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Ben 10 pardoy: Tier 1/patreon reward

 Chapter 1/2  https://www.patreon.com/posts/35035285 

Chapter 3 Charmed I’m Sure

Ben was still in his Blitzwolfer form, but he was making the most of it. “Ben!” Rook moaned and arched his back, as Ben licked and sniffed his feet.

“I’m quite enjoying myself, you smell so good!” he took a deep whiff of his soles and began to lick between his toes. Rook was stripped down to his underwear, his hard cock pushing at the crotch of the orange and white undergarment. “Taste good too!”

Blitzwolfer was also drinking in the sight of his partner, his muscled form was a treat, he had a thin layer of fur over every inch of him, white over his abs and pecs, periwinkle blue everywhere else, with thick black stripes. The softest fur was the white, and it was thin enough, you could see Rook’s nipples when they were erect and perky. The black fur was very sensitive when Rook was aroused, the areas becoming erogenous zones.

This was the next level of courting, Ben knew a lot about Rook already, and they spent a lot of time together. This physical aspect of courting was also important. So Ben/Blitzwolfer was exploring his partner’s body. Scout said it was common for loboan alphas to give their betas a tongue bath as part of courting.

When in Rome…

Ben was licking him everywhere, his feet, his legs, his abs, his pecs, his nipples, his pits, his arms, his neck. Back and forth, driving Blonko crazy, he was so horny every time Ben’s tongue brushed a stripe he arched his back. This bath had been going on for hours, with Ben taking breaks to massage Rook’s body and edge him. His underwear was soaked with the amount of pre-cum he was spilling. “Ben, please...I need to cum!”

“Oh do you, then go ahead and cum!” he flicked his nipples with his tongue and pinched the other.

“Ahh, Ben...Ben...Ben!” he arched his back and came, shooting his load into his undergarment. The sticky clothe clung to his crotch. “Goopy!” Rook shuddered.

“Not to worry Blonko, your bath isn’t over yet!” he pulled down Rook’s undies exposing his 7-inch dick, it was white with a blue tip, his balls were blue and furry with black stripes on them. His cock was glistening with a mix of semen and pre-cum. “So cute!”

He started licking Rook’s twitching shaft. “Ben...wait...I just came...” Ben ignored his words, as they were reduced to lustful purrs. Blitzwolfer licked his crotch clean, loving the almost sweet flavor. Rook growled as his balls were licked, the black fur stripes making him hypersensitive. “Cumming!”

Ben was ready, swallowing his cock, taking him into his muzzle and sucking him down to the root. “Ohhh!” Rooks's eyes rolled up, and his balls surged as his orgasm tore through him like a shooting star. Ben sucked him through his release, making it feel like Ben was sucking out his very soul. Rook’s arms and legs felt look noodles.

Rook’s cock slipped from his alien lips, spent and twitching. “You are so cute Rook.” he scratched Rook’s chin.

“Prrrr,” despite the softness of his cock, Rook came again.

“You really are a naughty kitty aren’t you Blonko, cumming even when you’re soft, you enjoying it that much?”

“Because it’s you, I want you so bad I can’t think straight!” he panted. Rook spread his legs and showed off his, tight little hole that was twitching like crazy. He was so horny he was even producing slick. A common occurrence among betas, when aroused their insides created a slick to make penetration easier. Rook’s hole existed for mating, his body broke down all food and converted it to energy. Scout was similar in his biology.

“We were gonna wait, but I think some tongue is fine.” Rook blushed and nodded enthusiastically. His cheeks were spread and Blitzwolfer’s long loboan tongue touched his beta’s entrance. The strong wet muscle plundered his hole stretching long and deep.

“Bralla Da!” Rook moaned.

Ben growled into his ass, the taste of his slick, was bringing out the alpha in him. His massive rod becoming painfully hard. He fondled Rook’s perfect cheeks while darting his tongue back and forth. Blonko’s eyes curled in bliss as Ben’s tongue curled inside him.

It was such a wonderful moment, too bad it was interrupted as Charmcaster suddenly teleported into the room. “What the hell?!” she gasped.


“Get out!” Ben pulled away from Rook long enough to throw the girl out. The moment was gone, Ben was limp and Rook was embarrassed.

“Never pegged you to like men or an alpha for that matter,” Charmcaster said as the two came out of the room, dressed and looking very annoyed.

“What are you doing here Charmcaster?” It took a while to get a straight answer from her, as she kept talking to her magic bag. Long and confusing story short. Ghost Freak had stolen the Alpha Rune and when Charmcaster tried to get it back she got blasted away and ended up in the middle of the lovemaking. “Why don’t you just go get it back?”

“I can’t, the Alpha Rune is at full power, and Ghost Freak is making full use of it.”

“Should we help her?”

“No, we shouldn’t.”

“Ben!” Rook gasped.

“Oh come on, why won’t you help little old me?”

“The last time we saw each other you killed me!”

“What?!” Rook and Scout gasped and glared at her.

“I was trying to bring my dad back.” she looked at the betas. “He got better!” Only because her father reversed the spell and returned the sacrifices.

“We helped you liberate the magic dimension and instead of helping the people like you promised, you became just another tyrant.”

“Can’t make an omelet without cracking a few eggs.”

“And you’re totally cracked. You can’t be trusted!”

“And do you trust Ghost Freak with the Alpha Rune? Who knows what he’ll do to this little planet...” Scout whined.

“Fine, I’ll help, but I’m not going anywhere alone with you.”

“You can bring your boyfriend, I don’t mind.” She was shocked by Rook and Scout to join them. Hobble was tasked with helping Rad fix the ship.

“Get the hussie off my ship!” Rad snapped. “She smells like trouble, and not the good kind.”

Hobble didn’t want to head towards danger, even if he thought Charmcaster was very pretty. “Rook watch her, Scout watch our backs.”

“Yes, sir!”

“Why are we going with these two fur balls?”

“You said I could bring my boyfriend, Rook and Scout are, so they coming along.”

“Quite the player aren’t you. You two are okay with this?” She expected them to say Ben is an alpha so yes.

“Ben is Ben, so yes!” she was shocked. The last alpha she met was so high on his own hype, she well...she fell for it hook line and sinker. He thought since he was an alpha he could fuck any girl he wanted and it was their privilege to take his mighty seed. What a joke.

Charmcaster kept trying to take jabs at Ben, trying to prove he was just like her ex, but he wasn’t. Which just made Charmcaster madder at...Michael Morningstar. Rook was keeping an eye on Charmcaster, the girl kept slipping between madness and clarity. He couldn’t tell if she was acting, or if she really was crazy.

He was pissed as this day was supposed to be for him and Ben. Blitzwolfer kept stealing glances at him. ‘He’s so cute, I just wanna drag him into the nearest alley and kiss him breathless.’ If not for Charmcaster nearby, he would, but he didn’t trust her.


Ghost Freaks traps were annoying but not unstoppable, the most difficult ones were an army of pumpkin monsters. Charmcaster left Ben and the others to get killed by plant monsters, but she was too late. Ghost Freak had drained the Alpha Rune and abandoned it. He warped his castle away to enact the wicked plans he had.

Charmcaster was left with the Alpha Rune, but it would be some time before it would be at full power. “I’m surrounded by fools and useless men. These plant creatures are far more useful!” Using the Alpha Rune, she took control of the plant creatures. “I’ll give you each a taste of heaven before I send you all to hell.”

“Like I’d let you...” Blitzwolfer growled. Beep Beep Beep...Boop! A red flash and Ben was reverted back to human form. “Oh no not now!”

Charmcaster laughed, and her new minions grabbed them. Plant vines slithered underneath their clothing, and piece by piece removed it until alpha and betas were completely naked. Rook had sent a distress call to the ship, but who knows if they’d get rescued in time.

“Ben!” Rook and Scout gasped. They were left exposed, plant tentacles holding their arms and legs up and away, keeping them spread eagle. The two betas blushed, Scout was also 6 inches, his cock was gray and his tip was pink, and his cock came from a sheath. His balls were a lot bigger than Rook’s.

“Charmcaster!” Ben growled at her, even outside of his loboan form. The pumpkin creatures began to caress and tease the two betas. With Ben watching, the two couldn’t help but get turned on. “Leave them alone!” seeing them aroused, and teased by tentacles had Ben’s manhood rising.

“Oh my you are quite big, bigger than Michael.” she traced his erection with her finger.

“Don’t touch him!” Rook and Scout growl.

“What it’s okay for you two to share Ben, but I can’t have fun with him.

“Yes!” Ben, Rook, and Scout, shouted in unison.

“Fine, to hell with you all, let’s see if your alpha wants you once you are ruined.” she made the pumpkin creatures create large dicks. “Pound them into the dirt.”

Ben struggled and managed to activate his Omnitrix. He transformed into Swampfire, but not as he knew him. This Swampfire had gone through alien puberty, he wasn’t scrawny anymore now he was ripped and studly, and now smelled like a nice campfire instead of stinky swamp gas. “Stop!” he shouted ready to torch the pumpkin creatures if they touched his betas.

To Ben’s and Charmcaster’s surprise, they obeyed. Swampfire smirked and sicked the pumpkin creatures on her. She tried to fight them off, turning the Alpha Rune into armor, but Ben slipped in and stole it off her, and she got dogpiled by the plant creatures.

“I’m so glad you two are okay!” he hugged them both. Ben kissed Rook and then Scout. He was warm like a campfire too. “Mmm!”

“Ugh, gag me!” Charmcaster said and had a plant creature stuff a vine into her mouth.

He took hold of their aching cocks and conjured a vine to tease their asses. “I’m the only one who gets to play with you.”

“Yes alpha!” the two moaned. Ben’s vines stretched and wiggled and teased their prostates, it didn’t take long for them to cum.

“So sweet,” he collected their cum and licked it off his fingers. They recovered their clothing by the time Rad and Hobble showed up. Ben had his newly named Pumpkin Heads keep hold of Charmcaster, and gave the Alpha Rune to Scout for safekeeping.

To Charmcaster’s shock, the alpha rune melded with Scout’s armor, giving it a purple design similar to Rook’s armor. Rad and Hobble showed up with some heavy artillery, but it seems everything was okay now.

Hobble gave Charmcaster a flower, believing he had a shot with her. “Maybe you haven’t found the right guy.”

She took the flower, smiled at him, and knocked him out with magic. “I’m sick of the lot of you!” She began to chant a spell to build up her magic.

Scout was a bit faster. He chanted a spell and the Alpha Rune glowed and poof, Charmcaster was zapped back into the magic domain. Ben was impressed. “The plumbers didn’t have a lot of magical textbooks, but I may have picked up a few things.” his tail wagged happily.

Charmcaster lost the Alpha Rune, her refusal to accept help and give up on revenge had caused the Alpha Rune to find a better host. Both she and the previous owner had been ruling it with power, and just as she had gained it when his power faltered, Scout had gained it when hers did. This should have been a wake-up call, but no. “Just you wait Ben, I’ll get you, and your little betas to!” she cackled.


Ghost Freak was up to something, Ben knew it but didn’t know what. He hoped that the new army under Scout’s control would help in policing the planet. What Ben didn’t realize, was that Ghost Freak knew where to hit you where it hurt, family.

In the house of Scout’s family, his parents and little sister were sitting down to dinner. “Do you think Scout will be joining us today?”

“Bah, he’s probably off playing plumber.”

“It’s his job daddy!”

“No it’s his job to find a good alpha, and have some pups. Not chasing criminals and low lives.”

“I think Scout may have already found an alpha. I heard some loboans in town talking about it.”

“Child don’t listen to such rumors, its bad manners.”

“But he’s an off worlder, I believe his name is Benn Tenson, or something like that.”

“Oh but its no rumor.” A sinister voice filled the room. Scout’s father stood, his fur on end and he growled. “His alpha is a thorn in my side, that I’d like removed.”

Suddenly Ghost Freak appeared and held a scythe to the daughter’s throat. “Release my daughter Ectonurite!”

“What are you doing here?” his wife asked.

“I’ll release your daughter when you do me a little favor.”

“And what is that?”

“Kill Ben Tennyson!” He held the loboan child tight with the scythe blade too close to her neck. What could they do? To save their child, they had to attack their son’s alpha.

To be continued Part of the Pack

Ben wanted to meet Scout’s family but not like this, as Ben tries to survive a not so friendly dinner. Scout must do something hard to choose between his family or his alpha.

This was all a distraction, as Ghost Freak’s plan to revive the Vladats!


ZooFan 123

Wow I didn’t expect an revival of this story, love it though?


One of your fellow patrons picked it, some older fics need the redux treatment cause I've grown as a writer or the story idea was made based on a theory and the canon answered said theory but others are just waiting on some love. His Betas just needed some love thrown its way