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One Piece parody: Redux: Tier 1 Original Word Count 1800 New Word Count 4750

Fairy no Luffy

The Fairy Fairy Fruit a special paramecia, granting the user the power of a fairy. Upon eating the fruit grants the user knowledge but how far they take the fruit’s powers is determined by the holder.  

Chapter 1

When the Red Hair Pirates and their captain Shanks found a legendary fruit upon a raided ship. It was a special paramecia, holding an array of unique abilities. Like the Mini Mini fruit it could shrink someone down to fairy size, but keep the users natural physical strength, like the Mosa Mosa fruit it gave the user to conjure and manipulate plants, like the Float Float fruit it allowed the user to fly, and those were just the known powers of the special paramecia Fairy Fairy fruit. Only those who’ve eaten the fruit know the fruit’s natural powers, and that is nothing compared to what the user could do with it to say nothing of the awakening.  

The crew was celebrating their find and Luffy’s bravery, having tried to prove himself as a man by stabbing his cheek with a knife. The boy wanted to join their crew, their tales of adventure and freedom inspiring the boy, while the crew was for it the captain wasn’t. “If you boys want him on the crew so much, why don’t you offer up one of your spots.” That shut them up. “You are too young Luffy, you need to learn patience, if you wanna become a pirate you need to train for it.”  

Luffy pouted. “But I’m strong, I’m brave, I’m not just a little kid, I’m a man!” Strong was a bit of an understatement Luffy’s strength for one of his size was impressive. Shanks would say Luffy was a natural born super human, but strength and courage alone didn’t guarantee survival. Luffy was quick to anger and easily tricked, liked Shanks calling him out on his manhood upon tricking him with a glass of juice.

Their talk was cut short as some bandits arrived, wanting booze in exchange for not causing trouble. Sadly, Shanks and his men had drunk the whole place dry, there was only one bottle left. The bandit leader Higuma smashed the bottle and doused Shanks and the floor with booze. Luffy expected Shanks to be angry, but instead he simply tried to help Makino clean up the spill. This angered Higuma who proceeded to dump food onto Shanks creating a bigger mess.  

The bandits laughed at him mocking Shanks and pirates in general. They left, and the crew and Shanks simply laughed at the whole affair. Luffy wasn’t laughing however. “What was that?!” he snapped. “Even if they outnumbered you you still should have fought them, that wasn’t manly at all!”  

“See Luffy, you are still young, you don’t see some fights aren’t worth fighting.” Luffy didn’t understand, he was frustrated seeing the crew and Shanks insulted, and more frustrated at being treated like a kid again. He decided to sooth his frustrations with food, and noticed a fruit in the nearby box.  

Shanks wasn’t paying attention, getting cleaned off by Makino will do that to a man. The rest of the crew had gone back to partying unaware of the Fairy Fairy Fruit being eaten. The fruit tasted gross after the first bite, but he was eating to ease his frustrations not fill his belly. The changed took hold, Luffy’s hair growing longer and gaining green highlights, his ears becoming pointy and curved.  

“Ehhh!” Shanks cried out seeing the changes. “Luffy what did you do?”  

“Captain! The Fairy Fairy fruit is gone!” Lucky Roux cried out. Shanks put two and two together.  

“You dumb ass!” he smacked Luffy making the boy cry out. He had no idea what he had just done, but he gained some idea of the power he now possessed. Thanks to his new power he could float and fly even without wings. He could conjure fairy-like wings to fly at super speeds. As a fairy he could harness the power of nature and make things grow and manipulate plants. He could shrink down to fairy size and his monstrous strength did not change despite his size. He also had an ability not even the crew knew about he could conjure and create fairy dust, it’s properties were very mysterious.  

As a fairy Luffy gained the ability to perform magic, support magic. In his mind he could see the flow of magic, at his current age and strength he was limited on the magic he could perform, but support magic wasn’t a heavy drain. He was actually able to cure Shanks’s hang over after he had been drinking so much.    

Shanks was grateful, but not so grateful as to let Luffy back on the crew. Not being able to swim sucked but since he could fly he felt it was a fair trade off. Along with sea prism stone, the fruit told him he needed to beware of Iron as it would hurt to touch and burn him upon prolonged exposure.  


Luffy was hanging around the bar, helping Makino to pay off his tab. Shanks and the crew were off on another adventure, so they were all alone when those bandits came back. Higuma  was talking bad about Shanks, and Luffy couldn’t take it.  

The bandits outnumbered him, and even with his crazy strength he was still a kid and overwhelming numbers forced him to get subdued. What really got him in trouble was one of the bandits had an iron bracelet, it hurt Luffy and he soon got tied up. Makino and the Mayor pleaded for Luffy’s life, but Higuma wasn’t having it, he wanted blood, he wanted to see the look of horror on everyone’s faces when they killed the kid. Before he could, Shanks and his men arrived for the save.  

Shanks and his crew showed Luffy what it means to be a pirate and a man. Lucky Roux and Benn took out all of Higuma’s men easily, and when the bandit leader begged for his life Shanks had only one thing to say. “Listen well bandit! You can pour drinks on me, you can throw food at me, you can even spit on me...I’ll just laugh that stuff off...But...Good reason or not...NOBODY HURTS A FRIEND OF MINE!”  

“Captain...” Luffy was amazed.  

Higuma was scared, he grabbed Luffy and tried to flee with a smoke bomb. If he made one mistake...well he made many mistakes today...but his biggest one was escaping out to sea. He did not know the dangers of the sea and was devoured by the Lord of the Coast!  

Luffy fell into the sea and his powers drained. Just as the Lord of the Coast descended upon Luffy, it would have been over, had Shanks not got in the way. He lost his arm, but one firm glare from him sent the beast running scared. Luffy cried against him. “Hey, I thought you were a tough brave man?”

“But Shanks...your arm!” he cried.  

Shanks held him close. “It’s just an arm, you are more important.”


The red haired pirate crew was about to set sail, they had been using the village as a base for awhile now, it was time to go further on their adventure. They were surprised that Luffy wasn’t around. Even with one arm Shanks was helping stock the ship. “Captain do you think Luffy is alright?”

“Yeah he’s a good kid, he’ll be fine.” He was sure of it.

“Shanks!” they heard, and the voice brought smiles to the mens’ faces.  

“Luffy!” they said and the boy ran onto the docks.  

“Shanks, I know you won’t let me on your crew even if I ask again. So I won’t ask.”

“Really? That’s a shame, I was thinking about letting you come along.” he stroked his chin.  


“Blehh, got you!” he stuck his tongue out at him.

“You tricked me!” The crew laughed.  

‘That’s better, a gloomy look doesn’t suit you Luffy.’  

“I’ll become a pirate, and I’ll build a crew even greater than yours!” he said confidently. “I’ll obtain the ultimate freedom, and become King of the Pirates!”

“Greater than us huh? King of the Pirates aye?” Shanks couldn’t help but smile, and he gave him his treasured hat. “It’s a promise then, keep this safe and give it back to me once you’ve become a great pirate.”  

Luffy cried, he couldn’t believe it Shanks said this was his treasure, he never let Luffy see it or touch it, and now he was giving it to him. “I have a gift for you too!” He changed into his fairy form, shrinking down, he gathered up some fairy dust and hardened it and making it a seed. He placed it where Shanks lost his arm. He floated up to Shanks’ cheek. “Fairy Gift!” He kissed the man, blessing him. The seed glowed and from the stump grew a new arm, it was plant-like and green, giving it a monstrous look. It was a shock to say the least, but Shanks had a new arm a magical one made from fairy magic.  

“You are full of surprises aren’t you.” The arm turned back into a seed, he’d have to concentrate and train with it but he’d make good use of the gift Luffy gave him.  


Luffy’s desire to be a pirate did not go over well with his grandfather Garp, a Marine Hero. He wanted the boy to become a marine, and had tried to often train him, but the boy was stubborn. He dragged the boy to a group of bandits to live with, there he met his brother Ace, and would later meet his friend Sabo. Dadan wasn’t happy about this but neither was Luffy as he didn’t like bandits at all.  

The bond between Ace and Luffy started off rocky, well let’s face it...shitty. The older boy started it, by spitting on Luffy, angering the young lad. Luffy took what Shanks said and forgave Ace, but that didn’t stop the older boy from ignoring him.  

Ace wanted nothing to do with him, but Luffy wanted to be with his big brother. Days turned to weeks, and into months, with Ace taking off and Luffy following. It took a lot for Luffy to prove himself, in Ace’s eyes. Even when he managed to survive the jungle, and finally catch up to him, he found the boy a nuisance since he discovered their hiding spot for treasure.

Luffy got caught and he was tortured by a group of pirates, that Ace had stolen from, but no matter how much they hurt him he refused to give up Ace or Sabo. Even though they had planned to kill him to keep their treasure spot a secret. Porchemy went at Luffy non stop, a huge puddle of blood lay beneath him, and the boy didn’t even have the strength to cry anymore.

The older boys saved Luffy from death, and brought him in to their brotherhood. To Luffy, his brothers meant everything to him. He told Ace, “You are all I have, if I told you’d hate me forever.” Ace couldn’t believe it.  

For Ace, the boy’s words meant more to him than any treasure he would attain. For so many years he knew who his father was, Gol D. Roger. So many considered him the devil, and others heard he had a child said the kid of that monster should have never existed. “So you want me around?”  

“Yes!” Luffy said. Ace looked away from Luffy but Sabo could see his blush. His words made him so happy. He liked Sabo a lot, the blonde was nicer to him than Ace. The eldest brother was hard on Luffy, often saying Sabo was spoiling him. Sabo didn’t buy it, all Luffy had to do was turn on the puppy dog eyes and Ace melted like chocolate.  

All three trained to be pirates, but Luffy trained hardest of all trying to gain control of his powers. He helped heal their wounds, helped increase their security system with plants. They had to move in with Dadan’s family for protection, but soon even there became too dangerous when Garp showed up.  

Sabo being there didn’t make him falter in the slightest, in his mind he now had three fools he had to train to become marines. Ace got mad when anyone other than him picked on Luffy, he even tried to stand up to Garp. They were crushed…

They fled and made a base in the woods, setting up traps, and relying on Luffy’s magic to survive. Garp didn’t mind saying it would be good training for them, and he planned to return to train them to become marines. The bandits thought he was crazy.  

The boys were determined to become pirates, Luffy had his eyes set to become King of the Pirates, Ace didn’t want that title, he just wanted to become a pirate so infamous the world could not deny him. Sabo just wanted his freedom, becoming a pirate was the best way.


Then one day the worst happened, Sabo was taken from them…or so they believed...

Sabo’s family pulled them apart, robbing the blonde of his freedom. He came from a noble family, and lived by their rules, their twisted rules. He was bullied by other noble children and when he fought back, the little brats ran to their parents and Sabo’s family got chewed out. He was punished and his bullies were praised, all for the sake of status.  

He felt trapped, locked up in a cage he couldn’t escape, or his father would use his money to put an end to his true family; Ace and Luffy. He was too naive, the nobles put a plan in motion to burn down the Gray Terminal, a place they dumped their garbage and where a lot of people, bandits, and pirates made their home. It was killing two birds with one stone, doing so would make things nice for the Celestial Dragons and they’d purge the riff-raff. To them it was a win-win, Sabo was sickened by the idea, but he was the only one.  

Even other noble children who saw the smoke and heard the screams, hoped the trash would die quickly as to not spoil their tea party. Sabo cursed himself, cursed being born a noble, he hated it, hated this. It was clear Sabo was not the child his parents wanted him to be, so they got a new child Stelly, but they weren’t giving up on their hold on him.  

If he stayed, Luffy and Ace would be in danger, so he tried to flee to the sea. He set off on his pirate journey early, but faced the wrath of the Celestial Dragons, who shot him just for passing by their ship. Sabo was thought to be lost at sea, though no body was discovered. Luffy searched high and low, but wasn’t able to find anything.   

It hurt the brothers, but it also changed them. Ace dove into his training more, swearing to protect Luffy at all costs. They still argued and fought from time to time, but remembering Sabo helped mellow them out. Ace still refused to submit to Luffy as captain. After the training Ace set sail to start his own crew leaving Luffy to train on his own, they made a promise that they’d settle the score one day, after they became pirates!  


Luffy wasn’t idle, he had three years to train and get stronger. He had been training his body, harnessing his physical form to be a proper vessel for magic. His powers had grown more and more, and his body had developed into quite the sexy state. He was lean, fir with firm pecs, an eight pack abs, thick arms and toned legs, a plump rear and a sizeable length. Turns out going through puberty with the devil fruit he had put some oomf oomf into his pecker area.  

He couldn’t forgive the Celestial Dragons, the bandits told him what they saw. It seems they came to collect Holy Tribute from the nobles. These guys were all about capturing people and making them their slaves, they go as far as to brand people with the Claw of the Celestial Dragon. They thought they were above all other people, they even wore special helmets as to not breathe the same air.  

Since the Goa Kingdom was a part of the World Government they paid a heavenly tribute. Since the East Blue was known as the weakest of all the seas it wasn’t uncommon for the Celestial Dragons to come themselves to collect the tribute in that area, treating the venture like a vacation. They brought slaves and agents.  

Luffy took this chance to mess with them. He shrank down, and flew quickly keeping out of sight. Once the Dragons came to the Noble District, Luffy snuck on their ship. “Fairy Dust: Sand Man’s Talent!” Luffy turned his fairy dust blue, knocking out the agents. They had no idea what hit them.  

He found a book of Fairy Tales in Gray Terminal once, some rich girl threw it away after reading it once. From it Luffy learned a lot about fairy lore and used it to design various techniques. Sand Man’s Talent sent the guards and agents into a blissful sleep. He found the keys and began freeing the slaves on the ship.  

The Celestial Dragon had humans; males, females, pirates, it didn’t seem to matter. He even had a mink, the furry male was cheetah-like and he was bound in chains. “Let’s go!” Luffy whispered, but the people weren’t very receptive.  

“They’ve been tranquilized to prevent any runaways.” the furry male said, he was dazed himself. “Even if you help us, it’s too late, we’re branded by the Celestial Dragons we can never be free.” he cried.  

Luffy didn’t even hesitate. “Fairy Cure!” A blue light washed over the people, purging the tranquilizer from their bodies. “Now then, show me the marks.” Some were hesitant, but Luffy had earned some trust with them. “Fairy Heal!” he created some green light and focused it on the mark. His fairy magic had developed over the years he could heal all kinds of wounds even scars.  

The light washed over the mark and before their eyes vanished leaving not a trace. “I’m free...I’m free!” As Luffy healed, he gave the keys to someone to finish freeing everyone on the ship. The mink was freed and he was shocked, he never expected to get free, he’d tried to run so many times and he was always caught and often starved for his actions, he had become quite scrawny.  

Luffy removed the marks, healing each of them and landed on the mink. He healed him too, cleaning the spot and even his fur grew back. It was like a great weight was taken off their shoulders. He found the ship’s safe, he pointed his finger at the locking mechanism. “Fairy Pistol!”  

Boom! He broke the safe and took their gold and money. He also raided their pantry, packing up everything he could carry and for him that was a lot.  

“Let’s go!” He got them off the ship, and took their spare boats.  

“This won’t work, there isn’t a ship fast enough to escape a Celestial Dragon ship.”  

“Not yet,” Luffy gathered his energy and enchanted the ship, it grew larger sprouted a flower head at the front of the ship, and grew huge leaf-like rowers. “This ship will take you wherever you want to go.” The people cried tears of joy and boarded the ship, but the mink didn’t. Luffy gave them money and food, more than enough for a long journey.  

“Please tell us your name kind hero!”  

“I’m no hero, I’m a pirate in training. My name is Luffy, Monkey D. Luffy and I’m going to be King of the Pirates one day!” he stated proudly. The people didn’t care, he had saved their life, who cares if he was a pirate. He took a cut of the money, treasure, and food he found on the ship. The Flower Ship sailed off, it’s leaves moved on their own and they were off. The people would make it back to their homes and tell tales of Luffy, the fairy boy unknowingly building a unique reputation.   

“Aren’t you going?” the mink blushed.  

“Actually, I was wondering if I could stay with you?”  

“Me? Why?”  

“Forgive me, my name is Chiqicheetah but my friends call me Chiqi for short.” he gave a bow. “I’m from an island called Zou and I’m a mink.” Luffy didn’t really get it, he thought the guy was just some kind of zoan.  

“That’s cool, I thought you were a zoan.”  

“An easy mistake, you see we minks judge others not by appearance but by one’s character. I’ve never met someone like you before. I like you very much, please let me join your crew.” He said with a bow.  

“Hmm,” Chiqi began to sweat. “Okay! Join my crew!” he said smiling.   

“Really?” Luffy nodded. “Oh thank you, Garuchu!” he pounced on Luffy nuzzling him. The boy smelled so good, he nuzzled and nuzzled, giving a lick to his cheek.  

“What are you doing?”  

“This might seem weird, but this is minkship, we minks great each other as so. Minks see you humans as monkey minks just without fur, its rather exotic.” His tail wagged.  

“I see,” Luffy smiled at him and patted his head, the mink purring at the touch. “Let’s move!” he grabbed Chiqi and hid as the Celestial Dragon returned. He was not pleased to find all his slaves missing.  

“Robbed! I’ve been robbed!” he ranted and raved. The agents and guards had woken up, unaware of anything that happened. “Useless fools!”  

Luffy held Chiqi close, the mink purring in delight as Luffy’s manly musk washed over him. The furry boy got excited, his 6 inch manhood slipping from his sheath and bulging the shorts he had to wear. “Search the island, find them, find who did this!?”  

The fairy boy smirked, that’s what he was waiting for. He conjured a whole bunch of fairy dust. “Fairy Illusion!” He unleashed the dust over the sea, having it take the form of a ship and crew, his magic making it look all to real. Luffy crumbled exhausted from using so much power.  

“Over there, chase them get them!” Luffy’s fake ship went the opposite direction the freed people went. The Celestial Dragon chased the fake ship, thinking it had the treasure and slaves on it. The ship lasted three days before turning back to dust and leaving a raging Celestial Dragon at a loss.  


 “So Chiqi, what’s your dream?” Chiqi was carrying Luffy back to his camp, if he used too much power he wasn’t able to move. Creating such a large illusion and using so much fairy dust took too much out of him.  

“Well...I wanted to see the world, but my teacher said I wasn’t ready. I tried to prove myself by setting out to sea but, I got caught by some slave traders and sold as a pet to the Celestial Dragons. For so long all I wanted was freedom, and you gave me that. I still want to see the world, I’d love to travel on your ship and see the world with you.” His stomach growled.  

“Let’s go eat, I’m starved.” The two stuffed their faces, splitting the share of the food they pilfered. “We’ll get stronger together, I’m still in training myself.”  

‘Together!’ Chiqi shivered.  


Over the next year, Chiqi and Luffy trained together. Chiqi became Luffy’s sniper, his beastly speed was turned into a weapon. Being a cheetah mink he had a talent for speed, he could run across water, run up walls, it was so cool. With food and exercise he was able to regain his strength. He showed off his electro, a unique ability of the minks. Luffy got so excited, finding the male more interesting by the day.  

Luffy used some of the pirate fund to buy Chiqi some fine guns, including a special modified one he could use with his tail. His hand guns were nice, made of silver, wide with twin barrels, his tail gun was a bit heavier and had a wider barrel to fire large explosive rounds.   

The two had grown closer especially during the full moon, Chiqic didn’t transform, but the moon had him feeling randy. What didn’t help was it was a warm night and Luffy was sleeping in the buff. Sniffing about, he went to his pits. He took deep whiffs and purred at the scent. ‘Fuck the hell yes!’  

He pushed his luck as he sniffed along Luffy’s abs and let his tongue sweep the delicious skin. Luffy didn’t mind his minkshipping, often laughing at the feel of his tongue. The boy had a special taste, he loved to lick him all over.  

Chiqi worked all around before moving towards the boy’s crotch but before he could reach he soon found himself bound by vines. “What is this?” Luffy eyed the furry male bound and horny.  

“I’m sorry, but its a full moon out tonight, and you smelled so amazing I couldn’t resist.” Luffy lowered him down and kissed the male shocking him. His shorts were removed revealing his 6 inch cock, while Luffy lined up his hard 11 incher. His cock was rather beastly, pink with a red tip, with small barbs around the head.  

“Ohh!” he moaned and Luffy slid his own massive manhood along his. Luffy’s length was nearly double in both length and girth.  

The fairy boy smirked and began sliding their arousals together, he took his hand and pumped them together adding to the friction. “Ah so good!” he moaned and Luffy kissed him.  

Their tongues danced together, as Luffy’s hand worked them both. Moans were exchanged between lips, Chiqi was in so much pleasure. No one had touched him like this before, and Luffy’s touch had his body singing with new life.  

He came, spilling his essence all over Luffy’s length. Luffy followed suit and came, soaking their crotches in seed. They collapsed when Luffy’s vines suddenly released him and Chiqi cuddled up to him, letting out a content purr as he nuzzled his neck. “So you’d like this kind of relationship?”

“Oh yes captain!” His eyes sparkled in delight.  

Luffy chuckled. “I do like guys, but I kinda want a harem.” he blushed and rubbed the back of his head. Chiqi nibbled on his ear.  

“I don’t mind sharing you.” He purred. Chiqi was still horny and the night was still young. Under the light of the full moon the two went at it. Even the mink’s stamina was pushed to its limit, he was lucky when Luffy decided he wanted to take a break. He finished his captain off by giving him a tongue bath, licking up the cocktail of cum, and finishing his captain off with one final blow job. He really liked cum!   

Luffy leaned back and let Chiqi work, and the two fell asleep soon after; the feline using Luffy’s lap as a pillow.  


The year ended it was time to set sail and start their adventure. They both got back packs as the day they were to set sail came. Both had red vests, Luffy wore blue shorts, while Chiqi wore black pants. They got their supplies and a boat.  

Makino and the other villagers waved them off. Dadan couldn’t go down to the village, but Luffy said his goodbyes to her and her family. He still didn’t like bandits but he liked them. It wasn’t long after they moved from the docks did Chiqi tense up. “Luffy something’s coming!” he drew his pistols and aimed them in the exact spot as a sea king rose up from the water.  

“Leave this guy to me, I’ve got a score to settle.” He faced off with the beast. “Fairy Pistol!” he pointed his finger at him energy building up at his finger. The beast roared and charged at them. He fired his attack and the creature got blasted, his teeth shattering and the beast went flying from the force. “This was just a warm up, let’s go!” He wouldn’t be bothering anyone ever again.

“Aye captain!” they set sail for new adventure.

To be continued…  


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