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One Piece parody: Tier 1


Sea Witch of the East

Legends were spreading of a Sea Witch in the East Blue. Not many could believe it as a Sea Witch was considered one of the most powerful mermaids/merman. In ancient times it was believed they could change people, even make a Fishman or mermaid human. A magic power that was a gift from the sea itself. The legends were true, there was a Sea Witch in the East Blue and she had a son, who would become a very interesting pirate.

Chapter 1

Legends had been spreading of a Sea Witch in the East Blue, humans didn’t believe such a creature could exist, while fishmen and merfolk didn’t believe one would exist so far from Fishman Island. The East Blue was known as the weakest of the four blues after all, and a sea witch was possibly the most powerful merfolk second only to the ancient weapon Poseidon.

It's no secret that merfolk have been shown to have mysterious powers across the centuries, besides being great swimmers. Some have been rumored to cry jewels, others have been rumored to be able to control the weather, other tales have said a mermaid’s voice was a weapon with the power to destroy ships or rob men of their minds. It was rumored one little mermaid had the power to see into the future with 100% accuracy, her predictions were never wrong.

Such rumors had reached the ears of Fisher Tiger, and the man was tempted to travel to the East Blue. A Sea Witch’s power was said to be a gift of the sea itself, an archive of knowledge passed from parent to child, and should the Sea Witch have no children it was believed the sea would choose another child at random. Such a power would aid in his mission but his quest to find the Sea Witch was cut short as he tried to take a young girl home.

His men often asked him what he knew of Sea Witches, and he shared the stories he’s heard. That they had a power different from Fishman karate or merman combat. He heard their greatest ability was to change things, they could make humans into beasts, and make fishmen and merfolk human. Arlong found the idea disgusting, claiming it to be a curse than a gift. Old stories said that the Sea Witches granted wishes, but there were those who got what they wanted but not what they needed, and when things didn’t work out they turned on the witches calling them monsters or tricksters.

Fisher Tiger wished to meet the Sea Witch, hoping to bridge the growing distance between humans and the sea folk. He wouldn’t get the chance, humans betrayed the man who had saved the little girl Koala was her name. She believed the sea folk was good people, but the people in her village were scared of them. The marines used that fear to set a trap for the man who had freed the slaves of the Celestial Dragons and became a criminal by helping people.

He was wounded, and while his life could have been sparred he refused to take human blood. In his dying words, he confessed he had been a slave, and went through hell because of the Celestial Dragons. He knew, he KNEW not all humans were like them, he believed in the future, but he wouldn’t see it.

“I couldn’t bring myself to love humans, I couldn’t! Otohime was right, I made things so much harder for her. Listen!” he begged. “Don’t spread the cycle of hate, don’t pass it on to them. I couldn’t let go of my hate, but it's them children like Koala who will change our future...don’t give in to the hate...learn to love the humans...you still have a chance...” The life left him, and his crew cried.

Arlong gave into his rage and attacked the humans who ambushed Fisher Tiger and was crushed by those with greater power than himself. He was thrown into prison, and the hunt for Fishmen and merfolk continued. So Jimbei made a deal with the World Government, to become one of their pirate dogs, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

By doing this Arlong and the Fishman and Merfolk were truly free and could return to their families. Arlong showed no gratitude at all, and after getting his ass kicked by Jimbei, he returned to Fishman Island.

“What do you intend to do Big Brother?” Madam Shyarly asked.

“Shyarly, why bother asking when you can see the future?” She stared at him. “Tch, if you must know I’m taking my men to the East Blue, I’ll give birth to the Arlong Pirates, and carry on Fisher Tiger’s work.”

“You are an idiot?”

“Who are you calling an idiot, you should respect your older brother!”

“You may have raised me when our father abandoned us, but you share in his bad habits.”

“I’m nothing like him!” he growled at her. “I plan to go to the East Blue, it is the weakest of the four Blues, I’ll get money and weapons, and I’ll make the humans pay.”

“I only came to warn you, your plan will fail.” he tensed.

“What?!” His sister’s predictions were never wrong. It was both scary and annoying as she wouldn’t let him get away with anything, blaming him for stuff he hadn’t even done yet.

“I do not know the full details, but I’ve looked into your future. You will face your greatest despair if you go to the East Blue, and I see a chance for your fate to change a ray of hope lighting the way of your dark future. However, if you do not give up on your hatred of humans, this light will dim and you will be alone!”

“Tch, thanks for the future lesson, but I’ll be fine.” he stopped and looked at her. “Tell me, is there truly a Sea Witch in the East Blue?” She looked into her crystal ball.

“Yes, that is all I will tell you.” He wanted to ask if the Sea Witch would be the cause of his despair or his salvation, but his sister wouldn’t tell him if he asked.

Arlong tried to get some other powerful Fishman on his side, but Vander Decken was a proud bastard when Arlong asked him to come work for him, he declined, refusing to work under anyone. He also tried to get a powerful octopus swordsman, but Arlong was cheap, and wouldn’t pay for his high price.

He did manage to rally a few men to his side and off they went to the East Blue. Arlong really should have headed his sister’s warning. He wasn’t the only pirate that saw the East Blue as a place to recover and grow stronger.

A man known as Breed had been kicked out of his crew and ended up coming to the East Blue. He found the Fishmen and used his powers to enslave them. It didn’t stop there since they weren’t human Breed took a special interest in them, making them do humiliating things for their amusement.

They were at his mercy for years, being used to terrorize people. Those that put up a decent fight were brought to Breed and enslaved as well. The terrifying power of the Peto Peto fruit was seemingly absolute, and if he didn’t break someone with his devil fruit power he found ways to break their spirit.

Arlong hated this but didn’t have the power to fight back or escape, the rings didn’t disappear in water. He tried to stage a mutiny, but it ended badly. Some humans wanted to help, but Arlong turned them down, saying he didn’t need the help of lower life forms.

This was a mistake, his distraction and escape plan failed as Breed simply had the collars choke the escapees, while he made Arlong fight his own men, people he saw as brothers. He couldn’t do it and got wailed on.

“You are a sorry excuse of a pirate, you can swim away like the guppy you are.” his collar responded.

“Wait what about my men?!” Arlong struggled to resist the control.

“They belong to me, and if I ever see your face again, I won’t have them kill you, I’ll make you watch as they kill each other.”

“You...BASTARD!” Arlong jumped into the sea and cried as he was forced to swim away. His body swam for days and nights without rest, the collar forced him to keep swimming, just keep swimming. He traveled through current after current, until the Fishman passed out causing the spell to end.

Arlong was tired, hungry, and didn’t have the strength to move another drop forward. His arms and legs felt like kelp, he thought his body would just sink into the bottom of the ocean but a large sea creature saved him.


“Who’s this guy?”

“No idea, Shima picked him up. Appears to be a Fishman.”

“Have you told the boss yet?”

“No, I just found him, baka!”

“Don’t call me an idiot moss head.”

“Don’t call me moss head love cook.”

“You wanna fight?”

“Yeah!” The two’s bickering pulled Arlong awake.

His vision was blurry, his body still felt off, he was weak from hunger. ‘I was saved?’

“Looks like he’s waking up, I’ll go let the captain know.” Arlong didn’t recognize the voices but as he looked at his saviors his eyes went red. He didn’t see them clearly but he was sure they were humans.

“Humans!” Arlong roared unleashing all his pent up rage and attacking the green-haired man. Before he could touch him the male suddenly vanished. Arlong didn’t stop, he kept charging going after the blonde, only for the blonde to disappear to.

“Now now, that is no way of making a first impression.” long black and pink tentacles curled and unfurled as a merman approached, his upper body was human but his lower half was that of an octopus. Arlong was still in a rage and charged at the merman.

The merman brought a pipe to his lips, bubbles coming out of the end. “Bubble Cage!” Arlong became trapped inside a large bubble. No matter how much he thrashed, pounded, and raged the magic bubble wouldn’t break. It didn’t take long before he tired himself out and passed out.

“What are we gonna do with him?” the green-haired man asked.

“Zoro, tell the others we’ll be having a guest tonight. Sanji prepare a meal, he’s gonna be hungry when he wakes up.”

“Yes, captain!” Monkey D. Luffy; Sea Witch: Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates

To be continued...Transformations


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