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Seven Deadly Sins parody: Tier 1: Born on phone

How Not To Summon A Dragon Sin

Meliodas is a hardcore gamer, and a bit of a closet pervert. He pours his frustrations into his game play taking out gamers with the greatest of ease. Imagine his surprise when he's summoned to a world similar to his game by a fairy and a fox demi human. The two try to enslave him only for the magic to be countered and they get enslaved themselves.

Chapter 1 Summoned

Meliodas was a hardcore gamer and a bit of a closet pervert. In both he always went solo, he was short, and despite his build most people laughed at him. Meliodas also had a younger appearance which was also a source of mocking. He poured his frustrations into his gaming, which made him quite terrifying. 

He designed his character based on himself a bit, but he was taller and more muscular, his blonde hair was longer, and his softer features were more chiseled and handsome. His outfit was a skin tight white leotard, that boosted his speed, defense, and resistance. He wore golden boots and gauntlets, the boots gave a huge boost to his jump, speed, they also prevented knock back. The gauntlets boosted his attack power, his magic power, his guard rate, and boosted his attack speed, while reducing cool down. 

From his gaming he gained the crest of the Dragon Sin, a tattoo on his shoulder. It was a sign of him defeating a demon lord in the game, granting him both title and rank of demon lord. It gave a serious boost to his stats and gave him access to Demon Lord skills. His grinding earned him some top class items. Cape of Darkness, it was a cape of pure dark energy, when worn it gave the user a Darkness Immunity, and when combined with the Darkness Manipulation skill it could become wings, claws, tentacles, anything. 

He also had one of the sacred treasure weapons Lostvayne. Not only was it unbreakable, it gave him the ability to make clones of himself. He had the Dragon Eye Ring, which gave a constant effect of Magic Counter. Wearing it allowed him to unlock and master Full Counter which could reflect physical attacks, Zero Counter, which could neutralize one's magic attack directed at him, and Revenge Counter which allowed him to take damage and then throw it back at his opponent. 

Upon becoming a demon lord, he learned magic and demon arts which only increased his badass level. What made Meliodas the Dragon Sin go all out? Was it the strength of his opponent, the rarity of their gear, the size of their party? No, what really sets Meliodas off when couples fight him, wearing matching gear, having lovey-dovey comments to each other. He tended to go all out!

His life wasn't great, but in games he found a way to escape. There were times he wished he could be as cool as his persona, it's what he imagined his best self to be. Cool, super strong, tall, brave, easy going, courageous, many of the things he believed he wasn't. 

After spending some time crushing players who came to challenge him, he decided to get some rest. Just as he was about to sign out, the world suddenly went white, and he felt himself falling, his consciousness shifting. He reached out as he began to get surrounded by golden light.

Meliodas felt like he was falling, but his body seemingly was still. Appearing from the golden light, was a devilishly handsome male, tall and well built in all his naked glory pressing against one side of him. In contrast there was a smaller male, lithe and graceful in body, he had the sweetest features as he pressed his equally naked body against Meliodas. 

The two kissed his cheeks simultaneously, causing the blonde to blush. In a flash the golden light consumed him, and he was no longer in his room, and he wasn't in Dragon Sin's Castle either. He was greeted by the clear open sky, crisp pure air, and bright sunshine. The area looked familiar, it looked like the Spire of Twilight in the Kingdom of Liones, it was where people came to perform rituals to conjure powerful summons. 

"Haa I did it, I made my first summon, now I can register as a summoner with the adventurer guild." A young man who was floating, was bursting with excitement. From the way he was floating, and his softer features Meliodas could tell he was a fairy. 

"You idiot, you didn't summon him, I did. Don't get too full of yourself, fairy boy." The other male was tall and built, he also had fox ears and a tail. It was clear to the blonde he was a Kitsunian. The two glared at each other. 

"I summoned him!"

"No I summoned him." They went back and forth like this for a while allowing Meliodas to calm down a bit. He was shocked to find himself not only in another world but in the Dragon Sin's body. "Only someone of my talent and level could conjure such a rare summon." The fox man said. 

'Am I a rare summon?' It was hard to believe, but he pinched himself and he wasn't dreaming. 

"No I summoned him, I even performed the enslavement ritual on him!" The fairy said. 

"Idiot so did I!" Meliodas blushed. 

The enslavement ritual happened between summoner and summon receiving a kiss on the cheek, before a collar or mark would appear on the summon. 'That was real?!' His heart was pounding in his chest. 'Wait…' he touched his neck and no collar had appeared.

His summoners hadn't noticed yet. Their fighting had turned into name calling. "Sex Pixie!"

"Fox Slut!"

"At least I wear underwear!" Making the fairy blush. 

"You wear panties!" The fairy pointed an accusing finger at the kitsune. 

"So what?" He growled. 

"It means you are a pervert!"

"You looking for a fight!" The fox growled, pulling out some nunchaku.

"Bring it on!" The fairy revealed a spear. Meliodas sweat dropped. This was getting ridiculous and he didn't know how to talk to them.

"Enough!" Meliodas snapped. 

"He talked!?" The two gasped. 

Meliodas decided to play the role of the Dragon Sin. "I am Meliodas the Dragon Sin!" He declared. "Cease your childish bickering, you should shake hands and smile."

"As if I'm gonna make up with this pervert."

"I hate to agree with the sex pixie but not gonna happen!" The two said, but their crossed arms unfolded, and their bodies moved at Meliodas' command. They shook hands as their faces twisted into a smile.

"Ehh?!" Suddenly slave collars appeared around the Fairy and the Fox boy's necks. Meliodas felt his jaw drop. 

"How did this happen?" The collars couldn't be removed. 

"I don't know the slave collar should have appeared around the summon."

Then it clicked. Meliodas looked down at his ring. "You used enslavement magic upon me, and my power reflected it." This had never happened before, he didn't cast the magic, so Meliodas couldn't release them from the spell. 

"Well there is one way to break the spell!" The kitsune shifts his weapon around.

Meliodas felt his gamer blood surge. "You wish to challenge me?" He smirked.

"Sure do, I wanna see how powerful you are!" 

"Don't do it idiot, you'll be punished by the collar if you try to harm him." This made the kitsune pause. 

"It's fine, I accept your challenge. Bring it on!" With permission given the fox male was able to attack. He charged in with inhuman speed, and began to attack Meliodas. 'I need to see how this world works, and if I can use my power.' 

Meliodas stood his ground taking the blows, and when the kitsune pulled back Meliodas was unharmed. "No way!" 

"This is a bad idea!" The fairy called. 

"No worries, I have an ace in the hole." He charged in, and continued to attack with an array of martial arts. 

"An ace huh?" His hand became encased in black flames. "Let's see how you handle this...Darkness Flame!" A demon technique, the flames destroyed the fox male's jacket. His upper body was burned but it didn't stay that way. His flames had no effect on the collar.

To his surprise all the damage had been reversed, so he got an eye full of the male's broad shoulders, beefy pecs, and washboard abs. 'Whoa...I've never seen a healing factor like that?'

"Aww I liked that jacket." He conjured some green fire. "Fox Fire Blaze!" He blasted Meliodas with the flames but it was simply reflected back at him. His wounds simply healed. "This is getting interesting!" He charged in trying to wear down Meliodas with close combat skills. 

"Let's try this, Hell Flame Blade!" The male was knocked back as he was slashed. This was a far more powerful attack, and much to the fox boy's shock it didn't heal completely. It healed but left a scar on his neck and a bit on his cheek. "Oh crap!" 

He wasn't moving, and Meliodas thought he killed him. Then he moved, tracing the scar, before he started laughing. Meliodas and the fairy sweat dropped. Suddenly he sprang up. "You really are strong, I want you even more now!" He suddenly hugged Meliodas's arm. "Ban...Fox Thief Ban, your summoner!" 

"Hey no fair!" The fairy floated over. "My name is Harlequin." He hugged his other arm. "I'm your summoner too!" The two glared at each other and began to play tug of war using Meliodas.

"Enough! Let's just get to town and see if we can fix this mess." They agreed and made their way to town. He hoped there would be someone to fix this mess. The world seemed similar to his game but it felt real and there were some subtle differences. ''I can't believe this...I've really been summoned to another world.' He couldn't stop the little bubble of excitement that filled his chest. 

To be continued...Ban's Secret


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