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Danny Phantom parody: patreon reward

 Chapter 2  https://www.patreon.com/posts/dans-punishment-33854884 

Chapter 3 Learning to Love and Lust

Dan’s PoV

This was humiliating, I’ve been made a servant to my younger self. Now I was naked and hard, at his mercy. Haven’t felt like this in forever, I couldn’t even remember the last time I was aroused...thinking back on it I was too busy enjoying conquering the ghost zone, I brought my ghostly enemies to their knees, using most of them as guinea pigs to test my ghostly power. After that I set my sights on Earth, the foolish humans tried to stand in my way, time and time again, and I took enjoyment from crushing them.

No, I can’t remember the last time I was turned on, excited in this way, and to think it would be from my younger self. I hadn’t thought about sex since I had become a full ghost, all I sought was power. Maybe in some of my weaker moments, I explored some things but...if my younger self learns of that he’ll break me. I won’t allow that, he won’t break me, no one breaks me! I’ll break him, I’ll find a way!

Now I was feeling those urges, those hormones pumping and surging. My lust for power was melted, pulling into my balls making them swell and itch. An itch...itch...itch...like a virgin who didn’t even know his own hand as a lover.

Clockwork must have put years of denial into this body because my cock was so hard it hurt. If I was a lesser man I would have been brought to my knees. My balls were bigger than before, and I could feel them itching to cum. All this from one sloppy kiss, damn him, damn myself!

To make matters worse, it was how he looked at me. I was used to looks of fear, anger, despair, horror, disgust, rage, maybe even a touch of lust, but his eyes were curious! He was studying me, studying himself. His question had thrown me off to, liking guys, liking girls, I long forgot such trivial questions.

He eyed my cock, and then he flicked it. He fucking flicked it! Making it bob and sway and sending vibrations through my body. “Hmm,” hmm, hmm?! What the fuck was hmm? If I could move I’d have punched him, but the idea made my arms go numb. His fingers traced my penis, seeing the length, testing the weight. “I think I’m a bit bigger!” Like hell he was, there was no way, no chance no…

Danny whipped his dick out and my brain froze. He’s bigger than I was at that age, just from the girth alone. Then he brought our crotches together and son of a bitch he was right, by just an inch. His cock towered over mine, even if it's just a small victory, I was sick of losing. Damn Clockwork that bastard, he did this on purpose, he had to. It was already smaller than when I was in my adult body but this…

If I ever get my old body back I’m gonna ram my big adult dick down his throat. Danny after measuring took a step back. So what if my dick was smaller, my balls were bigger, that means I’m more of a man than him. “Touch yourself.” His words caught me off guard, but my response came quickly.

“Yes, master!” My body moved, and I began touching my hard cock. I gripped my cock tight and slowly began pumping. My hand was slow, and he was watching me the whole time. I wanted to say something, but the humiliating part was, some part of me enjoyed it. His gaze was so hot I started leaking pre-cum.

Was he just gonna stand there and watch me touch my dick, at this rate we’ll be here all day? My free hand went down to play with my balls. I think I remember a time when my balls got close to this big, I had a dream, and when I woke up I had a weak moment. “Is this how you masturbate?” I bristled at the question, I didn’t want to answer him, I just wanted to cum and end this farce.

Danny didn’t like my silence. “Show me how you masturbate!” Shit!

“Yes, master!” The words that left my mouth made me ill, so happy, so excited to serve. I gripped my penis tighter, the firmer grip forced a moan to escape my lips. I started pumping myself harder, with a firmer grip and my thumb teasing the cock head.

To my humiliation, my hand left my balls and went to my chest. From the look on Danny’s face, he was equally surprised. It was one time damn it, do you remember my body punk, I was built like a Greek god. So I felt up my chest a little, and maybe it felt good to play with a nipple, but it was not a weakness damn it. Dan Phantom had no physical weaknesses, I honed my body to perfection.

As I played with one of my perky buds, I moaned. My body shuddered and more pre-cum spilled from my penis. Well fuck all kinds of duck, it was a weakness now. How is it possible my nipples are even more sensitive. I mimicked motions I had done in my moments of weakness, but now my body felt new and far FAR more sensitive!

In no time I was smearing my pre-cum over my cock, pumping faster and faster, until my balls were bouncing to the beat of my dick. Every pinch and tug to my nip sent intense jolts of pleasure right down to my cock. In my prime, it could take a solid hour of choking my ghost to release ectoplasm, but now I was feeling my toes curl and I was shooting my load.

It brought back a memory, the first time I had ever masturbated ever, back when I was frail and weak. I spilled my seed all across the floor and was brought to my knees. One orgasm and I was down? Fucking Clockwork, I should have chained him up and showed him the stamina of Dan fucking Phantom! My rage couldn’t even build, my body rocking through the beats of lust.

“Do that again?”


“Cum again!” Was he crazy, there was no way I can just…

“Ahhh!” My back arched and my balls lurched and I spilled what made me a man all over the floor. I came even harder than before. My heart was pounding, I could hardly think straight.

“So a guy’s nipples can feel good huh?”

“It’s called an erogenous zone, didn’t you learn anything in school? Oh wait, you didn’t.” I smirked at him, a weird look crossed his features.

“Well, there is something I learned in school. That a guy can play with his ass to achieve orgasm. You know how to do that yes?”

“Yes, master!” Fuck!

“Show me...” Double Fuck!

End Dan’s pov

Dan collected some of his cum off the floor, using it to lube his fingers, before bringing them back to tease his entrance. He’s never touched his ass before, not that it mattered, in this body, he had the knowledge but he was a full-on virgin again. With his fingers nice and slick, he brought his digits back to his ass and slid his middle finger into his tight channel. “Fuck!”

Danny came around to get a good look. He watched as Dan rocked the finger back and forth, pushing a little deeper each time, one knuckle, two, and finally, he took the whole finger. Danny felt his penis twitch as he watched Dan’s tight ass swallow his finger.

The digit continued to rock, teasing his hole and helping work his ass open. Dan started to wiggle his finger, massaging his inner walls. This was all very informative, he was learning a lot about how a man’s body worked. If he was gonna love a man he needed to know what made him feel good, how to turn any discomfort into pleasure.

He watched as Dan’s anus opened up and his penis twitches in enjoyment. Another finger was added and his hole started to glisten, the cum being used to slather his inner walls and wet his anal ring. Dan took his time, but the pleasure that was building was tipped over as he brushed his sweet spot. ‘Damn it!’ His eyes rolled up and he came, his cum spraying all over the floor.

Danny started to jerk off. “Keep going, don’t stop till I tell you.” Dan obeyed, fingering his tight ass and brushing his sweet spot. He was still sensitive, but as he added another finger. Now with three fingers inside he really began churning up his insides.

“Please...I just came...I can’t!” spoke too soon as his back arched and he came even harder than before. His cock softened, his skin was flushed, but his fingers kept working his hole, stopping only to collect more cum and using it as fresh lube.

Danny got to see inside of Dan, his insides white from his cum. His hole was opened up and looked so tight, even as it gaped for a few minutes before the fingers returned. He fingered himself like a pro, turning a virgin hole into a means for pleasure. As Dan kept working his ass the prostate caused his cock to rise back up.

Dan had two more orgasms before Danny came all over Dan’s ass and back. “Okay, you can stop.” Dan obeyed and pulled his fingers out, blushing as he whined at the loss. Danny licked his lips, staring at the open hole one final time.

“Is this your punishment? Draining my balls, using me to discover myself, I’d consider it a vacation, and once it's over I’ll go back to my old ways,” he smirked and glared at Danny.

“Is that so?” Danny crossed his arms. “I wonder about that. I think you’ll learn to love it.”

“Love what?” he growled.

“Submitting to me.”

“Ha!” Dan laughed. “You think I would...”

“The mess on the floor, lick it up.” Dan’s eyes widened and he obeyed. The cum on the floor, his cum, and yet he leaned down and licked it right up. His tongue dragging along the floor to scoop up his seed.

The dominance, the flavor, the humiliation, the act itself. Dan closed his eyes and just waited for it to be over. He couldn’t believe he came so much from just some fingering. He finished off the puddle and sat up. “There, happy?”

“Yep, and so are you!” Danny pointed down and Dan began to sweat. He gulped and looked down, seeing his penis in a semi aroused state. “See, you enjoyed it.”


“Smarter than you thought huh?” he crossed his arms.

“If you were smart you’d kill me before I...” Danny shut him up with a kiss, nothing too deep.

“I’m not killing you, we have a lot to learn together you and I. So much to learn.”

To be continued


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