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Danny Phantom parody: tier 1/patreon reward

Chapter 2  https://www.patreon.com/posts/snake-ghost-2-35821652 

Chapter 3 Manda’s Power

Thanks to Manda’s influence neither Danny nor Tucker thought the two dicks was odd. In their minds Danny has always had two, Tucker was currently worshiping them, sucking the right while pumping the other. Danny moaned and groaned, feeling a double dose of stimulus, that couple with his previous orgasm had Danny cumming soon enough, flooding Tucker’s mouth and his face with twin streams of cum. The boy moaned as he drank his friend’s seed while getting a bukkake at the same time.  

Despite the powerful orgasm Danny was still hard. Tucker continued to pleasure Danny, moving down to lick and suck on his now massive balls, and pumping both cocks in kind. Danny continued to cum all over Tucker, showering him in thick white semen. Tucker had hearts in his eyes, he couldn’t stop, he brought both dicks together and put the heads in his mouth, sucking on them to get a double dose of cum.  

Danny was drooling, unaware what was happening to his friend, just enjoying the pleasure he provided. Tucker’s tramp stamp glowed, absorbing the semen and using it to change Tucker’s body. It would normally take years of drinking ghost semen to change a human but Manda was expediting the process.  


Sam was not pleased, she’d been at the library for hours. “What is keeping those guys?!” she tried calling Danny and Tucker, but both were not answering their phones. “Don’t tell me those guys ditched me to play video games.” she checked her watch. “No, they wouldn’t bail on patrol just for that.” She waited and waited but the boys were not returning her calls or texts. “Come on!” she clapped her phone closed.

“What could those two be doing?” Tucker was in the middle of licking Danny’s feet, switching back and forth, while Danny pumped his cocks, showering his friend in more seed.

She had found something, it was in an old book about ancient spirits, fact or fiction. According to this one author some ghosts were so ancient and powerful they were worshiped as gods. They weren’t just for show, these ancient spirits had the power to back up the claims. It made Sam ponder if the Greek Myths were actually based on ghosts pretending to be gods. There were quite a few powerful ghosts they’ve encountered that not only were terrifying but dangerous, the power was on a whole other scale.  

According to this book some of these ancient spirits could reverse aging, extend someone’s life, change the weather, warp minds, change the body, and so much more. There was no proof what Dash and Kwan unleashed was one of these ancient spirits, but it had Sam wondering. There were ghosts who knew about halfas, the half ghost half human hybrid, but as far as the group knew there was only 2 halfas, Vlad and Danny, so was it possible these ancient spirits were responsible for them in the past. Ghosts were real, so it was possible all the legends and myths people didn’t believe in anymore were similar. ‘If that ghost was an ancient spirit, could Danny have beaten it so easily?’  

Something was wrong, was this all a trap, she tried calling Danny one more time, and when it went to voicemail. Tucker was too busy licking Danny’s pits, while hotdogging his cock between Danny’s dicks.  

Sam snapped and rushed over to the Fenton home. ‘Could the ghost have tricked Danny somehow, what if the ghost in the thermos was a trojan horse?’ She used the spare key Danny gave her to enter his home. ‘Come on please be wrong, let them just be playing video games!’ She made it to the door, only to freeze when she gripped the handle.  

Something was telling her not to open this door, she felt a chill run down her spine and the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end. It was the primal instinct of fear, gripping her heart in warning, whatever was behind this door was dangerous. She broke out into a sweat, every fiber of her being was telling her to run. Just as she took a step back, she heard a cry.  

“Ahhh!” it was a cry of pleasure, coming from both Danny and Tucker, but Sam mistook it as a cry for help(of pain). The desire to help her friends trumped her state of fear, and she turned the door handle and pushed inside.  

She blushed as she walked in on her friends having sex, Tucker had his legs spread wide and Danny was fucking him hard and fast, his balls slapping into Tucker’s cheeks. Both boys were glistening, a mix of sweat and cum. They had been at it for all this time, never stopping, driven by pleasure and ecto energy. Sam couldn’t believe what she was seeing, her two best friends having sex with each other.  

They didn’t notice her intrusion, they just kept fucking. Sam rubbed her eyes to make sure she wasn’t seeing things, but no, the two were fucking. She was caught like a deer in front of headlights, she knew she should just back away, but she couldn’t move. After the initial shock wore off, she began to notice something odd.    

Both males were more muscular, Danny and Tucker were a little taller, their pectorals more defined, both boys had abs! Danny’s butt was looking fantastic, his muscles moving and flexing as he pounded away at Tucker’s bubble butt. As she looked closer she caught sight of something truly strange.  

“Two dicks!?” She gasped and quickly brought a hand over her mouth. The two didn’t stop, they just kept moving and thrusting, Tucker moaning wildly as he was double stuffed, the two dicks creating a wild amount of friction. The bed creaked under the force of Danny’s wild thrusts. “Guys?”  

Just because they didn’t hear her didn’t mean no one did. Suddenly Manda appeared. “The snake ghost?! I thought Danny captured you?”

“Appearances can be deceiving.”  

“Release my friends you monster!”  

“Release them?” he looked at the two. “I believe they are quite happy as exploring themselves.”  

“Get out of Danny right now!”  

“I don’t think so, the fun is just beginning.” Sam went for the anti-ghost lip stick, but Manda froze her.  


“You are strange, you watch them grow aroused, but I sense jealousy within you. Do you want involved?” Sam blushed.  

“Don’t...think...you can...trick me!”  

“Trick you? Look at them, look how happy they are,” Sam couldn’t help but stare at them, she was amazed as Tucker took both dicks, seeing his hole stretched to accommodate both massive rods and loving every second of it. “Don’t you want it, don’t you want him?”  

“Danny...help me...” Sam called out.  

“He can’t hear you or see you. If you want help you should be talking to me.” he chuckled.  

Manda was playing her like a fiddle, he knew Danny’s memories, he knew about every adventure they had together. He saw how happy she was when he was under a love spell by the ghost Ember.  Sam watched Danny have sex, feeling a yearning and want. “Speak the truth girl, and I’ll make it happen.” His eyes glowed and Sam felt the truth she’s been hiding deep down inside.

“Yes I want Danny, I love him, I want to be with him!”  

Manda chuckled. “Consider it done!” His power shook the room, Sam’s clothes were ripped off and Manda flew at her, possessed her, his body rushing down her throat. Sam gasped, her body grew hot as the ghost worked his magic upon her.  

Sam gasped as she tried to keep her senses, but it was futile. Her breasts began to shrink and become manly pectorals, her smooth feminine back became broader, and gained more defined muscles. Her once lithe arms and legs become more toned, the experience of fighting ghosts enhanced by phantom snakes. Manda’s power was working through her muscles and cells changing her on both a physical and spiritual level.  

Her feminine body became more masculine, his chin becoming stronger and more defined. Her pussy vanished and he gained balls and he began growing a full on penis. It started as a one incher, then it doubled in size and girth, then it doubled again becoming 4 inches, then it doubled again becoming 8. Sam couldn’t believe it she was a he now, and he was stunned how natural he looked.  

Manda began messing with his mind, altering his past, that his parents always wanted a girl, hence the dresses and wanting him to be more girly and feminine. He didn’t have to mess with much, Sam’s personality wasn’t one that identified themselves solely by their gender. Even as a boy he’d fight for vegans, vegetarians, women, animals in cages, etc. His feelings for Danny only intensified, Sam gasped as his blood rushed south causing his manhood to swell.  

Once the mojo was finished, Manda gave him snake ear rings, small little hooped rings. Manda left her body and returned to Danny.  

“Hey Sam,” Danny finally noticed him. “Glad you made it, Tucker needs a rest but I’m still raring to go.” His twin cocks were hard and pointing at him. Sam looked over at Tucker who was basking in orgasm, his hole was gaping and packed full of semen. “Wanna have some fun with me?”  

“Hell yeah,” he kissed Danny bringing his penis to rub against Danny’s cocks. Manda chuckled as soon Danny would have another mate.  

To be continued


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