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Danny Phantom parody: patreon reward

 Chapter 2  https://www.patreon.com/posts/dragon-bride-2-33641109 

Chapter 3 Changes

Prince Aragon set up an hourglass, the sands began to move as soon as the ring ended up on Danny’s finger. As the sounds began to pour the prince chuckled. “It’s only a matter of time.”


Danny was feeling better thanks to Dash, little does he know what’s happening to him. His ghostly DNA was getting supercharged it was effecting more of his physical body. After lunch, it was time for gym class, and just Danny’s luck it was fitness week. The boys and girls changed and hit the field.

The coach was pushing his students harder and harder trying to strengthen them up before the big fitness test at the end of the week. Danny lined up with a few other boys to run track, but as he ran he left the others in the dust. “Whoa, Fenton can run!” Kwan pointed out.

Dash watched as Danny ran faster than anyone had seen him run before. His time improved greatly. ‘How did I do that?’ Danny thought. He hadn’t used his ghost powers. ‘Could my powers be growing?’

“Run it again Fenton!” The coach called, not believing the number. Danny lined up again and ran again, and again, and again. He wasn’t even tired. “Fenton!”

Danny tensed. “Yeah...Coach?”

“Why haven’t you tried out for the team? Any team!” Danny sweatdropped.

“Uh...no sir...” the coach clapped his hands on Danny’s shoulders.

“You need to consider it young man!” Danny wasn’t sure about this.

“Can I think about it?” the coach let him go, for now, Danny breathing a sigh of relief. Tucker and Sam approached him after.

“What was that about Danny?”

“No idea, do you think my ghost powers are evolving?” Sam wasn’t sure but Tucker had his two cents to put in.

“Maybe you are just secretly fast, or all the ghost fighting you do has strengthened your legs.”

“The coach wants me to join a team.”

“That’s not a good idea.”

“That’s a great idea!” Sam and Tucker said at the same time.

“What are you saying Tucker, if Danny’s powers are evolving it would be dangerous for him to join a sports team. Who knows what other powers might pop up?”

“Are you kidding Sam? This is Danny’s chance, if he becomes a jock he’ll be popular, and we’ll be popular by proxy.”

“Is that all you care about?”

“You aren’t the one who gets thrown into lockers by the jocks.” Tucker had a point if Danny was a jock the other jocks wouldn’t bother him as much.

“You think Dash would allow that to happen, he’s the team captain on every team. He’ll go above and beyond to keep Danny off a team, no matter what the coach says.” Tucker sulked, but that had Danny thinking.

‘How would Dash feel about me joining the team?’ Sure Dash and he had a special relationship, but to everyone else, they were the same jock and nerd duo. Even if he became a jock it wouldn’t change how their relationship worked.


“Yo Dash, guess what I just heard!” Kwan told the blonde.

“I hate guessing games, what is it?”

“Coach wants to put Fenton on a team.”


“Isn’t it a laugh riot, that string bean on a team, sure he ran fast but it takes a lot more to be a Casper High jock, right?” As Kwan laughed Dash was surprisingly quiet. He shot a look at Danny, and their eyes met. Kwan slapped his back. “Bet you’ll crush him in any team audition he applies for.”

“Yeah,” Dash said.

The Coach blew a whistle. “Alright, hit the weight room, move it move it!”

Danny was always stronger in his ghost form, but if his powers were evolving and leaking more into his human body...Danny started to lift weights, weights he used to struggle with were now being lifted with ease.

He worked out, pumped some armor, the invisible ring responding to it. Danny’s puny muscles were getting supercharged, every pump and curl, his muscles were getting stimulated and growing. He was getting more built and flexible.

Another weird side effect of his changing body was as he worked up a sweat, he began producing a rather appealing scent. Every guy who got a whiff had their blood rushing south. Danny was focused on lifting weights, increasing his reps, he had no idea the horny lustful looks he was getting.

His skin was flushed and glistening with sweat, his muscle tone growing, becoming more obvious as he flexed and curled. He wasn’t as muscular as Dash or Kwan but there was something special as the twink nerd was showing some fine muscle.

Danny finished with his weights and he wiped away some sweat with his towel. He sat his towel down and moved to put the weights away his towel mysteriously disappears, as did Kwan. The jock took the towel when no one was looking, even he was almost distracted when Danny bent over to put the weights away giving everyone a superb look at his ass. Dash blushed as he stared. ‘Did his ass get bigger?’ he felt his penis throb.

When Danny turned around he found his towel missing. “Hey who took my towel?” No one answered, cause honestly, no one had a clue. Meanwhile...Kwan had taken his towel and excused himself to the bathroom. He held the cloth to his nose and began playing with his aching cock.

Kwan hadn’t jerked off to a guy before, but the smell was so strong it made his head all foggy. Kwan’s cock was short and stout, while it wasn’t as long as Dash’s he was far thicker. He squeezed his cock, unable to touch his thumb and middle finger together. He wondered what kind of cologne or deodorant Danny was wearing, but it was all him, as Danny didn’t like cologne and his deodorant was unscented.

In Danny’s current state you could probably bottle his sweat and put every cologne company out of business. Kwan took deep whiffs of his towel and felt his manhood tremble. He never got so wet so fast, he pumped himself faster, smearing his pre-cum over his fat cock.

A few more whiffs and he was swimming in the pleasure, he hasn’t cum so quick since he first discovered masturbating. He cleaned up using the towel and was able to slip back into class and dropped Danny’s towel off in the dump bin, no one the wiser. To end the class, the coach had everyone doing sit-ups with a spotter.

Dash was doing sit-ups, with Kwan as his spotter while Danny was doing them with Tucker as his spotter. Poor Tucker got whiff after whiff of Danny’s musk, as he curled and sat up, hands behind his head, pits exposed. Tucker got stiff, his long hard cock throbbing in his gym shorts. Dash was having a similar problem, but he focused on working out. If Kwan was paying attention he’d have noticed a bulge in his friend’s shorts, but instead, he kept stealing glances at Danny.

Tucker’s head was reeling. ‘Is this some kind of ghost puberty?’ Sam may be right Danny’s ghost powers were growing, evolving maybe. This wasn’t a bad thing, right?

With gym class over it was time to hit the showers. Danny took his gym clothes off, down to his underwear. He put a towel around his waist and headed for the showers. Kwan had walked by his pile of clothes and couldn’t help himself. He snatched Danny’s jockstrap and excused himself for the bathroom again.

The smell was powerful, the boy’s dick and balls have been rubbing against the confines all class. The smell was so strong he was jizzing into his own jockstrap before he had the chance to whip his dick out. ‘Maybe Fenton becoming a jock wouldn’t be a bad idea.’

Danny washed himself, the water cascading down his sexy body. Danny’s penis swelled slightly, his balls enlarging, his length growing. His hand brushed over his chest, his nipples became plumper, while his ass became juicer.

As Danny showered, the ring reacted and Aragon got a look at his future bride, gazing upon him through a crystal ball. He licked his lips and palmed himself. His bride was coming along nicely, there would be more changes to come.


After Danny showered he redressed, and Dash found him after. “Fenton, I heard coach wanted you to try out for a team, any team.”

“Dash, don’t worry, I’m not gonna...”

“I think you should do it.”


“I don’t like this role we have, I don’t want things to change between us, about that stuff...” he blushed and rubbed the back of his head. “Our public relationship, I don’t like it. If you became a jock, we could...I dunno be friends or whatever.”

“I’d like that, and nothing really has to change, ya know?” Dash smiled.

Their conversation ended as the ghost alarm system went off. “All students please head to the shelter, there is a ghost attack!”

“Let’s move Fenton!” the students began to pile out and head to the shelter.

“Right behind you,” he said, but slowly fell further and further behind. He slipped into a closet and whoosh. “Going Ghost!” he transformed. As the ghostly energy washed over him something became known to Danny, the ring became visible. “What the heck?!”

To be continued...Dora’s Warning


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