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Reincarnated As Slime parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

 Chapter 16  https://www.patreon.com/posts/slime-lord-16-34893415 

Chapter 17 March of the Orcs

“Trample All...” A massive army marched across the land. “Trample All...” their armor rattled with each step. “Our allies’ power shall become our own!” the earth was trembling as the massive army marched to war. “Our enemies’ power shall become our own!”

They repeated these words, “Trample All, Trample All, Trample All...Our allies’ power shall become our own! Our enemies' power shall become our own!” Like a sick mantra that made them stronger. So many orcs and the army seemingly was growing by the day.

Some lizardmen scouts spotted them and deduced they were heading for their territory. They rushed back to their king to give a report. “Report! Invaders!”

“What is happening, so much noise?” The lizardmen chief had no name but was still considered a powerful man.

“At the south side of the lake, we’ve spotted the orc tribe army! Judging by the path of their destruction they’ll soon be attacking the lizardman tribe’s territory!”

“The orc tribe?” the chief couldn’t believe it. “How many of them are there?” A heavy silence filled the room, as the scouts’ eyes widened with fear and shock. “What is it?”

“The...Orc Tribe’s troop...the number is around 200,000...”

“Impossible!” a female lizardman spoke, “That’s more than 20 times our numbers.”

“It’s true...I used magic sense and sense heat source to confirm.” the scout was trembling. “There is no mistake!”

The room became filled with arguing, disbelief fueling the fire. “This is impossible!”

“Orcs lack the ability to build such an army, they lack teamwork and cooperation.”

“It’s inconceivable they managed to gather a total of 200 troops, such a ridiculous amount!”

“The rumors may be true, the ogre tribe was wiped our recently it must have been the orcs!”

“What did you say?!”

“The ogres lost to a pack of orcs?!”

“Originally, I thought it was nonsense, but perhaps they won with sheer numbers.” The rabble began to increase, shifting from doubt to fear.

“Orc Lord...” the chief spoke, reducing the rabble to silence, if only for a moment. Some of the oldest Lizardmen had never seen their chief look so serious. “To be able to gather 200,000 orc tribe troops, it must be the legendary Orc Lord!” Such a rare monster had not been seen in so long, it was reduced to rumors. The chief how, however, was old and wise, and new the danger of such a beast. “It may just be a possibility, but we must take action, and prepare for such a thing.” He rose from his throne.

“Son! Are you there?!” he called.

“I am right here.” A young lizard man stepped forward. “Father, that calling just now was rather tacky. I received a name from Gelmud-sama. I am Gabiru!” he gave a polite bow.

His sister, the female lizardman from before, found him to be quite arrogant. Her brother could often be foolish, but since gaining a name his foolishness had only been increased by his arrogance. Yes, he was strong, possibly one of their strongest warriors, but if one did not use their head...they would end up losing it.

“What you are called makes no difference.” the chief said, “I have an important job for you.”


“Ahh Lord Rimuru!” Ranga moaned, his furry anthro body arching under his touch. They had just finished a heavy round of lovemaking, Ranga even taking Rimuru’s massive knot, locking them together and keeping the large amount of cum inside.

Ranga was enjoying just being connected like this, feeling like he was one with his lord, his tight hole stretched beautifully to swallow the knot, his inner walls hugging his master’s long dick, the stretched him wide and deep. His stomach full of thick seed, stuffed like an inflated balloon. He was in bliss, panting from the heavy multiple orgasms. He thought they’d just be cuddling while waiting for his knot to relax, but his master proved to be quite creative.

Since gaining a human form Rimuru had gone back through some of the monsters he analyzed before, wondering if he perhaps missed something. Great Sage had organized his skills well, and he noticed that some were more suited to his human form. Sure enough, he had unlocked a skill for his human mimicry. “Dupli Arms!” Thanks to the Ant monster he ate, he was able to temporarily create a second set of arms. It did drain his magicules to use, so he couldn’t hold them out for long periods, but in the bedroom…

“Mmmm, master!” Ranga’s tail wagged, as Rimuru’s upper arms began to comb through the fur on his pecs, groping the muscled chest of his werewolf. The lower arms were settled on his crotch, the lower right fondling his big balls, while the left pumped his heated shaft.

“Your cock is so slippery and warm,” his hand worked his shaft, squeezing and pumping and making the wolf boy whimper and growl in delight. His right leg spasmed and jerked as pleasure wrapped him up like a blanket. To be stuffed and knotted while having his body played with Ranga howled in ecstasy. “Who’s my good boy?”

“Me!” he howled as he came again. His tail was wagging so hard he almost conjured a tornado.

“Yes you are!” he let his hands roam, brushing and petting Ranga, and feeling his muscles shudder at his touch. Poor Ranga thought he was gonna faint, his master really was so good to him. It felt so nice to be pampered, he almost didn’t want the knot to relax.

The room smelled of sex and cum, and Ranga could smell his lord all over him and in him. His pack was so happy for their prince, to have come so far, and gained such an exceptional mate. Rimuru had offered to give the other wolves names, but they were happy being Tempest Wolves, and had joined with the goblins to form Goblin Riders!

Once the knot relaxed, Rimuru pulled out, the werewolf whining at the loss. The second arms vanished into black mist, and Rimuru sighed happily. “What a way to start a day, huh?”

“Wonderful master!” Ranga said, and the two kissed. Rimuru absorbed the mess and gave Ranga a healing potion to recover. His hole tightened up, not allowing the cum to escape, his body would absorb it in time and convert it into magicules.

“We gotta make the rounds and see how things are going!”

“Yes!” He reverted to wolf form, and Rimuru reverted to slime form and hopped onto him. It was time to ride, and Ranga’s tail wagged the rest of the day.

Hakuro was training the Goblin Riders today, poor things. The distinguished gray was holding back and it still looked intense. Gobta made the mistake of trying to run...big...big...BIG mistake! Hakuro tended to show no mercy when he saw someone running away, even in training.

Benimaru arrived with news. “Orc Lord?”

“Yes, its a specially evolved orc, it’s power can be overwhelming. Not only is it strong, but it’s the ability to gather and control orcs is one of its most frightening qualities.”

“How bad are we talking about?” Benimaru tried to explain, from the stories his father used to tell him. “What’s his standard?”

“As strong as Hakuro is currently.” Rimuru gulped. That sounded way worse than he thought. Hakuro was only training Rimuru in the sword...he was scary. His training could be seen as hellish, but it got results. “It is only a theory, the Orc Lord is said to be born every hundred years and only from a special individual of the orc tribe.” Ranga licked Rimuru to try and ease his concerns.

“A unique monster huh?” Veldora had called him a unique.

“Yes, it makes him an unnaturally effective leader. His commanding ability is high, and can swallow his orc comrades feelings of fear.” The orcs that attacked their village showed no signs of fear, charging into traps even if it meant their death. Some had even purposely take attacks just to grab hold of the ogres, and then their fellow orcs swooped in for the kill. “Even when they were cut down the others kept attacking.”

Hakuro had the goblin riders on the defense, scolding them and telling them they can’t win if they only defend. Rimuru took human form and sparred a bit with Benimaru. “The possibility is still low.”

“We’ll keep the possibility open. Is there any other reason you can think of that might be the reason for the attack on your village?” the two crossed swords for a bit. Hakuro was impressively observing their spar while facing several goblins.

“Chance!” Gobta screamed thinking he had an opening. He didn’t but thought he did.

“One shouldn’t shout, it gives yourself away.” a few seconds later and the goblin riders were foaming at the mouth, twitching, if not unconscious. “Still far from capable.”

“I am not sure whether is this has any relation, before the attack a demon came to my village, wanting to give us names.” He described the demon as being shady. “My father refused, and in the end, he got chased away by everyone including me.” He remembered the demon muttering and being nasty.

“This kind of place is better off destroyed.” he had said.

“Seems like you guys sparked his hatred.” this had Rimuru curious. “Why didn’t you accept his offer?”

“It couldn’t be helped, he didn’t qualify to be our master. Even if my father had agreed, I would not have accepted a name from someone I did not accept.” he smiled at Rimuru making him blush. He had accepted Rimuru’s name after all.

“Aww!” he rubbed the back of his head.

Benimaru couldn’t remember his name completely. Souei suddenly appeared, ending their sparring match. “It was Gelmud!”

“That name...” Rimuru recalled Rigur telling him about his older brother had been named by a similar demon. “This can’t be a coincidence.” he looked to Souei. “Did something happen?”

Souei bowed to him. “I have something to report, Rimuru-sama!” He had discovered a lizardman group. “It’s weird for them to leave the wetland and travel to this area.”

“Hm, Lizardman? Not the orc tribe?”

“Correct!” he nodded. “They have been in contact with other goblin villages, if they continue they’ll reach here.”

“I see, well let us hope they are not our enemies. With the orcs going to war, we may need help to stop them.” Rimuru couldn’t help feel a bit uneasy. Their village was growing but it was still small, he wanted to protect it. “How about we grab a bite to eat, I’m feeling hungry!” he wasn’t but it was about lunchtime so he wanted to eat.

“That sounds nice,” Benimaru said.

“I’d enjoy some tea,” Hakuro said.

“I could eat,” Souei said.

“Great, let’s eat together!”

“Lord Rimuru!” Shion called, rushing over to them.

“Hey Shion,” he greeted.

“I helped prepare lunch today, I do hope you’ll like it.”

“Great, we were just about to grab a bite, right?”

Souei suddenly multiplied. “I’m gonna patrol some more.” he suddenly vanished. Rimuru was amazed at the skills he obtained.

“No, I’m not gonna have lunch today...” Benimaru said, he was sweating a bit.

Hakurou had masked his presence he had become invisible.

“I see...I guess it’s just two for lunch...” Rimuru and Ranga followed Shion unaware of the danger they were walking into. The purple-haired oni was sweet and bubbly but had a bad habit of going too far if you asked her to clean your house, she’d destroy it and build you a brand new house from scratch, sure it was clean, but she took A LOT of extra steps. So when it came to her cooking….

Rimuru stared down at his meal, an unnatural color, smelling foul, and Rimuru would swear he saw a face in the mush. “It...It’s...It’s Alive!” he cried out.

To be continued...Benimaru’s Punishment and Gabiru


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