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Dragon Ball Z parody: Tier 1

 Chapter 3  https://www.patreon.com/posts/saiyan-magic-3-32731698 

Chapter 4 Yamcha Changes (Transformation)

Yamcha was born in a small village, his parents abandoned him leaving him with only a name. Yamcha, just Yamcha, no family name or family ties. He was raised in an orphanage until it closed and the kids ended up on the streets. He had to learn at a young age, that the world could be cruel. Yamcha had to fight and steal to survive.

A bandit group came to the village, and Yamcha had the misfortune of stealing from them. The leader was impressed with Yamcha and took him along. Their bandit band was a part of a larger syndicate, the leader who took Yamcha was one of three that controlled the group.

He learned from the bandits for years, he saw men who had lost everything or had nothing and had become bandits out of need. He met shamelessly men who enjoyed being a bandit because they enjoyed doing bad things, he met hopeless romantic men who wanted to become bandits to meet girls and have freedom. He also met Victoria aka Vicky, the female bandit leader.

Vicky used her body as a weapon, she had no problem using her feminine whiles to trick men, weaken them, or even kill them. Her outfit was the perfect balance of practical and slutty, she had the epitaph of the naked bandit as she has walked into places naked and walked out with everything. She saw men as nothing but dogs that brought her money. She treated Yamcha like dirt, but for his developing mind, she might have been the source of his issues.

He grew up learning from the bandits, seeing how they treated people, like how the bandits treated Vicky, how they treated each other. Yamcha was taken in during a time where he was a sponge taking in everything that was around him and using it to develop himself. Thankfully his leader actually had a moral code, he was a skilled fighter, tactician, and a generally good man. He too had been taken in by the previous bandit leader and was taught everything he knew, and he passed it on to Yamcha.

Yamcha’s education was a unique one, he learned how to fight before he knew math. The Leader did make sure he was properly educated as best he could. History, science, math, geography, biology, and survival. He learned about the greatest martial artists of the time, the skills, their techniques, and their weapons. If there was one subject Yamcha lacked it was probably the birds and the bees.

No one knew the Leader’s true name, everyone just called him Leader. He was possibly the most respected of the three bandit leaders. Leader was grooming Yamcha to take over as the next Leader, and he would retire, he had his own secret stash somewhere safe.

Then one day the bandit main base was attacked, things were crazy. There was chaos, the bandits began to in-fight not knowing who to trust. It seems there was a coup d'état, and Yamcha’s leader was mortally wounded. The Leader told Yamcha to run, giving him the location of his base in the desert. “Yamcha...go...find your place in the world...your future is bright...you...gotta make...it...” he succumbed to his wounds and the light left his eyes

“Leader!” He didn’t know who started the Coup, his focus was on just surviving, not knowing who to trust he cut all ties. Yamcha escaped and moved into Leader’s old base in the desert. His stash helped get him supplies, gear, weapons to start his own racket.

He did check on his old village but found it to be nothing but a ghost town. If Leader hadn’t pulled him from here, he’d probably be dead too. Yamcha continued to train, honing himself to be the warrior, the thief, the man he was today. He’d been alone until Puar found him and wanted to join up with him.

Looking back on his life, Yamcha was realizing some things. His issues with women probably stemmed from Victoria, while beautiful, her personality was twisted and cruel. Despite her cruelty, and her kill you than kiss you attitude, the other male bandits still lusted after her, some even saying they loved her. Some bandits didn’t like her, but still liked girls in general, often telling Yamcha their idea of the perfect woman. Young Yamcha’s mind was given a pretty poor picture, no wonder he got paralyzed now when he saw a pretty girl.

Victoria did things to him and other bandits that was terrifying. Leader tried to keep him and a few other bandits away from her, but as he was only one of three leaders some bandits got moved around depending on the job. She didn’t take shit from anyone, it was her way or the pavement, as she usually slammed you into the pavement if you disagreed with her.

Yamcha always wanted love, he wanted to get married, he figured the only way to do that was to wish his issue away. He thought he liked girls, but looking back on it, he wasn’t sure. Victoria never aroused him, but since the other bandits liked her he tried to like her.

Then he met Goku, a strange magician, and fighter, who called himself a Saiyan shaman. He was so messed up in the head, he thought Goku had cast a spell on him to feel attracted to him. No one had ever told him that two men can love each other naturally, it never occurred to him.

Thanks to Puar giving him the talk, not only did he learn its completely natural, he got a crash course in learning about the pleasures of a man’s body. Puar drew pictures, diagrams, even transformed to give him a clear view. Yamcha couldn’t believe no one told him this before, for years he was pushing himself to get with a girl because he thought that’s what he was supposed to do. That’s what the bandits he grew up with did when he was old enough he even got taken to a brothel, and he just couldn’t get it up.

A small benefit of his lack of knowledge, Yamcha was never told that liking boys was wrong or forbidden. So Puar didn’t have to deal with the mental block some people put up when told this. Yamcha was very accepting of these new feelings, Puar took things slow and explained everything as best he could. Puar was a boy, but with his skills, he could be a boy, a girl, both, neither, so it helped that their magic school had a very advanced sex-ed course. He was sure Goku had received the same sexual education from there as well.

His eyes were open now, and he realized he needed to make a change in his life. “No wonder Goku was so confident.”

“What are you gonna do now, Master?”

“I’m gonna challenge him again.”


“Yes, win or lose, I’m staking my pride on this fight!”


Yamcha arrived at Baba’s palace. “Welcome young man, we’ve been expecting you.” Baba chuckled.

Goku was already in the ring, stretching. Yamcha gulped and felt his manhood stir. Goku was so sexy, the muscles bulging, his body flexing, the massive bulge in his pants shifting as he moved. He shook his head and tried to focus. “I’m here to challenge you!”

“And I accept your challenge.”

“Hold on, I need you to know that I’m serious about this. I’m staking my pride as a warrior and a bandit on this fight.” he got into the ring. “I don’t want you to hold back!”

“Very well, I will fight you seriously!” Goku suddenly powered up and Yamcha felt it. His power licked across his skin and pushed him back a bit.

‘No going back now!’ Yamcha charged in using his ultimate attack, but Goku dodged it and everything went black after that. Goku’s power was so overwhelming, he didn’t stand a chance. “I lost...I completely lost...”

“Master!” Puar flew over to him.

“Sorry Puar, I’m done being a bandit.”

“No matter what you do, I still plan to follow you, as your friend!” Yamcha smiled.

“You are strong, I think you can be stronger still.”

“Goku, I promised myself win or lose, I’d tell you something important. I have feelings for you!” he confessed, his cheeks growing red with a blush. “I’m sorry for all the trouble I caused you.”

“It’s been no trouble really.” Goku chuckled. “Fighting you has been fun.”

“You don’t need to pity me, I know I’m nowhere near your strength.” he sulked.

“Yamcha, I like you a lot too. Since your giving up being a bandit, why don’t you try being a Saiyan.”


“I have a theory that I can use my magic to turn you into a Saiyan.”

“You can do that?”

“The transformation beam!” Puar gasped, the technique was so advanced not even Puar could learn it. “Master if he’s mastered that technique then it's possible.”

Did he want to become a Saiyan? He didn’t know, but he did want to become stronger. “It is your choice, I’m not gonna force you, but I think you’d make a great Saiyan warrior.” Goku took his hands. “Also, no matter if you choose to be a human or Saiyan, that won’t change my feelings for you.”

“You mean you like-like me?” Goku chuckled.

“I do,” he kissed Yamcha, and his tail curled around his waist, pulling him closer. Yamcha laced his fingers with Goku’s, feeling his heart pound in his chest like a drum. He felt good, he felt right, he felt warm and tingly.

“I’ll do it, I’ll become a Saiyan!” he said breaking the kiss.

“Let’s do it!” He took Yamcha to his room and made him strip.

“Do I really have to be naked?” he was blushing and using both hands to shield his crotch. It was difficult to hold down his 7-inch hard-on.

“Not really, but this spell is experimental, I want the least amount of interference. You have a great body by the way.” Goku winked at him, and Yamcha felt his heart skip a beat.

“T-Thanks!” Goku built up the energy and channeled the spell.

“Turn into a Saiyan!” he cast the spell a pink beam coming from his finger and striking Yamcha. The former bandit gasped and moaned, as the magic surged around him, before sinking into him. Humans and Saiyans were very close biologically speaking, also Yamcha’s body was fit and strong aiding the change as it stimulated his muscles.

Yamcha felt a heat well up at the base of his spine, building hotter and hotter until he felt a pop and a tail grew. This was his tail, his Saiyan tail! His body changed inside and out, his stomach evolving to help break down food completely, making his hole exist only for mating purposes. Yamcha’s cock began to tingle as it expanded and grew.

He already had a pretty nice piece, but he couldn’t help but grin as his 7-inch arousal got bigger and bigger, and BIGGER! His cock doubling in size, reaching 14 inches hard. Yamcha couldn’t contain his excitement and began pumping his cock with both hands. It didn’t take long for him to cum, his big balls tightening, his shaft expanding, and thick ropes of cum launching into the air.

The magic completed and Yamcha panted, his cock softening down to a still impressive 11 inches. “Saiyans are growers by nature it seems.” Yamcha gulped remembering Goku’s impressive size he was 13 inches soft, if Goku was a grower too, that means he was even bigger. Yamcha’s cock hardened and rose to 14 inches again and his tail wagged excitedly.

“Did it work?” Goku could feel the change, Yamcha’s power had increased just from the transformation. He also noticed Yamcha’s shyness had lessened, letting his nudity and sexy body be on full display.

“Oh yes, happy birthday Yamcha, you are a brand new Saiyan warrior.” Yamcha smiled and pounced on Goku, their tails coiling together.

“Does this mean I get a birthday present?” he had his arms around Goku’s neck, while the shaman’s hands went down to cup his ass.

“I think so, what do you want?”

“You!” he said and kissed Goku lovingly. Goku kissed back, and let his hands explore the new warrior’s body. Yamcha moaned into the kiss, feeling a joy he hadn’t felt before. Leader used to tell him he had a bright future ahead of him, he may not have seen this coming but he was right. Yamcha finally felt like he found his place in the world, and his future was looking bright.

To be continued...Yamcha loses his V-Card!

Yamcha is excited to be losing his virginity, his new instincts are popping. He can’t help but feel a little nervous, but he puts his trust in Goku and he’s in for a wild ride.


ZooFan 123

Love it👍😁👌❤️, hoping for next chapter soon!