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Ultimate Spiderman parody: Tier 1

Daddy Venom

With Venom’s help, Peter has grown, matured, become a stronger, better, faster, hero. He loves Peter more than anyone else in the world, so what better way to show that love than give him a family. Precious boys to love, maybe even a pet or two, just his luck when Spiderman is called into Shield to teach some new heroes, so much potential to train. Mind Break, Age Play Peter/Venom/Harem

Chapter 1

Spiderman aka Peter Parker had been active for a year since gaining his powers. All he wanted to do was help people, show some responsibility and use his powers for good. As far as J. Jonah Jameson was concerned he was a monster, a criminal, just as bad as the bad guys he put away. It wasn’t easy being Spiderman, some saw him as a hero, others saw him as a menace.

Jameson tried to spin every Spiderman story in a negative light. It made it harder for Peter, who was already struggling, balancing a normal life with hero work was a struggle. There were times when he was ready to crumble, finding no one he could turn to or rely on. He kept his secret from his family and friends to keep them safe, so he was always making excuses to try and be Spiderman.

He was isolated and alone, which for his enemies was a plus. This was how the symbiote found him, alone and struggling. He had been inside a space rock, and Peter had been at a museum that was showing off said space rock. A villain broke in and in the scuffle, space rock went crack and the symbiote was free.

The symbiote had been alone for so long, waiting for and needing a host. He was drawn to him when they became one he was able to learn everything about the human, what he’s been through, what he believed in, what he’s done. Peter was a spider without its venom, so that is what the symbiote became, his Venom!

He amplified Peter’s powers and abilities, cultivated his growth, allowing him to get stronger, faster, and even become a better hero. With Venom’s power, he was able to make his own web fluid, shift between civilian and hero clothing with ease.

They were together for a whole year, Jonah could run his mouth all he wanted, but Peter wasn’t alone anymore. He had someone to lean on, and someone who had his back. Venom was sure no one in the world could love Peter Parker more than him. He could see the boy’s big heart, full of love, and he was holding back.

Venom could see, from Peter’s dreams and thoughts, what he wanted. Since he loved Peter so much, he decided to give the boy the family he deserved, the family he needed, a family he could love. Peter was one Venom believed was worthy to sit as head of the family. He would wrap those boys up in a neat little bow.


The first one was Harry Osborn, Peter’s friend, a popular young man from a rich family, but someone who considered Peter his only true friend. Peter didn’t care about his family money, or who his dad was. They were as close as brothers, all it took was a little push from Venom to deepen that bond.

It started with some X Rated movie night handjobs, but his focus was less on the porn and more on Peter. The brunette had quite the impressive piece, with a boost from his spider powers, and a stamina boost from Venom he had a very spectacular penis. “Wanna touch it?” Venom whispered, mimicking Peter’s voice.

Peter was shocked. “Can I?” Harry felt an excitement welling up inside him.

“Oh, sure buddy!” Harry started touching his cock, and Peter returned the favor. Peter got the Osborn off twice before cumming himself, his impressive balls erupting thick seed over Harry’s pumping hand. “I think maybe next movie night, we get something more guy heavy?” Harry blushed, for a moment he felt himself withdraw, scared and unsure at what he had just done. Then he felt Peter’s hand on his, and as he looked into the boy’s eyes, he knew it was okay.

Mr. Osborn had no idea his son was gay. Harry acted like a ladies man for his dad, but deep down he liked guys, one guy in particular. Peter let him be himself, he didn’t have to fake it, he could just be Harry. Norman thought all the extra time his son was spending with Peter would help his grades, and it was, but it was also giving Harry the chance to explore his desire.

He was so tired of getting straight porn, but instead of imagining himself as the guy, his mind always slipped and put him in the position of the girl. Now that he and Peter were watching gay porn it was different, he still wanted to bottom, but he wanted Peter to be his top.

Venom was working him over, Peter may have been fine taking things slow, but Venom needed his host to come out of his shell. So when they slept in the same bed, Venom worked his magic on Harry, helping peel back the layers, and getting to the tasty treats. It helped that they were being intimate, Venom collected the data on Harry and gave it to Peter. They shared a lot of firsts, handjobs, blow jobs, fingering with Peter doing the fingering. Thanks to Venom he knew all the boy’s erogenous zones while creating others.

Peter really was the best, taking things slow to turn any discomfort into pleasure, but Harry wanted him so bad. Plus, Venom needed Harry as the catalyst to set the plan in motion. They had known each other for a few years, been dating and heavy petting for six months.

Once they were alone, the clothes came off, they’d make out or sometimes just relax naked. This skinship was important to, Harry growing closer to Peter wanting more of his touch and closeness. Harry was quite the horny boy, and Peter found ways to help him study through intimate acts. He’d run through flashcards with the Osborn, while Harry draped over his lap, naked as the day he was born and got his ass stirred up if he got a question right Peter would rub his prostate. If he got an answer wrong he’d get edged, his methods actually worked, despite getting a hard-on reading the questions, he was actually doing better on tests.  

Peter was so happy, which made Venom happy. After almost a year of dating and heavy petting, Peter felt he was finally ready to have sex. The nerd tried to make it special, he got rose petals, he got candles, music, oils, lube, condoms. Harry couldn’t help but smile at the cheesy setup.

Despite all their alone time, both boys were still nervous. Venom helped Peter relax and stay calm, their time was a bit awkward, but once they got into it things fell into place, and Harry in the heat of the moment let slip what Venom was waiting for.

The bed creaked as two naked bodies rocked in the devil’s tango. Harry was panting and moaning as Peter grunted and groaned above him. Harry was a decent 6 inches, but Peter was rocking a 9 incher soft, and a solid 12 incher hard. He was more than twice the size of his own. He was so wound up when Peter was first sticking it in, he couldn’t hold back and came when Peter only had 6 inches inside him.

Now they were really moving, Peter’s long hard dick brushing his sweet spot with every pass before diving into him deep. Oh, he loved it, his toes curling and back arching when Peter filled him balls deep. His long hard thrusts shaking him to his very core. Harry’s moans were getting louder, the pleasure was building up, and he just let go.

“Daddy!” he moaned as he came. Peter was so shocked, he lost control and came deep into Harry’s ass, his potent seed breaking the condom and flooding his insides. Venom knew he should have acted as the condom, human-based condoms couldn’t handle a hero’s load.

Harry moaned as Peter’s seed filled his ass. The two road their highs, before they eventually came down and Harry’s face turned as red as a tomato. “So I’m your Daddy huh?”

He covered his face in his hands. “Pete...please...this is embarrassing enough.” He couldn’t believe he said that. “You must think I’m a freak?”

“Never,” he pulled his hands away and smiled at him. “I think you’re cute and sexy. You want me to be your Daddy?” Harry shivered and nodded. “Then you’ll be my boy from now on.”

“Pete...” Smack! “Ahh!”

“That’s Daddy right?” Harry gulped and his cock twitched. Peter had just spanked him.

“Yes Daddy!” he licked his lips.

“That’s my good boy!” Peter began fucking him with renewed vigor. “You are gonna be a good boy for Daddy aren’t you?”

“Yes Daddy!” he shivered. Peter was giving off a completely different aura now. It looks like he awakened something in his friend.

“Daddy will make the rules and you’ll follow them, and if you break Daddy’s rules you’ll be punished.” Harry’s hole spasmed around the word punishment. Peter wasn’t giving long thrusts now, but short sharp ones, digging his full length inside him.

“Yes, Daddy! Please fuck me, Daddy!” He wrapped his legs around Peter’s waist, toes curling in delight. Their muscled bodies pressed and rubbed against each other, Harry’s dick trapped against rock hard abs. Venom was so pleased with himself.

Peter sealed his lips with his own, devouring his moans as they fucked until they were spent. Peter didn’t know where that came from, but he felt a powerful surge of lust when Harry called him Daddy. Venom chuckled, this was just the beginning.

To be continued


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