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One Piece parody: Tier 6

 Chapter 1  https://www.patreon.com/posts/clow-clow-fruit-32159953 

Chapter 2 Building His Crew

Luffy’s ship was quite strong, even the nearby whirlpools did not affect his ship. He was relaxing on his ship, enjoying the sunshine, the fresh air, the sea breeze. If he had one complaint, he was lonely. It was too quiet, he was used to noise living with his brothers and bandits. He brought out two cards. “Song, Voice, join me my friends!” he cast and called the two summons out.

The Song’s visible form resembled a young purple-haired woman wearing a dress that had the pattern of a string instrument, she was wearing blue headgear that resembles a treble clef. The Voice’s visible form is a young girl with pink hair, wing-like ears, and wings for arms, similar to that of a harpy, she wears a long dress, a ruff collar and a green brooch around her neck. “Hello, master.” The two said though the Voice spoke rather softly.

“I’d like you two to sing, to break the silence of this day.” The two summons smiled and began to do just that. As the Song sang, musical notes began to swirl and dance in the air, creating music as they bounced into each other. The Voice started to sing. These two summons had a love of singing, the Voice had other abilities, like being able to steal and copy, or mimic someone’s voice.

Luffy smiled, this was much nicer. He unfurled the sails himself and let the wind guide him for a bit. If there was any trouble he’d use the Move. Luffy smiled as he enjoyed their musical talents.

Their little concert did not go unnoticed, as a pirate ship had been raiding a pleasure liner. Before they could go back to their ship, they heard the commotion coming from Luffy’s vessel. “Looks like we got another ship to plunder boys!” A large woman carrying a spiked club said.

Her band of bloodthirsty pirates cheered. Pirates not under the same flag were enemies, and equal prey for other pirates, except in neutral territories. This wasn’t neutral territory…

The pirates left their loot on their ship and got in close, but as soon as they got on the ship the music stopped. The ship was empty, much to the shock of the pirates. When they tried to explore the ship this proved to be a big mistake.

“Maze!” Luffy trapped them in a labyrinth unable to escape, all but one. One of these pirates didn’t smell like a pirate. “Hello...” Luffy appeared before him. “Let’s talk.”

“Who are you?!” the pink-haired boy was freaking out. He had just seen his captors warped away and a strange boy with black hair and wearing a straw hat appeared.

“The name is Luffy, the captain of this ship.” He tossed the boy an apple. “Let’s chat.” Luffy had a heart to heart with a pink-haired boy named Coby, he wasn’t a pirate. He was just a poor soul that got on the wrong boat and got shanghaied into a pirate crew.

Alvida ran her crew like a tyrant, if you didn’t praise her beauty you get the club, if you don’t obey her you get the club if you're caught slacking off you get the club. “Why don’t you just escape?”

“I can’t, just thinking about Alvida finding me and killing me scares me so much I can’t stand it.” Luffy wasn’t a big fan of cowards. Coby was in a bad situation, and he’s been trapped for two years.

“Don’t you have a dream, you want to chase?” Luffy asked.

“A dream...” he started to twiddle his fingers. “Well, I actually want to be a marine.” he shook his head. “You probably think its a stupid dream, being a pirate and all.”

“Your dream isn’t stupid!” Coby’s eyes widened, a faint blush spreading over his cheeks.

“Do you have a dream?” Luffy smiled.

“Me? I got a big dream, I’m gonna be King of the Pirates!”

“That means you are going after the great treasure, the One Piece! No way, you are going to the Grand Line?!”

“Eventually, but I’d like to build my crew up.” He wanted a big crew, full of interesting people.

“But that sea is the most dangerous, if you go there you’ll die, it’s impossible!” Luffy bopped him. “Oww!”

“I made a decision a long time ago, that I would live a life without regrets. I’m chasing my dream, and if I die fighting for it then that’s that...” Luffy called back Maze, as to not drain his magical power, depositing the lot and Alvida on the deck of his ship. Everyone was shocked to see the maze vanish and get sucked back into a card.

“You must have Devil Fruit powers,” Alvida said. “I thought they were just a myth, but guess they are real.” Alvida mocked him for being a crew of one, and even with devil fruit powers, he was outnumbered.

“Oh, I may be alone now, but I won’t need my devil fruit powers to take your guys out.”

“We’ll see, get ‘em boys!” She sicked her men on Luffy, but the boy started taking them on with his staff. He blocked sword strikes, and disarmed gunmen, slowly dwindling their numbers by knocking them off his ship, sending them soaring into the sea.

He was proving he didn’t need his devil fruit power to defeat them. He had skills, from training, and he learned from the best how to wield a staff. Coby was amazed as Alvida’s crew was dwindled. “You guys come on my ship looking for trouble, well you’ve found it,” Luffy said spinning his staff like a boss.

She struck some of her men who showed fear of Luffy. “You brat...Coby tell this runt who he’s messing with!” Coby flinched and started to shake. He looked to Luffy and remembered his words. Coby couldn’t keep running away, he had to be brave.

“You are...you are...THE BIGGEST UGLIEST STINKING OLD HAG OF ALL!” Alvida’s men, who were still conscious, had their jaws dropped. The woman herself was seeing red, as Luffy laughed.

“What did you say?!”

“I’m gonna enlist in the marines, and after I join I’ll catch pirates like you!”

“YOU ARE DEAD!” Alvida screamed and raised her club to crush his skull.

Luffy wasn’t letting that happen and blocked her attack. “You little brat!”

“Well said, Coby.” Luffy conjured a card.

“I’m not afraid of you!” She pulled back to attack again. “I’ll get you and Coby, you’ll never escape me!”

“Power, grant me your strength.” A pink aura enveloped Luffy, and with one hit he sent Alvida flying into the distance. He let out a sigh and powered down. He was feeling quite drained, but nothing some food and rest couldn’t fix.

Little did Alvida know, her ship was being raided by a thief, her treasure getting swiped. So if she made it back to her ship it’d be cleaned out. To make it even worse, the ship they just raided had contacted the marines, who had just arrived, cannons firing on the ships with a pirate flag. Coby decided to stick with Luffy and help his ship get away, besides if he tried to join the marines now he’d just get arrested like the other pirates.

“So any marine bases around here?” Luffy asked.

“I do know of one, but we shouldn’t go there.”

“Why’s that?”

“You see a terrifying man is locked up there, he’s a demon, even Alvida was scared of him.”

“That so?” Luffy grinned. “I’d like to meet this demon.”


Roronoa Zoro was a famous bounty hunter in the East Blue, he was known for using three-sword style, and being a ruthless killer. In truth, he was just a swordsman who set out to sea looking for Dracule Mihawk, a legendary swordsman who held the title of greatest. He took out pirates and bandits that got in his way, or when he needed food or sword repair.

Due to a series of events, he had made a deal with the idiot son of the Marine Captain Axe Hand Morgan, Helmeppo. The deal was to spend a month tied up, he was three weeks in, and neither his body or his spirit had broken, even with Helmeppo going out of his way to beat on Zoro, punching and kicking him when he couldn’t fight back.

He didn’t care, he’d take the punishment and pass this trial. What he wasn’t expecting was to meet Luffy. Coby thought Zoro was the monster here, but as it turns out Morgan was heavily taxing the people and ruling like a tyrant. His son was just abusing the reputation he had to live like a king. He looked down on everyone even his fellow marines.

Luffy was looking for a crew, and he had his eye set on Zoro, he could tell the guy was strong, but not only that he was a good person. His determination only grew when a little girl revealed the truth of why Zoro was being punished. Helmeppo’s pet dog tried to attack her, and Zoro saved her and killed the beast.

Helmeppo tried to attack the swordsman but he stood no chance. So he threatened the girl and her family striking this deal, in exchange for their safety. “It’s all my fault!” the girl cried.

“This is awful, how can the marines do stuff like this?” Coby was shaking.

“Coby, there are all kinds of people in this world, good people, bad people, innocent people, and cruel...” Luffy thought about the bandits who had harassed Shanks, and the bandits who raised him. While he couldn’t forgive the Higuma bandits, but Dadan’s family...he liked those guys. “If you become a marine, you’ll have to live by your own sense of justice.”

“Luffy...you are amazing...you should join the marines and set them straight!”

“No way!”


“Absolutely not,” Luffy said and stuck out his tongue.

Their conversation was interrupted as Helmeppo came into their restaurant, demanding food on the house. “Man I’m bored, this town is so boring.” he sighed and groaned. “I know! I’ll execute Roronoa Zoro, that’ll be entertaining at least.”

Luffy saw red and punched the blonde twit. “You hit me, how dare you hit me. I’ll tell my daddy on you!”

“Fight me like a man!” Coby tried to hold Luffy back, allowing Helmeppo to escape. “I’ve decided I’m gonna have Zoro join my crew!”

Zoro wasn’t pleased to hear this, as he didn’t want to become a pirate. “Well, I’ve decided you’re joining my crew!”

“Don’t decide that on your own, baka!” Zoro snapped. “I refuse to become a pirate, my only goal is becoming the world’s greatest swordsman!”

“That idiot son took your swords right, if I get them back for you it means you’ll have to join my crew.”

“Oi!” Luffy wasn’t listening and went to the base. To Zoro’s shock, the boy gave his staff wings and flew off towards the top of the base. “What the hell?”

He caused quite a commotion it seems, Morgan had spent taxpayer money on a statue of himself. Luffy accidentally knocked it over when he flew up. “Bring me his head!” Morgan shouted.

As Luffy ran around the base looking for Zoro’s swords, Coby was trying to free the green-haired man. “Oi stop that, I just have to survive another week and I’ll be free.”

“Actually, Helmeppo plans to execute you today.”


“Luffy heard Helmeppo say it, and he got so mad he punched him. I’m not asking you to become a pirate, but please help Luffy-san!” he begged.


Zoro’s eyes widened as the pink-haired boy was hit. Morgan was down with his men, with their guns pointed at him. “What the hell is this?” Coby clutched his wounded shoulder.

“Your execution!” Morgan said.

“We had a deal!” Zoro snapped.

“I have no reason to honor the deal of a lowly bounty hunter turned criminal. Ready men!” the guns were cocked and the bullets ready to fly.

‘No...not like this...not like this!’ His life flashed before his eyes, all his struggles, all his training, the promise he made to Kuina. Her words pierced his mind.

You are weak Zoro, nothing ever changes!”

“Fire!” the sound of gunshots were heard.

“Shield!” Luffy cast and the bullets struck a barrier. “I’m not gonna let you die.” the devil fruit holder appeared, with Zoro’s swords strapped to his back. “You okay Coby?”

“Y...yeah...” it was just a graze on his shoulder.

The marines continued to open fire, but nothing they did could penetrate the barrier made by the Shield card. “Who the hell are you?” Morgan asked.

“My name is Luffy, I’m gonna be the King of the Pirates!” Luffy proclaimed shocking the marines and Zoro.

“How are you doing this?” Zoro asked.

“I ate the Clow Clow fruit and became a magic human. This barrier is from The Shield card.”

“And before?”

“The Fly card.” Luffy chuckled.

“Stop wasting your bullets fools, if you can’t get him with guns, then surround him with swords!” Morgan ordered. Luffy didn’t have the heart to tell him he could simply extend the barrier around them.

Some marines weren’t sure about going up against a devil fruit holder. So he cut them down with his own axe hand. “Any other cowards?” he asked. The men draw their swords and charge in.

“That bastard would cut down his own men.” Luffy was pissed now.

“Oi, cut me down!” Zoro said struggling against his bonds.

“Are you sure about that? If you fight against the marines, you’ll be labeled a criminal?”

“Then I guess you’ll have to take responsibility. I’ll join your crew. No matter what I will become the world’s greatest swordsman!”

Luffy smiled. “The future King of the Pirates deserves the World’s Greatest Swordsman.” Luffy dropped the shield as the marines attacked with swords. He revealed another card. “Sword!” The card glowed and transformed into a magical blade.

He cut Zoro free and gave him his swords. It shocked him as it looked like Luffy slashed Zoro, but only the ropes holding him was cut. “This is a magic sword, it only cuts what I want it to cut.”

The men charged and Zoro blocked them using his three-sword style. “So you can use a sword?”

“I’m no master or anything, but if you like we can spar later.”

“Interesting, well captain, it looks like I’m yours. Just know if you stand in my way of achieving my goal I’ll cut you down.” Luffy smiled.

“Not a chance, we’ll chase our dreams together!” Luffy wielded his sword in one hand the staff in the other. “It’s more fun that way.”

Zoro couldn’t help but chuckle. “What are your orders Captain?”

“Let’s bring these guys down!”

“Right!” Zoro began tearing through the marines, knocking them out one after another.

Luffy blocked with his staff and slashed with his sword, it was a unique fighting style. Luffy’s magic sword passed through flesh and bone and he left his opponents without clothes or weapons. Then, he knocked out his naked opponents with his staff.

Helmeppo and Morgan didn’t last long even trying to take Coby hostage. Luffy dispelled his sword, but didn’t drop his staff, he used the power of The Through card and infused it into his staff. With one toss, his staff passed right through Coby and hit Helmeppo knocking him out.

Zoro cut down Morgan, protecting his captain in the process. Much to Coby’s shock, the marines were happy Morgan was defeated. “This is what happens when you rule by fear!”

The two stuffed their bellies. “How do you have a bigger appetite than a guy who hasn’t eaten in three weeks.”

“It takes a lot of fuel to use my magic, plus I’ve always had a healthy appetite.” he chuckled. Zoro could tell his captain was strange, but at least his adventure wouldn’t be boring.

To be continued...Dreams and Feelings

Zoro has a strange dream about sleeping with his new captain, a rather erotic intense dream. He’s woken up by Luffy and is a bit embarrassed. He blames a lack of alone time for having strange thoughts, but Luffy doesn’t help asking to sleep with him.


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