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Ben 10 parody: Tier 1


Ben 10 The Spark Awakens

While on Anur Transyl Ben's skin suddenly turns green, he has no idea what's going on, but it's a sign in male anodites that their powers are coming in.

Chap 1 Green

Ben, Rook, Rad, and Hobble were stuck on Anur Transyl. During the fight with Ghost Freak, the part they needed was smashed, so they had to rebuild it from scratch.

Scout didn't mind too much as he got to see Ben more. The boy was his hero, and like Rook Blonko he had a little bit of a crush on him. Unlike the rest of his kind who saw Ben as ugly or a monster, he found Ben quite appealing.

Ben stayed in the bathroom saying he wasn't feeling well. Rook Scout and Rad were working on fixing the ship while Hobble was on monitor duty.

“Man what's wrong with me I feel so warm.” He checked himself in the mirror and saw his skin was green. “Oh man I must be sick my face is green.” he laughed, but then his eyes widened. “Ehh I'm green!”

He pulled up his shirt. “Here too?” his arms were also green. He removed his shoes and socks and his feet were green too. “What no way?” he removed his pants and his legs were green.

“Oh man...there is no way...could it be here...” he reached for his boxers and gulped. “It couldn't be here...not here right?” he pulled down his boxers…

“AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!” his scream could be heard through the whole ship.

“Ben!” Rook and Scout shouted and rushed to his aid. They had no idea what would be behind the door, but they opened it up anyway.

There in all his naked glory was ben, he was green from head to toe, but it was a lovely shade that seemed to suit him. He was naked, Ben was naked! They blushed and blood leaked from their nose. “I'm green!” he was almost in tears.

Rook's eyes sparkled as he took in the sight of Ben's naked form. Scout's tail was wagging like crazy, and he was drooling. Powerful instincts drove them as they approached Ben.

Before anything could happen Rad came over and quickly knocked them out. “Jeez, control yourselves. Put some clothes on monkey, I will not have an orgy on my ship.”

Pyxi said something about that. “I was apart of that orgy, it doesn't count.”

Ben covered himself and began to put on his clothes. His skin was still green, now that Ben was dressed the two alien boys had their senses when they woke up. “Why am I green?”

“Hmm, it could be an allergic reaction to something.”

“Could it be the planet?” Scout and Rook looked at each other.

“If it's an allergic reaction, could I die?” Rook and Scout's eyes widened.

“Well do you feel ill?” Rook went in full panic mode. He held his hand to his forehead.

“I feel a little warm but it's not that bad if anything I feel full of energy.” Rook pulled out a communicator.

“I will contact Gwen, maybe she will have an answer.”

Scout whined next to him. “Is there anything I can do for you?”

Ben smiled and pet him. “Thanks for caring.” The loboan blushed.

“WHAT?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN BEN'S TURNED GREEN!” Gwen's scream could be heard over the communicator.

“Yes, he says he feels warm but fine.”

“Rook, keep a close eye on him, and it best he did not use the Omnitrix.”

“I'm not a child I'll be fine.”

“Look after him, Rook. I'll do some research and get back to you.” the male smiled.


“Hey don't ignore me!” Rook gave him a “there there” pat. “I never should have taught you that,” Rook smirked.


Charmcaster went up against Ghost Freak, he stole the Alpha Rune from her, but while in possession of the alpha rune, he was more than a match for her. Forcibly teleporting her to the Lovely Duck.

She suddenly appeared in the group. “Charmcaster?”

“Ben? Why are you green?” he twitched.

She filled them in on the current situation. Ghost Freak with the Alpha Rune was bad, even more so than the crazy Charmcaster. She kept talking to her bag. “Ben are you sure about doing this?”

“I don't trust Charmcaster, but Scout's world will suffer from the Alpha Rune in his hands.”

“In your current state, you should have proper protection.” Scout agreed to go with Ben and Rook and Charmcaster while Hobble stayed to help Rad.

Ben was nervous stepping off the Lovely Duck, expecting them to throw things at him. To his surprise no one did. “Scout, did you say something for me?”

“No it was not me.” he looked to Ben. 'Though I fear I may know the reason.'

Scout's worries were answered as the group walked past of other loboans. “Hey cutie, why not ditch the beta and come hang out with us?”

Ben blinked. “Beta?”

“Yeah we'll show you a good time.” the loboans leered at Ben.

“Way more than that runt.” they chuckled.

Rook and Scout shielded Ben from their gaze. “Oh, you think you can hog him all to yourself.”

“Guys we have a mission here.” he tapped their shoulders.

“Yes, we should go.”

“Hey, cutie come back any time.”

“Yeah we'll show you how to party Anur Transyl style.” they laughed.

“You sure are popular,” Charmcaster commented.

“I don't get it what's different?”

Rook and Scout looked at each other. “Is it because he is green?”

“I can only guess so, I always found Ben fetching already, him being green doesn't change that fact,” they whispered.

Things got bad to worse as more horny monsters began chasing them trying to get their hands on Ben. “What's going on with these guys?” he tried to activate the Omnitrix but for some reason, it wasn't working. “Oh man, come on Omnitrix work for me!”

“Leave it to us.” Rook and Scout fended off the monsters.

Ghost Freak noticed their approach and used the Alpha Rune's power to mutate the nearby pumpkins. They grabbed Ben, their vine-like arms coiling around him.

“Oi oi oi!” his shirt was lifted up, and his pants were tugged down, his boxers exposed. The mutants' hands groped over Ben's skin and boxers. “Guys help me!”

The two along with the monsters they were fighting were frozen in shock and awe. “Oi!”

Charmcaster used this distraction to sneak away. Ghost Freak drained the alpha rune so had no further use of it. He warped his castle away and left Charmcaster with the rune.

“Now that I got the rune back I can finally take my revenge on you Ben Tennyson!” the rune molded over her body forming a rock armor. She fired blasts of mana.

“Seriously!!!” Ben was mad now, he had just been groped and stripped by mutant pumpkins and now this mess. He was in his boxers now.

The Omnitrix still wasn't working. “Aww, poor Ben Tennyson so helpless without your precious watch.”


“Ben!” Rook and Scout tried to protect him only to get blasted away.

“Rook, Scout!” his hands balled into fists. The green skin began to glow. It glowed and glowed until Ben was a big ball of light.

“This light...wait it can't be...” in his new form Ben was a physical embodiment of mana. His hair was glowing while his body was a mix of black and green. It shifted a little to fit more of a human form.

“Huh?” Ben looked himself over. “What no way I'm an anodite?”

“So what you still won't stop me.”

“We'll see about that.” Ben waved his hands and released his mana. The pumpkin mutants fell under his control. “Alright, boys go get her!”

They obeyed and attacked Charmcaster.

“Ha you think these pumpkins can stop me I have the alpha rune!” a mana tendril came out and grabbed the rune and snatched it from her. “Hey!”

The rune radiated with Ben's mana. Her armor crumbled. “Get lost.” He zapped her with the rune and sent her back to the Ledgerdomain.

He went to his friends. “You guys okay?”

“Yes, proto-tech armor.” he tapped his chest.

“What did you do to her?”

“I sent her home, but put a lock on the door she shouldn't be bothering us for a while.”

“Are you okay?” Rook looked Ben over. He was still in anodite form.

“Yeah it feels weird, but I feel great.” he floated up to the air, and flew around a bit, laughing at the pure freedom he felt. He floated back down to the group.

The mutant pumpkins were under Ben's command. “I want you guys to protect the planet.” they nodded.

Ben suddenly got woozy and he regained his human form. The two rushed over and grabbed him.

To be continued


Chap 2 The Answer

Ben had not woken up, he seemed to be in a meditative state. His life signs were steady, but he wasn't waking up.

“Any word from Gwen Tennyson?” Scout asked the pacing revonnahgander.

Rook couldn't stop pacing, staring at his communicator. “I do not know. It is not easy to make a connection to Earth.”

“Rook, are you there?” Gwen's voice came on.

“Gwendolyn thank Da, do you have any news?”

“Not exactly, what's happened?”

“Ben he...” he filled her in on what happened. “But after the fight, he reverted back to human form and fainted, and he has not woken since.”

“Whoa whoa whoa...” Gwen took a breath as she processed the info. “Ben was an anodite, you are sure?”

“Yes, please you must know a way to wake him up.”

“I don't, but I may know someone who does. I'm calling Grandma.” the call ended. Rook sighed and looked to the slumbering Ben.

“Ben's grandma? You ever hear of her?” Scout asked.

“No, I have not, but I hope she has the answer to this problem.” He went to Ben and brushed his hair away from his face.

There was a flash of light and an elderly woman appeared in the room. “My baby is an anodite!” she looked around and saw Rook and Scout on the defense. Her gaze focused on the sleeping Ben. “Out of my way boys.” She snapped her fingers and the two were teleported outside.

They looked at each other before rushing back inside. Weapons were drawn, aiming at the elder woman. “Get away from him!”

“Don't touch him!” the two growled.

“Aww you two are so protective of my grandson, but don't point those things at me.” mana tendril-like whips came out and smacked their weapons out of their hands.

They blinked in surprise. “Grandson?”

“You are Verdona?” Rook asked.

“That's right kiddo, now then you are?” she narrowed her gaze on him.

“I am Rook Blonko, I am Ben's partner.” he gave a bow.

“My name is Scout, I am a friend of Ben's.”

She looked them up and down. “Hmm, well now about my dear Grandson, so he's finally awakened his spark.”

“Yes it appears so, but he has not awoken since the incident.”

“Well of course not, he tapped into his power too soon, he should have been green at least of few more days. Now his body is trying to repair the strain it took on him.” the two looked down.

“Then it's our fault, Ben only transformed to protect us.” Scout whimpered

“Is that right?” she looked Ben over. “Well then the answer is simple, then Ben just needs a kiss.”

“What?!” the two gasped and blushed.

“If his spark has awakened, then he needs one who his spark has synced up with.” the two looked confused. “I must say it's the only way, his body could be in stasis for months otherwise.”

“Months!” Rook looked at Ben. “He currently does not have a girlfriend.”

“Never said it had to be a girl,” she smirked. The two blushed.

“You mean we could?” they looked from Ben to each other, back to Verdona.

“It might be his only hope.”

The two went up to the sleeping male. 'They don't know how anodites work, our powers can be ruled by emotion. It took a powerful emotion to awaken Ben's powers but they weren't ready. Without a catalyst of strong emotion he could remain in stasis and his spark could fade for good.'

“Right then kitten, fluffy who's first. One of you may be the key to bringing my grandson back. So man up!”

Rook was frozen, he didn't know what to do. To kiss Ben, it was a dream come true. It had been in his dreams for so long. He realized he might not get the chance again.

As for Scout, his tail was wagging at the thought of kissing Ben. He had a crush on Ben since he first heard of him. Upon meeting him he was more than willing.

The two decided to man up. This was for Ben. Rook went first, he cupped the boy's cheek drawing closer and closer till he covered the boy's lips with his own. He felt a small spark between their lips. Rook shuddered. 'His lips are so soft.'

He pulled back. Ben looked a bit healthier but there was no change.

“Alright fluffy you next.” Scout moved up and he pressed his furry lips to Ben's, he felt a spark and he gave the sweet lips a lick.

Again Ben looked healthier but nothing. The two aliens looked at each other then looked to Verdona. “Try it together.”

Well, it was worth a shot. Rook kissed the right cheek and Scout kissed the left cheek. The spark burned bright, rushing through the three. Ben's body turned green again and he seemed out of stasis, his chest rising and falling.

“We did it!”

“He needs rest though, I'll find a place to stay. I should stay close while Ben goes through the change. Things are about to get interesting.”


Ghost Freak was plotting. “So Ben Tennyson is becoming an anodite, this is perfect I can use his life force to awaken my army.” he cackled as thunder clashed in the sky.

Back With Rook Ben and Scout…

“We need to make him comfortable.” Rook carried him to the bed.

“It gets cold at night on Anur Transyl.”

“We uh could keep him warm.” he rubbed the back of his head.

“Our armor wouldn't help so we'd...” the two blushed, and they began to strip off their armor, Scout was wearing a black g-string like a garment while Rook was wearing briefs.

“You've certainly toned up Blonko.” Rook was ripped, blue fur across broad shoulders, down his sexy back, he had black stripes on his shoulders, arms, and legs. His white fur over his pecs and abs.

“As have you.” Scout was equally ripped, fine pecs and rock hard abs, covered in fur.

They got into bed with Ben cuddling close to him. They hoped Ben was okay, and he'd wake up soon.

To be continued

Chap 3 The Danger

Ben can't use his powers and he can't transform. Now Ghost Freak wants to kidnap him and drain the spark he has to awaken an ancient race of aliens.

End preview


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