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My Hero parody: Tier 1

Chapter 1  https://www.patreon.com/posts/three-eyed-deku-36657273 

Chapter 2 Katsuki’s Mind

Bakugou Katsuki had an impressive quirk, Explosion: it allowed him to secrete and ignite nitroglycerin like sweat from the palms of his hands. He was the first kid in class to awaken his quirk. To top it off he was the smartest, strongest, and fastest, so it was no wonder he became the neighborhood leader. He had a love of heroes, and he planned to be the number 1 hero one day, opening up his own agency.

He was praised often, he was told how great, how special, how strong he was. It gave him an ego and a complex. Bakugou got it in his head he had to live up to everyone’s expectations, and any slip up was blown up into a massive failure. He couldn’t fail, he had to be the best, his quirk was awesome, he had talent, he was better than all the extras around him. Even with his parents trying to keep him humble, it didn’t stop Katsuki from believing this, giving him an altered sense of reality.

In his mind, with his talent and quirk, he was the best. Everyone else around him should fall in line and follow his orders because he was simply better than them. Despite Bakugou’s young ego in its early stages, it didn’t distract from his charisma and magnetism that drew others to him. His quirk was certainly flashy enough to get attention, and even in its youngest state, it was quite versatile. The quirk would grow with him, gaining power, and with Bakugou’s instincts and intelligence, the things he could do with his quirk had many possibilities.

Katsuki was put on a pedestal, people fawning over him for the simplest sometimes shallow things. It got to the point he could fall and no one would rush to help him, why would they? Bakugou was awesome, he’d be fine, right? When exploring an area in the neighborhood, he slipped from a log and fell into a small stream below. He could have hit his head, gotten hurt, or worse, but none of his so-called friends came to his aid. To make matters worse, Bakugou had this view in his head, he’s the best, he didn’t need help.

Then came Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki’s childhood friend, and currently quirkless kid. The greenette followed Katsuki like all the other kids but was often teased because unlike Bakugou, things didn’t come as easy to him. Katsuki was good at a lot of stuff and like any young child who was good at something tended to flaunt it. Izuku didn’t have a quirk yet and wasn’t as good at stuff as Bakugou was, mind you the other kids weren’t as good as Bakugou either, but since they had a quirk it created unintentionally a hierarchy in Bakugou’s group.

If there was one thing they were equal on, it was their love of heroes, especially the Number 1 Hero All Might! Though they loved him for different reasons, Bakugou grew to love more powerhouse heroes, the kind that fights lots of bad guys, and the ones that always win. Izuku liked all heroes really but often praised the ones with rescue capabilities.

Because of this unintentional hierarchy with Bakugou at the top and Izuku at the bottom, the fact that Izuku came down to help him and check on him, it was a blow to his pride, his world. He was fine, he didn’t need help, so why was Midoriya there!?

Izuku acted out of concern, but to the blonde’s state of mind, it was like telling him he was weak. ‘The strong doesn’t need help from the weak!’ This sparked animosity between him and Izuku. Bakugou thought that Izuku was looking down on him. He didn’t take the boy’s hand and began to tease the boy as the others did.

In his mind, he was trying to put Izuku in his place, beneath him! ‘Don’t look down on me!’ He didn’t kick Izuku out of his group, but he tried to put up walls, put distance between them. Even if he was mean, a part of him didn’t want Izuku gone, if someone outside of his group tried to mess with him Bakugou would rain down hell. He rationalized this saying everyone in his group was his underlings and messing with them was the same as messing with him.

Izuku, of course, didn’t have this mindset, he liked Katsuki, he wanted to help him because that’s what friends do. When he got his quirk, it shifted the dynamic. Bakugou saw everyone’s quirks in a way that would benefit him if he acknowledged them at all. Izuku’s quirk could see through lies, schemes, and tricks. If he needed to take out a villain hideout Izuku could find it, if he reads someone’s mind he can learn their quirks and strategies. Information was powerful, well-known heroes had a disadvantage as their quirks were well known so villains can plot against you, but Izuku’s quirk theoretically could be a game-changer.

He acknowledges Izuku’s potential and planned to make Izuku his sidekick once he became the new Number 1 Hero.


As the years passed something changed between Izuku and Katsuki. The three-eyed boy didn’t blindly follow Katsuki, not knowing about the rift between them. Izuku could see it and he confronted him on it. “I’m not looking down on you Kacchan, I truly think you're amazing!”

“Oi don’t go peeking into my mind, damn nerd!”

“But Kacchan is being mean! Even though Kacchan can be a jerk sometimes, I still like you!” Katsuki blushed.

“S-Shut up, Deku!” he glared at the boy. “Don’t go peeking into my mind, dumb ass!”

“Auntie said I could!”


“She said you are tsun...tsun...tsun-something.”

“I’m not tsundere!”

“That’s it, she said you don’t always say what you mean, and that I could look and make sure.”

“Don’t listen to that old hag!” he growled.

“Why?” Bakugou couldn’t win.

Now Bakugou knew, Izuku wasn’t looking down on him, he was reading him. No one in this world would know him better than Izuku Midoriya. The hero nerd could analyze heroes, and while he admired them Katsuki was actually in arms reach.

As Izuku improved and got stronger Katsuki was able to see him. As much as the blonde hated to admit he Izuku actually gave him some competition. Words spoken out of ego or pride, or Bakugou being Bakugou, Izuku didn’t take them to heart, because he could see how Katsuki really felt.

It was hard to argue with Izuku since the boy could read his mind. If he was someone more devious he’d use what he could see against Katsuki, but Midoriya was too much of a cinnamon roll for such things.

The two were able to get closer, instead of drifting apart. Mitsuki was pleased, she was well aware of society putting her son on a pedestal because of his stupid awesome quirk. It tied their hands as parents as what could they do when the world was telling him how great he was or going to be. Izuku actually kept Katsuki grounded, praising him when he deserved it and checking him when he needed it.


Izuku even turned to Bakugou to train and get stronger. Everyone thought he was crazy for picking Katsuki to spar with in gym class. “Don’t think I’m going easy on you!”

“I’d be insulted if you did!” Izuku smiled at him.

Bakugou’s smack-talking, Izuku either agreed with it, or he tried to learn from it. Some jerks thought he was just too stupid to realize Bakugou was insulting him. Katsuki wasn’t so blind. Izuku’s ability to see through his moves, made him see flaws in his own fighting style, ways he could improve, ways he could use his quirk.

In all their sparring matches he always beat Izuku. “Midoriya lost again!”

“Katsuki always beats him!”

“He should just give up, no one is as strong as him.”

“Katsuki’s the strongest!”

‘These damn extras, can’t they see, this nerd is getting better.’ he looked down at his smoking palms. ‘And I’m getting better!’ If their school had a hero ranking Katsuki would be the number 1 and surprisingly Izuku would be the number 2 in terms of their quirk.

“Careful Katsuki or creepy Midoriya will hold a grudge against you when he goes villain!” some people in school laughed.

Bakugou didn’t get it, Izuku was working so hard to become a hero why couldn’t they see that? If this is what they said to his face, he didn’t want to know what they were thinking, or perhaps he did but they would regret him knowing. He got into fights, not always ones he started but certainly ones he finished, and he was often praised. If Izuku was picked on, he wouldn’t fight back, some dudes messed with him claiming they were playing heroes and Izuku was the villain. He had talent, and he did work to becoming a hero, but not like Izuku.

When Izuku came to school exhausted it was because he stayed up all night studying. The other students mocked him, especially when he got an answer wrong. In gym Izuku was always pushing himself, gaining little improvements. He sometimes would try too hard and end up falling on his face, getting laughed at. Izuku had strong grades, decent athletics, and a growing quirk, he’d grow into a fine hero A to B rank at least. ‘He’s better than most of these extras who’d be lucky to end up the sidekick of a D lister!’

Bakugou had his eyes on Izuku, watching him grow and develop, and his feelings grew too. His first ever wet dream was about Midoriya, none of the extras could get a rise out of him as Izuku could. Bakugou was smart and when he encountered an obstacle he overcame it, with gusto! He did his own research which made him well prepared when their classes took Sex Ed. He got the answers he needed.

Katsuki liked guys, one guy in particular, but that wasn’t what bothered him. What surprised him was, in all of his dreams and fantasies, he was the bottom. Izuku was dominating him! He couldn’t believe it, he was hot, he was a stud, he was fit and had a nice piece. Not to brag but he had a couple of girls and guys confess to him, not that he was interested.

Guess it didn’t matter, as when he tried to imagine himself in the dominant role he could barely keep it up. He tried to think of someone else topping him, and any dude in class made him go limp as well. He did manage a few times imagining a hero dominating him, but it wasn’t as satisfying. There was just something about Izuku doing it, taking control, holding the reigns. It made him hot, so hot...so hot he spent some of his allowances on a toy to satisfy and explore his urges. After a while, he had quite the collection of toys, and his body had grown quite perverted.

It was a secret he didn’t want anyone to know, his pride/ego told him that he was the strongest he couldn’t submit to anyone. In his nightmares, he imagined getting caught and everyone would turn on him. Such a pervert couldn’t become a hero. He tried to push those feelings down, lock them away with the rest of his flaws. As much of his flaws Izuku had seen and accepted, this was one he couldn’t see the sweet and innocent Izuku doing.

Izuku had grown to, while everyone else called him creepy the boy had become a stud as well. What he had seen in the locker room gave him plenty of fap material. He was plagued with guilt, Izuku smiled so sweetly at him and here he was lusting for him. It was hard to deal with these feelings, he was fighting his own pride.

One side of him, the logical side, told him there was nothing wrong with his feelings that they were natural, his pride didn’t want him to submit at all, his complex saw this all as a weakness that was a danger of his position as the best, his heart told him he wanted Midoriya, but this stirred up feelings of fear, guilt, lust, joy, and other emotions that all wanted to put their two cents in. It was like he was being pulled in all directions and he didn’t know what to do.

If his emotions were like mini versions of him all gathered around having a meeting, it was a violent affair, cause at their core they were all Bakugou. So the meeting of the mind became violent screaming matches. He couldn’t even hate Midoriya, the greenette had mended the rift between them keeping it from growing over the years. There wasn’t a communication issue as even if Katsuki got prickly, loud, or tsundere Izuku could understand him. The greenette was also honest to a fault, he sucked at lying and keeping secrets from people wasn’t his strong suit. Bakugou believed the only way the nerd could lie was to save someone’s life. Anything he learned from reading someone else’s mind was put into a vault that was like a steel trap. Izuku can mutter a storm, go on tangents miles long, so he coped in his own ways.

Some fools thought that Bakugou may have a weakness that could be exploited, he did of course but trying to pit Izuku against Katsuki was foolish.


You have to give Katsuki credit, keeping a secret like this from a mind reader was no easy task. He made sure not to act any differently around Midoriya. Izuku didn’t peer into his mind all the time, his quirk needed to rest/recharge as others. Constantly peering into minds was like trying to not blink for hours on end. The only thing he could see was that Katsuki wanted them to go to U.A. together after high school.

It was so touching so Izuku worked even harder. “We’ll both get into U.A. let’s work hard and do our best!”

As Izuku got stronger and stronger, Bakugou was falling for him more and more. The more he tried to push down his feelings, the more negative ones continued to spring up. He was now facing expectations, everyone expected him to be great and do amazing things

What’s worse as Izuku continued to get stronger, his efforts were often belittled. It made him angry. ‘How dare they mock my Deku!’

He was at his breaking point, and then Izuku dropped the bombshell on him. “I have this new technique, it has hypnotic capabilities I think, but I need someone to practice on. Will you help me?”

‘Hypnosis!’ He gulped, his arousal burst forth. The ultimate submission, to completely trust your partner and surrender unto them. Izuku’s will would override his own, he could make him do anything. His mind swam with all the fantasies he’s been hiding.

“Kacchan?” Bakugou hadn’t spoken a word for quite a bit now, and his growing blush left Izuku curious. “Sight beyond sight!” he peered into Katsuki’s mind and was hit by a wave of perverted thoughts. The damn was open Izuku could see it all, every dream, every fantasy, even his memories were on full display. It was Izuku’s turn to blush red.

As his third eye was focused on Bakugou, his main eyes looked down and he saw Katsuki was hard, his penis throbbing in his pants. He gulped and felt his own heart race, and his manhood swells too. Izuku was a late bloomer compared to the blonde, he was just learning about his desires, the sex-ed course being a big eye-opener.

His eyes were all blown wide when he saw all of Bakugou’s experiences. He was getting a crash course, memorizing every scene, and enjoying seeing a new side of Bakugou. It took a few minutes but Bakugou finally came to his senses, he blushed and shielded his crotch. “How much did you see?!” he snapped.

“E-everything...” he blushed and rubbed the back of his head with one hand, and wiped his bloody nose with the other. “You are quite naughty aren’t you Kacchan!”

Katsuki blushed and dropped to his knees. ‘It’s over, he saw everything, damn it! I’m ruined!’ he began to tear up.

Izuku hugged him, surprising the blonde. “Kacchan, I will never look down on you or think less of you, I’ve always known the kind of person you are. You can be loud, aggressive, even violent at times, but you are a good person who wants to be a great hero. Even if you are a little naughty you are still a good boy!” Bakugou shivered in delight.

He pulled back and chuckled. “I’m actually a bit naughty too!” Bakugou looked and sure enough Izuku was hard in his pants. He gulped and licked his lips.

‘So big!’ he thought hungrily.

“Do you want to be hypnotized by me Kacchan?” Izuku leaned in close.

“B...Baka...as if I’d like to be controlled by a damn nerd.” He said but in his mind he said. ‘Fuck the hell yes!’

“You are such a tsundere!” Izuku chuckled, and Bakugou whipped his head back to yell at him only to be met by the yellow gaze of Izuku’s third eye.

“I’m not...ohhh...” His mind was emptied of thoughts, the debate and doubt were gone as he surrendered to Izuku’s power. It was fast though it felt slow, his trust in Izuku causing him to sink quickly. He was under Izuku’s control and that thought aroused him to no end!

To be continued


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