One Shots

Top Naruto Collection Stay

It wasn't about love that's what Kiba told himself. He was sleeping with Naruto because they filled a need in each other. It was simply a beneficial relationship. He didn't love it when Naruto growled his name or prepared him so well, he didn't love him when he fucked him so wide and deep or the intense orgasms Naruto gave him, it wasn't about love it couldn't be That's what he told himself.

Top Naruto Collection Sit

Kiba was the biggest in the Inuzuka Clan, he thought he was the biggest of the rookie 9, hell he was bigger than a lot of the Jounin and chunin. He thought he was bigger than Naruto Uzumaki, but then again he's never seen him hard.  

Top Naruto Collection Fetch

Kiba was well versed in the ways of sex, carnal pleasure, fore play, etc. One thing had 0 knowledge in was sex toys, he couldn't stand for it, so he went to the only guy in the village who was a bigger perv than him Naruto. He's willing to teach him for a price, is Kiba willing to pay in order to hold his title of sex god.

Top Naruto Collection Pet

Kiba has fucked a lot of guys, and a lot of girls, there was only one part of him that was still a virgin his ass. After going through a list he's finally found one he wants to give his cherry to. Naruto...Kiba gets a lot more than he bargained for not that he's complaining. Naruto fills him like a glove and is kinky to, Kiba has a new lot in life!

Top Naruto Collection Beg

 Naruto has been working hard often coming home exhausted. Kiba wants some attention and He's not too proud to beg, especially since it turns Naruto on. Naruto may be exhausted but that also means he's got no limiter, so he's not holding back.  

Top Naruto Collection Play Dead

Kiba has a bad habit of sleep walking, Naruto has woken up to the dog boy naked in his bed licking his feet, sucking his balls, sniffing his pits, even rimming his ass. He thinks Kiba should deal with his sleep walking issue before he goes too far but is Kiba really sleeping?

Top Naruto Collection Special Training

Lee is a bit on the small side, and is curious how everyone has such big dicks. They all say the same thing, ask Naruto Ask Naruto. He does and Naruto puts him through some special training, his dick does grow but he likes the training more.  

Top Naruto Collection Workout

Naruto and Lee are working out together, but Lee is growing more and more distracted as Naruto flexes and works his muscles, Lee starts starring and gets caught by Naruto.  

Top Naruto Collection Squats

Naruto shows Lee a special way of training, in the nude. It’s going fine at first but as Lee watches Naruto he gets excited so Naruto teaches him a special way to do squats.  

Top Naruto Collection Peeking

Neji uses the Byakugan, it was just for training but he caught a peek of something he shouldn't, but now he can't help himself peeking at Naruto whenever he gets the chance. To bad Naruto figures it out, and takes it out on his ass.

Top Naruto Collection Destiny

Neji goes to a fortuneteller and gets an unusual fortune, Neji is trying to ignore the path of destiny as things begin to happen one after another, he fears he can’t accept his fate.

Top Naruto Collection Tables Turn

Neji has stopped all of Naruto's chakra points except for a certain set this causes a surge to Naruto's crotch. Neji thinks that he has Naruto at his mercy but Naruto has one big ace in the hole.  

Top Naruto Collection Strip Chess

Naruto isn't the best at chess, so he comes up with a way to win strip chess. Each piece loss one loses a piece of clothing. This makes it hard for Shikamaru to focus, Naruto may not win but he has fun playing.

Top Naruto Collection Shadow Binding

Shikamaru can't help but want to tie Naruto up. The blonde is so wild in the bedroom he can never last it feels so good. So he ties Naruto so he can set his own pace, Naruto doesn't mind he loves watching Shikamaru do his thing.  

Top Naruto Collection Late Hours

Naruto and Shikamaru always work late at the office. Are they really working, Shikamaru can't resist his hokage and Naruto just loves his assistant, these moments are there's.  

Top Naruto Collection Taking A Break

Naruto works long hours as Hokage, it can be a tiresome thankless job. Shikamaru knows he needs a break now and then and he's happy to help. They just...need to remember to lock the door.  

Top Naruto Collection Physical

Kabuto was tasked with giving a physical he thought it might be a good chance to capture Naruto. However the physical goes awry and he ends up getting caught up in Naruto's size and endurance.  

Top Naruto Collection Spider's Web

Naruto gets caught by Kidoumaru the sound ninja wanted to humiliate the blonde by stripping him and exposing him. It doesn't go well as he's caught off guard by Naruto's size and stamina. His inner size queen trumps his desire to capture him.  

Top Naruto Collection Sample  

Kabuto was sent to get a sample of Naruto's DNA the blonde is sleeping and Kabuto makes quick work of his clothes. He tries to ignore the blonde's size and focus on the mission, but he's so long and strong and Kabuto is only human.  

Top Naruto Collection Only Cure

Kimimaro is dying a disease no medic can cure, but Orochimaru tells him there is a cure, nine tails chakra. If he can get daily doses from the fox vessel he can be healed. Kimimaro does but he didn't expect to fall in love.  

Top Naruto Collection Before He Dies

Kimimaro faces Naruto but he's losing strength fast so he asks Naruto to do him a favor before he dies he wants to know physical love. Naruto does, but thanks to Tsunade Kimimaro survives.

Top Naruto Collection Distraction

Kimimaro was tasked with stopping Naruto any means possible, he doesn't have the strength to top but he's able to use the ninja art of seduction to claim Naruto's virginity.  

Top Naruto Collection Gagged

Since the first time Naruto overwhelmed him and tied him up it left a hole inside him. A craving he sought to be filled, Naruto ties Sasuke up and gags him again and the Uchiha is hard as a rock.  

Top Naruto Collection Loss

Naruto has lost to Sasuke as per ninja rules to the victor go the spoils, but to Naruto's surprise its not his life he wants his body. He won't go back but next time Naruto might just win.  

Top Naruto Collection Parting

Naruto and Sasuke fought clashing their wills and while Naruto hung tough he couldn't move. Sasuke plans to leave but leave a piece of himself with Naruto.  

Top Naruto Collection Home

Sasuke has returned to Konoha but he comes home to Naruto. The man who fought for him saved him, their bond was deeper than anyone knew and one that couldn't be shaken from years apart.  

Top Naruto Collection Caught

Sasuke was having some alone time in one of Orochimaru's bases he's playing with his favorite toy when guess who breaks into the base. Naruto catches Sasuke in the act and gives him something better than a toy.  

Top Naruto Collection Cloak

Naruto was always creative in bed, but one of Sasuke's favorites was when he donned the kyuubi cloak and took Sasuke wildly. It was intense hot and pleasurable as hell. They can't do it a lot but its one of Sasuke's favorites.  

Top Naruto Check Up

Kabuto helps out during a mass Ninja check up and Naruto ends up in his care. He gives the boy a physical and discovers something  interesting about Naruto’s size.  

Cuck Pup

Kiba and Sasuke have been fooling around for some time now, but while the dog boy thinks he’s a stud, Sasuke is growing more and more unsatisfied. Sasuke sits Kiba down and tells him they need a bull, and Naruto is it! Kiba thinking he’s top dog agrees but only if Naruto is bigger than him, turns out he’s A LOT bigger.  

Cuck Shadow

Chouji and Shikamaru have been dating for awhile but when it came to sex neither male was doing well, Chouji can’t get it up topping and Shikamaru isn’t big enough to satisfy Chouji. So they go looking for a stud to bring into the mix.  Naruto can’t believe this, but is willing to play the part with the two so sexy.  

Little Stinger

During the trip to the hot springs with Killer Bee, the older jinchuriki sees something he can’t believe, his little stinger stiffens at the sight of the mighty beast Naruto is packing. Naruto gets excited at the contrast of Bee’s muscled form and his little stinger.  

Pride Comes Before the Small Uchiha

Naruto and Sasuke compete at everything, including sex Sasuke doesn’t get it he’s got a huge dick how can Naruto be better than him. As it turns out Naruto has stamina skill and technique in the bedroom. Sasuke wants Naruto to prove it, he agrees but for a price. Size Stealing Size Manipulation

 Pride Comes Before the Small Inuzuka

Kiba keeps getting dumped after having sex with his partners he can’t figure out what’s going on. When Naruto has a whole harem beating down his door he wants to learn his secret. He’s seen him in the bath house and he’s packing average. He pushes Naruto too far and they have a challenge but Naruto is gonna punish Kiba when he loses. Size Stealing Size Manipulation

Hawk Cuck

Sasuke has been fucking Suigetsu for awhile, but the water boy is looking for something bigger, something that lasts longer. He sees Juugo is packing a beast and has a need to unleash, Sasuke catches them but seeing Suigetsu and Juugo excites him, Suigetsu brings him in and Juugo shows off some special power.  

 You May Now Fuck the Groom

With Naruto as Hokage he put into place some weird laws, including one where at a wedding before the couples wed the Hokage gets a chance to fuck the groom. A strange law one Naruto had to pull a lot of strings to get passed. No fuck no marriage, to bad Sasuke didn’t know this. Naruto smiles at him and says. “Don’t worry teme, only the first time is mandatory any time after that is up to you.”  

Team 8 Cuck

Kiba and Shino fool around with Hinata to train her to be a seductive Kunoichi but with their size she isn’t satisfied. With Naruto he’s huge and his stamina goes on and on, seeing the blonde fuck her more then they ever could it excites them and makes them jealous and horny. Naruto is happy to satisfy their urges.  

Team 9 Cuck Yaoi Version

Asuma has been training Shikamaru and Chouji in the ways of pleasure but their small size and their lack of stamina is driving him nuts. He needs a proper bull to show them how a real man fucks a ninja so he borrow’s Kakashi’s bull Naruto. Chouji and Shikamaru learn a lot, like they aren’t suited for topping and simply enjoy getting fucked instead.  

Team 9 Cuck Hentai Version  

Ino is pissed at the sexual skill of her team mates, she’s heard rumors that Team 7 has a Bull, so she borrows him to show these men how a real man does it, her plan backfires but things end far better than she planned.  

Team 7 Cuck  

Kakashi has been training Sasuke how to be a man, but when the time comes Sasuke’s size and stamina are leaving Kakashi hungry for more. So he convinces Sasuke to bring Naruto in on the training and the Uchiha learns a lot about his teacher and himself.  

Chakra Backfire

Sasuke wants to beat Naruto in a dick measuring contest, so he takes a sharingan peek at Chouji’s special jutsu. He thinks he has it, but doesn’t have enough chakra to support the jutsu for long, and the backfire permanently shrinks his manhood. Naruto is gonna pay Sasuke back for cheating ten fold.  

Forgiving Sasuke

While the girls of Konoha have forgiven Sasuke and are ready to welcome him back with open arms, the boys are not so forgiving. Sasuke must be punished and then all can be forgiven. Cage Spank Humiliation

Chakra Pill

Kiba tries to play a prank on Naruto, giving him a newly enhanced food pill, he thought the side effects would be funny, but instead he’s awakened a beast in the bedroom who’s stamina and arousal has been amplified ten fold. Kiba’s in for a very long night.  

Omega Pill

Orochimaru has Kabuto give Sasuke a special pill to make him obedient. The pill has unique effects on Sasuke making him hyper horny, but despite fucking Sasuke senseless, his loyalties lie with Naruto. “Naruto fucks me better!”  

Beta Pill

Kiba was born with a dick too big for him to handle. He doesn’t like to top but people look at his bod and his dick and think he’s an alpha when all he wants is for someone to take control and give him a pounding he wants and needs. A new product may be the key to his happiness. Size stealing  

Prank Too Far

Naruto thinks Shikamaru is too stiff and needs to relax, so he pulls a little prank to help him cut loose, but he’s awakened a monster that even pushes his Uzumaki stamina to its maximum limit.  


ZooFan 123

Nice backburner! I can't wait for the Digimon one!