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My Hero parody: Tier 1


Three-Eyed Deku

Izuku has a mutated quirk known as Third Eye, at first it just seems to give Izuku mind-reading powers, but quirk mutations tend to advance into different avenues especially when one has a creative mind, like Izuku.

Chapter 1 Creepy!

The Quirk Phenomenon started in the world where an infant gained the power to glow. As the years passed more people started developing powers known as Quirks, the study into these quirks became the top priority of the government. With each new generation, the quirks continued to grow in power, Quirk Evolution advancing from parent to child, for example, a mother that could control fire had a child who not only could control it but create it as well. Due to Quirk Frequency, it was possible for people to get similar quirks and not be related, but if they hooked up the chance of quirk evolution was higher than normal, for example, if two people had an animal quirk the same animal quirk, had a child it was possible the child’s quirk would be even stronger capable of reaching deeper into the nature of the animal their quirk embodied. If two people with Gigantification quirks got together it was highly possible their child’s gigantification quirk would make them even larger then the parents could get.

During the Third and Fourth generation quirk holders, Quirk Hybrids began to appear, those who inherited both quirks from their parents, for one lucky child their mother could fly and their father could make rain, the child had both quirks and used them to become the Rain Hero.

Hybridization of quirks was difficult if the quirks were not compatible one would dominate the other, causing the child to get either-or. In rare cases, Quirk Fusion has occurred, where aspects of the two quirks meshed together and became something new. For example, a woman who had an acid touch quirk married a man who had a frozen breath quirk, and their child developed a quirk of breathing an acidic mist. The need to study quirks and how they are made led the government to instigate Quirk Marriages, having couples hook up for the sake of their quirk, a messed up arranged marriage.

The study of quirks was pushed out of fear, seeing as quirks seemed to grow stronger with each generation led to the theory of Quirk Singularity, that quirks will continue to mix together and deepen, growing in both strength and complexity with every new generation, a fear in the back of everyone’s minds is that one day someone will be born with a quirk too powerful to control.

With quirks believed to be hereditary, a child either getting a quirk from their father, mother or a fusion of both, there was some hope to prevent or at least stop the Quirk Singularity from happening. The first person to pose this theory and seeking to go public with his research was ignored and discredited, be it out of arrogance or more likely fear. If his research did go public what was to stop villains from doing the unspeakable in order to try and create a weapon.

Out of all of his research, one thing was kept on notice. Quirk Mutation, under very rare circumstances a child will not inherit a quirk from either parent, they will also develop their quirk very late as it takes time for quirk mutations to properly manifest. Quirk Mutations were wild cards, it was hard to predict them, to see what they would become, what they could do.  


Izuku Midoriya had a Quirk Mutation, his mother Inko Midoriya could attract small objects to herself, and her husband could breathe fire. Neither quirk was very powerful or groundbreaking in this world but they were nice enough. Izuku didn’t inherit either quirk instead he developed a third eye right in the middle of his forehead.

His doctor explained what it was, and while rare didn’t appear to be anything special. “Mommy, the doctor was lying!”

“What do you mean Izuku?”

“I dunno, it was like I could see his thoughts, he was really interested in my quirk.”

“Well...for a doctor who specializes in quirk analysis I suppose a quirk mutation must be interesting.” Despite her words, Inko changed doctors, she just had a bad feeling. A doctor shouldn’t lie to their patients. They did learn something, Izuku’s quirk Third Eye could read minds.

Such an ability could be difficult, but if his eye closed or was covered his powers would be dampened. Izuku thought that now that he had his quirk he could finally work towards his dream of becoming a hero. In this world, full of quirks and superpowers the occupation of Hero had become world known. It was a job fraught with danger, fighting those who abuse their quirks and petty criminals, with fame and fortune as a reward. A-B List Heroes lived very nice lives, C-D List Heroes made decent money, so heroes often competed against each other to be in the spotlight.  

Many quirks just didn’t have the power or the functionality to do hero work. Inko was worried her son’s quirk might not be enough, even being a sidekick to a hero could be very dangerous. The Mind Reading trick could be very useful for interrogation, so Inko thought him becoming a cop or detective might be safer.

It was hard being a mom, wanting to support her son but being worried for his safety. Izuku wanted to be a hero, but he also didn’t want his mother to worry, so he planned to work hard and train to see if his quirk had other potential abilities that might make doing hero work safer.


His classmates didn’t take his new quirk seriously. “Deku has a third eye!”

“That’s his quirk?”

“What a joke?!” they laughed at him.

“You might as well be quirkless with a quirk like that.” they poked and teased him, even when the teacher told them to stop. He could read their thoughts, and it hurt. Izuku let it slip what he could do but that didn’t make things better.

“Did you hear, Deku can read people’s thoughts?”

“No way!”

“That’s...” Some kids thought it was cool, but that wasn’t the narrative.

“Creepy right, it’s like he’s prying into out private thoughts?”

“Even his third eye is creepy!”

“A creepy quirk for a creepy guy!”

“Creepy Deku!”

Izuku cried. “I’m not creepy!” the kids just laughed at him. “I’m not...” it was hard to think, he could see so many thoughts calling him creepy. It wasn’t right to make fun of people based on their quirks, but kids were kids. Their filters were not developed, kids could find something your self conscious about and pick at it. “I’m not creepy, I’m not creepy!” he said over and over.

“Oi extras knock it off!” small explosions went off. It was Bakugou Katsuki, the young boss of the kids. He was the smartest, fastest, toughest, strongest, and had the flashiest quirk in class. “Deku isn’t quirkless, he’s got a quirk, and mind-reading quirks are great for interrogation.” sparks went off in his hand. “That means he’s more useful than a lot of you extras!”

It didn’t stop kids from thinking he was creepy, but it was nice having someone to back him up. “Thanks, Kacchan!”

“Tch, don’t thank me, nerd, you are apart of my crew, anyone messes with you it’ll look bad on me,” he said, crossing his arms and looking tough. The crew he was referring to was the agency Bakugou set up made up of the neighborhood kids. They would explore around town and play in the park together, he was their leader. ‘Only one allowed to mess with you is me!’ Bakugou thought and Izuku saw it.

“You really don’t think my eye is creepy?” he asked.

‘Cute!’ Bakugou blushed. “Who cares nerd, a quirk is a quirk!” he walked off. “You coming or what?”

“I’m coming!” he wiped away his tears and followed after the blonde. It didn’t stop all the kids from picking on Izuku and calling him names and the like. Kids tried to make him the villain when they played hero games. When bullies brought Izuku to tears Katsuki often came in palms blazing.

Inko also put Izuku’s fears to rest, calling his third eye cute. He smiled and hugged her. An extra eye in this day and age wasn’t really weird when some kids were born with scales, tails, wings, etc.

Izuku trained the next 11 years, strengthening his body and even learning some martial arts. He also practiced with his quirk, using what he learned from studying other heroes. Izuku was a total fanboy, he had data on many heroes new and old, he wrote everything down studying hero techniques and abilities.

He learned that if he closed his eyes except his third, he could channel all of his sight into his third eye allowing him to see great distances and he could even see in the dark. With years of practice, Izuku age 14 was able to create or possibly tap into an offensive power to his quirk. His third eye’s iris would turn red granting him the ability to fire a beam from his eye, his quirk was still a physical ability in the early days he could only fire his Eye Beam once a day before it exhausted his third eye making it close.

He trained this power every day for a year and was able to use his power more than once a day. Overusing this ability did wear on his eye, but he was getting better at it. He learned to adjust not only the power but the output. While training this ability he also unlocked others, two as of his sixteenth birthday.

Orange Lens aka Orange Sight, Izuku could change his third eye’s color, and use a specific ability under that color. To change colors his third eye had to close, so if he wasn’t careful he could be attacked in the middle of switching sights. The orange lens had an x-ray effect, he could see through walls, clothes, etc.

Yellow Lens aka Yellow Sight, had a hypnotic effect. He could put people into an optically induced hypnosis. Needless to say, these new abilities didn’t sway anyone’s opinions of Izuku, still finding him creepy. It was a running joke in school that Izuku was gonna be a villain one day.

“Honestly, Izuku your eye is so creepy, your quirk is super sinister, I bet you’ll be a great villain one day.” Izuku imitated things he heard and saw people say and think. “My quirk isn’t evil is it?”

Izuku looked down at the naked blonde Bakugou Katsuki, said blonde’s eyes were swirling from the effects of Izuku’s Hypnotic Eye technique. Bakugou was busy licking Izuku’s feet, sniffing and licking while tugging on his nipples. His hard cock was twitching and dripping, bouncing in excitement. “No master, not evil at all!” he moaned. He meant it too. Those hit with his hypnotic eye, got these yellow swirls in their eyes, so it wasn’t perfect he couldn’t hypnotize a villain and make them infiltrate their gang, he could but one look at their eyes and it’d fall apart.

He smiled and pet the blonde. “Thanks, Kacchan, continue!” he got back to work licking his master’s feet. Their relationship had changed over the years, in different ways, on different levels. Katsuki couldn’t hide his growing feelings for Izuku, not with his mind-reading powers.

Izuku was able to read Katsuki like a book, every perverted thought, every want, every wish. He was able to learn a lot, Katsuki was quite the naughty boy. As it turned out Bakugou trusted Izuku possibly more than anyone else and vice versa. So when Izuku told Katsuki he tapped into a hypnosis power and he got turned on at the thought of it, well here they were.

It was killing two birds with one stone, Izuku got to practice his hypnotic powers, Bakugou got to enjoy his hypnosis and submission fetish, and they two got to experiment and explore their special relationship. It was a win-win!

To be continued


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