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Naruto parody: patreon reward: 

Chapter 11  https://www.patreon.com/posts/shaping-vessel-26794457 

Chapter 12 Pack Life

It seems Naruto had been busy, just before Asuma arrived it seemed. The smell of sex was heavy throughout the whole apartment. Iruka was currently taking care of Shikamaru, the brunette was riding his former teacher, in front of his new one. Iruka was relaxing and letting Shikamaru work his ass over the brunette’s rock hard dick if he slowed down he received a quick smack. His cheeks jiggled, his hole clamping down hard on the teacher’s dick, his own penis and balls bouncing and bobbing as he rode.

Judging from the red tint to his cheeks he had slowed down one too many times. Shikamaru looked happy though, panting and drooling as Iruka’s rod plundered his ass. His hands worked his cute little nipples, tugging on them as he rose up on his shaft, pinching them as he sank down.

As they went deeper into the apartment, Asuma found his long time friend, getting spit roasted by Kiba Inuzuka and who he could only guess was Akamaru, the white-haired dog eared doppelganger and Kakashi gagging around his cock. The two were fucking him so hard and fast, Kiba had a dog tail vibrator in his ass, the vibrations giving the look that the tail was wagging. Akamaru had a vibe in his ass, with a bone-shaped bottom, and Kakashi was working the toy in and out of him.

Kakashi had a growing puddle semen beneath him as his cock slapped his abs, his moans were muffled, but the look on his face was priceless. He was enjoying the rough raw fucking the two Inuzuka boys put him through. Kakashi was let out a muffled slutty noise as his seed splattered the floor, and the two dog boys just kept pounding him, no matter how hard he sucked or how tight he got. His moans sent pleasing vibrations through Akamaru’s shaft into his balls. Each orgasm the older man had, caused his inner walls to tighten around the thrusting cock of Kiba, increasing the friction.

Kiba’s thrusts were so powerful, making Kakashi’s cheeks jiggle. The Inuzuka grunted and panted as he enjoyed a tight ass. The ass of a jounin was quite skilled tightening and relaxing perfectly to Kiba’s pace. Asuma watched them go feeling his own hole twitch in want.

They entered the master bedroom. “AHHH!” Chouji was getting fucked, one of Naruto’s clones was servicing him. His hole was getting pounded as his nipples were getting pinched tugged and his soft chest getting groped as his body rocked in pleasure.

“Until a few minutes ago I was fucking Chouji.” Asuma blushed. “Did you enjoy the extra taste of your student’s ass on my cock?” he gulped and licked his lips.

“Master please!” Chouji moaned.

“Of course, Asuma watch as I breed your student.” His clone vanished and Chouji whined at the loss. Asuma joined them in bed Chouji’s ass placed in front of his face. He gulped seeing the boy’s gaping hole, his insides slicked with pre-cum, his own ass twitched in jealousy.

“You are really sexy sensei!” Chouji said and ran his hands over his hairy pecs and abs. Asuma blushed and his cock twitched. He wasn’t used to such praise.

“That he is, he’ll be your harem brother soon.” Naruto fondled Chouji’s ass. He lined up his dick, letting the fat head kiss his hole. Chouji moaned in delight. The blonde thrust in and Chouji came, shooting his load all over Asuma’s abs and pecs.

Naruto picked up where he left off fucking Chouji rigorously. Asuma was so turned on all he could do was pant, his hot breath dancing over both boys’ balls. Naruto undid the chakra cock ring on his tail and fed it to Chouji. The Akimichi boy quickly began sucking on his master’s phallic tail, pre-cum gushing into his mouth.

‘So good, so good!’ he sucked eagerly, using his tongue to caress the head and glans. He was stuffed on both ends, his moans were muffled, but Naruto felt them through his tail. It really was the best to double stuff his partners, having their tight asses squeezing his cock while sucking on his tail. The pleasure was linked and unified so it increased his arousal level.

Chouji had been a bit disappointed he didn’t get the cum, but seeing Asuma-sensei there lifted his spirits. They were a part of the same happy family now, well...soon would be. Asuma was enjoying the show, down below watching Chouji’s ass swallow Naruto’s massive cock again and again. He’s never wanted to jerk off more than in his entire life, but when he tried to touch himself, Naruto slapped his hands away.

“Patience!” he growled and thrust into Chouji harder. Chouji’s butt was much softer than Kakashi’s so the jiggle was more intense on him than the older jounin. It was amazing to watch, hearing the clap of Naruto’s pelvis to Chouji’s butt, the cheeks jiggling as he pulled back only to jiggle again as he thrust back in. Naruto wasn’t gonna make him wait for his treat but made sure he came again before he did.

His big dick continued to press and grind Chouji’s sweet spot, again and again, while the friction of his thrusts melted Chouji’s insides. His inner walls were so slicked up with Naruto’s pre-cum, so Naruto could go long and fast. It was no surprise Chouji arched his back. “Master!

The heavy cum pelted Asuma’s body, making the older man more excited. Naruto gave a few more thrusts before his huge balls unloaded cum into Chouji, his ass was flooded while his mouth was stuffed. The brunette held Naruto’s cum in his mouth, his cheeks puffing out as he savored the flavor. If Chouji was a greedier man, he’d think they could make millions bottling Naruto’s thick cum and selling it as a sauce, hell they’d make billions.

He moaned in delight, the flavor of the semen was so strong, so manly, so delicious Chouji came again, shooting more cum onto his sensei’s hairy body. It was like Christmas his forest of manly hair being covered in white, his cum rolled and dipped in all his grooves of muscle. He gulped it down, and let Naruto’s cum fill his belly.

Chouji kept sucking and earned more cum from Naruto’s cock tail. He gripped the phallic appendage and pumped it and nursed it from him. Chouji’s efforts were rewarded with more cum. His belly grew a tad larger, and Naruto just gave it a rub, letting the Akimichi drink his fill.

Asuma couldn’t wait anymore and began to lick Naruto’s balls. “I think your sensei is getting impatient.” he slipped his tail from Chouji’s mouth.

“I want more cum!” Chouji moaned heatedly.

“Then let’s give him something else to suck on.” some slight adjustments and Chouji went back to sucking on the cock tail while his fat cock landed on Asuma’s face.

“Suck it!” Naruto ordered.

Asuma obeyed, taking his student’s cock into his mouth and began sucking on his harem brother. His nose buried in his balls, the heavy musk making his head spin and his cock weep. Chouji enjoyed his treat and Asuma’s sucking and came into his teacher’s mouth, making him gulp down the heavy seed. “That’s hot!” Naruto purred and channeled some of his chakra through his cock and into Chouji’s sweet spot.

The boy moaned around his tail and was forced to cum again and again into Asuma’s mouth. Asuma chugged like a champ. Finally, Chouji had enough cum and pulled off the tail with a wet pop. He licked his lips and gave a little hiccup. Chouji pulled out of his mouth. Asuma looked drunk. “I think I swallowed too much cum.”

“Nonsense!” Naruto pulled out and caused some of his cum to gush and spillover Asuma’s face. Asuma couldn’t help himself, he opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue to catch the falling seed. “You were saying?” Asuma blushed.

Naruto stuffed Chouji’s ass with his tail, and let the phallic organ pound him. Chouji buried his face in a pillow, muffling his moans as his ass was plundered. Asuma was shifted to be before Naruto, his muscled form laid out, his legs spread. “You really are a sexy beast Asuma!” Asuma groaned and his cock twitched. “Does it turn you on to get fucked by a guy smaller than you?” Naruto gave his cock a squeeze, and poor Asuma was so wound up he came, his seed joining Chouji’s seed on his abs and pecs.

“Yes, I’ve seen your stamina, my cock doesn’t compare. It’s just big a decoration!” he moaned.

“Now now, even decorations have their uses. Your big cock may be of use to me.” Asuma shivered. Naruto collected the cocktail of cum on his body and used it to wet his fingers. He plunged two digits into Asuma’s ass and made the hairy male moan. “Your body is so receptive, you really were made for this role.” He worked his fingers back and forth.

“Please master, take me, breed me!” Asuma bucked down onto his fingers. His ass was starving for it.

“Don’t worry, you are mine!” he curled his fingers and rubbed his sweet spot.

“Yes!” The desire in Naruto’s eyes made Asuma hot, the love, the passion, aimed at him. He didn’t feel ashamed of his body. Asuma was different than any other of his harem, being the most muscular and in some ideals the manliest out of all of them.

Kyuubi approved of this man whole-heartedly as Naruto’s three adult mates each represented a need the harem would require to grow, in and out of the bedroom. As Naruto finished fingering the man he lined his cock up and plundered Asuma’s ass.

Like his other mates, his body was already primed by drinking his semen, evolving to take his large size. With his pre-cum paving the way Asuma felt no pain as Naruto claimed his ass. Inch after glorious inch stretched his hole wide and deep.

Asuma soon felt Naruto’s balls press against his ass as he was fully stuffed by the blonde’s impressive cock. His response was immediate, letting out a loud cry as he came showering himself with the most intense orgasm of his life so far. “Master!” The man’s vision blurred as he drooled, so many orgasms and Naruto still wasn’t done with him.

His big burly legs were placed over Naruto’s shoulders. “Get ready!” Naruto began to move thrusting into Asuma as his tail thrust into Chouji. Student and teacher getting fucked in tandem, the bed creaking under the powerful thrusts. Naruto’s heavy balls smacked his ass again and again. Asuma’s head was spinning, he felt alive, his body rolling and jiving to the pleasure. Asuma was reduced to a fit of moans, moaning “Naruto!” and “Master!” the chorus rose.

Asuma wasn’t as young as he used to be and even has chakra reserves ran out, but nothing could stop the pleasure Naruto drilled into his body. His spent dick, couldn’t stiffen but still came making quite a mess. Chouji was good, his body absorbing Naruto’s cum to replenish his chakra.

Naruto’s climax hit, pumping the two full of thick hot cum, and Asuma lost. Each spurt getting packed deep inside him. Chouji moaned in delight as the tail fed his ass more cum. Naruto pulled his tail out of Chouji and the boy slumped forward, he didn’t remain idle.

Chouji dipped his fingers into his gaping cum stuffed hole, digging his fingers in before pulling them out and sucking them clean. Naruto’s tail thrust into Asuma’s mouth. The man obediently began to suck, he earned the next orgasm and chugged Naruto’s semen. His stomach bulged from the overflow of semen.

Asuma felt his chakra system get invigorated, and sure enough, his cock rose back to full attention. Naruto grabbed his big rod and pumped it along with his thrusts.


Time began to blur, Asuma lost count how many times he came, and must have blacked out cause when he came to he was on his hands and knees. Naruto’s cock tail between his lips. They weren’t alone the whole pack was in the room, cocks hard and aimed at him. “You are a part of the family now, it’ll be your job to drain the balls of your fellow pack members aren’t you happy?” Asuma smiled.

“Yes master!” he moaned and took Iruka’s cock into his mouth. Naruto pulled out and Chouji took his place.

“We all love you Asuma, that won’t change.” he kissed his cheek. Naruto left Asuma in the capable hands of the harem. Kyuubi gifted him a special outfit. He left the apartment only to return with Asuma’s clothing.

Asuma had sucked Iruka, Kiba, and Akamaru off, and was working on Kakashi. Kiba and Akamaru were tag-teaming Asuma’s ass, stuffing both their hard dicks into his hole. Kiba was on his back bucking up, while Akamaru was mounting him.

His oral skills were truly impressive. He was fitting right in, his harem brothers loved him. After he finished draining his brother’s balls he fell into a blissful sleep. It wasn’t long before Iruka woke him up bright and early. They were making rounds, Iruka was topping, and Asuma was sucking.

Naruto would be following shortly, Iruka’s topping provided stretching and lube. Asuma made sure their spilled seed didn’t go to waste. His harem brothers enjoyed his beard tickling their balls when he sucked their dicks.

Kakashi followed after Naruto supplying toys to keep the boys plugged. After the rounds Naruto took Iruka and Asuma in the shower, once Iruka was clean and fucked, he headed to make breakfast for the pack. Kakashi joined them in the shower and got Naruto’s cock while Asuma was tail fucked.

They ate together as a pack, fucked as a pack, and loved as a pack. Asuma was still a little nervous but Shikamaru and Chouji were certainly happy to have him around. Naruto sure as hell welcomed him with open arms, and it was kinda nice having Kakashi around.

He was thinking he was gonna enjoy pack life. “I need to break up with Kurenai,” he confessed at the table. “I made my choice, and maybe I should have done it before I came here but I...”

“You made the right choice, as far as I’m concerned you left her the moment you drank from the vial. If you need this to happen for closure then go, but make sure you take Kakashi with you.”

“I will, but why?”

“Because I’m 100% sure if you had tried to break up with her before coming to me, she’d have used genjutsu on you to make you stay.”

“She wouldn’t...” he looked to Iruka and Kakashi, who nodded their heads. “She would...” the lapses in his time made sense now, she put him under, for whatever reason it didn’t matter.

“I got your back.” Kakashi patted his back.

To be continued...Break Up and First Mission


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