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Ben 10 parody: Tier 1

Ben 10 Charmix

Ben Tennyson is an anodite, Gwen has the omnitrix, she’s doing the hero thing and Ben learns how to manipulate mana, and is able to create his own magically infused objects. He likes to experiment.

Chapter 1 His Charms

Ben Tennyson was looking forward to his summer vacation, no school, fun with his Grandpa, what he wasn’t expecting was his cousin Gwen. The two didn’t get along, their personalities clashing often. Gwen was all about school and Ben was all about comics, games, and other activities. She only agreed to come along if she could tour some special Private Schools along the way.  

So the fact she got a mysterious alien watch that allowed her to transform into different aliens, in Ben’s opinion was unfair. Turns out when Gwen was 10 she wanted to be a super hero, she had a few comics herself, and she actually enjoyed doing Hero Time. The fact Ben was jealous was just a bonus, she loved throwing it in his face that she got to fight bad guys and kick butt.  

Ben just knew if he had powers he’d be a cool hero too. Turns out Ben got his wish, as Ben’s anodite spark awakened. This allowed him to draw out his mana and even perform magic. While Gwen had bounty hunters and evil aliens coming after her watch Ben made his enemies either fighting over magical objects and charms, or crazies who wanted to drain Ben of his life force. He battled against a guy named Hex who had all five Charms of Bezel and was after a sacred tomb of magic to unlock ultimate power through a ritual. Yeah...it was crazy, Ben destroyed the charms, but kept the book. After the chaos Hex caused the museum owner said it wasn’t worth it, supposedly the book was written by Bezel himself, Ben was able to figure the book out and learn how to harness his mana better.  

He learned how to infuse objects with mana, enchanting them and creating magical items. Hex had done something similar with his staff. Ben couldn’t go crazy with this as enchanting objects took a lot of mana from him. He made a special sash, that he named Third Arm Sash, it was quite handy since it could extend, grab, and hold things. He turned one of his old combs into a capture tool, he called it the Tangle Web Comb; he could use it to comb his hair and capture bad guys.    

Ben found his old cape he used when he was 10 when he would play hero, using his mana he transformed it into a cloak and even managed to create a hood, he named it the Shadow Cloak, when activated it made him become invisible.  Since it had a special attachment to him, Ben was able to do more with it, he was able to modify it so it would grow with him alter in size so he could even wrap Gwen up in her larger aliens. Objects with emotional or special attachment had the chance to be more freely modified. Like his favorite yo-yo he got from the back of a comic book, he modified it and made the thread unlimited and it could move and strike at anything that moved; the Snake Fang Yo-Yo. He got the pair of x-ray glasses he ordered from the back of a comic book, he infused them with mana and created the Crystal Glasses, that allowed him to see through walls, clothes, and they could even be used to see through illusions. He had a box of his “treasures” stuff he bought, worked hard to get, or just really liked.  

Gwen thought his creations were ridiculous, if he wanted to be a hero he should make a weapon. So Ben did, he made magic scissors, they could grow massive and be used to fight and defend. What was special about them is they couldn’t actually cut living things, so armor, weapons, walls, robots, these scissors were boss. Ben put a lot of work into these scissors, for example he made it so they only worked for him, so anyone else tried to use them would feel a great impossible weight, but for him they weighed as much as the original size of scissors. He was drained for a week after forging, but they were possibly his greatest work, he could even do a super move with them, where he poured his mana into the blade and create a blinding light.  

She still thought he was just playing around, but Max could see how hard Ben worked. When he was training Gwen in using her alien heroes Ben was working out, trying to train his body. He had a soccer player’s body, and he was working hard to strengthen himself, shaping his vessel to draw out his mana better.  

When Gwen was sleeping Ben was hitting the books, both reading the grimoire and going through his comic books. Ben took notes, jotting down all his ideas down. He took the hero code seriously, he wanted to save people, help them. Gwen couldn’t see it but he studied, Max knew his grandson was smarter than people gave him credit for. He just didn’t have the most interest in school. Gwen didn’t want to admit it, but since Ben started helping her and giving her backup her fights  have been going easier.  

Gwen got her upgrades, unlocking new aliens, while Ben got his biggest set of upgrades going to a magic convention. It was a lot of junk mostly, Gwen liked science so even stage magic she loved to debunk. Her watch was in the end science, alien science but science none the less. “You shouldn’t waste your money on this junk.” She told him.  

“That’s what you said about my comic book stuff, and yet here we are.” He’s been saving up for the new sumo slammers game, trading cards, new comic books etc. He’d like to advance his hero arsenal. He bought a locket called the Lunar Locket; it had a crescent moon face with a blue background with little stars on it. Ben enchanted it, so when worn it gave him gravity powers. There was a flat mirror he enchanted into becoming a witch’s glass for him, he called it the Reversing Mirror. He got a mask, he thought it was a demon but it was a fox mask, he enchanted it so when worn he had super senses. He also got a bracelet with a charm in it, from his research he learned it was the Key Stone of Bezel, it enhances the powers of the one who wore it.  

He finished his hero costume just in time, the place had all kinds of material and outfits, Ben found a skin tight body suit that actually breathed. He wore his mask, his sash, his locket, and the bracelet with the key stone in it. His other treasures he stored away inside of a bag that was enchanted, it was alive had green button eyes and it’s zipper worked as a mouth, and he could summon them using a spell he learned called Aport.  

With his hero suit finished, for now, he took the name Charmix. He thought about Lucky Boy since he had temporarily acquired the Charm of Luck from Hex, but with all the magical charms he now used he felt he should have a name more him. He was gonna need all the help he could get as Charmcaster freed her Uncle Hex from prison.  


Hex tracked Ben down and was after the keystone, with his staff and the key stone, he’d be able to perform a ritual to return the other charms back to him. Charmcaster tricked Ben and got the keystone, but Ben had his own tricks. Hex completed the ritual, despite struggling with Ben. “You have made some interesting items, I’ll take them from you after I get my revenge.” he fired at Ben.

“Let’s see you try!” Ben clashed with his power, and their energies clashed.  

“Child you may have the creativity but I have the experience.” He began to overwhelm Ben.  

“Yeah, but I’m stubborn!” his eyes glowed green, and his latent power erupted and he managed to force Hex back. Hex grumbled but he wasn’t out.  

“Soon with the Key Stone and the other Charms, my power will be unstoppable, the world will bend to me.” To bad for him Charmcaster stabbed him in the back, figuratively speaking. She blasted him with some mana stored in stone eggs, he got knocked out.  

His staff was dropped, but Ben picked it up. “Why did you do that?”  

“I will not remain in my Uncle’s shadow, I’ll claim the power of Bezel for myself.”  

“Maybe you should try working on your own power.” Ben aimed the staff at her.  

“Nice try.” She wasn’t able to use his staff, as Hex put it, it only worked in the hands of a master magician. To her shock it worked for Ben, and he was able to zap her and knock her out. Gwen destroyed the charms except for the Key Stone, which returned to Ben. Hex and Charmcaster’s magic was drained from them and returned to the realm of magic, even the Key Stone was drained, but Ben planned to charge it over time. It wasn’t gone for good, so Ben had to be ready should they come back.  

To be Continued…Kevin’s Omnitrix!  


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