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My Hero parody: Tier 1: born on the phone

Magnetic Deku

Izuku's quirk is a different form of his mother's. She was able to attract small objects to her like a magnet. Izuku's quirk seems to focus on magnetism as a whole. He can move metal, he can even temporarily magnetize objects, he even learns to float by creating his own field. 

Chapter 1 New Friendship

Izuku wasn't the strongest kid, but he had his own sense of justice. Even if it was one of his friends that was doing bad stuff, he couldn't just stand by and say nothing. Even if he had a quirk it wasn't super flashy or powerful considering he was only 6, but still…

He tried to stand up for those who got pushed around, even if it meant standing up to his childhood friend Bakugo Katsuki. "Stop being so mean, you were hurting him Kacchan!"

"What do you think you are doing, Deku? We were just playing around, but if you think you can take us on!" He punched his palm causing explosions. Bakugo was the leader of the neighborhood kids, no one went against him, he was the smartest, strongest, bravest kid around, it was no wonder the other kids flocked to him and that was before he even got his quirk. 

He was surrounded by praise so it was no small wonder he got an inflated ego. He was the boss and if you disagreed you better be willing to fight. Bakugo always won though. This time was no different but Izuku was outnumbered, Bakugo and two of his friends ganged up on Izuku. 

Izuku tried to fight back and maybe if it was one on one, he'd have had better luck. It didn't matter how much he trained or practiced, Bakugo and his buddies always looked down on him. He learned how to freely move metal with his magnetism. In Middle School he learned how to magnetize objects for a short period of time, it didn't work on living things but it was progress. In High School he learned to float by manipulating his own magnetic field, essentially flying as he could move himself with his power. 

Flight took a lot out of him, so it wasn't his go to ability. He was still young and had a lot of work to do. So, he trained his body, believing a stronger vessel meant a stronger quirk. In his mind bigger magnets produced a stronger field. He worked both his muscles and his quirk muscles. 

It was easy for him to manipulate smaller objects like his mom, but manipulating larger objects took more work and focus, his training helped with that. He thought one day if he got strong enough, he could save planes, trains, and the like from danger. He wanted to be a hero like All Might, the symbol of peace!

Izuku didn't have many friends, it made school rough for him until he made it to high school. Lot of the kids were on Team Bakugo, Izuku used to be, but the blonde continued to push him away. Sad part is, despite Bakugo's prickly nature, he liked him. He loved to study heroes, and this habit carried to those around him.

He believed Bakugo would be a good hero, when it came to fighting bad guys, he'd crush them. If it came to working with others and helping people...Izuku was a bit more concerned. Izuku cared more about helping and working with people. So they butted heads a lot. 

The scary thing was Izuku's training was paying off, and he was catching up to Bakugo. The blonde could see it, even if the others in his group didn't. His complex showed as he lashed out at Izuku often. No one wanted to deal with his wrath. 

Izuku, being the sweetheart he was, couldn't blame them. He still wanted a friend, upon nearing the end of his middle school years the only person he could call a friend was Katsuki...yeah Izuku needed a friend. 

By a stroke of luck, his mom had business in the town over and Izuku had a free day from school. So he was brought along, and was given a relaxing day at a park while his mother ran her errands. Inko wasn't worried the park had a hero detail, so it was very safe. 

Izuku saw this as a chance to make friends, then a loud clang rung out. He turned and saw a boy covered in metal banging his head against a metal pole. Some other kids were laughing at him, so Izuku jumped into action. "Stop!" Izuku cried out and the boy found himself unable to move. "Why are you trying to hurt yourself?"

"Hurt myself? This is training!" The male said with a huge toothy grin. Izuku blinked and released his hold. "You must be new, the name is Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu!"

"Why did you say it twice?" Tetsutetsu showed his ID and Izuku couldn't help but chuckle. "My name is Izuku Midoriya, nice to meet you."

"How'd you stop me earlier?" 

"My quirk gives me power over magnetism, you are the first living person that its ever worked on though." He smiled and rubbed the back of his head. "Sorry for interrupting your training!" 

"It's okay, it must have looked pretty weird. My quirk is called Steel, it allows me to harden my body like steel, it gives me a strength boost to. It's not very flashy though." Izuku's eyes sparkled. 

"I think it's an awesome quirk! You'll be an amazing hero with a quirk like that." Tetsutetsu blushed and felt his heart flutter a bit. Izuku began to mutter about all the different uses and practices of his quirk, and the Steel boy couldn't help but find it cute. Izuku went into stuff he never thought of even, giving him ideas on how to improve his quirk. "So you're banging against the pole to test your metal!" He finished his muttering nerd out. 

"That's right you are pretty smart!" 

"Can I help you train?" Tetsutetsu smirked.

"Sure can!" No one had ever offered to help him before. Izuku revealed three metal balls, he began to make them move with his quirk. With a flick of the wrist, he sent the balls flying and struck Tetsutetsu. "Is that all you got?" 

Izuku smirked and began to send the balls flying at greater speed, they began to strike at the Steel clad boy. Tetsutetsu smirked, he braced himself, as he took the barrage of attacks. These balls were top of the line, a bit heavy but very durable, launching them at higher speeds could probably break someone's arm, crack a bone or two, so he didn't test it.

Tetsutetsu was far more durable, so now he could. He tried attacking the balls too, but they were too small and too fast for him to hit. After a round or two, Izuku pulled back the balls. "You are really tough!"

"You know it!" He was panting, but he gaze Izuku a thumbs up that he was okay. 

"Hey Tetsutetsu, since you are the first person my quirk has affected, can I try something?"

"Sure, you helped me train, I can help!" He said pounding his chest with one hand. 

"Now just be still!" Izuku focused and Tetsutetsu gasped as he was lifted up into the air.

"Whoa!" He grinned. "This is so cool!" Izuku could move him through the air. "You could totally send me flying like a bullet or cannonball!"

"That could be dangerous!" Izuku said.

"Nonsense, I can take it!" He flexed his muscles. Izuku pointed out the cracks in his armor. "It's fine, I just gotta deactivate and then activate my quirk again." To prove his point he deactivated his quirk, and down he went, right on top of Izuku. 


Of all the things to happen a smooch, right on the lips. Eyes went wide, and Tetsutetsu jumped back. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I promise I'll take full responsibility!" He bowed his head in apology over and over again. 

Izuku touched his lips, his cheeks burning in a blush. "That was my first kiss…" bang right in the feels.

"Gah!" He banged his head over and over. " I'm so stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid!" He repeated. 

"Tetsutetsu it's okay!" He stopped the boy, but he was already bleeding. The boy took his hands. 

"I promise to do right by you, first I should meet your parents, and then you can meet mine! Then we can…" Izuku couldn't help but laugh.

"You are a funny guy Tetsutetsu." He was serious. "It's okay, what's a few kisses between friends." He said with a smile. Bang right in the feels, he felt like he was shot right through the heart. "We can be friends right?" He asked, looking hopeful. 

"Of course we are friends!" He said loudly. Izuku smiled and Tetsutetsu felt his heart flutter.


Having a friend like Tetsutetsu made high school bearable. They lived in different towns but there was a gym smack dab in the middle between. So if Izuku or Tetsutetsu had a bad day or even if they were having a good day they'd meet up and hang out at the gym. Working out, talking, having lunch or dinner together. 

They kept in touch on the phone whenever they couldn't meet up. They shared some likes and dislikes but they didn't agree on everything, but that was okay. Tetsutetsu was quick to rush into a fight, while Izuku preferred more to think and analyze a situation. For some reason they just clicked, Izuku liked to think it was the magnet phenomenon opposites attract, but they weren't polar opposites. Tetsutetsu felt that they didn't need to over think it.

Like a true friend Tetsutetsu did want to pound Bakugo Katsuki into a pulp. Midoriya often talked about the blonde and some of the stuff he did made his blood boil. "If I ever meet that guy I'm gonna slug him!"

"Kacchan isn't that bad." He said, most of the stuff he did was in the past. It amazed Tetsutetsu that Izuku could be so forgiving, the boy had to be an angel or a saint. In truth while Izuku and Bakugo still went to the same high school, the blonde wasn't as mean to Izuku anymore.

 It helped that Bakugo was on a shorter leash. High School teachers weren't impressed by his quirk, grades, or even his physical ability. A hero with a bad attitude wasn't gonna fly, those looking to enter the hero course were heavily watched and documented. Midoriya also caught Katsuki staring at him from time to time. 

"You can be too forgiving sometimes, I think he deserves some kind of punishment." Tetsutetsu told him once when they were working out together. 

"You are a good friend Tetsutetsu!" He said smiling. Izuku treasured their friendship which made things harder for Tetsutetsu. Why?

Because Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, was in love with Izuku Midoriya!

To be continued


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