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Hey guys so, some stuff has been going on lately, and its been kinda pulling me in different directions. My health issues have continued to be problematic, but i did finally get a appointment with a specialty care clinic come june, so fingers crossed that doesn't get cancelled, with all the virus and quarantine stuff going on. With my body being in pain my emotional and mental state are a big key factor when it comes to being able to work on stories. Sadly this past week has been rough, my family is trying to be supportive but they don't seem to understand what I'm doing and even when I get a get flow going, they interupt me for things they really shouldn't need me to do. A lot of things have happened one on top of the other which has thrown me out of wack. I've been upset, I've been angry, I've been in so much pain I had no fucks to give, overall its been stressful and I really don't want it to reflect in my work. 

This isn't just a sad update, I'm trying to have hope and turn things around for example I want to use this weekend to try and turn things around, if I can do 3 fics each day I'll feel I'll be back on track. Wish me luck, and a I pray everyone stays safe and strong during these difficult times


ZooFan 123

I do wish you plenty of luck, and I hope you do recover with everything that’s happening!


Best wishes from germany!


Hope the appointment holds, and gives you some hope 🤞


Good luck Paper.