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Hey guys I'll be doing a patreon event come march, for those of you who've been with me a while a couple months ago i did a poll on series to be added to the fic list. January got a little wild for me but i was able to catch up and hopefully we won't have those issues again. knock wood

So i've taken the data from various polls, watched new anime old anime and even old and new cartoons. The next anime/cartoons to go on the fic lists, will be decided by my wonderful fans/patrons. i managed to do some test fics and they were big hits so those series got added to the list right away. However i wasn't able to do test fics for all the series and more anime came out so I'll be doing some test fics in march.  

This is a big deal for reward holders, especially those who have More Parody, Hentai Orders, Mix Order, and More Originals tiers. This event and the Cutting Board event will change the fic list and also change future backburners. Everyone gets a vote guys but I want my patrons to feel their support matters, that your support means the world for me and is helping me get through a lot of stuff.  

Going forward I'll be doing some events along with the patreon rewards, so that my supporters have a voice.

March Event Test Fics+More Parody

The test fics will begin after the last two patreon rewards are finished. These fics will be my way of testing both the series, the ships, and the waters for the pools. I will tag these fics Test Fics tag, and likes and comments on these fics will be tallied as votes and at the end of the month the fics with the most votes those series will be added to the fic list. Upon the fic list they'll be receiving a backburner, and be available for commissions. If a test fic is a multi chap, it can be updated via patreon reward. This event is for you my fans to give me direction towards the future, cause lets face it there are SO MANY ANIME/MANGA/CARTOONS/VIDEOGAMES etc and I'm still just one fox doing the best he can. 

April Event The Cutting Board

After the Test Fic event and we get new series to add to the fic list, it means some things have to go. I've done this in the past and picked series I felt were either not my strongest work or not popular, I did three fics for each of these series and with support the fics and their series were saved. If a series is cut from the fic list it means it will not be available for patreon reward. Please know, if a series has a published backburner it will NOT be going on the chopping block, but no worries this event is a month away and if things go well there won't be any major changes.


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