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Danny Phantom parody: patreon reward

Chapter 2  https://www.patreon.com/posts/33703755  

Chapter 3

Danny had some explaining to do, first things first. Sam and Tucker screamed at the sight of Wulf, making the poor guy’s ears flatten and him to whimper. “Put him down you monster!” Sam shouted.

“Let go of our friend you big furry...thing!” Tucker snapped.

“Guys stop, Wulf is my friend.” Danny was still feeling dizzy. “He’s not gonna hurt anyone.”

“Friend?!” the two gasped in unison.

“Friend!” Wulf said confidently. “You are...Danny’s friends too...” Sam calmed down and began to look at things with a calm perspective and realized that Wulf had jumped into the portal to save Danny’s life.

Danny told his friends about Wulf and how they had bonded over many years. Sam thought it was cute, while Tucker was totally not crying, nope his eyes were just sweating. “I wanted you guys to meet but there were rules.” Now that the ghost portal was complete, Wulf would be able to leave the Fenton home so long as he stayed out of sight and didn’t cause trouble this would be the norm.

Now that the introductions were out of the way they could get to what the fuck happened to Danny. His dark hair was now white, his eyes were glowing green. “Half...ghost...” Wulf said after sniffing Danny a bit.

Danny was in shock, he believed his friend. “Danny! Everything okay?!” Jack’s voice made Danny’s blood run cold.

“Oh man!” their footsteps getting closer had Danny freaking out. Sam and Tucker tried to act normal but there was nothing normal about any of this. Their friend had turned into a ghost, according to the big werewolf ghost, so all things considered probably the expert in this. Danny was sweating bullets and shaking, he legit didn’t want his parents to see him like this. In a flash, energy warped around Danny returning him into human form. Wulf put him down and turned invisible.

Jack came down. “Danny! What is the meaning of this?”

“Uhh...” he looked himself over. “What do you mean dad?”

“Danny you...” the boy gulped. “You got the portal working!” he ran past the boy and there it was, the Fenton Portal was working, giving off an eerie glow.

“Right...right I did! That means my uhh pet can go for walks now right?” Playing up the charade.

“Hmm? Oh right your pet, yes! A deal is a deal.” he left the room to go tell Maddie.

Wulf became visible again. “Hey Wulf, if I’m half-ghost does that mean I can do the things you do?” Wulf tilted his head to the side in thought.

“Maybe...” he said. “Wulf...can teach...” Danny’s pants suddenly became intangible and down they went showing off his boxers. He yelped and covered himself. “Try...to teach...”

“Hey!” Wulf chuckled and licked his cheek.

Sam and Tucker watched them together as they processed this information. 1. Ghosts were real, check! 2. Danny is a half-ghost, due to the power of the ghost portal, check! 3. Danny can change between his ghost half and his human half, check! 4. Danny has a friend who is a ghost werewolf looking guy, who’s also his...pet? Well...least things won’t be boring anymore.


Danny’s powers were weird, Wulf was teaching him the basics. The three basic powers of a ghost, flight, invisibility, and intangibility. In-flight his legs turned into a ghostly whisp, a sign of a beginner, it helped him stay afloat. Wulf could float and fly without going whispy. It was a little weird having legs, then poof you got a wiggly ghost tail thing happening.

He got over it when he had his first flight, Wulf watching over him to make sure Danny wasn’t hurt or caught. Flying was the greatest thing ever, it was so freeing, and opened a whole new perspective the boy didn’t have before. Just floating could be fun, by flying made his heart flutter, the wind in his hair, the speed, it was exhilarating.

His ghost tail was like training wheels, and Danny wanted them off. He tried to fly without his tail and it didn’t go well. Wulf had to swoop in and catch him. “Thanks, buddy!” It was gonna take time to master these powers. Another close call was when Danny tried to see how high he could fly, only for him to accidentally turn off his powers and he plummeted.

Wulf was there to catch him. “I got...your back...” Danny smiled and petted him. With Wulf’s teachings and support, he was able to fly better and faster. He got to the point he could use the whisp tail to fly at a greater speed if he needed it.

What Danny needed to master was Intangibility, the ability to phase through solid objects, this power went off at random times, causing him to lose his pants, boxers, even his towel in the locker room. It was super embarrassing. In practice, Danny phased through walls and sometimes ended up naked in the hallway with his clothes on the other side of the wall. Wulf couldn’t help but snort and chuckle at the sight of him all embarrassed and blushing. “Shut it!” Danny playfully glared at him.

With Wulf’s help, he was able to master this power faster, it was a great help when Dash or some of the other jocks tried to put him in his locker. If he was in a hurry he could grab a snack or something he needed.

Invisibility came next, he was so grateful having Wulf teach him the basics. He could only imagine how much he’d struggle to learn these ghost powers alone, with no one to help or guide him. With the basics down Danny was able to start figuring out what unique abilities he had. Wulf explained that while some ghosts share powers, the basics of being a ghost, other ghosts have unique abilities.

He didn’t know what kind of powers Danny would develop, but he could keep teaching him as best he could. He did know Danny was ready for some of the more advanced techniques like Overshadowing, controlling one’s Ecto Energy, and advancing the basics.


Wulf was also enjoying his new freedom, he didn’t go too far but he was able to explore the town a bit. He used his invisibility and was able to observe things. He was always curious about what Danny did most days when he left the house. School was mildly interesting, he didn’t know a lot about this world outside of what Danny shared with him.

Things were going fine until…

“Sup Fenturd!” Dash Baxter school all-star, the most popular guy in school, and a solid bully jerk. Danny had mentioned him in the past, now Wulf has a face with the name. Danny had been getting books out for his next class when the jock suddenly pushed him inside and locked him in. “Looks like you are gonna be late for class again,” he said and laughed.

Wulf felt his fur puff up in rage. Danny simply phased out of his locker and got to class just in time. It happened again where Dash knocked Danny’s books out of his hands on the way to the next class. Wulf growled, he was itching to make the jock his personal scratching post. At lunch Danny got food and Dash spilled it all over him, Wulf dug his nails into a tree he was hiding behind. He was gonna ring the jock’s neck if this kept up.

Danny waited till no one was looking and simply went intangible letting the food fall off of him...well through him. Wulf understood now why Danny always came home so sad, he didn’t have powers to make things easier on him, he’s been dealing with Dash’s crap all this time. Though this had Wulf wondering, Danny was stronger now, he had powers, why wasn’t he fighting back? Just to keep his secret?

Wulf decided to follow his friend and observe more. Danny did dish out a little bit of payback when Dash was chatting it up with his friends Danny went ghost and pantsed him in front of everyone. The jock gasped and fumbled with his pants while everyone laughed. Dash was wearing a jockstrap so his ass was on full display. He ran off, it wouldn’t last, Dash’s influence was too strong, anyone who talked about the incident would have to deal with the jocks. Wulf decided to help when Danny was giving an oral report in class and the jocks kept interrupting him with cough insults. The teacher did nothing, he looked bored and lost and just kept telling Danny to continue.

So Wulf went invisible and intangible and started tying their shoelaces together. When the bell rang all the jocks tripped and landed flat on their butts. Dash was quick to blame Danny. “Mr. Baxter no one in this class moved, do you really expect Mr. Fenton while giving his oral report somehow tied everyone’s shoelaces.”

“No, sir...” Dash blushed. He didn’t have proof but he liked to blame Danny for everything. If he got a bad grade, Danny paid for it. If he had a bad day or got caught being a jerk Danny paid for it. Something weird happened to him it was always Fenton’s fault.

Dash would get his payback, after gym in the locker room. Danny had just finished showering and had put a towel around his waist. Dash snuck up behind him and snatched his towel. “Dash quit it!”

“Cram it Fenton!” he rolled up the towel and snapped it on his ass.

“Oww!” Dash was letting it all hang out.

“It’s your own fault Fenton, only little babies wear a towel after a shower. If you were a real man you’d let it all hang out right boys?” All the jocks were letting it all hang out, dicks and balls as far as the eye could see even with the heavy steam from the hot showers. In the showers, he had no problem showing off, or perhaps he was overcompensating from the earlier pantsing. He always had to be the big man on campus, and any blow to his rep he tended to go beyond to fix. 

“Dash...” He was about to explain it was Casper High locker room etiquette to wear a towel when entering the locker room from the shower. Danny froze, as a blue whisp left his mouth, his unique ability. Ghost Sense, it happened whenever ghosts came around. Wulf was an exception, usually but Wulf was pissed. Danny’s eyes flashed green another ability Phantom Eyes. Even though Wulf was invisible Danny could see him clear as day.

The jock had no idea how much danger he was in, it only got worse as he tried to get Fenton to stop hiding his crotch. Suddenly a loud growl echoed through the room, and shivers ran through their spines. They saw nothing but heard the sound of an angry beast. They heard footsteps and some would swear they saw something in the mist. “Monster! Ghost!” were the cries as Dash and his jock buddies ran for it, dropping Danny’s towel in the process.

“Thanks, buddy!” he petted the invisible werewolf ghost.

“He’s more like a guard dog,” Tucker said.

“You don’t have to worry about me,” Danny told him and Wulf shook himself off.

“I’ll be here...” he said and vanished.

“It’s kinda cool you got your own furry guardian angel looking out for ya.”

“As long as he doesn’t do anything drastic.” He didn’t want Wulf to lose his freedom, Dash wasn’t worth it.

To be continued


Damion Andrew

That is so sweet. Wulf is the best. 😄