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One Piece parody: Tier 1

 Chapter 1  https://www.patreon.com/posts/candle-candle-1-31324804 

Chapter 2

Zoro really loved his captain, not only was he strong and kind, but creative and loving. He had his own morals unlike most pirates, and you could certainly say he was better than some marines. Zoro had put his trust in the marines, believing they would honor a deal he made with them, but just as he was close to the end of his trial, they planned to execute him in the end. Luffy had saved him, picking a fight with the marines for him.

They didn’t have much early on but they had each other. Luffy used his powers to make weights for Zoro so he could train. In the bedroom was no different, Luffy had crafted an assortment of butt plugs, dildos, and fleshlights, for him to train. He was a bit dubious about this but he obeyed his captain and embraced the things he shared. It was no surprise he had one inside him now, a dildo, a perfect replica of his own dick stuffed up his ass.

His captain was a bit of a perv, but he saw value in all aspects of sex. He topped Zoro, and the swordsman topped him, he had a nice piece and Luffy wasn’t gonna ignore it. Zoro didn’t think there was a hotter tighter hole in existence. When Luffy focused his power, he could make his hole as malleable as warm wax, so prep was easy, and he felt no pain being taken. His insides were so warm, it felt like he was melting every time, he felt so perfect for him, every time. A few thrusts and Luffy’s body was shaped for his pleasure.

Top or bottom, Zoro loved his captain and embraced his perverted leader. He didn’t want to believe in his methods at first but they were showing results. It did open Zoro’s eyes a bit, he was neglecting his body’s needs. Never again, as far as Luffy was concerned. He made sure Zoro balanced his training with pleasure, sometimes mixing the two. He knew Luffy loved him, and that he would always hold a place in his heart, even if he took another lover. Luffy wanted a crew, a nakama, but he also had a special nakama he did naughty things with, currently, he shared Luffy with one other person.

Zoro found his sword shop and went in to find some new swords.


Smoker was having a heck of a time finding Luffy or his crew, the only one of note was Roronoa Zoro. He couldn’t just drag in every woman off the street, or every guy with a long nose, surprisingly there was more than you’d think or every blonde guy. “Where the hell are they?”


Sanji was the ship’s cook, and he was busy trying to get supplies for their voyage into the Grand Line. This was his third trip, with how his beloved captain ate he wanted to be prepared. Sanji was also Luffy’s special nakama, though he and Zoro did not have the best relationship.

Can’t say you can blame them when Zoro met Sanji the blonde had given up his dream of finding the All Blue to work for Zeff, the man who had saved his life and been a father to him. He told Zoro to abandon his foolish dreams after he lost to Mihawk. Not the best starting point. When Sanji did join the crew the two butted heads on this and that, but Luffy seemed to think they were getting along. Nami believed they fought like cats and dogs, sure they could be civil to each other, she had no idea how Luffy kept the two so close.

Luffy did help bring his dream back. While he felt he owed Zeff, the man had given Sanji all his food when they were stranded together. They both nearly starved to death, Zeff eating his own foot so Sanji could live. Top it off, when they were saved Zeff raised Sanji, taught him to cook and to fight and how to be a man!

Zeff had no way of knowing but Sanji needed a father, such a debt the young blonde had no idea how to repay. He had a good job that he was good at, why go chasing after some dream anyway. Luffy could see right through that, the way Sanji’s face lit up when talking about the All Blue, he wanted him for his cook, and he wasn’t backing down.

Sanji was known as a flirt, whenever a beautiful lady was in the room he went into full suave mode. He believed he was a man that was born to love and protect the ladies, but that wasn’t all he was. Zeff wasn’t stupid, he had been a pirate for many years, he shared his bed with women, men, and a mix of both. He made sure Sanji got the full benefit of his wisdom, so while Sanji went gaga for girls, that didn’t mean he had 0 interest in guys.

Luffy sure as hell struck a chord with him before he met Zeff his life was hell. No one wanted him, not his family, save one. He was seen as a burden or a failure, so to hear Luffy want him so passionately it made his heart flutter a bit. The candle boy went as far as to defend Zeff and his treasure, their restaurant from pirates. He put his life on the line for them.

Sanji did think he didn’t have a chance with Luffy seeing how much he cared about Zoro. Then once Sanji officially joined the crew, Luffy explained about his special nakama. The blonde was surprised, but wasn’t against it, while he didn’t care much for the green-haired swordsman, he loved Luffy and that was all that mattered. Luffy was their lover, they didn’t have to love each other, just respect each other as they would being on the same crew.

You couldn’t make Luffy do anything, he does what he wants, following his own instincts. That’s just how he is, and though that made him difficult, if not a little wild. It wasn’t something Sanji would change about him. Luffy didn’t judge him, he made him feel special, Sanji felt he didn’t have to hide or put on an act for him. He still chased girls, and Luffy didn’t mind.

Before he went shopping Luffy had fitted him with a nice butt plug, so his hole was still stretched from their last round of lovemaking. The boy could be quite insatiable, and in their games helped Sanji discovered new things about himself. He wasn’t just equipped with a plug, Luffy had constructed a full-on chastity belt, a ring of solid wax was binding his balls, and his cock was perfectly encased in a wax cage.

When he went around flirting with girls, each time he got turned on he felt the squeeze of the cage, and each time he was given this feeling of ecstasy. This was submission, he felt Luffy’s dominance and hold on him and that aroused him further. This was what Sanji wanted, he was a strong guy, he didn’t have to do this, but he liked it.

It was something special, something they shared. Sanji may not have known who Luffy might take in the future, but he wasn’t worried. He was his and Luffy would never throw him away. Luffy’s cage was a constant reminder that he was loved. It weirdly made him more confident.

He couldn’t wait to cook something extra special for Luffy. Just his luck someone got an amazing haul, a blue finned elephant tuna, it was something only had seen in books. He wanted to cook it, and he was gonna do anything to get it, even enter a cooking contest.


Luffy had found the execution platform. “So this is where the Pirate King died!” the place where the spark for the Great Pirate Era was struck. He wanted to see the last view the pirate king had before he died.

Around this time, Smoker had finally received Luffy’s wanted poster. “Him!” he gasped. “Well now I know where to find you!” he raced towards the plaza.

He found Luffy climbing up the scaffold. “Get down here Straw Hat!”

“Hey its the smoke guy, thanks for the directions before.” he waved.

“I didn’t know you were a pirate before, now I know who you are, Monkey D. Luffy!”

“Oh right, I didn’t introduce myself before,” he bowed his head. “Nice to meet you.”

“Enough games, I’m going to capture you and bring you and your crew in.”

“I don’t think so. We are going to the Grand Line soon.”

“If you want to go to the Grand Line you have to get through me!” Luffy jumped down and faced off against Smoker.

“If you insist!” he cracked his knuckles.

Smoker wasn’t a marine captain for nothing, he started to knock Luffy around. “Are you really worth 30 million? I don’t even need my devil fruit power to beat you.”

“So you are a power holder too,” Luffy smirked. “Candle Lock!” Luffy conjured wax, and let it go. Smoker was caught by the wax, his legs getting bound together. “Got ya!”

“Not quite!” Smoke turned to smoke and escaped the wax. His arms turned to smoke, leaving his fists solid, and he sent out a barrage of blows.

“Candle Wall!” He created a wall of wax, making a shield. “So you are a logia type, I’ve only heard of you, this is my first time seeing one.”

“First and last!” His smoke spilled over the wall and went after Luffy.

“Uh oh!” the candle boy did flips to avoid his smoke, but the marine captain was fast.

“Candle Boxing!” Luffy created some boxing gloves using his wax, but his punches had no effect. The marine’s body turning to smoke and the hits passing right through him.

“Not good enough!” Smoker punched him and followed up with White Snake, turning his whole arm into smoke and the smoke took on a snake appearance. “I got you now!” Luffy grinned in response.

“Candle Breath!” to Smoker’s shock, Luffy breathed fire, which countered his smoke.

“So you are a special paramecia, your power is more than just wax!”

“Hmm, maybe...I am a candle man.” From his fingertips appeared some small embers. “You are a smoke man, let’s see if this works! Candle Dance!” He released the embers, they turned into small fireballs and began to pelt Smoker.

Smoker actually felt that. He tried to counter with some smoke punches, but this time Luffy was ready. He turned his body to wax, and Smoker’s punches passed right through him. “So you were just playing before?”

“Nope, this technique takes a lot of focus. My body is the only thing I can turn to wax though. Still pretty cool right?” he chuckled.

“Cool huh?” Smoker brought out his jute. “You might be worth 30 million after all, so that means I don’t have to hold back!” his legs turned to smoke and he shot off like a rocket, before swooping down on Luffy.

“Candle Breath!” Luffy dodged his attack and breathed fire which he took at point-blank range. The attack wasn’t enough to kill Smoker or burn him thanks to his devil fruit power, but his jacket didn’t survive. He now was facing Luffy shirtless, his built body flexing as he took another fighting stance. “You got a pretty nice body Smokey, couldn’t we put a pin in this, and have some real fun?”

Smoker blushed. “Are you mocking me?” he swung at Luffy who dodged.

“I’m serious, you got a great body, and you are interesting, so you are my type of guy.” Smoker couldn’t believe what he’s hearing.

“Enough jokes, I’m taking you in!” he created a smoke wall behind Luffy and charged at him. Luffy wasn’t stupid, if Smoker was pulling out such a weapon then it must be special. He wasn’t taking any chances.

“Candle Ball!” Using his wax he created a shell around him. Smoker’s weapon hit the ball, but couldn’t penetrate it.

“Come out of there!” Smoker banged on the wax, but it wasn’t budging.

“No thanks, but lose the weapon and your pants I’ll let you come in!” Smoker’s face turned beat red.

“I don’t know what kind of game your playing, but I’m bringing you in!” His smoke began to cover the ball, he would drag the boy in ball and all.

“Plan B!” Luffy made his wax ball spin, shaking the smoke and causing it to spin out of control. “My bad!” Luffy cried out as he shot off like a pinball down the streets, picking up more and more speed.

Smoker tried to give chase, but it was hard to predict where the ball would go, and as it picked up speed he soon lost him. “No matter, I know who you are now Monkey D. Luffy, you won’t leave this island!”

To be continued


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