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Reincarnated As Slime parody: Tier 1

 Chapter 13  https://www.patreon.com/posts/slime-lord-13-32362038 

Rimuru Tempest 11 inches soft 16 inches hard 19 inches with a knot, Dragon Size 25 inches

Passive Skills: Magic Sense, Molecule Manipulation, Mental Attack Immunity, Pack Bond Skill, Body Double, Ultra Speed Regeneration, Summon Rain, Summon Snow, Sauna Zone Skill,

Multi-Layer Barrier: Thermal Fluctuation Nullification, Storm Attack Resistance, Rot Resistance, Paralysis Resistance, Physical Attack Resistance, Pain Nullification, Poison Resistance,

Offensive Skills: Rain Slash, Frost Blade, Black Flame Blade, Gust Force, Icicle Lance, Flare Circle, Black Blaze, Black Thunder, Dragon Breath, Fire Dragon Breath, Frost Dragon Breath, Storm Dragon Breath, Lightning Roar, Blizzard Roar, Tornado Roar, Storm Roar, Pheromone Breath, Paralysis Breath, Sticky Thread, Steel Thread, Ultrasonic Waves, Drain Blood, Thermal Touch, Thunder Touch, Menace, Knock Back, Flame Bombardment, Frozen Wind,

Magic: Wind Fire Water Lightning Ice

Unique Skills: Predator, Great Sage, Degenerate

Slime Skills: Mimicry, Fluid Body, Slime Tentacle, Camouflage, Dissolve Touch

Human Form: Bat Wing Mimicry, Dragon Wing Mimicry, Steel Strength, Strengthen Body, Keen Smell, Sense Heat Source, Auditory Perception, Cast-Iron Stomach Skill, Body Armor, High Potency Skill, Aphrodisiac Body Fluid Skill, Stamina Boost Skill, Endurance Boost Skill,

Chapter 14 Rimuru vs Ogres

“Oi...who the hell are you guys?” Rimuru glared at them behind his mask. “What are you doing to my people!” Ranga and Riguru pulled back towards him. Rimuru dished out healing potions to the three. “The others?”

“They are alive, just unconscious due to a spell,” he looked towards the pink-haired girl. “That ogre did it, with the pink hair.”

“Ogres?” They certainly looked different than what he’d seen in games. ‘Six of them, all of them quite strong. I’d prefer a peaceful solution to all this.’ The ogres were wearing kimono, some had armor and weapons.

“I originally increased the security detail because I sensed a monstrous aura, but I didn’t think it was the Ogre tribe.” Riguru bowed his head. “I’m ashamed!”

“Don’t be, these guys seem very strong. The fact you put up a good fight means you’re getting stronger. I’m proud of you!” That made Riguru’s eyes sparkle and his heart flutter with joy.

“Master, this lot seems strange. I’ve never seen an ogre journey so far from their territory before.”

“You did well, good boy!” his words of praise had his tail wagging. “There may be something more going on here.”

“Big Brother, that one’s mask, it is similar to the one who attacked us.” The girl said.

“Foul Majin, enslaving others to do your dirty work, first orcs, then goblins and wolves!” the red-haired ogre snapped.

“Ehh?” He wasn’t a Majin...he was a slime. Then he remembered his mask concealed all of his monstrous aura, making him seemingly appear as a human.

“We should be careful of this one, I sense he’s stronger than he appears.” the old man ogre said.

“Reveal your true form demon!” he growled.

“What did you call me?” Rimuru put his hands on his hips.

“To equip on a demon item is not something a normal person would dare to do!” The red head was giving Rimuru a nasty look. “You try to hide your true self, but we will not be fooled.”

“Now hold on here!” Rimuru waved his arms. “There must be some misunderstanding here.” he began to sweat. ‘I’m just a slime damn it!’

“The truth is as clear as the mask on your face.”

“My mask? You got it all wrong this is a token from a fallen friend...” he was trying to explain but it wasn’t working.

“Your head will do for a start to make up to my tribe’s regrets.” he drew his sword and pointed it at Rimuru.

‘These guys totally want to fight, if they won’t calm down there’s no way to end this peacefully.’ he sighed and began to stretch. ‘These guys aren’t as strong as Ifrit if I show some of my abilities maybe I can get them to calm down.’

“Riguru, gather the others and protect them, I don’t want any collateral damage.”

“Yes, sir!” Riguru moved to obey.

Rimuru was covering his bases here, they didn’t seem the type to take a hostage, but they were quite angry so there was no telling what might happen.

“Ranga, the ogre mage, I want you to keep her distracted. I’ll handle the rest.”

“Are you sure? That will leave you fighting five powerful opponents.”

“No problem, I won’t lose!”

“Is this being courageous or just bravado, either way, you’ll regret making light of us!” The red-haired ogre charged at Rimuru, swinging his sword down. The slime in human form dodged, zipping out of the way of his attack.

The female ogre with big boobs was on him, swinging at him with her mace. Rimuru dodged her before the bulky ogre charged at him striking at him with his hammer. Again Rimuru dodged the attack, but the ground cracked from where the two ogres struck. ‘They have physical strength down pat.’

He did some flips to avoid them. The two shared a look, and the girl began to move at great speed, she vanished from physical sight and got behind him. “Too bad, I can see you!” With magic sense, she was clear as day. He dodged her swing again. ‘Sticky Steel Thread!’ he thought and quickly tied the ogre woman up, binding her completely and suspending her in the air. Even with her strength, she couldn’t break free, she looked stunned and amazed.

The bulky ogre swooped in, and this time instead of dodging he used Steel Strength and Strengthen Body, and actually blocked his hammer, with one hand. The ogre was stunned that he could block the attack in such a way. Using his free hand he unleashed Paralysis Breath, the yellow mist hit him in the face at close range. “Why don’t you sit this one out.” He crumbled to the ground unable to move.

Before he had the chance to rest, the blue-haired ogre swooped in, slashing at Rimuru, only to have his sword break. Rimuru used Body Armor for the first time, encasing his arm in armor. The blue-haired ogre’s eyes widened. He didn’t have a second to counter as Rimuru hit him hard, shattering his samurai armor and sending him flying back.

“Black Spider’s Sticky and Steel thread, Armorsaurus’ Body Armor, and the Demon Centipede’s Paralysis Breath.” The old ogre said, accurately recognizing the skills he used and the monsters he’s eaten. “He also can see through sneak attacks, so he has Magic Sense.”

‘Whoa, this old guy is good.’

“He may have many other monster’s skills, Young Master, do not underestimate your enemy.”

‘Perhaps it's best if I don’t go all out on these guys, using too many of my skills.’

“How about we stop this now?”

“Shut up, you evil demon!” he gripped his sword tight. “You are indeed strong, but that makes me sure you are a majin!” he glared at Rimuru. “You and the damn orc tribe made fools of us ogres. I will not stand for this embarrassment!”

‘Orc tribe?’ he had mentioned something before, so Rimuru was still confused. “What are you talking about?”

“Shut up!” he snapped. “This is all done by you demons!!!”

“Please wait. There’s a miste...” He was cut off as suddenly the old ogre was behind him, his sword coming for Rimuru’s head. The slime managed to dodge at the last second, but unlike before he did not escape unscathed. “Eh?” His arm was gone…

“Looks like I have gotten old and rusty, I thought I had cut off your head.” His severed arm hit the ground.

‘Is this real...this old man avoided my Magic Sense, breaking through the Multi-Layer Barrier and Body Armor.’ the old ogre was just calmly sheathing his blade to.

“Master!” Ranga shouted.

“Rimuru-sama!” Riguru shouted.

“I’m fine! Don’t let your guards down.” Ranga turned back to growl at the princess.

“Next time I won’t miss.” The old ogre said and readied another attack.

“I must commend you, you haven’t lost your composure despite losing an arm. That kind of guts I respect, but...” he readied his sword to strike. “The pride that compelled you to take us all on alone will be your downfall!” He swung at Rimuru, sending a slice through the earth.

Rimuru dodged the attack, and doing so he scooped up his severed arm. The ogre’s eyes widened as the arm turned to slime and got absorbed into his body. His arm regrew thanks to his Ultra-speed Regeneration. Using his regrown hand he removed his mask. Even the old man was surprised. “You’ll have to forgive me, I tend to be overly cautious, even though I have Pain Nullification and Ultra-Speed Regeneration.” he smiled at the ogre. “That did catch me off guard though.”

“You damn monster!” he shouted. “Foul Beast, Demon, Demon Lord!” he raised up two fingers and summoned fire. “Ogre Flame!” He hit Rimuru and made it swirl in a cyclone. A few minutes passed, but unlike before Ranga and Riguru didn’t seem concerned. “Is it...gone?”

“So sorry,” Rimuru’s voice cut through the crackle of flames. “Fire is useless against me.” He walked right out of the vortex of fire. “Let me show you what happens when I get serious.” His monster aura flared and he summoned Black Flame, his power shot up into the air swirling in a vortex.

“That flame...” the pink-haired ogre gasped. “This flame is not made out of the surrounding magical power.” She looked at Rimuru in awe. “It’s being made by that person’s own power.”

“Do you still want to continue?” He didn’t want to kill anyone, he was hoping this show of force would get them to calm down. The red-haired ogre looked scared.

“Please take the Princess and run away. Leave this place to this old man...”

“Shut up, Old man.” he was tense. “I am shouldering the hatred of our clan, and you want me to run away when we finally found the enemy?” he took his sword up with both hands. “I still have my pride as the next ruler! Compared to living with the humiliation I would rather die avenging my people!”

“Young Master...then allow this old man to follow you, till the end.” He readied his strike.

‘This is bad, this is completely the opposite effect.’ Rimuru sweatdropped.

“Even if I can’t win, I’ll still fight back!”

“Big brother wait!” the princess stood in between them.

“Move away!”

“No!” she shook her head. “This person is most likely not our enemy!”

“But...this guy is wearing a mask similar to the demons that attacked our village? You thought so too!”

“I did, but...” she looked at the group. “The Goblin who resisted my sleeping magic, I feel a strong bond of love flowing between them, I feel it with the wolf as well.” Ranga transformed into his werewolf form and stood by Rimuru. “This person feels different from the demons that led the orc’s tribe.”

The Princess’s words helped calm things down. “Now that you're ready to talk.” Rimuru sucked in the black flame and gobbled it up.

“No way!” they gasped.

“What are you?” the Young Master asked.

Rimuru smiled. “Me, I’m just a normal slime, named Rimuru. These are my mates Rigur and Ranga.”

“Unbelievable, to say that you’re a slime and you have two mates that...” Rimuru transformed into his cute little blob form. “It’s true!”

Rimuru showed them his mask, and while it was similar in some respects, it was vastly different on closer inspection. “Please forgive our mistake.” he bowed his head.

“No worries, no one was hurt.” He had given out his potions and everyone recovered, no harm no foul. “Let’s return to town, everyone!”

“Yes!” the Goblins and Ranga cheered.

“Are you including us too?” the Young Master asked.

“Indeed, we will be having plenty of food, you guys can have a place to relax, plus I have some questions for you.” The promise of food and shelter sounded nice, so the Young Master agreed.

In the fight between Rimuru vs the Ogres, it was settled peacefully.

To be continued...Food, Names, and Loyalty


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