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Baka and Test parody: patreon reward: PDF

Study Date

Kubo finally figured out a way to talk to Yoshii, a study date. Things go way better than he expected. Kubo x Yoshii


Kubo has feelings for Akihisa Yoshii, he wanted to be closer to the boy but couldn’t figure out how. They were in different classes, and while having similar lessons Class F was taught by Nishimura. They once almost had lunch together, but that got interrupted. Almost any time he tried to get near Akihisa at school something always interrupted them.  

He loved Yoshii so much, the boy was his angel, what he looked forward to seeing every day. The few times they have come in contact with each other he got all warm and tingly. When he saw the boy smile it made his heart flutter. When he was around he got butterflies in his stomach. The boy was so head over heels, just seeing him could make a bad day brighter, and a good day and a wonderful one.  

Kubo felt he could live or die for Yoshii’s sake, he’s even stood up against third-year students for him. He just wished he could spend more time with Yoshii, maybe then he could build up the courage to tell him how he felt. “If only I had a chance to spend some time with you, sweet Yoshii, I’m sure I can earn your love.”  

He didn’t like how the girls treated Yoshii, Minami claims she loves Aki, but is always jumping to conclusion and hurting him. Yoshii can say stupid things sometimes, but he wasn’t malicious and didn’t deserve to have his legs, arms, and back broken over a misunderstanding. She didn’t like it when he talked to other girls or Kubo but wasn’t honest with him either.  

Himeji was too obsessed with being a girly girl, too concerned with her weight to not try her own food so she wasn’t feeding something disgusting and deadly to someone. She also lacked confidence which often led to misunderstandings that got Yoshii in trouble.

It wasn’t just the girls either, a lot of students believed that he and Yuuji were a couple, that Yoshii was the doughnut to his banana. If Yuuji had feelings for Akihisa, he didn’t treat Yoshii well, he lost count how many times the boy was hurt because of one of the red head’s schemes. As it was Kubo didn’t believe he could hand over his sweet Yoshii over to them.  

Kubo wanted Yoshii to be happy, he just wished it was him that could make him happy. When he saw a shooting star, he had only one wish. “Starlight, star bright, please grant my wish tonight, please give me a chance to get closer to Akihisa.” His wish hadn’t come true yet.

He wracked his brain trying to think of anything that could bring them closer together. “Why can’t I just tell sweet Yoshii that I lov...”

“Hey Kubo!” the glasses boy jumped.

“Yoshii?” he turned around to see the love of his life. His heart gave a little bu-bump, his cheeks turning red.  

“I’ll understand if you’re busy, but Class F has a big test coming up, and my sister is putting a lot of pressure on me. I really need to get a good grade.” he was looking so damn cute. “I was wondering if you could help me study.”  

“Yes!” He said excitedly, he coughed to clear his throat. “I mean yes, I’d be glad to help you. Shall we go to the library?”  

“No, trying to study at school doesn’t work, things tend to get crazy.” Yoshii smiled. “Can you come over to my place after school?”

Cupid’s arrow pierced his heart, his cheeks reddened and his glasses fogged up.  

“Please Kubo, I really need your help!” he brought his hands together and gave a bow.  

‘He needs me!’ his heart erupted like a volcano, as a marching band paraded through his head. He put a hand over his heart, as the feeling of joy threatened to spill out of him. “I’ll do it!”    

“Really?!” Yoshii looked so excited. “Thank you Kubo!” the brunette hugged Kubo, and the glasses-wearing lad, momentarily shut down. He was too overwhelmed with joy he didn’t realize Yoshii had left him. “I’ll see you later!”  

Kubo was in a state of bliss, and when he snapped out of it his heart sank. “Oh my god!” he gasped. “I have a study date with Yoshii!” He was practically skipping on his way back to class, he could hear a choir of angels singing. The day couldn’t get over fast enough, he was excited to spend some alone time with Yoshii.    

He couldn’t believe he didn’t think of this before, and here Yoshii asked him, he needed him. Nothing could bring Kubo down...and then he went to Akihisa’s house. As he stood before the door he suddenly got very nervous. ‘Oh crap, I’m going to be all alone with Akihisa. Damn it this is great, but also bad, what am I gonna do, what do I say to him. If we just study then I won’t get to know him at all, and our relationship won’t ever change!’  

“I know!” he searched through his bag and found a copy of his BL manga. “I believe I read about a situation like this once.” As he started flipping through the pages, the door suddenly opened. Kubo gasped and dropped his book, but it wasn’t Yoshii at the door it was his sister.  

“Oh hello, who are you?”  

“I...um...I’m Yoshii’s I mean Akihisa’s schoolmate, he asked me to help him study.” The sister eyed him up and down, before spotting the BL manga on the ground. “That’s...” She picked it up, and Kubo started sweating bullets. He had no answer, the cover said it all. Kubo didn’t want to start panicking but…

She placed a hand on his shoulder. “It’s Akihisa’s first time, do take care of him.” Kubo blushed.  

‘Did I just receive her blessing?’ Yes, yes he did. She left the door open for him too, so he entered the apartment, and left his shoes at the door. “Yoshii, sorry to intrude...your sister let me in,” he called out.  

“Oh Kubo!” the bluenette turned, and he thought his heart was gonna stop. Akihisa came out of the bathroom wearing nothing but a pair of boxers, he had a towel but it was being used to dry his hair. He was fresh out of the shower, his body flushed and glistening.  

Kubo was lucky he had put boxers on since his sister was in the house, when he was alone he often walked around naked. If Kubo had seen his sweet Yoshii naked without preparing himself he really might have died, instead of just getting a nosebleed. “Ahh!” Akihisa gasped and rushed over to him, which only made it worse.  

His bloody nose dried up as his blood rushed south. Thankfully Yoshii took pity on him and put some clothes on. They started to study, but Kubo’s arousal hadn’t subsided, he cursed his young man hormones. Being next to Yoshii didn’t help, the boy was so cute, and he smelled so damn good.  

“Kubo, can you help me with this problem?” Yoshii scooted closer to him, and a shiver of joy ran through Kubo.  

“Of course!” he leaned in close. To Kubo, all the problems were easy to understand, but for Akihisa being the adorable sweet idiot that he was, he struggled. They were able to stay close, so close. Kubo was able to explain things to Akihisa, and the look on his face when he got it right was priceless.  

His heart was beating so loud. Akihisa was so close and smelled so good. Kubo couldn’t stop blushing, he was so damn happy. Angel Kubo didn’t want this to end, this was the best time of his life. Devil Kubo however, continued to point out there was a party in his pants and it was ready to get started. The two were very conflicting, and he didn’t want to ruin the moment.  

This was good, this was nice, this is what he wanted for so long. “I’m getting hungry, how about you?”  

“I could eat.”  

“I’ll make us something.”  

“I’ll get it!” the two got up at the same time, and one thing led to another. Kubo bumped Akihisa causing him to fall back, Kubo tried to catch him and ended up on top of the brunette. “I’m sorry Akihisa...I didn’t mean to...” their faces were so close.  

Kubo’s face turned as red as a tomato. “Sorry Kubo, this tends to happen a lot around me. Are you okay?”  

“I should be asking you that.”

“Yeah, I’m kinda used to it.” Kubo didn’t know how to feel about that. “This is actually the best accidental fall I’ve had, normally one of the girls walks in, and I’m being punished.” He didn’t like that at all.  

“I would never hurt you,” Kubo said, making Akihisa smile.  

“Yeah, you are a really good guy Kubo.” Those words made Angel Kubo and Demon Kubo get hit by cupid arrows. The conflicting sides of the man came to a consensus.  

“Yoshii...I love you...” the words just came out, there was no stopping them. Akihisa’s eyes widened, and Kubo froze. ‘Oh damn!’ he began to sweat.  

“Kubo, so you like guys, the way some guys like girls huh?” Yoshii was blushing. “I’ve never had a guy confess his feelings for me before.”  

“Yoshii, please don’t hate me, my feelings for you are true!” The cat was out of the bag, and there was no going back.  

“Kubo...how do two guys...do it?” the question caught the bluenette off guard. “My sister always talks about it, and I admit I’ve thought about it in the past, but I don’t know how two guys...do that...”  

“Would you like me to show you?”  

“You’d do that for me?”  

“I’d be honored, you asked me to help you study, I’d be happy to teach you about the pleasure between men!”  

“You really are a great guy Kubo!” Akihisa smiled. The two got up, and to Kubo’s shock Yoshii started stripping. He didn’t know a lot but guessed things could get started if they were both naked. The brunette stripped so fast he was already stepping out of his underwear. Kubo’s nose started to bleed and he was like a deer caught in the headlights. “Did I do something wrong?”


“You aren’t getting naked, did I screw this up already?”  

“No!” Kubo scrambled, and began to take off his clothes. “You were just so beautiful I was paralyzed by your beauty.”  

“You are funny Kubo.”  

“I’m serious.” He proved how serious he was by removing his boxers and up sprang his 9 inch dick, hard and excited. Akihisa’s eyes widened.  

“This is because of me?”  

“Ohh yes!”  

“Wow!” His soft dick twitched. “You got a really nice piece!”  

“Are you ready to learn?” Kubo asked.  

“Yes, please teach me, Kubo-sensei!” the words pierced Kubo’s dick, it shouldn’t have aroused him but it did. Kubo was nervous, but he was gonna do this.  

“We’ll start with a kiss.” he cupped Yoshii’s cheek, he gulped as he drew closer and closer until their lips met. Akihisa’s cheeks heated up. The kiss was clumsy and inexperienced but felt so nice.  

Akihisa followed Kubo’s lead, and when the bluenette licked his lips he parted them. The kiss deepened, and Yoshii shivered, a little moan escaping him only to get swallowed by Kubo. When the kiss broke for air, both boys were panting. Kubo started leaking pre-cum and Akihisa’s penis was half hard. “You are a good kisser Kubo!” he panted.  

“I aim to please.” he kissed the boy again, and this time Yoshii kissed back. The two made out, Kubo taking this chance to feel up Yoshii’s sweet body. The fact his kiss had aroused the boy filled him with glee.  

He had Akihisa panting and moaning, trying to kiss back and match his technique. It was amazing feeling Yoshii try to play with his tongue. The brunette got bolder feeling up Kubo’s toned body. “Yoshii, will you touch me?”  

Akihisa nodded and brought his hand down to feel Kubo’s impressive rod. “It’s so big!”  

“You have a nice cock too.” Kubo gripped the brunette’s penis and started pumping it. It felt so good, so different than Akihisa’s own hand. The way he was being teased pumped and rubbed it made his legs feel like jelly, and then Kubo kissed him again. The skinship was forging a bond between the two boys.  

Yoshii pumped Toshimitsu’s cock, smearing pre-cum all over his shaft. He started to get eager, pumping Kubo faster, as the bluenette teased his tip. “Mmm!” Akihisa’s hips bucked. His orgasm built up until he was thrown over the edge and shooting all over Kubo’s hand.  

Toshimutsu smiled as Yoshii basked in the pleasure of his orgasm. “That feel good?”  

“So good!”  

“Do you want to continue?”  

“There is more?” Kubo chuckled.  

“Yes, let me show you.” he got down on his knees, and Akihisa moaned as Kubo sucked his cock into his mouth. ‘I’m sucking Yoshii’s dick!’ Kubo was crying he was so happy, listening to the brunette’s moans as he slurped and sucked the tasty dick.  

He was still sensitive from his previous orgasm, and Kubo’s licks and sucks felt so damn good. He took him all the way down to the root moaning in delight, sending pleasing vibrations through his cock. “Kubo!” he moaned loudly, his ass clenching as another orgasm ripped through him.  

Poor Akihisa was seeing spots before his eyes, the orgasm knocking him for a loop. Kubo just kept sucking, milking him of every drop and swallowing his load. Poor Kubo lost control and tasting Yoshii’s semen was the final nail in his orgasmic coffin, his eyes rolled up as he rolled the thick cum over his tongue before gulping it down.  

“Did you just cum from sucking my dick?”  

Kubo pulled off his cock and licked his lips. “Yes, yes I did.” he adjusted his glasses. “I got a bit overly excited.”  

“Is there more?” Yoshii got up close and personal, he was like an excited puppy.  

“Well we could do more, but we’d need a few things.” He told Yoshii what they needed. “It’s okay we can do other stuff.”  

“Hold on!” Yoshii scampered to his bedroom, giving Kubo a look at his perky ass. The brunette came back with lube and condoms. “Will this stuff work?”  

“Y-yes, Yoshii...why do you have this stuff?”  

“My sister bought it for me.” he smiled. “With this stuff we can continue right?”  

“Yes we can, lay back for me and spread your legs.” Akihisa obeyed but went beyond, hooking his legs and pulling them to his chest causing his pink virgin hole to spread and be on full display.   

A bloody nose threatened to spill, but the blood rushed south instead making his cock so hard it hurt. Despite the pain in his loins, and the overwhelming heat, this wasn’t about him, this was about Yoshii. “This might sting a bit, but I want you to focus on relaxing and I promise I’ll make you feel good.”  

Akihisa nodded. “I trust you!”  

Kubo lubed his fingers and brought one down to Yoshii’s tight virgin hole, he traced the ring before pushing it inside. “Nnnhh!” Akihisa jerked and shuddered. “It feels weird.”  

“I know, just relax.” He rocked the finger back and forth, trying to ease the brunette into it. The boy’s expressions were so cute, as pain turned to discomfort, and discomfort melted into pleasure. Kubo rocked and wiggled his finger, seeking out the boy’s sweet spot while massaging his insides.  

“Kubo...this is starting to feel good!” He added a second finger and began to twist and curl, turning up his insides and stretching his hole open. “Ohh!” His fingers brushed up against something very good. “What was that?!”  

“Your prostate, otherwise known as the sweet spot.” He touched it again, and again, and sweet heavens again! His cute face twisted into one of pleasure. Kubo’s glasses fogged up, Yoshii was so hot, so sexy, and only getting sexier by the minute.  

“It feels amazing!” He was drooling a little, his adorable eyes clouding with lust, his hips rolling along with his fingers. He added a third and started to churn up his insides. His insides were stretched and slicked up, Kubo even pulled his fingers out to re-lube, so he could paint the boy’s insides all nice and shiny.  

“I think you’re ready.” he removed his fingers and got a whine of loss.  

Kubo reached for the condoms. “Can I do this part?”  

“Oh...sure!” he ripped the package open and began to roll the condom onto Kubo’s large cock. This brand came pre-lubed, so he was ready and raring to go. “Are you sure you want to do this?”  

“Yes, please teach me, I want to know!”  

Kubo slid between his legs and lined himself up. “I’ll go slow, I promise.” He pushed forward, the head breaching his now-former virgin entrance. Yoshii hissed, so Kubo leaned forward and began to kiss his chest, bringing a hand up to play with one of his nipples.  

It was a welcome distraction, Kubo kept popping the head back and forth, once he was sure Akihisa was ready he pushed a little deeper. He rocked back and forth, waiting for Yoshii to be ready before he sank deeper. “Kubo!” the boy moaned. “You are so big!”  

“You are just tight sweet Yoshii.” he kissed his cheek.  

“Give it to me, I can take it!” the brunette pleaded.  

“I don’t want to hurt you, we are almost there, just three more inches.” the brunette whimpered and groaned, trying to relax as he was stuffed with the bluenette’s cock. He played with both of his nipples, increasing his pleasure.  

Kubo soon was buried balls deep inside Yoshii, the two boy’s moaning. “So tight!”  

“So full!” his toes curled, and his cock wept on his toned stomach. “Please...Kubo...I want...I want...”  

“I know, I’m going to move.” He pulled back till only the tip was inside, only to thrust forward.  

“Ahh Kubo!”  

“Yoshii!” his thrusts were long and strong, letting Yoshii feel every inch of him, his balls smacking his perfect booty again and again until he was begging for more. More he gave, he reached between them and began pumping Yoshii’s cock. His thrusts became shorter but faster, his cock brushing Yoshii’s sweet spot and pounding it.  

“AHH YES KUBO YES~” he moaned, arching his back.  

His orgasm tore through him like a hurricane. The brunette came hard, Kubo pumping him through his climax, milking him of a few more spurts as his inner walls tightened around Kubo’s thrusting cock.  

“YOSHII!” Kubo moaned, and he came, his seed getting collected in the blue condom. He collapsed on top of Yoshii, and felt his warm embrace.  

They didn’t know how long they were like that and didn’t care. Once Kubo pulled his spent cock out, he removed his condom. “I’ll throw this out.”  

“That’s a waste!” Yoshii said and took his condom and without missing a beat, downed the man milk inside. Kubo was starring at him like he had just grown a second head. “Did I just do something stupid?”  

“No...hot very...hot!” Yoshii smiled and kissed Kubo, the boy wasn’t a fan of his own flavor, but on Yoshii’s lips, he was good with it.  

“Can we do this again?”  

“Yes!” Kubo said.  

“I’m kinda dumb so I think I’ll need a lot more of these study dates.” Kubo grinned. This was the start of something very special between them. Yoshii didn’t say he loved him yet, but Kubo had waited a long time for him, he could wait for when Yoshii was ready.  

He did say it, but not on a study date, but on a real date where they came out as a couple.  



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