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Ranma 1/2 parody: Patreon reward

 Chapter 3  https://www.patreon.com/posts/33489409 

Chapter 4 Kisses and Laws

It was a threeway of shock. Ryoga was shocked that he just caught Ranma kissing another guy. Mousse was shocked he had just given the Kiss of Marriage to a guy. Ranma was shocked that not only was he kissed by a stranger, he also got caught kissing said stranger by Ryoga. The air was heavy with silence and tension.

“H-hey Ryoga, what are you doing here?” he chuckled nervously not sure of what to say. In a better situation, he’d be happy to see the lost boy, but this situation was weird, very weird. “Did you get lost and end up in China again?”

“S-Shut up!” Ryoga blushed. “I came to China to find you Ranma!”

“Me? Why?”

“Because you ran out on me, we were supposed to fight and you ran away!”

“Ran away? Ryoga I waited for you for three days, in the lot behind your house.” Ranma facepalmed.

“Ooh, sir you really have no sense of direction.” The Jusenkyo guide stated.

“Shut up!” Ryoga growled. The lost boy had temporarily forgotten what he was searching for. “I’ll make you pay for the humiliation you’ve forced upon me.”

“Humiliation?” Ranma pondered as Ryoga attacked him. The pigtailed boy dodged the lost boy effortlessly. “Ryoga, who helped you walk to school every day for a year?”

“You!” Ryoga threw a punch.

“Who helped you study so you wouldn’t fail your tests.”

“You!” Ryoga launched a kick.

“Who helped you catch up on homework, from all the classes you missed to keep you in school?”

“You!” He dished out a flurry of punches.

“Who helped you after you got lost after showering after gym and you ended up wandering around in nothing but a towel?”

“You did!” Ranma dodged his blow, and he punched a hole in a tree.

“I know I may have been rough on you doing lunch, but I was starving man, lunchtime was practically the only time I ever ate with the old man around.” In an all boy’s school it was dog eat dog, and the battle for good food could get brutal. Ryoga’s parents had actually treated Ranma really well, often setting him a place at whichever room they had dinner.

“I know that!” He hit the ground and cracked it.

“Then what humiliation did I make you face huh? I thought we were friends!”

“YOU LEFT!” Ryoga shouted. “You left, you left school, you left home, you left me!” He was shaking. When Ranma Saotome left, it hurt. It caused him to feel things, feel things he didn’t understand. He tried to think what Ranma was to him, but it only got him confused and frustrated. He was confused, angry, hurt, and humiliated; so Ryoga did what he always did, he lashed out.

He swore to make Ranma pay, he was gonna capture him, and bring him back. He got a bit distracted along the way, but now his target was right in front of him. Ryoga knew Ranma was strong if he had any chance of bringing him back he had to be just as strong. Ryoga could be quite dense, never realizing things even if they were right there in his face.

Ranma also was quite dense, but sense being cursed its opened his eyes some. So the next punch Ryoga threw, he took it, surprising Ryoga. “Ranma...” he pulled the lost boy into his arms.

“I’m sorry Ryoga, I didn’t want to leave you. I swear it.”

“Liar!” he growled and Ranma cupped his cheek. The lost boy was stunned by the tenderness.

“Ryoga, if I knew then, what I know now, I never would have left you. Feelings and stuff are complicated, but one thing I know, you are one of the few bright spots in my life.” he held Ryoga firm. “This isn’t a mistake or an accident.”

He kissed Ryoga right on the lips. The lost boy moaned into the kiss, the flood gates were open and all he could do was melt against the pigtailed boy.

Sadly their kiss was cut short as Mousse broke out of his shock screaming. “AAAHHHHH!” he cried out pulling on his hair. “This can’t be I gave the kiss of marriage to a man, this can’t be binding right?”

“Kiss of what?” the two looked at him.

“Kiss of marriage, the Amazon tribe has an ancient law, should an outsider defeat one of their own a kiss is to be placed on them in order to restore the loser’s honor. Kiss of Death is oath that they will chase to ends of the earth and kill, should kisser kill their enemy regain their honor, should they fail face terrible punishment. Kiss of Marriage is oath to marry, two marry, outsider no longer outsider, no problem, have strong children, happy elders, uh-huh!” The guide explained.

“But the law says if girl lose to girl they give the kiss of death and if amazon man lose to man you give the kiss of death. No one can expect me to marry a man!”

“No translation, in stories passed down this appeared to be the case, but in the official translation of the law, it does not specify gender, if girl likes girl she can marry her instead of kill if boy likes boy and likes him marry him.” Mousse’s jaw dropped.

“Look, man, the kiss was an accident. I don’t really know you that well, let’s just go explain this to your elders and I’m sure this can all be forgotten.” Ranma suggested.

“Tell the elders...” Mousse began to tremble. “Oh no, no, no, no, no, no one can ever find out about this.” he began to produce a creepy aura. “If I kill you all here, there will be no witnesses. No one will ever find out!” he launched a barrage of weapons.

Ranma and Ryoga were forced apart, while the guide ran for cover. “Hey stop that, quit it!” Weapons were flying in all directions. “Ryoga, you okay?”

“Tch, as if this weirdo would be enough to finish me off.” he removed his belt, and with a flick of the wrist, he had it as hard as steel. A quick swipe later he cut a tree down and sent it falling towards Mousse.

The male amazon jumped out of the way. “Hahaha, you think an attack that weak would defeat an amazon warrior!” He pulled out a big ass sword out of nowhere and charged at Ryoga only to get kicked by Ranma.

“You need to stop this now!” Ranma warned, not only was his moment with Ryoga ruined, all this dodging had his cock tail shifting inside his ass, wanting to come out, while his arousal was throbbing and making an erotic tent.

“Shut it! I don’t wanna marry a man I don’t even know if this gets out...if the village hears...I’ll have no choice!”

“What happens if the kisser doesn’t marry their intended?” Ryoga asked the guide.

“They must live with the ultimate disgrace the eternal chastity belt.”

“Noooo don’t say it!!!” Mousse cried. “I can’t live with the shame. I’ll be the laughing stock of the whole village. My dream of marrying Shampoo will be ruined!” A Sign from God: He has no shot with her, to begin with.

“You have to die!” he charged at Ranma, slashing at him with the sword. Ranma dodged, but Mousse let loose a barrage of bladed weapons. Ranma’s pants got slashed and ripped apart, his hard 11 incher sprang up. “Oh wow!”

“I said enough!” Ranma pulled his cock tail out of his ass, and slapped Mousse and knocked the boy out. Ranma shivered, and his ass spasmed and gaped. Ryoga’s jaw dropped, he recognized that ass and that tail.

The pieces fell into place, the guide was taking him to the cock tail cursed boy, and he was brought to Ranma. His whole face got as red as a tomato. ‘I jerked off to Ranma!’ the revelation hit Ryoga like a ton of bricks.

He stared at Ranma in all his naked glory, feeling his own manhood swell. Ryoga’s heart pounded in his chest, he had jerked off to Ranma, he watched him masturbate, listened to him moan and watched him climax and got off on all of it. The fact it was Ranma was only making the memory more arousing. ‘Do I like-like Ranma?’ A sign from God: You think?

Passion was a very dangerous and complicated feeling, driven in the right direction it could bring great things into creation; goals achieved, accomplishments skyrocketing, and so on. If passion is taken down a dangerous path, serious bad things can happen, like stalking, murder, and the like. Ryoga took his passion for Ranma in his confused and frustrated state, and it drove him to chase the boy all across the world.

Ranma walked over to Ryoga, not caring that he was naked, not caring he was hard as a rock or his ass was gaping, or his pre-cum was running down his legs. “Man that guy is nuts, you okay Ryoga?”

“I’m fine...Ranma...you have...a tail...” He couldn’t help but state the obvious.

“Oh yeah, sorry if it bothers you. Old man brought me here and I got cursed.” he shrugged. “I kinda am getting used to it, it’s opened my eyes to a lot of things.”

“It doesn’t bother me!” Ryoga said heatedly.

Ranma smiled at him. “I can see that.” Looking at the tent in Ryoga’s pants. The lost boy gasped and covered himself. “None of that,” Ranma batted his hands away and pulled him close. The bodies pressed together and Ranma’s tail wrapped around him. “You don’t have to hide from me, and I promise I’ll never leave you again.”

Ryoga melted and kissed the boy, Ranma kissed back. Mousse came to and screamed at the sight of them, blathering on about Ranma being cursed, but Ranma was tired of his interruptions. ‘Suck on this!’ He uncurled his cock tail and thrust it into Mousse’s mouth, and continued to make out with Ryoga.

Mousse was stunned, but as the first taste of the cock tail hit his buds, and the pre-cum washed down his throat, he felt hot. He took a breath through his nose and got a strong whiff of manly musk. Mousse’s brain melted, and his cock throbbed, his body acted on instinct and began to suckle on Ranma’s cock tail, using his tongue to caress the head and the glans. A blush spread on his cheeks as he put his mouth to better use and slurped on the tasty treat.

For a brief moment, he forgot about Shampoo, the laws, the amazons, and just enjoyed himself.

To be continued The Trial of Genma Saotome


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