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Seven Deadly Sins parody: Tier 1


Milk Bar

Meliodas runs a very popular milk bar, he collects the milk from his staff of monster boys. The blonde takes very good care of his boys and protects them, its no wonder they fall for the blonde. Love is the secret ingredient that makes their milk so good. Meliodas/Minotaur Ban/Fairy King/Holstaur Gil Howzer and Griamore

Chapter 1

Meliodas had a dream, to run a bar, a very special bar. No one believed such a crazy insane idea would work. A Milk Bar? He was laughed out of the room. It wasn’t just normal milk he was offering, he traveled around to find the best employees to achieve his dream.

He couldn’t cook worth a damn, his food always looked good, but tasted awful. He traveled around until he found a minotaur, he was making money fighting in Demi-human cage matches and stealing from any punks that tried to mess with him before and after matches. Ban was a fan favorite in the ring, but that didn’t mean he was beloved outside of it.

Even the owner of the fights didn’t like him, as people kept betting on Ban so he was losing money. He represented a few monsters, and made sure to nickel and dime them on everything from room and board, equipment, ring fees, etc. His fighters kept losing, and since Ban wasn’t one of his fighters he couldn’t bet on him. He was losing money, so he often tried to sabotage Ban, or make things harder on him.

Meliodas caught up to him and made him an offer. “Why don’t you come work for me?”

“You must be joking, you looking for a bouncer or something?”

“A cook, plus you look like the type who can produce a lot of milk.” Ban was wearing tight orange pants, his fat 16-inch dick and huge balls bulging the crotch. His pecs were so big, he wasn’t wearing a vest, his nipples were fat as well. Ban blushed at Meliodas’ words.

“I’m not a holstaur!” he hissed.

“I know!” Meliodas was suddenly behind Ban, groping his beefy pecs. “These thick pecs!”

“Ahh!” Ban moaned.

“These 8 pack abs!” He had one hand trail down his abs. Ban shivered and backed back against Meliodas. “This big dick!” he groped Ban’s bulging crotch and the minotaur moaned. To say nothing of his muscled arms and legs, the heavy man musk that minotaurs were known for, and the plump ass tight ass.

Meliodas was fast, massaging and groping Ban in a way no one had ever touched him before. “Oh fuck!” Ban moaned and came, his cum gushing out of his tight pants, running down his legs and becoming thick pools around his feet. He felt that orgasm from his horns down to his toes.

“I can show you a lot of things, if you work for me, you’ll get paid, have a roof over your head, three meals a day, and I’ll show you how to milk a minotaur.” Ban gulped and shuddered, his body was shaking.

He’s jerked off like any healthy minotaur, but he never comes like that. “You are pretty good with your hands, but I got a policy, I’ll only work for someone stronger than me.”

“Is that so?” Meliodas continued to grope and fondle his pecs. “Well I’m not one to give up.” he released Ban, getting a whine of loss from the horned male. He left, and Ban went to his cheap apartment, had some booze, and some food, worked out a little bit, showered and went to bed.

It was hard to sleep, it was so quiet, too quiet. If Ban could label it, it’d be annoyingly quiet. He didn’t have friends or bed partners over, he was used to being alone, so why was this bothering him now. Meliodas flashed in his mind, and his penis swelled. Ban blushed and cursed, gazing down at his traitorous dick. “I’ve been good to you damn it!” he hissed before getting up to get another drink. Several glasses later he was passed out over his covers.

Ban honestly thought he had seen the last of the short blonde. What he wasn’t expecting when he showed up for his match the next day, the blonde was his opponent. “What the hell are you doing here?” He was standing there shirtless, the blonde was built sure but what the hell was he thinking.

“You said you’d only work for someone stronger than you, so I’m here to test things out.”

“You idiot, this is a fight with a monster!” he wanted the blonde to change his mind but instead he was just stretching.

“Yep, this is gonna be tough,” he said with a grin.

“Tch, don’t think I’m gonna go easy on you!” he growled.

“I’d be insulted if you did.” Ban decided to do some stretching of his own. The crowd had gathered, and bets were pouring in, almost everyone was voting for Ban, a few drunks voted on the little guy.

“Try not to kill him!”

“This fight won’t last a minute!”

“Try not to die little guy!”

“Get him!”

The crowd started chanting his name. “You really want me to give all this up?”

“Not if you were really happy here.”

“What makes you think I’m not happy?” he asked with a glare.

“You got the same look as me, someone who’s lonely.” Ban’s eyes widened, and the fighting bell went off.

“Shut up!” Ban charged at him, but Meliodas zipped passed him, he butt bumped him and sent Ban stumbling forward and landing on his hands and knees.

“That’s a good look for you!” Meliodas stared at his ass and tail. Ban blushed, and back kicked him, but Meliodas dodged.

‘He’s quick!’ He kept trying to knock the guy out but Meliodas was fast. The crowd was loving it, some were laughing as Ban was tripped and knocked around by Meliodas’ antics, even getting his horns stuck for a bit. “You can’t beat me if you just keep dodging!” he said while panting.

“This is true, okay! I’m gonna get serious!” In a flash, he was gone, and Ban got hit a bunch of times before he was knocked back.

‘What the hell!?’ Not only could Meliodas move fast but he could hit hard. Ban went after him, and Meliodas blocked his punches with his fists, the two meeting on equal strength. ‘How is he doing that?’ he got mad and his power swelled.

“Eat this!” he punched Meliodas in the face, and for a brief second he was satisfied cause he landed a hit, and then he was hit with a wave of fear. ‘Oh shit, what did I just do?’ Thinking he might have shattered Meliodas’s skull.

Instead of dying, Meliodas smirked and hit Ban back. A surge of excitement ran through the minotaur, his eyes went wide, and his smile grew. “Hahahaha!” he laughed. The two stopped blocking and dodging and just started wailing on each other, and the two were just enjoying themselves.

The blonde was something else, Ban hadn’t felt a thrill like this in a long time. What was it about this blonde that was awakening things inside him. In just 24 hours the blonde had given him his best orgasm and his best fight.

Their fight went on for a while, the crowd was actually stunned into silence. In the end, Ban lost, his rage boost had faded as he got genuine enjoyment out of the fight. Meliodas overwhelmed him completely. He stood there panting, his heavy pecs rising and falling, his arms and legs felt like noodles, and his cock looked ready to burst out of his tight pants. “Is life gonna be like this all the time?”

“Maybe,” he said with a chuckle.

“I lose,” he collapsed and Meliodas caught him.

“Good fight!” Meliodas patted his back. The few people who didn’t bet on Ban cheered as they had just made a killing. A large man named Twigo came out slow clapping.

“That was quite an interesting bout.”

“Are you here to give me my winnings?” Meliodas asked.

Twigo pulled out a big bag of gold and dropped it on the ground. “Now just hand over that minotaur and you can collect your prize.”

“Excuse me?” Ban was barely conscious but he could hear everything going on.

“That Minotaur has cost me quite a bit of money, no one’s ever beaten him before. I can’t let this chance slip by.” He had some guys with him, but they weren’t much. “I’m sure I can sell him and make back all the money I lost on his fights.”

“I’m sorry, he isn’t for sale.”

“Tch, if you don’t hand him over you won’t get a single bit of your money.”

“Keep it, Ban’s worth more than that.”

“Don’t be stupid, you are in no condition to stop me, why throw your life away for some dumb beast?” Meliodas glared at him, the rage in his eyes made Twigo’s blood run cold. “Get him fools!”

His men charged at Meliodas. “Sit tight, I’m not gonna let them take you.” he set Ban down and proceeded to crush his puny men. By the time Meliodas was done with them, they were disarmed, their clothing gone, and cheeks red. The men ran off, some crying some with a hard-on. “Now, now, now, what am I gonna do with you?” Meliodas cracked his knuckles.

Twigo tried to draw his sword, but he had barely pulled it out halfway before Meliodas punched him in the face. He broke his nose and left the man writhing in agony. “I’ll make you...pay for this...” Meliodas leaned down and whispered something into his ear, and dropped some gold coins on his chest. “For your medical bills, bye-bye,” he said out loud.

No one heard what Meliodas whispered, but whatever it was had the man nearly pissing himself in fear. Meliodas took the gold and Ban and left the ring. “Do we need to stop by your place?”

“Nah, you are basically taking in a hermit.” Ban was more conscious now.

“Works for me, I got myself an employee and some money to put towards our place.”

‘Our place...’ It warmed Ban’s heart. No one in the crowd tried to stop Twigo, he had a feeling if he ever lost in the ring it’d be bad, but to think the bastard wanted to sell him. He wanted Ban to be one of his fighters, but Ban only served the strong. Meliodas was strong and interesting. He was offering Ban so much more than a job.

“We probably can’t spar like that a lot, we both need to be in top shape to run my bar. Not to worry, I know some other fun things we can do instead.” He playfully rubbed Ban’s ass, the Minotaur moaned and blushed. He wondered what the blonde had in store from him, recalling the promise he made when he first offered him a job.

To be continued Milking A Minotaur!


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