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Yugioh GX parody: patreon reward

King Bee

Jaden is a hybrid, his mother had built a colony all on her own, and now wants Jaden to do the same. He’s rocking a honey bee deck, the winged insects serve Jaden and seek to bring him home the best quality mates. Thanks to Jaden’s shadow charm he can work his magic, in his hive he has workers, soldiers, and pets. Mind Control brain break toys Switcher Jaden/Harem

Chapter 1

Jaden lived in a world of monsters and magic, one of many worlds that were connected to Duel Monsters. His mother was a powerful monster known as Queen of the Hive, she had built a colony on her own, she made a harem of workers, soldiers, and pets. Then Jaden’s father, a duelist, accidentally landed in their world. He was a wild soul, and managed to defeat his mother.  

The two had Jaden, but his time in their world couldn’t last forever. He had to return to his own world, and left leaving behind a promise that he’d prepare things for Jaden to live with him should he decide to come to the human world. Jaden was a hybrid, which made him quite the prize.  

He had a connection between two worlds, both human and monster. He had brown hair and some antennae, he was mostly human, despite having four arms, wings, and a rather sizeable endowment. He didn’t have a tradional stinger, his lower arms had fluff around the wrists, and he could produce a stinger from the fluff, he had similar fluff around his ankles but he couldn’t produce a stinger there. Just to be safe his mother gave him a shadow charm so he could protect himself. Royal Stinger, it was a bracelet but when activated could form a glove with a stinger in the center. He put it on his upper left wrist.  

His mother taught him everything he could about being a monster, learning how to use shadow magic, learning who to make a worker, a soldier, or a pet in a harem. He learned about how men have sex by watching the soldiers fuck the workers, in this kind of harem this was as normal as breathing. He also learned how to prep, by getting tips from the pets. Since he was male, he had to know how to both give and receive pleasure.  

Jaden’s abilities may not have been that of his mother but he was still pretty good. It was a concern, there were some powerful forces in their world, and while her harem and military power had increased over the years from fools who tried to capture or eat her son, he didn’t have her level of power. There was only so much she could do.

She had powers her son just didn’t, and because of his human side may never achieve. ‘It may be time for him to leave the hive, and build a colony of his own.’ Jaden hadn’t taken any interest in any of her soldiers or workers either. He had come of age a year ago, and he hadn’t taken a mate, not a worker, not a soldier, or even a pet. She was kinda worried about him.  

Thankfully, there was a golden opportunity to let her son spread his wings and fly. His father left a duel disk and some cards behind. It was presented to Jaden and the boy’s heart buzzed with glee. “So does this mean I’ll get to go to the human world?”  

“Yes, you can use your shadow charm to take human form, and live among the humans if you like. My little prince, I feel it’s time for you to spread your wings, and build your own hive. I’ve taught you everything I know, I think you are ready.”  

“My own hive...” he blushed. His mother was wrong about one thing Jaden did think about his harem, his own hive, but he wanted to pick his mates himself. It was true he wasn’t able to use all the abilities his mother could, but he had skills.  

He took the duel disk and the cards and added some monster spirits, friends he had made over the years to them and made a deck. He heard stories of duels from other duel spirits, he knew the rules inside and out. “You must be careful in the human world, you must not reveal yourself to anyone outside of your hive, your hive can’t betray you but humans can.”  

“What about Dad?”  

“Your father was...is special. He was...is a good man, and you remind me a lot of him.”  

“I barely remember him.” he looked down sadly.  

“You were so young when he left, but he loved you. He promised he’d prepare for you whenever you wanted to explore the human world.”  

“I’d like that, I want to go!”  

“This will be the last spell I teach you my sweet boy.” she touched his shadow charm and began to chant a spell in a language to complicated for humans to understand. Even a hybrid like Jaden could barely understand it but once the spell was taken in by the shadow charm he’d be able to.  

The spell activated and Jaden gained a human form, his antennae vanished, his lower arms were hidden, the fluff around his ankles vanished, and his wings disappeared. He snapped his fingers and returned to honey bee form, another snap he was back to human. “Now dear, don’t waste your magic playing, you’ll need it once you get to the human world.”  

“Right!” In his human form he was just wearing some tight black shorts, it was so skin tight you could see the outline of his 12 inch cock and his balls. He has his shadow charm on one arm, his duel disk on the other. His body was lean and deceptively strong, he might look like what humans call a twink, but he could crush rocks with a finger.  

“Be strong my little prince, go and build your hive.” Jaden smiled and hugged her.  

“Thanks mom!” She gave him a letter from his father.  

The bee queen began to chant and summoned quite a bit of power. “Jaden know that things might be hard for you, but a queen or king lives or dies by their hive.”  

“No worries, I’ll be fine!” she nodded and channeled that power, opening a portal in space. “I’m off!” he ran off and jumped through the portal. The portal closed behind him.  

Jaden was greeted by all kinds of sights and sounds, the human world was so strange and different. He wondered around but no one seemed to be helping him. People gasped at the sight of him, some called him a pervert, yelling at him to put some clothes on. Mothers shielded their children’s eyes saying look away and don’t talk to him.  

The hybrid didn’t understand, so he just kept walking. His father’s letter contained a letter and a map.

To my Son, Jaden Yuki,  

I do not know when you’ll come to this world, but I’m sure your mother will have brought you to the same place she sent me. I don’t know how long it will be since we’ve seen each other, but I hope you’ve grown into a fine young man. I am sure your mother wouldn’t have let you go otherwise. I’ve had a place set aside for you, there you’ll find clothes, money, and food. There will also be an application for Duel Academy, if you are anything like your old man you are a duelist.

No matter what you decide to do I hope we’ll meet again. Until then once you find the place just give your name, you’ll receive an envelope, with a key, inside the apartment will have a safe with the pass code 4000. Inside will be your ID, passport, certification, everything you’ll need to pass as a human. You’ll also have access to my letters, I wrote you one every year on your birthday, but had no way to send it to you.  

I left this letter with your mother as a promise to do right by you. It pains me I couldn’t watch you grow up, but I had to go. Know that I still love you, and if I’m still on this Earth we’ll meet again.  

Love Dad

Jaden looked at the map, he didn’t have an issue with directions, but his antennae being masked did make things a bit harder. He was tempted to transform, but didn’t want to risk exposure. He sighed, he had to ask for help. He walked around looking for people to just give him a hand, but no luck.  

After some time searching he passed by an alley and saw four boys with duel disks. ‘Fellow duelists, maybe they’ll help me.’


What Jaden didn’t know was these boys were struggling duelists, they had tried to enter duel academy last year and failed. Blaze, Thunder, Frost, and T-Bone, had met when they were younger, and found it funny that their last names all had Maru in it. They had been kinda sorta friends over the years trying to improve their skills, but it had been hard. Each boy had their own style of dueling, that when combined was stronger but stand alone they suffered.  

They liked taking out their frustrations on duelists weaker than them. Ganging up on them and using combos to overwhelm duelists. Their games were always played with a bet, they took the best cards from the loser to try and increase their decks. They were going down a very dangerous path, but on a strange twist of fate they noticed a strange young man with a duel disk wondering around trying to ask for directions. “Looks like we got some kind of newbie.” Blaze said.   

“Walking around town like that, he must be an exhibitionist.” Thunder said.  

“If he comes our way, let’s teach him a lesson!” Frost said, and the other two chuckled.  

“I dunno guys, he looks lost maybe we should just help him.” T-Bone suggested.  

“Don’t be going soft T-Bone, we don’t need anymore weakness dragging us down.” Blaze hissed, and the other two nodded.  

Duel Academy was about to bring in more duelists soon, so they’ve been preparing for the next entrance exam. They were just looking for someone to test their skills on. Just their luck as Jaden spotted them and walked into their parlor. “Hello, I’m a bit lost, do you guys think you can help me?”  

“Oh we can help you, if you beat us in a duel!” They activated their duel disks.  

“A duel!” Jaden said excitedly. “Sure, so you’ll guys help me if we duel?”  

“Yeah, if you win, but if you lose you’ll hand over your best cards.” Thunder said.  

“Oh, you want to wager?” he eyed the guys up and down and smirked. “Well then if I win, you guys will serve me. I think you boys will make excellent soldiers.” He eyed each of them, each boy was good looking in their own individual way, chalk full of potential.   

“What are you talking about?” Frost asked.  

“This guy seems weird, maybe we should just bail.” T-Bone spoke, a bit of nervousness in his voice. Now he got a close up look on Jaden he noticed why people were avoiding him. With those tight shorts it was almost like he was wearing nothing at all.   

“Have you ever dueled before?” Thunder asked him.  

“Nope this’ll be my first one, but I know the rules and my deck is ready.” he activated his duel disk.  

“Pretty confident aren’t you?” Blaze growled at him.   

“Confident enough to sweeten the pot, if you defeat me, you can do whatever you want to me.” He trailed a hand down his body. “Anything you want.”  

“Anything?” the boys gulped, a blush spreading on their cheeks. Jaden was half naked, practically naked even, and he just made a very tempting offer to a pack of virgins.  

“Do we have a deal?” They agreed, and Jaden activated his shadow charm. The guys let out a cry as they were overwhelmed, a flash of golden light erupted from the alley followed by four cries, and then all was quiet.  




Buzzing...the buzzing...it was so loud and it was driving away their thoughts. All of their anger and frustrations were melting away, replaced with pleasure and bliss. Never had losing felt so good, in losing they found a new path, a new destiny.  

In a four on one duel they had all lost against him. Their master whispered his name, and it would be engraved on their hearts, their minds, their very souls. The buzzing could be heard as their minds and bodies surrendered to their master.  

With one word the buzzing stopped. “Strip!” they obeyed.  

Blaze Honomaru removed his red and black jacket, taking off everything from his shirt, his necklace, even his shades. He removed his shoes and socks, before taking off his pants and his flame streaked boxers. He stood in all his naked glory, his 7-inch cock standing at attention and dripping pre-cum.  

Frost Koorimaru removed his cap and his necklace, before removing his winter looking jacket. He removed his shoes to reveal he wasn’t wearing socks. He pulled off his shirt and began to undo his pants, taking off his belt before getting them undone. Frost was wearing blue briefs with white snowflakes on them, but those soon pulled around his ankles to step out of. He stood at attention his 7 inch dick standing long and proud, he was uncut unlike Blaze.

Thunder Ikazuchimaru removed his rocker jacket and his shirt, kicking off his shoes as he undid his pants. He was wearing a black thong with little thunderbolts on it as his pants dropped and his curved 8 inch long cut cock sprang into the air, unlike his bros he had no pubes. He pulled off his socks and underwear stood at attention.  

T-Bone Iwamaru removed his cap, and then unzipped his hoodie jacket. He kicked off his shoes as he pulled off his shirt, with one yanks down went his pants and he stepped out of them, his fat 6.5 inch dick sprang up. He had the fattest cock among his bros. He removed his thick socks and stood at attention.  

Jaden whistled. Not bad bodies, not bad cocks, decent dueling skills, he was right they would make fine soldiers for him. “Come here!” he gestured over for them, and the boys were given commands.  

T-Bone was kissing his master’s ass, french and deep. Frost drew the lucky straw and got to suck on their master’s cock. Blaze got to suck on his master’s nipple, while Thunder got to lick his pits. Jaden’s pheromones had the boys all hot and horny, that had them dancing in the palm of his hands, but he didn’t have a lot of time to play.  

His mother would have produced nectar from her nipples to seal her hold over her soldiers, Jaden’s body couldn’t do that, so he had to feed them his nectar through his cock. Once Frost came from sucking his dick, it was time to switch. Each boy got a taste of his cock, he fed them his special nectar.  

A Honey Bee male’s nectar was delicious and nutritious, and Jaden being a royal meant it was high quality. His soldiers would never betray him now, any doubts were washed away in a sea of honey and cum. “Now boys, about these directions.”  

To be continued



Nice, nice! A different start to the usual modeling after canon, and one that fits well with this iteration of Jaden's goals and personality. …and I'm always onboard for sexual fluids with special properties! 🤣


thank you, I like to make the different monster boy jaden's unique with some linking parts as i believe across the multi verse while some things change there are paralels