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Bleach parody: Tier 1

Chapter 1  https://www.patreon.com/posts/vampire-with-1-31451662  

Chapter 2 Hollows and Soul Reapers

Ichigo was mildly annoyed at having his fun times interrupted, but the presence of a hollow was a problem. Weak hollows could be easily handled, but ones with strange powers have been popping up more lately. Just as he was about to face the hollow, he felt a sudden surge of spiritual pressure, his familiars fluttered at the sudden power. “This smell...a Soul Reaper?” Ichigo’s pupils turned into slits, and his fangs tingled.

He stuck to the shadows and sure enough, the reaper went for the hollow. “Hiyah!” the red head swooped in and slashed the hollow’s arm clean off. Ichigo observed him, the reaper was male, well built, had long red hair tied back, he had some kind of device on his forehead. There was a primal look about him, that was kinda exotic.

The hollow he injured let out a roar, and some small fry hollows came out to try and attacked the Reaper. “Roar Zabimaru!” He released his zanpakuto, the simple katana transforming into a larger segmented blade, with two pick-like protrusions on the front and back of each segment, with the frontal blades larger than the one on the back.

It didn’t take him long to take out the small fry hollows, with one swing of his blade, Zabimaru extended and slashed the hollows, purifying them in seconds. Ichigo whistled in amazement. They did serve their purpose as the bigger hollow managed to regenerate his arm.

“Soul Reaper you will be my dinner! Help me grow strong!”

“I don’t think so!” The reaper charged at the hollow, only for the hollow to move quickly avoiding his slash. “So you are one of the unique hollows that have been popping up. You don’t seem so tough.”

The soul reaper sped up and began slashing the hollow, the hollow cried out in pain. ‘Watch yourself Soul Reaper.’ Ichigo thought in a warning. He was not wrong, the fact the hollow could regenerate meant he was hiding some other powers.

Just as the reaper went in for the kill, the hollow moved fast, his fingers opening up like cannons. Renji gasped as he was blasted by energy bullets. He was thrown back, and before he had the chance to recover, the hollow’s fingers throbbed, like they were pumping something out, before shooting five streams of goo.

The reaper dodged one stream, but the others hit him, the stuff was like tar and he was pinned down. In seconds the wounds the hollow had healed. “Baka, baka reaper, arrogant reaper, I told you, you be my food!”

“Shit!” the red head struggled, but couldn’t escape the goo, and his sword was completely submerged.

“I bite off your head!” the hollow charged at him, jaws open wide.

Ichigo’s eyes glowed, and in an instant the hollow was frozen in place, restricted by a golden aura. “What you do to me? Can’t...move...”

The soul reaper looked equally surprised at the sudden turn of events. He tried to escape again, but the goo wasn’t budging, he was completely stuck. Ichigo whispered a spell and blew, creating a silver mist that washed over the red head, and dissolving the goo. With the reaper free, he wasted no time swinging Zabimaru down and slicing through the hollow’s head.

‘There, now I can hunt in peace.’ Ichigo thought and turned to leave.

“Hey wait!” The Soul Reaper had caught a glimpse of his retreating form in the shadows and gave chase. “Hold on!” He sealed his zanpakuto and ran after the orangette.

Ichigo kept his hood up and tried to run faster. “I said...” he vanished using Flash Step and cut Ichigo off. “Wait!”

‘Oh no, he’s even sexier up close!’ Ichigo felt his cheeks burn, his fangs extended and were itching to taste the blood of the stud before him. He gulped and licked his lips. “What do you want?”

“My apologies, so you can see me, and that hollow, you aren’t a normal person.” He had no idea. “My name is Abarai Renji, Lieutenant of Squad Six.” He gave a polite bow. “I wanted to give my thanks, you were the one who saved me back there.”

“Your welcome, no trouble at all, if you’ll excuse me I have to run.” Ichigo tried to sidestep him but Renji cut him off again.

“Won’t you give me your name?”

“No, it's better if you just pretend, if you never saw me. If you hadn’t killed the hollow, I would have.”

“Oh, so you are strong?” Renji got closer to Ichigo, able to get a better look at the boy, he spotted the boy’s zanpakuto tied to his waist. ‘Is he a rogue reaper?’ he put a hand on his own zanpakuto. “How about we have a spar, and if I win you tell me your name?”

“That is a bad idea.” Ichigo was getting hungry. “If you will be hanging around awhile, I don’t have to worry about the hollows and can carry on my business.”

“And what business is that?”

“My business,” Ichigo said and tried to slip past Renji only to be cut off, he tried again, and again, and again, only to be blocked each time.

“I’m enjoying this dance, but I’d love to know who my partner is. Why won’t you tell me your name?”

“As I told you, it’d be best if you forgot you even saw me. Now move!” Ichigo fought back a growl. What sucked was this sexy bastard sounded like he was almost flirting. Ichigo hadn’t fed properly, only getting a snack from Keigo, plus he hadn’t wound down from playing with the boy earlier.

“I don’t think you are a seated soul reaper, I’d have noticed a looker like you from the academy.” This wasn’t good.

Ichigo unleashed his power and tried to get past Renji, the soul reaper used Flash Step and they ended up colliding. Renji landing on his back with Ichigo on top of him. “Sorry...” Renji groaned.

The vampire was having more trouble, as he got a big whiff of Renji’s manly musk, and his hunger and lust were kicked up into a storm inside him. Renji looked up at Ichigo, trailing up his abs, to his pecs, to his handsome face, and his striking orange hair.

Chocolate eyes turned a wicked gold and Renji found himself paralyzed. “No, I’m sorry, but I’m so hungry!” He flashed his fangs. Renji’s eyes widened.

“A...a...vampire?!” He had heard about them at the academy but he thought they were extinct, and they didn’t carry around zanpakuto.

“Don’t worry, after I eat, you won’t remember a thing. I promise it’ll feel really good.” Ichigo ran a finger over Renji’s exposed pecs, up to his neck, seeing some sexy tattoos.

“Hold on!” Ichigo shifted, which caused Renji to blush and Ichigo’s eyes to widen.

“Oh?” the vampire rubbed his ass against Renji’s crotch feeling a rather impressive bulge. “Getting hard in this situation?” Renji looked away.

“It’s not like I can help it!” Ichigo continued to grind his ass into Renji’s pelvis.

“Hmm, are you a virgin?” This made Renji whip back.

“No!” Ichigo raised a brow at him. “There have been women...” his friends had gone to the red light district after graduating from the academy to celebrate.

“Oh? Has a woman ever made you this hard?”

“No...I mean yes...maybe...” he was having trouble thinking, his blood rushing south and his penis demanding attention.

“I hadn’t planned to bottom tonight, but I think you can satisfy my lust and my hunger.” Ichigo made his zanpakuto float in the air and used it to hang up his cloak. Renji watched as Ichigo stripped, moonlight shining and dancing across his skin.

It didn’t take long as he was shirtless and wasn’t wearing underwear. “Oh wow!” Renji’s jaw dropped as Ichigo’s 13-inch long penis sprang up.

“See something you like?” Ichigo stroked his cock a bit, and Renji watched it, amazed at the impressive size. The vampire made quick work removing Renji’s clothing, using it to make makeshift bedding.

“Oi oi oi, you really doing this here?!” Ichigo smirked at him.

“Oh yes!” he purred. He had already put up a barrier around them, thanks to his familiars, but Renji didn’t know that. The orangette marveled at his tattoos, they weren’t man-made, they were an extension of Renji’s power.

Pants and fundoshi were removed leaving Renji naked. His uncut 10-inch dick snapped up into the air. The soul reaper was feeling very nervous being completely exposed and unable to move. “Delicious!” Ichigo licked his lips and Renji blushed harder. “Such huge balls, are you sure you aren’t a virgin?”

“I’m not!” Renji moaned.

The vampire fondled his heavy nuts, quite the impressive sack he had on him, equally impressive penis. He gave it a few strokes and Renji fought back a moan. Renji couldn’t believe this was happening, this was a routine patrol mission, and now he was naked in the street with an equally nude vampire who had saved him from a hollow.

His foreskin was pulled back and forth over his sensitive cock head. It was so tight, and Renji was losing it. His eyes closed briefly as Ichigo played with his cock and balls with his hands. When Ichigo shifted, the hands left his crotch and he moved to the 69 position.

Renji’s face got red as he got to see Ichigo’s cock, balls, and ass, but his ass was the focus as Ichigo started fingering himself. ‘He looks tight!’ He thought as he watched the tight ring of muscle swallow two fingers. “Oh ohh!” his head rolled back as his cock was swallowed by the vampire’s hot wet mouth.

Ichigo used his tongue to peel back Renji’s foreskin, his cock head was licked by a talented tongue. His sensitivity amplifying the pleasure as his tip, his slit, and his glans was teased by the wet muscle. A string of moans and curses danced from Renji’s lips, as he was treated to some oral talents and given an erotic show as the orangette opened himself up.

The vampire was in hog heaven, the rich manly taste of Renji’s penis had him swimming in delight. This was his first taste of Soul Reaper cock, and it didn’t disappoint. He could taste the power under his skin, feeling the blood pump as his penis throbbed. He was positively weeping on Renji’s pecs as he enjoyed sucking on his cock head. The boy’s fangs brushed along his shaft, hugging his cock perfectly, brushing his glans when he pulled back.

No one had sucked his cock like this, with such hunger and passion, that felt like his very soul was being pulled out of him. His pre-cum started to spill, which Ichigo greedily drank up. It certainly served to soothe both his hunger and lust.

Eager for more, Ichigo took Renji’s long cock, down his throat, till his nose was nestled in his balls. The thick musk filled his sensitive sniffer and turned him on something fierce. He moaned around Renji’s rod, sending the hottest vibrations through him.

Back and forth he bobbed, as he added a third finger into his ass, Renji getting to see his insides turned up. The vampire saliva was driving Renji mad, making his penis tingle and grow more sensitive by the passing seconds and minutes. He tried to hold back, but the powerful suction, the intense vibrations, and sinful tongue work pulled him over into the best orgasm of his spirit life so far.

If he could move more than his head, his toes would be curling, legs jerking, but damn he wasn’t drooling as his heavy balls spilled his pent up seed. His cum was slurped and chugged away, and Ichigo was greedy!

Renji drooled as the vampire continued sucking on the soul reaper’s still hard penis. “Wait I just came...I can’t...no...ohh fuck!” He came again, seeing stars as the second orgasm crashed into him like a tidal wave. Ichigo’s eyes sparkled as he pulled off him with one final suck.

“Fu-aaahhhh!” Ichigo moaned in delight. “Fuck...your cum is so delicious, I can’t wait to try your blood, but I think I could live off your semen and die a happy vampire.” Renji was riding high on pleasure, so he didn’t respond.

Ichigo drooled all over Renji’s penis, lathering him up. Vampire saliva made the perfect lube, good for the bottom and the top. By the time Renji came down from his orgasmic high Ichigo was straddling him, the exposed head of his uncut dick was kissing the vampire’s ass hole. “Wait!” Renji snapped.

Ichigo paused. “Please I’m so close, I need to cum!” he pumped his cock.

“Just please...tell me your name. So I’ll know the person who saved my life and who I’m about to sleep with.” Ichigo smiled.

“Ichigo...Ichigo Kurosaki...” he took Renji’s cock and the two moaned. Renji may not have been a full virgin but he was certainly losing his anal virginity. Ichigo was giving his cherry to the soul reaper as well, as he’s mostly topped, but never experienced more than his fingers in his ass.


“Renji!” Ichigo’s ass swallowed his long cock, his balls resting in Renji’s thick nest of red curls. Abarai hoped that the vampire would wait.

“Tight so tight!”

“So big!” Ichigo moaned and began playing with his massive dick. He arched his back and came, shooting his load all over Renji’s abs and pecs. His hole tightened around Renji’s shaft, and the red head could only moan as the sweet tightness got even tighter and made him cum again.

He filled Ichigo’s ass deep with his thick seed. “Now...” Ichigo ran his hands over Renji’s pecs. “Let’s play for real!”

Renji was in for the ride of his life, the vampire was riding him like a champ, his big cock slapping between their hard bodies. He watched the massive tool bounce and bob and oddly wondered what it would feel like to have inside him. ‘What am I thinking?’

He convinced himself he was so high on the pleasure he was thinking weird stuff. Ichigo’s tightness and the friction made it feel like his dick was melting in the best way! He didn’t think it could get any better, and then Ichigo started playing with his nipples. It felt weird but started to feel good as his cock vanished inside him again and again.

Ichigo changed his thrusts so Renji was grinding on his sweet spot. “Ohh yes, Renji!” He moaned. “You fill me so good!” he moaned and rode the red head faster.

“Fuck Ichigo...I’m cumming again!” He came hard, his spurts hitting Ichigo’s sweet spot, spurt after spurt as more cum filled him. Ichigo saw his own climax peek as he came, his cock erupting like a volcano hitting them both in the face the rest showering their pecs and abs.

He draped himself across Renji’s body, the soul reaper cock still locked inside his tight ass. Renji couldn’t believe he was still hard. “You know...it amazes me...” he nuzzled Renji’s neck. “Hollows, Shinigami, Ghosts, you’re spirits but you have something special. You bleed just as humans do, I wonder if there is some cosmic force that allows it, perhaps we are all linked in some way.”

“Oi!” Renji shivered.

“That was my first time bottoming, and you’ll be the first Soul Reaper’s blood I taste. I’m really glad!” Renji blushed from ear to ear, feeling his heart skip a beat at the confession. “Thank you for the meal!”

Ichigo sank his teeth into Renji’s neck, and Abarai came as his blood was sucked away. There was so much semen even Renji’s cock couldn’t contain it and it gushed from his ass and soaked his crotch. He wasn’t the only one, Renji’s blood was orgasmic, spicy and tangy, not metallic like human blood. It had a kick to it that Ichigo couldn’t describe but he sucked to get more of the good stuff past his lips, over the tongue, to his very happy stomach. Ichigo couldn’t control himself either and came between their bodies.

The orgasm did snap Ichigo out of his blood high, long enough to stop so he didn’t kill Renji. He pulled back and the two were left panting. The red head’s spent cock finally slipped from his ass, and he was still riding high on pleasure, he came again even while soft.

Renji was losing consciousness, Ichigo was able to heal him, but he needed rest. “Just relax Renji, once you wake up you won’t remember any of this, and you’ll feel like a million bucks.” His hand glowed.

“Please...don’t want...to forget...you...” Renji said before passing out. This made Ichigo hesitate. He knew the rules, erase the memory of your target always...always...” Ichigo chewed on his bottom lip.

Just as he was about to decide his coat started to ring. He pulled out his cell phone and answered it. “Ichi-ni where are you, are you okay?”

“We are hungry!” he heard Karin call out.

“I’m fine, just got caught up in something.” he used his power to clean Renji up, storing his cum in another container. In seconds they were dressed. “I’ll be home soon.”

Taking one last look at Renji he flew away, leaving the red head in a barrier for safety. By the time he got home his body had absorbed the excess cum Renji had pumped inside him. He fed the twins the blood he collected while taking his spoils to his room. His sisters were none the wiser, but his mother had sensed something was different.

As Ichigo gazed upon his spoils of the hunt, he wondered if he did the right thing or if he made a mistake.

To be continued


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