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One Punch Man parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

Wolf Fang Fist

Saitama was a young man taught in the martial arts, developing his own style. He was captured by the house of evolution and modified, but Saitama escaped breaking his limiter and going off to become a hero. Saitama/Harem

Chapter 1 Saitama’s Path

Saitama wasn’t having the best life, his rent was late and he was currently jobless. His latest interview didn’t go well either, things were rough. His current residence wasn’t a great place either, it was full of seedy types and suspicious characters. (In one of the specials it was revealed that Saitama’s old building was full of villainous characters and gangsters, he took them out to pay his rent not knowing this and the land lady evicted him because of it.) He didn’t care much, just avoiding those guys and just trying to live his life.  

Things were not looking great, he was down to his last 500 yen. Then he ran into a monster, this wasn’t super odd as he’d seen reports of strange mutations and creatures appearing recently. While everyone else screamed and ran away from the monster, Saitama just didn’t have the spirit for it. The monster even said that Saitama’s eyes were cold and lifeless just like his so he let him off. He had other prey to hunt, a kid who had drawn nipples on the monster lobster’s chest.  

Saitama found the kid, and even saved him from the monster. He didn’t know what he was doing, this was crazy, he was getting swatted around like he was nothing, he wasn’t a fighter, he wasn’t a hero, what was he doing…

Through a burst of adrenaline he managed to slay the monster, but he was worse for wear. “Old man, thanks for saving me!”  

“I’m not old, and your welcome, you should be more careful.”  

“You look pretty roughed up, you’ve never fought before have you.” Saitama began to sweat.  

“A few scraps when I was a kid, nothing as serious as that.”  

“You should learn martial arts or something, then you can take down monsters like that all the time!” the kid had a point. There were dojos looking for new recruits plastered here and there. Saitama picked one at random, mostly because they were having a sale and were offering meals and board.  

The Beast Fist School taught students to find their own unique fighting styles upon mastering the beast fist teachings. For some it could be a Snake, the Crane, the Tiger, The Lion, The Bat, the Shark, or even the Elephant. It actually sounded pretty cool and fueled Saitama’s excitement. Since fighting the lobster monster he felt a spark had been ignited inside him.  

He thought about training and becoming a hero for fun, but such things didn’t pay the bills, so this was his best bet! He dropped his last 500 yen on the registration fee for the dojo. The master of the dojo held the title of the Fox Fist, he was quite the tall man and despite his age he looked on the young side. His eyes were sharp, and his thick dark hair was stylized to make it look like he had fox ears.  

“Saitama-kun why do you want to learn martial arts?”  

The boy began to sweat bullets as he didn’t have an answer for that question. If he spoke honestly he was sure to get tossed out. “I uhh...want to become the world’s strongest martial artist...”

The Master’s eyes narrowed and with a wicked glint in his eye he smacked Saitama and sent him flying. “Liar!”  

“Gah!” He was amazed by the master’s strength.  

“I...I...I need a place to live and food, and if possible I’d like to become a hero for fun!” he admitted and braced for the smack down he was sure was coming.  

The master approached him, a wicked smirk on his lips, and Saitama thought he was dead. As the martial artist reached him, Saitama shielded himself, only to get patted on the shoulder. “There now, that’s an honest answer, welcome to the Beast Fist School of martial arts Saitama-kun.” he smiled at him, all the menace and threat in his appearance faded away. “The name is Mao, but you can call me Master Mao. We’ll start your training right away!” (Power Rangers Jungle Fury reference)  


Saitama had to admit becoming a martial artist wasn’t bad, he had food, shelter, and he was planning on training to become a hero anyway so the work and training was welcomed. There was very few rules at the dojo, but leaving the dojo before you received your master stripes was one of them. Mao was a decent teacher, knowing when to give his students a more hands on lesson and when to use riddles to teach them a lesson. He didn’t have few rules, and tended to not fully explain himself.  

Of course Saitama, couldn’t help but feel restless and would sneak off to test his skills as he developed them. Each student had their own style, developing it after learning the basics. As it turned out Mao had no problem with Saitama leaving to become a hero one day, so long as he obtained his master stripes first, as the user of the Snake Fist had left to join the new Hero Agency.  

Saitama didn’t get what the big deal was, and when he asked around he learned the rule wasn’t that old. He tried to follow the rules, but there were times when he felt he had to leave, stretch his legs feel the wind in his hair. (Which he still has.)  

He battled monsters and bad guys, often protecting people in the process. He told himself it was okay that he was sneaking off because he was helping people, and that was a good thing right? If he came back beaten or bloody, he just said he was doing some hardcore training. Not a total lie, as he saw fighting monsters as training, on par with sparring matches but without having to hold back. Mao of course could tell he was partially lying, but didn’t call him out on it, but instead put Saitama through hellish training as a form of punishment.  

Mao watched over Saitama for a year and a half, the boy’s strength and skill seemed to grow rapidly. His speed and reflexes were growing sharper, to say nothing of his growing agility. He could move so fast he was able to make Afterimages. His unique Dexterity allowed him to get a hang of Hand to Hand combat. With weight training, strength training, and endurance training he was growing stronger and stronger, with each passing day. He sharpened his senses, to the point he could move blindfolded in a room and avoid getting attacked with his hearing alone.  

Some students thought Saitama was cheating somehow, but Mao wasn’t having it. Saitama was taking his training more seriously than others, but also took time to relax and chill, balancing mental training and physical training to compliment each other. The hellish training he put Saitama through was the same his master put him through when he was younger. He complained but he didn’t give up.  

He was one of the few students brave enough to challenge Mao to a sparring match. He always lost despite his speed and strength. It was crazy, Saitama’s Wolf Style had bested everyone in the school except for Mao.  

It normally took someone ten years to obtain their master stripes, a few special souls managed to do it sooner, Mao held the record at five years. He could see that Saitama would likely surpass him. In his first year he had mastered the basics and was already developing his own style. The Wolf Style, the Wolf Fang Fist being his “Ultimate Attack”. It was more of a signature move but what have you.  

He had a feeling if given another 6 months he’d be earning his master stripes. “Saitama, I’d like to speak to you.” he caught him at lunch.  

“Sure Master Mao!” He stuffed his face and followed Mao outside. “What did you want to talk to me about?”

“I know you’ve been sneaking away from the dojo.” Saitama froze. “I know time in the dojo can make one restless, but I’ve had my reasons for putting this rule in place.”

 “I’m sorry master, I just want to help people and test my strength. Things are crazy out there!”  

“I’m not blind to the world Saitama, I’m aware of the odd things happening. The monsters, the mutants, strange forces being awakened, I’m no stranger to any of this.”  

“Master why did you put the rule in place?”  

Mao sighed. “Many martial arts schools seclude themselves, believing the world beyond the gates to have been corrupted. The Beast Fist school has been more open and accepting to the outside world.” Saitama had noticed, he thought the dojo would be pretty boring place at first thinking it’d be something out of the 1700’s but no there was electricity, appliances, a television, radios, and many other modern conveniences. “However, something in the world has begun to change, people are breaking their limiters and changing.”  

“Their limiters?” Mao nodded.  

“Sometimes it happens through obsession, or it can happen during great stress, trials, training, or even discovery. It can also be done through outside means. I’ve even heard those who’ve had brushes with death can experience something similar.” he sighed. “Though some can train for hundreds of years and never break their limiter, they can dip down and reach and find untapped strength or surpass their own physical or mental limits, but breaking one’s limiter is a dangerous thing as it causes one to lose a piece of themselves.” he gazed upon Saitama showing a look the young man had never seen before. “Power always comes with a price Saitama.”  


“The reason I put that rule into place was to protect the students here. There are forces looming out there seeking to force this phenomenon and create a new world order. They see us martial artists as ways of testing their creations or to be used as guinea pigs in their experiments.” Mao was trembling.

“Oi oi, you don’t have to tell me, I’m sorry!” Mao shook his head.  

“Saitama, you must be careful, I’m only alive today because I broke my limiter, and I paid a terrible price for it. I reopened the school, gathered the masters that I could and sought to train the next generation.”  

“You broke your limiter?” He was too scared to ask what Mao lost.  

“You are good Saitama, but I’ve yet to use my special power on you. Keep training and I believe you’ll earn your master stripes soon. Please be patient, if it makes you feel better. I think you’ll make a great hero.” he patted his shoulder and left Saitama.  


Saitama wanted to heed Mao’s warning, but he couldn’t shake the feeling he needed to help people. He had this strength he needed to use it for something! Little did Saitama know he was on the radar of The House of Evolution. They couldn’t get to him at the dojo, but were waiting to catch him off guard.  

So Saitama snuck out, and after saving someone he found himself up against a giant lion man. Beast King he called himself, Saitama was surprised as his fighting style reminded him on the basics of the Beast Fist School. He unleashed the Wolf Fang Fist, but he was so focused on beating his opponent he got struck from behind by a venomous needle.  

“Too bad for you rookie, you were no match for the Lion Fist!” He laughed.  

To be continued… House of Evolution


ZooFan 123

So glad to see this updated! I’m happy that you did pick the option of at least doing one of my story requests. But if you would have chosen not to again I would totally understand why. Still really happy with how the chapter turned out at least until the, dang cliffhangers, but I’m definitely thinking on setting this one as another option for next month. Again hope this story didn’t take to much out of you to do.