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Inuyasha Parody: Tier 1

Chapter 4  https://www.patreon.com/posts/hiiiiissss-power-19807243 

Chapter 5 Dogs and Peeping Monks

Inuyasha had been training his ass for so long, three days, three very long days, the toy couldn’t compare to the real thing, no matter how much he dropped it like it was hot, no matter how much it buzzed and vibrated. The memory of his master’s cock between his lips made his ass ache, leaving a deep itch inside him that he knew only one thing could scratch. His hole was shaking, spasming as it squeezed the toy. He moaned and groaned, drooling as his mind was a fog of pleasure. His master’s orders kept his focus, even when he was tired he kept moving. Once his orgasm reached its peak he grabbed his dick and pumped himself hard and fast, shaking his nuts as came. His orgasms shook him to the core, his big balls blowing their load all across the floor, he kept pumping his cock through the release milking a few extra spurts. Thick ropes of white cum pelted the ground, his master’s orders kicking in as soon as the last drop was spilled. he dropped to the ground and began licking his cum off the floor. The taste of semen burned into his mind, making his taste buds tingle, drinking half-demon cum intensified his arousal, and fueled his lust and sex drive.

He went after his semen like a hungry doggy, shaking his ass in the air like his tail was wagging, his tongue working deep and scooping up every drop. Once everything was licked up he went back to riding his toy and playing with his body. Groping his pecs, fondling his ass, squeezing his balls, his body was a treat to explore.

With his demon blood, he was able to keep moving, stay hard the lack of blood flow to his brain probably wasn’t the best but he didn’t need his intelligence to obey. Even when he lost consciousness his body kept at it, working the vibrator and pumping his cock in tandem. He was dreaming of his master’s cock the whole time. As soon as he woke up he got back into his prime riding position. He made his penis bounce and bounce slapping his abs as he rode the toy. “Ah ah ah ah master!” He imagined it was his master’s cock, it wasn’t as big, but it excited him.

He toyed with his nipples, he pinched and tugged on his buds, training his nipples and turning them into well-honed erogenous zones. His nice nipples had grown bigger and more sensitive. He found he could even make himself cum from nipple play alone. He was drunk on the smell of his own manly musk, the room smelled of sweat, cum, and lust. If there was one thing missing from it all, he wanted his master!

After three days he was ready, he showered and cleaned up for his master. He left to pass through the well and returned to his era. A quick whiff and he caught the scent of his master, his cock oozed, weeping pre-cum like crazy. He jumped into the air, his butt cheeks clenching around the vibrating toy. His movements caused the rod to dig at his insides, he jumped and ran, his cock wagging at he moved at a crazy speed. Nothing could stop him from getting to his master.

Miroku was looking for someone from his party, and he was quite shocked when a naked hanyo dashed passed him. “Inuyasha?!” he gasped, but the dog demon didn’t stop. Miroku gave chase but he was falling behind. ‘What on earth is going on?’ Not only did Inuyasha come back without Kagome but what was he doing naked.


Inuyasha found his master basking in human form, Hojo had his hands behind his head getting his pits licked by Kouga’s men. Kouga was sucking his dick while jerking his men off, the wolf was doing a bang-up job, slobbering all over his cock getting it nice and wet. Inuyasha growled, feeling a bubble of jealousy, his master’s cock was bulging the wolf’s throat. “Inuyasha...” his master spoke and the jealousy bubble popped. “Glad you could make it my puppy.”

“I’m home master!” he moaned.

Hojo eyed him, his muscles looked delectable, his ass and pecs had been groped for days and had developed nicely. His penis had developed a darker shade from well use, his nipples were swollen and looked like they needed to be played with. Inuyasha’s skin was flushed and had a lustful glow about it. His hole was stuffed and his body was trembling from the vibrations. He had this hungry look in his eyes, he wanted, needed to be fucked. “Have you been good, puppy?”

“So good master!”

“Your fellow pets have been entertaining me, I trust you’ll get along.”

“Yes, master!” Inuyasha said.

“Yes master,” The wolf demons said, pulling away from their respective tasks.

“Good boys!” he snapped his fingers. “Ginta, Hakkaku play with Kouga while I deal with my puppy.” The two saluted.

“Yes sir!” Inuyasha watched as the former wolf leader was dragged away from Hojo, and put on his hands and knees. Hakkaku spread his cheeks and quickly stuffed his former leader’s hole.

“Ohh Grk!” Kouga moaned only for his mouth to get stuffed by Ginta’s penis. The wolf boy began sucking on his dick. Ginta and Hakkau began pounding Kouga, spit-roasting the man, leaning over him to make out. Inuyasha couldn’t believe what he was seeing, and he was turned on by it.

“Like what you see Puppy?” Hojo stood up.

“No...Yes...” Hojo chuckled.

“You’ll get to play with them too, once I claim your ass. You’ll be completely mine, you want that don’t you puppy?”

“Yes master, I want it so bad!”

“Show me puppy!” Inuyasha moved into position burying his face in the ground and sticking his ass high in the air.

“Please master, I listened and obeyed, please claim your good puppy!” he shook his ass.

“With pleasure puppy.” Hojo removed the vibe without turning it off. Inuyasha gasped and soon whined at the loss. His hole was gaping and throbbing, begging to be filled. “Oh my, you did beautifully puppy!” He traced his rim with his finger. Inuyasha moaned at the praise. Hojo playfully slapped his ass with his cock making Inuyasha pant with excitement.

His master’s cock, even in human form it was big. The fat head traced his hole and Inuyasha chewed on his bottom lip in excitement. Hojo pushed forward sliding into Inuyasha’s well-trained ass, moaning as the inner walls hugged his cock extra tight. Inuyasha clawed at the ground as his master’s cock breached him deeper than the toy could reach, his pre-cum paving the way for deeper exploration. “Master, master, master, master!” Inuyasha moaned his mantra eyes rolling up as the itch he desperately needed to be scratched was finally reached.

Once Hojo was fully seated inside Inuyasha, the hanyo came pelting the dirt with his cum. “Well done puppy, you trained your ass well.” The praise had Inuyasha shaking going through a mini orgasm. His ass squeezed Hojo’s penis, making the snake demon in human form groan. “Ohh yes such a fine ass!” Hojo playfully slapped his ass, earning a moan and making his hole tighten.

Hojo began to move, pounding Inuyasha and making his plump ass jiggle. “Were you jealous of seeing Kouga sucking my dick?” He knew from Kagome’s memories that Inuyasha and Kouga didn’t have the best relationship.

“Yes master!” he moaned as Hojo’s manhood brushed his sweet spot as it filled him again and again.

“There is no need for jealousy my pet, you belong to me, he belongs to me, they belong to me. You. Are. Mine!” Hojo grabbed Inuyasha’s long hair and gave it a small yank and Inuyasha howled as he came again.

“Yes yours!” he drooled as what made him a man hit the ground.

“Who do you belong to?”

“You master!” he moaned and bucked back meeting his master’s thrusts.

“Who’s a good puppy?”

“I am!” he smiled.

“Yes you are, my puppy!” his words were accompanied by long and strong thrusts, letting the friction sink in and drive Inuyasha wild. Inuyasha’s cock bounced and slapped his abs, the stead clap clap of skin striking skin was music to the dog boy’s ears.

This was the scene Miroku stumbled upon, Kouga getting spit-roasted by his men, who were making out over him. Inuyasha was getting fucked by a strange young man who looked like Akitoki Hojo. Judging from the semen under both bottom boys they were heavily enjoying their fucking. Miroku gulped and felt his penis stir in his fundoshi and tent his robes.

It was well known that Miroku was a pervert, but it wasn’t as well known that Miroku liked men as well. Yes, he spent his time chasing girls, but that was partly because he needed an heir in case he died from his curse. He appreciated the male figure, especially the ass. He loved a tight firm ass, and he always thought Inuyasha had a nice butt but didn’t touch it, knowing the hanyo would flip out. Seeing Inuyasha’s ass jiggle and shake as it was stuffed by an incredibly large cock was a sight to behold.

He palmed himself as he watched the scenes unfold. Ginta and Hakkaku came into their leader and didn’t rest, simply switching sides and fucking Kouga anew. Hojo continued fucking Inuyasha making the dog boy moan lustfully. Miroku had no idea the hanyo’s big mouth could make such sexy noises, but having seen him naked before, he didn’t know Inuyasha could look so sexy.

It wasn’t long before Miroku undid his robes and released his nice piece of human dick. Taking his cock in hand he watched the show and pumping his manhood. ‘He has such stamina!’ Miroku gulped and licked his lips. As Hojo began to increase his pace on Inuyasha’s ass, Miroku quickened the pace on his dick, smearing his pre-cum over his length. He watched as Inuyasha experienced anal orgasm after anal orgasm, his ass tightening on Hojo’s impressive rod. He soon was working his penis so hard and fast his balls were jiggling.

Hojo’s climax built up and he gripped Inuyasha’s hips tight. “I’m gonna breed you up puppy!”

“Yes, master breed me!” Inuyasha moaned.

Miroku lost it, he came and showered the bushes with semen. ‘Who is this guy?’ he thought as he was shaken to his core from the words and orgasm.

Hojo came and flooded Inuyasha’s insides with his seed, marking him as his. There wouldn’t be a demon in existence that wouldn’t know. He ground his hips as he rode his orgasm. “Good puppy take my seed!”

Inuyasha drooled and his ears flicked in delight. “Master...”

“I think it’s time you took my true form.” Hojo transformed, his cock growing larger and making Inuyasha’s stomach bulge.

“Oh, kami!” Inuyasha moaned. “I felt that!” Hojo began to move, pounding Inuyasha with his snake demon dick. “Master yes master!”

Miroku took a bit to recover from his orgasm and missed the transformation. When he finally peeked back he saw Inuyasha in Hojo’s coils getting fucked hard and fast, Miroku’s eyes were locked on the snake demon’s cock bulging Inuyasha’s belly. His jaw dropped and his penis hardened. “Shit...” he shook his head. “Inuyasha!” he called out, but as soon as he tried to move he met Hojo’s golden eyes.

“Hello, monk!”

Miroku wasn’t instantly hypnotized, his spiritual protection warding off some of his power. “You...a demon...a snake demon?!” he gasped.

“That’s right, now sleep!” Miroku tried to resist, but while his spirit was strong, but his mind and body were weak. Hojo had known the monk was watching, he let the pervert satisfy his lust, and waited for the time to strike. Miroku struggled, but his eyes grew heavy, and he soon slumped to the ground falling into slumber. “Looks like we got a new pet boys, let’s break him in!” His boys cheered and descended upon the sleeping monk.

To be continued...Breaking the Monk


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