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Dragon Ball parody: Tier 1

 Chapter 1  https://www.patreon.com/posts/saiyan-kai-1-29561369 

Chapter 2 Training the Saiyan

Kibito was surprised when Shin returned with a young Saiyan infant at that. A mortal on the Kai’s world, such a thing was a rare occurrence even across the multiverse. Normally Kai’s are born from the sacred tree, but there have been few occasions when the gods would adopt a mortal pure soul and grant them the power of a god.

While Shin was sure he had made the right choice, Kibito was not so sure. He had studied the ancient texts in the hopes of becoming one of the new Supreme Kais, so he knew what happened to the last Saiyan that had tried to gain the power of a god. “I do not think this is wise, he’s a Saiyan, a battle-hungry species.”

“I’ve made my choice, no matter what happens, he’s my responsibility,” Shin said.

Kakarot was a bit wild, but Shin was able to earn his respect by showing his strength. A Saiyan's instinct was inclined towards the strong, and Shin was very strong. He was able to teach the boy about life, giving him knowledge and understanding.

Over the years Kakarot learned a lot about the universe, he was drawn to the Northern Quadrant and observed various planets. Earth became his favorite planet to watch, so many different people. He saw terrible things and good things. “Can’t we help them?”

Shin was the acting Grand Supreme Kai so he was tasked with watching over the whole universe until new Supreme Kais could be born and take over the empty seats. “It is usually not our place to interfere in the world of mortals, only on rare occasions.” Kakarot learned that some planets had a guardian that acted as the planet’s god or lord, but this wasn’t always the case. Even they did not interfere often allowing the populace to make their own mistakes. “It is all about balance, the balance of the universe has been distorted, we must focus on restoring that balance, or more evil will spread.”

Kakarot didn’t really get it, but Shin was smart so he trusted his words. That didn’t stop him from wanting to help people though. Shin chuckled and ruffled his hair. “Continue to grow stronger, and one day you might become a Supreme Kai. You’ll be assigned a quadrant and you’ll have responsibility for them.”

“Really!” Kakarot said excitedly.

“Seriously!” Kibito gasped. He turned and walked away as soon as Kakarot looked at him.

“I don’t think Kibito-san likes me.” he looked down sadly.

“He’s just...set in his ways. The fact you want to help people is a good thing, never forget that.” Kakarot smiled and continued to train with Shin. He even got to spar with Kibito from time to time, though the larger male does so by Shin’s order.

Shin is impressed with Kakarot’s growth in terms of power, even when he loses he grows stronger. Just when he thinks the Saiyan has reached the peak of his power Kakarot continues to grow. While Shin is impressed and praised Kakarot for his development Kibito grew more nervous and felt fear of what kind of monster the Saiyan could become.

Kakarot was still a Saiyan, so the boy did have a hunger for battle, but that didn’t mean he wanted to kill. He could see light and darkness in people and believed if given the chance and with time someone could change. He shared his belief with Shin. “While there is some truth to your words, I’m afraid the universe isn’t so simple. Someone must wish to change and even then it is hard, some enjoy being evil and wicked.” Shin was still haunted by what Bibidi and Majin Buu had done to his friends and mentor. After seeing something so horrible it was hard to imagine anyone changing. He thought of Kakarot and remembered the dark future that lay before him, he wondered if he had intervened sooner with the Saiyans could more have been saved, could they have been a force of good, instead of falling under the control of Frieza. Such thoughts did no good now, as he reminded himself of the legends of the Saiyan god and what befell him.

Kakarot wished to help people with his power and hoped one day he could make a difference. Shin told him that life and destruction had to be in balance, he had fought evil before, he had killed. He had made mistakes in the past, but for the sake of balance, not peace, he accepted his choices.

Kibito hoped that Kakarot was just a phase, a choice made by his whim, and he’d eventually be set free before things got too far. Shin held Kai’s to a moral standard, and Kakarot didn’t seem to fit the mark. He often brought complaints to Shin about Kakarot lazing about, damaging something while training, and to say nothing of his bad table manners.

Shin often laughed such things off, as he was a lot like Kakarot when he was younger. He did make him clean up any messes he made and did try to work on the table manners thing.

Kakarot was learning martial arts by watching the Earth, training, and technique were powerful molders that could turn the tide of battle. He learned that it wasn’t always the biggest and the strongest that one, but the cleverest. Sometimes power did win, but the fact that fighters could use an opponent’s personality or power against them was interesting. Kakarot was 14 when Shin began to up his training, so far he’d just been training the boy’s body and mind while focusing on the principles of physical training, ki training, and spiritual training.

It was through these principles that Goku was able to train his tail so it wouldn’t become a weakness. By learning to control his ki he could mask his power level and detect others, sensing things with his ki. Through his spiritual training, he was able to learn of his ozaru form and learned to keep his mind while in it.

Now Shin was going into technique training. Telekinesis was the first, and poor Kibito always seemed to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Like when Kakarot tried to move a rock, he moved it a little too hard and ended up hitting Kibito and knocking him into the lake. Kakarot apologized, but this didn’t help his standing with the taller kai.

He caught Kakarot training in the sacred garden, and yelled at him, only for Kakarot to lose concentration which caused objects he had floating to plummet. Kibito dashed around catching everything he could but ended up getting hit in the head by a heavy object and he was left with a large bump on his head. Then there was a final lesson of sorts, using Telekinesis to hold, stop or throw an opponent.

Kibito hoped to put Kakarot in his place in this lesson, but it didn’t go well. Kakarot had a firm hold on him, but he continued to try and push forward even trying to flare his ki to break his telepathic hold. Kibito was struggling, but he refused to back down and...RIIIIIP! The Kai’s clothing ripped apart from the strain and the kai was completely embarrassed letting out a surprised cry, shielding his crotch before running back to his room to redress.

Flying was easier to learn, simply manipulating one’s ki allowed flight. So the following lesson was Kai Kai, this took longer for Kakarot to learn, it would be a few years before he could properly learn and master.

Another lesson was Magical Materialization, a skill that allowed one to materialize physical matter out of thin air. Kakarot thought this would mean he’d never grow hungry if he could conjure his own food, but it turns out it requires his own power to make. Shin did suggest he could store food in a magical subspace and summon it when he was hungry. He was also able to conjure objects if they were in his range, Kakarot taking some of Kibito’s sweets during training.

He did learn other things, like how to fire ki blasts, he could even fire ki from his eyes and his mouth in his ozaru form. He learned to make his ki and hold it around his form making armor from his aura. After years of training, he learned to create a barrier from his ki.

At 19 Kakarot had learned a lot from Shin, and as much as Kibito hated to admit it he had long since surpassed the taller kai in power. At 18 Shin used his powers to unlock Kakarot’s potential, awakening his mystic power. This last year had been a lot of studying, training, in preparation for Shin’s grand announcement. “You both shall be going through the ritual to become Supreme Kais.” While Kakarot cheered, Kibito was sweating bullets.

The ritual would awaken one’s God Ki, grant the ability to use healing ki, extend one’s life span, while linking them to the God of Destruction. So long as one Supreme Kai lived so would the God of Destruction. Shin left to prepare, but Kibito sought to have a word with Kakarot.

“Kakarot, I’m sure you have noticed, I’ve been a bit cold to you all these years.”

He rubbed the back of his head. “Yeah...I noticed...”

“I’ve had my reasons, and I think it is time I explain why.” He leads Kakarot to an area of the planet he hadn’t been before, traversing through secret passages that led deep into the planet. “You see, you are not the first Saiyan chosen by the Kais. Long ago before the first Super Saiyan God, there was him.”

“Him?” He hadn’t seen Kibito so serious, and that was saying something.

“He grew so strong, but after he obtained the god ki, his Saiyan nature poured out. His ki became dark and began to corrupt those around him. He corrupted the Saiyans, made them more violent, and wicked.” Kakarot followed and listened closely. “He plunged the Saiyans down a dark and destructive path, and led them to war against the universe and the Kais.”

A few pure-hearted Saiyans tried to stand against them, creating the first Super Saiyan God. “In the end the darkness consumed them, the Kais could not reverse the damage done, but they were able to stop the Evil Saiyan.” they stood before a large crystal and it contained a large male with muscle and long hair. “We have contained him ever since, the Evil Saiyan Cumber!”

Kakarot’s eyes were locked on to the Saiyan, when they had come into the room his eyes had been closed, but as soon as Kibito spoke his name his eyes opened.

To be continued