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Hey guys, wanted to give my final update for April, so you guys can understand what's happening and why this month has been rough. If you are new I'm currently suffering an injury/health issue thats keeping me in a constant state of pain. I have to take many medicines to barely function and deal with this pain and sadly these meds can knock me out, and often do put me into a drug sleep. If my pain gets too high the meds don't help at all and my body is just left to suffer until it gives in and i pass out from exhaustion. I'm still dealing with this problem and trying to find a way to deal with the pain so I can function normally, one of the options on the table is a morphine pump into my spine, which i pray we find another solution to this problem.

As of April my website was shut down, this was not done for finacial reasons as i did try to pay to keep the site going sadly the server source was refusing to accept payment, asking me for a funky way of paying I was not able to do and sending me notices threatening to suspend my service. Instead of just not suspending my service since the way i always paid was currently down, they could have just gave me notice when their system wasn't down so I could pay. This wasn't the case and the only way they'd accept the payment was not a means I could do. So I had to shut the site down, I gave notice and I had to move a LOT of fics off site. This was very taxing and time consuming, there were days I was up 24 hours straight just moving fics to ao3 and forum site to store things. I've written a lot of stuff over the years, lot of old stuff was saved and backed up. 

Getting this stuff saved and backed up was very taxing and draining, and of course with the lockdown and quarantine there's been extra issues on top of everything going on. Sadly last month I got sick, it wasn't covid-19 but it was a very vicious cold that kept coming back. I finally kicked it and was able to finish last months patreon rewards just a few days late. Which sucks because the month before I got the rewards done on time and even had days to spare. Sadly this month with everything thats happened I've been trying to push and be strong and I've just been kicking myself at my own failure. there was some other unpleasantness that happened this month a loss for me, some confrontations, and some issues that occurred when I was not in the best state of mind which caused some extra issues.  

I did talk to my doctor about it and got some much needed help and clarity, but while this occurred sadly my writing has taken a hit. I've tried to dust myself off and get back on the horse and every project i have I know what I want to do, but I have been having difficulty getting the flow going. So I needed to decide what to do and how to move forward. So for all the remaining rewards, it is unlikely I'll be finishing them in 2 days. So long as the patreon payment comes through your rewards will be placed on my tier 1 commission list  with a note saying their patron rewards.  My plan is to remove the pressure  and kind of take the next 2 days to try and get sorted out. After seeing many of my old works I do not want to fall into old habits, and I don't want to rush your projects and make them come out wrong I tried to rush this past weekend and everything I was doing was wrong it wasn't flowing properly and I was making really old mistakes. 

You guys have made your requests I've gotten them and I hope to complete them soon, after may come my birthday month so I want to be clearing the board by then plus I go see the doctor June 1st so please bare with me, I do apologize again, I'm trying to deal with IRL stuff and know that I appreciate the support you guys give, and I will be adjusting matters in the hopes of having a more stable update system so these updates will be more positive

On saturday I'll be having a patreon stream streaming patreon exclusive content and on sunday I'll be having a hang out stream, so look forward to that and know that I'll be working as hard as I can to get the best content I can out to you guys. Stay safe Hugs!


ZooFan 123

That’s totally fine, if I were you I know I wouldn’t still be writing stories so I totally admire your determination. Hope every starts to look up for you!


Thanks for the update and feel free to take as much time as you need to finish.