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Danny Phantom parody: patreon reward

 Chapter 1  https://www.patreon.com/posts/dannys-pet-wulf-30588519 

Chapter 2 Wulf Stays

The following morning started off normal enough for Jack and Maddie Fenton, they woke up, Maddie first and she showered, as her husband snored away. “Ghosts...Catch...Dissect...Ghosts!” After Maddie freshened up, she woke Jack up and he cleaned up. “Morning Honey!” he kissed her on the cheek before getting ready. Once he was freshened up the two had a good morning kiss, before getting into their jumpsuits. “I’ll start breakfast,” Maddie said, she had to get the kids ready for school.

“And I’ll go check the lab!” Jack said in his usual excitable manner. They head to their locations, but Maddie didn’t get started on breakfast as Jack screamed. “MADDIE!” In seconds Maddie traded her chef knife for a blaster and zipped downstairs.

“Jack...what’s wrong?” she said, before coming upon the scene that made him scream. The werewolf ghost they had locked up was out of its cage, and it had Danny. Well, that was how it looked to a concerned parent, but really Danny was cuddled up to the big furry ghost. “Danny!” Maddie screamed.

Wulf groaned, he tried to ignore the first scream, but the second one really made his ears hurt. His eyes opened and he gazed upon the two jumpsuited weirdos who had kept him locked up. His first thought was them throwing him back into a cage and take Danny away from him. He didn’t like that idea at all, so he growled. This was not the best move as Danny’s parents didn’t take it as a warning growl, but a threatening one.

“Freeze!” they pointed their blasters at him.

“Get away from my son!” Jack shouted. Their weapons charged, but to their shock, the furry ghost didn’t threaten Danny, instead, Wulf covered his body with his own defensively. “I’ll fry your furry ass, I’ll give you to the count of five!”

“Jack...” Maddie wasn’t so sure the ghost was a threat to Danny.

“One...Two...Five!” Jack’s shouting woke Danny, who yawned and noticed Wulf was on top of him. He poked his head out.

“Dad?” Danny saw the blaster and his eyes widened. “Don’t shoot!”

Jack pulled the trigger, but his aim was not the best. His blast went right at Danny, much to Maddie’s horror. “Danny!” she screamed, but he was okay.

Wulf took the hit for him, getting knocked back away from the boy. “Wulf!” Danny gasped and ran towards his furry friend. “Are you okay?”

“I...am...okay...” he spoke. “You...okay?”

“I’m okay!” Danny teared up and hugged him.

Jack was still in shock at what just happened, what he almost did, and the shock that the ghost had protected his son, this caused a delay to realize the ghost talked. Maddie was shocked but lowered her weapon.

Danny got up and with his tiny body he tried to shield the hulking werewolf ghost, it was cute honestly. “Please don’t hurt him, he’s my friend.”

“Danny...did you let him out?” Maddie asked, giving him that motherly tone.

He couldn’t lie to that. “Yes...”

“What were you thinking!?” Jack shouted making the boy flinch.

“Jack...” Maddie stopped him from doing anything else rash, and he lowered his weapon. She understood his anger. Their son could have been hurt, or worse...but he wasn’t and she wanted to know why.

“He’s not bad!” Danny said. “He can talk, he just didn’t understand because he speaks a different language.” He showed them the book.

“You...learned to communicate with him?” Maddie asked, rather impressed.

“Yes, we’ve been learning together, he can talk a bit now too,” Wulf said something that made Danny blush and rubs the back of his head. “Aww thanks, but I’m not a great teacher, you are just a fast learner.” The adults looked at each other.

“And he can eat, and he does sleep, he can do other things too!”

“You figured all this out, on your own.” Danny nodded.

“Even if he isn’t bad, he’s still a ghost if we let him roam free he could cause a panic.”

“He won’t!” Danny said. “He had the chance to leave and he could escape through the ghost portal he can make, but he didn’t he chose to stay with me!”

“Ghost Portal?” Danny looked to Wulf and gave a nod. He showed his portal making ability with his claws.

“Amazing!” they rushed over and began to examine the portal. It was so stable and contained, lasting way longer than their attempts made.

“It’s real!” They began scanning it, but something slipped out. It was a lesser ghost, some might call it living ectoplasm. It was mostly harmless but had a joy of possessing people. It jumped at Maddie but she jumped out of its reach.

“Intruder alert, we got a runner!” It didn’t stop quickly slithering after Jack. It spread over his jumpsuit, trying to find an orifice to enter. His large body made it hard for the ooze to get to his mouth. Jack was able to get to a decontamination shower. The goo screamed as it was forced off of Jack. Maddie tried shooting it, but the living ectoplasm was gelatinous so it took no damage.

It slithered after Danny. Before it could touch him Wulf charged in and his claws ripped ectoplasm apart, his special claws were able to kill the living ooze. He closed the portal to make sure nothing else got through. “Jack...he protected our son.”

Danny hugged Wulf. “Thanks, buddy!” the werewolf’s tail wagged and he licked Danny’s cheek.

“Like a guard dog.” he began to ponder.

“Maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to let him stay?”

“He’d benefit our research and could keep Danny safe should anything else come out. Plus he must know the ghost zone.”

“Danny!” Jack shouted. “You always wanted a dog right?”

“Y-yeah...” Danny was a bit unnerved. “So he gets to stay?”

“The ghost beast can stay, so long as he doesn’t leave the house, helps with our research, he’ll be your responsibility,” Danny explained it to Wulf.

“Is that okay with you?” he asked him.

“A-okay!” the two hugged, and his tail wagged.

This meant no more cages, and Wulf became part of the family. Danny was so happy, it was nice having a friend he could come home to. Jasmine was a bit dubious and just chose to ignore Wulf. Wulf didn’t care, he got to see Danny so happy. He stayed in Danny’s room, loving to be surrounded by the boy’s scent.

Over the years, with Wulf’s help, the Fentons managed to develop the Fenton Portal even able to stabilize it, there were still a few kinks to work out. Also, they developed the Fenton Gloves, with extendable claws feature based on Wulf. With Danny acting as a translator the Fentons were able to get data on the ghost zone. His kind was often hunted for the use of their abilities, ghosts often used lingering portals, or would capture his people to force them to make one. Some ghosts make their homes in the living world, but others create their own domain inside the ghost zone.

The two became seriously close, Wulf could speak in proper English now, but when the two wanted to talk in private the switched to Wulf’s native tongue and could hold a conversation with no one the wiser. Even though Danny made friends, what they had was special. Wulf would often go invisible whenever they came over.

Sam and Tucker smelled okay, he could tell they were decent people, and Danny talked about them often. He needed friends at home and out, he did have another friend when he was younger, but it didn’t work out. Wulf never got to meet this person but Danny stopped talking about him, and he didn’t like it when he smelled sad. Since getting into High School, he often was coming home smelling sad, irritated, or annoyed.

When Danny saw Wulf, his mood always changed. The boy would often hug him and settle into his warm furry embrace. “You are one of my bright spots in the day.” Wulf wanted to know what was troubling Danny, but he was sticking to the rules to not leave the house. He didn’t want to go back into the cage.

Danny didn’t tell him to hide, but Wulf did it anyway. He didn’t want to scare his friends away, he needed them especially as things got tougher for him in High School. Danny hoped one day Wulf, Sam, and Tucker could all hang out together. Sam is a goth and was into supernatural stuff so she found the Fenton’s study of ghosts to be interesting. Tucker is a nerd, and he had an interest in all of the gadgets, the stuff they made was Sci-fi even if most of it didn’t work.

His friends were even called in to see Jack’s big expo. After many tests, trial and error, they were finally ready to unveil the Fenton Portal! “Alright, here we go!” he plugged it in and...nothing happened. “Aww come on!” he unplugged it and plugged it again, over and over, like an obsessed dad fighting with the Christmas lights.

“Maybe next time Dad.” he patted his back.

“I’m gonna get some pancakes.” he went upstairs, but Danny wasn’t sure the portal didn’t work. He put on a jumpsuit, and Sam took off the Jack Fenton sticker on the front.

“I think it would be cool to explore a whole other world.” The truth was they had a deal if Jack got his Portal Wulf could leave the house.

“Danny be careful.”

“Come on Sam, I’m sure it’ll be fine,” he said with a smile, before entering the portal. What he didn’t realize was the portal was still plugged in. As Danny explored there was an open switch inside, he accidentally hit the green button, starting the machine. “AHHHHHH!” Danny cried out as the Ghost Portal activated, with him inside.

“Danny!” his friends shouted.

“Grrr!” Wulf made himself known, he dove into the portal and got Danny out, safe and sound.

His body was altered by the ecto energy, it merged with his DNA, he was now Half Ghost. Wulf carried Danny bridal style, sniffing him and nudging him. Danny had white hair and when he opened his eyes they were green. “Hey, buddy...thanks...” Wulf licked his cheek.

“Uhhhhhhhhh!” Sam and Tucker were stunned.

Wulf began to sweat. “Uh hi!” he waved. The ghost was out of the bag in more ways than one.

To be continued


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