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One Piece parody: Tier 1


Clock Clock Fruit

Luffy eats the paramecia Clock Clock fruit, giving him a strange power over time, he can slow people down or even stop their time, he can also accelerate time allowing his companions to go into Hyper Time for 30 seconds. He can even rewind the time of nonliving objects restoring objects or even aging things into dust. Swordsman Bottom Luffy/Pedro/Harem

Chapter 1

Treetop Pedro had formed the Nox Expedition Party, but since his research involved the Poneglyphs, he was labeled a criminal and a bounty was put on his head. His team was labeled pirates, but that didn’t stop them from seeking the truth. It was Pedro’s Dream to see the Dawn of the World. Since the time he was very small he was told everyone gets a turn to chase their dreams. He trained for years gaining strength and ability, to the point after he became a pirate even the world government acknowledged his strength placing a bounty of 382,000,000 belli on his head.

Sadly being hunted by the world government killed much of the morale in Pedro’s group, dwindling his team down to only two. Pedro and Zepo kept seeking the Poneglyphs, which led them into the territory of the Yonkou Big Mom! She caught them and forced them to play a deadly game of life and death. Zepo spun the wheel and landed on 100, this meant Big Mom could use her power of the Soul Soul fruit to take a hundred years of his life span. He only had thirty years left, so Big Mom wanted to take the remaining seventy from Pedro.

Pekoms, one of Pedro’s long time friends and former crewmate who had joined Big Mom’s crew upon leaving the Nox Pirates, begged for the life of his clan brother. Big Mom accepted this but only took off ten years from the so-called debt. “He injured Baron Tamago, taking his eye, such a thing must be punished!”

“Big Mom!” he called. “How many years for this!” Pedro took out his own eye, saying he had to survive no matter what. She liked his spirit and took off another ten years, but in total, she robbed him of fifty years of his lifespan.

Despite being 27 physically he’d been robbed of so many years. He could feel it like something had been taken from him. Fearing he did not have much time left in this world he tried to prepare the next generation of Minks. Then they had a very strange visitor from an old friend.

“Shanks-san!” Red Haired Shanks one of the four Yonko, but Pedro knew him when he was just a young cabin boy on Gol D. Roger’s, the former King of the Pirate’s, ship. What surprised him most was the man was missing an arm.

“I heard what happened to you with that woman. Did she really take fifty years of your life?” Pedro nodded.

“I can feel it, I have six years left at most.”

“Big Mom is cruel, robbing people of their life span like that. You look good for a man of 77!” Shanks teased.

“You haven’t changed much, did you come all this way just to tease me? It seems you’ve lost something more tangible than I.” Shanks touched where he lost his arm.

“I don’t consider it a loss. I gave up this arm betting on the future.”

“The future?”

“I met a boy who reminded me so much of the Captain, he’s young but he is a dreamer just like him. He even spoke the words that reminded me of Roger.” Shanks smiled. “He fights for his friends, he wants freedom and adventure. When I left him he even swore he’d raise a crew greater than mine and become King of the Pirates!”

“That so, I’d like to meet this young man.”

“He’s grown up by now, I’m sure he’s just itching to set sail and become a pirate.”

“You don’t know? Maybe he became something else?”

Shanks laughed. “Not Luffy, he’s too stubborn to give up on his dreams. He’ll become a pirate soon enough when he’s ready.” the two shared a drink. “I think you should visit him in East Blue.”

“What?” he raised a brow.

“Luffy had eaten a devil fruit we had found in the East, the Clock Clock fruit, it gives one the power over time. He’s had years to work on his power its possible he could restore your lost time to you.”

“Could such a miracle occur, In my brief travels I’ve seen many a strange magic, but Big Mom’s power...”

“Your years were taken by a devil fruit power, so its reasonable a devil fruit power could undo what had been done.”

“Old friend, I thank you for this news, but would this Luffy truly help me?”

“If he can he will, that’s just the kind of guy he is.” Pedro wasn’t sure, but he had only a few years left. “When I lost my arm, Luffy felt so guilty wanting to heal me, but his powers while helped save my life couldn’t restore my arm.” He patted his back. “Physically you are still young, so it’s possible his power could get back what you lost.”

The two shared a drink and talked about old times, but Pedro decided he couldn’t sit idle anymore. If Luffy could help him, what happens after that, he’d cross that bridge when he got to it. Shanks gave him a map to the Goa Kingdom, Pekoms was an excellent navigator and tactician.

It didn’t take much to convince his king Nekomamushi to allow him to leave. His students were a bit disappointed, but he passed onto them the same wisdom he got from Roger, that they would get their moment to shine one day. He hadn’t given up on his dream just yet. Carrot tried to sneak off with him, but he sent her back before he disembarked. “Keep training, I’m sure we’ll meet again one day.” There wasn’t a mink that didn’t know of Pedro’s fate, this journey was his chance to save his life.

Minks didn’t have life spans like merfolk or giants, but they could live good lives easily enough. Pedro knowing he only had 6 years left put a heavy burden on his soul.

His journey to the East Blue was a long one, it took almost a full year to get there. “Now I just gotta find this Luffy, Monkey D. Luffy!”


Shanks was right, Luffy hadn’t become a pirate yet, but he’d been training to be one for years. His older brother Ace had set out to sea before him, and he had 3 years left to train, though it was close to two more years now. Ace was already making a name for himself, so Luffy has been training his body and his devil fruit power for the day he could set out and build his crew. He still had his half of the pirate fund that Ace left him, he had the survival training he received from Ace and Sabo, the martial arts training he received from his grandpa Garp, who also put him through several terrifying situations and built up Luffy’s will to survive. He fought great beasts, bandits, and his brothers to build up strength and skill. He also held Shanks’s lessons on manhood and being a pirate to heart.

The lad was quite clever, increasing his funds by operating a small business in Gray Terminal. With his powers, he could rewind time, so if certain junk was brought to him he could rewind time and make it like new. The nobles of the Goa Kingdom were awful often throwing away jewelry and items because they were old or out of style. If an item wasn’t too damaged Luffy could fix it with his powers and make it like new. He got paid increasing his pirate funds.

“Luffy!” one of Dadan’s bandits came to find him. “There is...there is some kind of monster in the Gray Terminal!”

“A monster?” Luffy went to investigate. The Gray Terminal was full of pirates and bandits hiding from the law. A mink appearing in the East Blue was a rare thing, a few pirates who knew what he was seeking to take him out and sell him and make a huge profit. The Goa Kingdom had ties to the Celestial Dragons, so selling such a rare creature would be easy and have these pirates set for life. The bandits had no idea what he was, seeing Pedro as some kind of monster.

Pedro wasn’t one to be taken likely. He tried to ask around looking for Luffy but was finding more danger with each step. He was given some information by a drunk who told him that if he was after Luffy’s ability it would cost him. “That boy’s got a good business going, and he still wants to be a dumb pirate hic. Ahh to be young and stupid again hic!”

This was the nicest encounter he had. The bandits and thieves of Gray Terminal were possibly the most cutthroat of them all, even willing to rob pirates. While most ran away calling him a monster, Pedro soon found himself surrounded by pirates wanting to catch him and bandits willing to rob him. He wasn’t going down without a fight!

Luffy arrived on the scene and watched in amazement as Pedro took on both pirates and bandits alike. “Whoa!” Luffy’s eyes sparkled as Pedro zapped bandits with electro. “So cool!”

Pedro was fast and strong, and his skill with the sword was impressive. He combined his sword skill with electro so even the pirates he crossed swords with were taken down. At first, Luffy thought he had eaten some kind of electric devil fruit but then he did some techniques that didn’t match. Pedro blocked swords with his bare hands and sent men flying easily, and when some pirates shot at him he saw the attacks coming before they happened. “How is he doing that?”

“I am looking for Monkey D. Luffy, I am not here for trouble gao!” he called out.

“I’m Luffy!” Luffy came out to meet the mink. “How do you know my name?”

“I’m an old friend of Shanks, he told me about you and said you might be able to help me.”

“Quick shoot him before he disappears!” some of the pirates shouted.

Luffy smiled. “So you’re a friend of Shanks if he thinks I can help I’ll do my best.” Luffy offered his hand. “Let’s talk somewhere private.”

“Fire!” the pirate shouted as Pedro took his hand. It was too late, in an instant, they were gone. Their bullets pelting the empty space Luffy and Pedro used to stand. Though it looked like they simply vanished, Luffy had pulled Pedro into Hyper Time, accelerating their time so fast everything else appeared to be standing still. “Damn it he got away again!”

It was well known that trying to capture Luffy was impossible. His powers allowed him to slow time and even stop time for short periods, but this power gave him such an advantage it discouraged messing with him. His abilities had protected his family on several occasions.

Pedro was amazed, it was like being pulled into a whole different world. “Follow me!” Luffy led Pedro away from the bandits and thieves.

“What is this?”

“This is Hyper Time, basically our time has been accelerated, so we are moving so fast everything else in the world looks like it’s standing still.” He explained. Pedro looked closely as a bullet was indeed moving, just slowly compared to everything else.

“Amazing grr!” He looked at his frozen opponents. “Why did you help me? Everyone else saw me as a monster.” He was used to it, not many knew of the mink clan, and those that did went off of bad rumors that they were cannibals and vicious.

“Because I could tell, you weren’t a bad person!” He said with a smile.

They made it to the woods before the Hyper Time ended. Pedro had filled Luffy in on the way telling him the whole story. “That sounds awful!” Luffy crossed his arms. Luffy didn’t like killing, he knew that there was a chance he’d have to take a life one day, but that wasn’t his goal. To him killing someone was robbing them of their dream, understanding that if ideals clashed someone had to lose, but if the person who lost lived they had a chance to change, find a new dream to chase. A good thing too, with his powers Luffy would make a deadly assassin.

Learning that Pedro had fifty years taken from him, broke his heart. It was like getting robbed of fifty years worth of adventures in an instant. “Hmm, I’ve never tried something like this before, but if my power can help you I’d like to try.”

“Shanks was right, you do have a kind heart.” Luffy grinned and chuckled. “If this works I’ll gladly give you anything as payment!” After saying that he realized his mistake, the boy could ask anything of him now, but upon seeing Luffy’s magic he was filled with hope.

“Well, I’m happy to help ya for free, but if you can answer some questions for me, that’d be fine.”

“That’s it, just questions?” Luffy nodded.

“You were so cool fighting those bandits and pirates, I’d like to know more.” he rubbed his hands together. “But first let’s see if I can help.”

“Shanks said you saved his life, but couldn’t fix his arm. Is that true?” Luffy frowned slightly.

“Yeah, my power doesn’t work on living things for that long, I can slow, stop, and even accelerate time, but my powers have a varying effect on living things. If we stayed in Hyper Time too long we’d start to age for example. I couldn’t reverse Shanks’s time and restore his arm, but I was able to stop his time so he wouldn’t bleed to death.” He told Pedro the story about the bandit Higuma, and the Lord of the Coast, and how Shanks saved his life from being eaten. Once they made it to shore Luffy was able to stop his time long enough for him to get medical treatment. Upon eating the Clock Clock fruit, Luffy attained a basic knowledge of what his fruit could do and what it couldn’t, and the past decade has been spent experimenting and testing the limits of his power.

Had Shanks’ arm not been lost there could have been a chance for Luffy to fix it, but he couldn’t regrow his arm. Luffy had used his powers on a cabinet that was missing some parts to it, while he was able to reverse its time and make it like new the parts were still missing. Even if he could de-age Shanks, he’d be younger, but he’d still be missing his arm.

Luffy touched Pedro, and he could feel the man’s time was off, despite his physical age, his life span had been ripped apart. Pedro was right, he was short on time. This was quite the unique situation, Luffy believed he could do it, all he had to do in theory was reverse the effect of the devil fruit’s power and take back what once was Pedro’s. He closed his eyes and focused.

“Luffy?” Clocks began to materialize around them, forming a dome around the pair, each of the clock faces was spinning at a different pace, a few were completely frozen. Luffy’s power was rippling out and washing over him. To Pedro’s shock, Luffy’s hair changed from black to gold. Luffy was tapping deep into his fruit’s power, deeper than he had tapped before.

Slowly all the clocks were stopped, the echoing ticking around them grinding to a halt. Then the clocks began to move in a synchronized fashion in reverse. Pedro felt strange, but something was happening. Just as he felt a loss when Big Mom ripped his life force out of him, he felt something returning to him as Luffy’s devil fruit power worked it’s magic. “Time that eaves and flows, by the great design, make the clock reverse bring back what once was mine!” Luffy spoke but his voice sounded off and his body began to glow.

The clocks began spinning faster and faster, and Pedro felt his years return to him. The light Luffy was emitting washed over him. Pedro’s eyes widened, he could feel it!

-x-Totto Land-x-


“What is it?” she snapped, one of her guards was interrupting her tea time.

“Suddenly fifty homies were struck down at the same time.”

“Which homies?!” She narrowed her eyes as her rage increased. In Totto Land people give up their life span every few months, Big Mom uses this life span to create homies with her Soul Soul fruit. If she personally takes someone’s life span she makes strong homies to fight. The stronger the soul the stronger the homies it could make after all. So when the list was brought to her she realized. ‘These are all the homies I made from Pedro!’

-x-East Blue-x-

The clocks stopped, vanishing as Luffy’s hair turned back to black, but he could feel it his years had been returned. Pedro lost control. “Garchu!” he nuzzled Luffy and even licked his cheek.

“Ehh Pedro, did something good happen, I blanked out for a bit.”

“Luffy...it worked, I can feel my years back!” Luffy checked him and sure enough, he was back to normal. “You did it, your magic is truly amazing.”

“Did I...sorry I kinda zoned out a bit.” he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. “But if it worked out I’m glad!” he grinned. Pedro was amazed by this young man. “Now that you have your time back what are you gonna do now?” A good question, one Pedro didn’t have an answer to quite yet.

“Well...I believe you have some questions for me. Let’s start there, garchu!” he nibbled on his ear, Luffy chuckled.

To be continued...Lessons


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