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Danny Phantom parody: patreon reward

 Chapter 1  https://www.patreon.com/posts/dans-punishment-32750619 

Chapter 2

Danny looked at Dan, his young mind working over what has happened. He was tasked with taking charge of his evil future self made young. Their time was linked and Danny was given a ring to control Dan and make him live by his rules. The collar around Dan’s neck compelled him to obey, and since their time was linked if Danny died so would Dan.

What surprised him was that while he was at first opposed to the idea of having his future evil self around, he didn’t want to kill him. Despite what Dan had done, he felt no hatred in his heart for him, even if he didn’t one hundred percent forgive him. He made bad choices and went down the worst path, but this was his second chance. His fate was now in Danny’s hands. He could punish him and have a bit of fun himself.

Dan was brought to Danny in a very interesting time, during a time as a young man he began to question his feelings. Did he like girls, did he like guys, did he like both? What was he interested in, what excited him?

He used to like Paulina, but he wasn’t sure why, anymore. Yes, she was pretty and popular, but so was Dash, though just replace pretty with handsome. They were both jerks, Paulina could act nice and sweet to get what she wanted, just as Dash could. Tucker was still girl-crazy, but Danny was wondering if being with a girl is what he wanted at all.

Danny tried to think about what was it about Paulina that made him like her in the first place, and he couldn’t really think of anything specific. In school, Paulina was like the queen bee and all the guys wanted her or at least said they did. What did they like about her? She was pretty, she’s so pretty, she’s very pretty, was the typical response.

Even the girls didn’t necessarily like Paulina, they were nice to her because you had to. There were a few girls she screwed over, stealing boyfriends for the fun of it, only to throw them away. She took enjoyment out of stealing guys from other girls and then treated her time like the boys were lucky to be used by her despite destroying the relationship.

Danny was blind to it, like so many others, but since getting his ghost powers, his eyes were opened up wide. Paulina liked his ghost form, Danny Phantom, but didn’t like his human form. Why? They were the same person, and yet she loved one over the other. It was all face value, as a ghost Danny was a cool superhero, but Danny Fenton was just some nobody.

It didn’t matter what was on the inside to her. He was famous, well infamous, a bit of both. It made Danny question his own feelings, could he like someone like Paulina just for being pretty, when she was so awful to those she deemed beneath her. That had him wondering, what about Dash.

Dash was a buff, good looking jock, with a rocking body, but was a total ass hole, and usually a dick, there were many times Danny wished he could tell Dash to go fuck himself because of it. If Paulina was aggressively mean to him like Dash was, would he have disliked her as much as he disliked Dash? That’s when it hit him, Dash treated him better when they were on equal footing, Dash even revealed to be a fanboy of his ghost form. When he wasn’t being a jock bully Dash wasn’t a bad person.

He’s said it himself, he was living it up as the big jock on campus because he believed his life was downhill after high school, and that was just sad. When he was among fellow jocks or the other popular kids, he seemed normal and not such an ass. He was also keeping stuff away from his “cool” friends. It was like he was living a double life of his own.

When Kwan and Valerie joined their group for a short time, it was actually kinda nice. Kwan wasn’t a big of a dick as Dash was, and Danny found himself thinking about him in a different light. Did that mean he liked guys?

Did he like guys if he wanted to put Dash over his knee and spank his ass red? Did he wanna kiss Kwan? Did he wanna kiss Valerie? Did he wanna kiss Dash? These were the thoughts that ran through his head often.

There was a little something going on between him and Valerie, but since she had issues with his Ghost Half it was dangerous. Though he wasn’t sure he liked her in that special way, his feelings for Paulina were empty, so he wasn’t sure what love was, what was his desire.

Sam and Tucker were his friends, he loved them but not in a sexual way, maybe it was because they were in the friend zone. He just couldn’t see them in a sexual way, so he was growing increasingly confused about what and who he wanted.

Now Dan was here before him, and Danny felt something strange surge through him when he was called master. The word stroked a fire inside him, he felt something stirring and building up. Then there was the submission and the feeling of control Danny had, he wanted to see more.

“Looks like this is the beginning of something new,” Danny said, looking at his doppelganger.

“Don’t think this will last, I’ll find a way to be free of you and I will have my revenge!” His eyes flashed red. “If you were smart you’d kill me now.”

“To bad for you, I’m not that smart.” Danny hauled him forward by his collar. “This collar is a part of you, not a piece of clothing. You will have it with you forever.”

“What are you say...yes master!” he said and Danny smirked.

“Take off your clothes.”

“As if I would...yes master!” his hands began to peel off his shirt and undershirt, before undoing his pants. “Damn it!” In a matter of seconds, Dan was naked before Danny. His cheeks burned, this feeling was new to him.

Danny was watching him, there were subtle differences between them. He felt the embers of arousal building, they were lighting the way, clearing away the shadows of doubt and confusion.

“Put your hands behind your head and do squats, one hundred will be a good start.”

“Yes, master!” Dan obeyed, he began to perform the exercise, making his cock and balls bounce as he did it. Dan couldn’t believe this, he was completely under his younger self’s control. If he said jump, he’d obey, if he said sit, he’d obey. What was really throwing him off was the intense burning gaze.

Danny was watching him so intently, memorizing his every move. The way his cock bounced, the way his body flexed, the way his cock flopped. After his exercise, he built up a nice sweat and his skin became flushed. Dan was a bit short of breath, his now younger form wasn’t as built as his old one.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Dan asked.

“You see, you need to be punished. You did a lot of bad stuff, and you will pay for it.” Danny crossed his arms over his chest. “But I’m actually glad you are here, you can help me.”

“If you think I’m gonna help you you got another thing...” Danny raised his hand showing the ring.

“Like it or not you are bound to me, you were like a wild dog and this is your leash. You have to obey my rules.” Dan glared at him.

“Enjoy it while it lasts, once I’m free I’ll pay you back double.”

Danny smiled. “I don’t think so, you see, you’ve already given me an insight into myself.” He palmed his crotch, feeling his penis swelling. “You wanted to control and destroy, watch the world burn, but I want to control and dominate.” Dan blushed. “There is so much I can learn from you, but I’ll decide how my future will go. I’m not gonna become a monster like you were, and I’m not gonna let you go down that path again.”

He approached Dan and cupped his cheek. “Kiss me,” he whispered and Dan obeyed. He kissed like he meant it, and Danny returned the kiss in kind. Their lips meshed so perfectly together, and their tongues met. Dan tried to dominate the kiss, but Danny just had to give a thought and the control was back in his favor. He then used Dan’s kissing technique against him.

When the kiss broke for air, the twins were both panting. “I guess that answers that question.”

“What question?” Dan growled.

“We do like guys.” Danny pointed down, Dan looked down and his whole face went red. They were both hard as a rock.

To be continued Learning to Love and Lust


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