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Dragon Ball Z parody: Tier 1

Saiyan Witch  

What if Baba found Goku and raised him? Fortune Teller Baba was a skilled witch and a powerful fortune teller, so when an alien pod landed on earth she looked into the future and foresaw a great destiny for the boy. She took him in and raised him, teaching him magic and martial arts, and he ends up being a prized fighter for her. With her magic, she was able to give the boy answers, much-needed answers.  

Chapter 1  

An alien pod was coming to Earth, inside was a dark-haired boy, clad in armor, with a tail. He was young barely out of his incubation pod and hadn’t even spoken his first words. He knew not his parents, family, heritage, or even his own name. His future was unknown to him but not to a witch on Earth.  

Baba, or as she was known Fortuneteller Baba, was a powerful witch and famous fortuneteller. She built an empire using her gift and martial artists. While she didn’t interfere much in the world anymore in her younger days she had done quite a bit of good. So when the alien pod landed on Earth, she sensed it.  

Looking to the future she saw many things, she learned what he was and what he could do. While his potential power could be dangerous if raised the wrong way, but if raised the right way it was a great opportunity. Baba wondered who would be the best to raise him, she thought of her brother for a moment, only to imagine a terrible future where the boy was just a mini Roshi. She thought about his students, the Ox-King had asked (paid) her for a powerful spell to protect his castle, but while he had money he had lost his way and become a bully and a tyrant, not the best option. As for his other student Gohan, he had become a hermit, living away from society and people, not the best home for balanced growth, she had called on the man a few times to be one of her fighters. “No choice then, I’ll have to do it.” she was able to locate the boy. “Poor thing!” He was crying in his pod. “Now now, dear come with Baba. You must be hungry.” His stomach growled in response, causing the old woman to laugh. “You come along now.”  

She was able to take the boy to her palace. He was fed and bathed, and he was calmer as he sensed no threat from Baba. With her magic, she was able to learn his true name, as well as the fate of the Saiyans.  

“Kakarot, how would you like to live with me, I can train you in magic, you can learn martial arts, you’ll be fed, clothed and have a roof over your head. What do you say?” the boy still unable to speak simply nodded, a smile on his face.  

With Baba’s help, young Kakarot was able to learn how to talk, how to train, how to fight, and even learn about the world. Most importantly he was able to learn to use magic, Baba was able to see his great potential for magic, and she was right. He had developed into a fine young man, his body was a fine vessel to draw out magical power.  

He learned martial arts from her fighters and got lessons from Gohan when he visited Baba. The two had an arrangement, Gohan was dying from a heart virus, one that current medicine couldn’t cure. Baba had been using her potions to keep him alive, but it wasn’t permanent and had a price to it.  

For every year his life was extended, he owed her a year of his afterlife. So when he did pass on his ghost would be under contract with Baba. He told Kakarot stories, about how the Earth needed a hero, and for a time he was that hero. That was how he and Baba first met, in their younger days witches like Baba were often bullied and harassed, some men had tried to kill her and Gohan had saved her life.  

Time and the virus have worn his body, he owed a lot to Baba for keeping him alive for so long. In the time of peace he had become a hermit, he clung to life waiting for the next hero of Earth to emerge, and he believed Kakarot was that hero.  

The fortune-teller liked collecting the most unique fighters, with unique styles and skills. She had a vampire, a mummy, an invisible man, a demon, and when Gohan passed she had a ghost. Kakarot learned a lot from them, but now that he was older he needed to learn what to do with his life.  

His skills in magic had far surpassed Baba’s, he trained his tail so it wasn’t a weakness, he had the body of a stud in earth terms, in Saiyan terms he was a bit of a twink. Gohan helped him gain control of his oozaru form through meditation.  

Baba thought he’d be the perfect ace in her fighters, Gohan he believed he should travel helping people. “Come on Baba, you know it’d be good for him.”  

“Traipsing off, gallivanting like a hero, I don’t like it. I’ve seen plenty of heroes live and struggle only to die.” she looked to Gohan and crossed her arms. “Besides, have you ever heard of a witch as a hero. He’s safer here.”  

“Baba...” Kakarot bowed his head. “I owe you so much, you raised me, showed me my true name, and helped me learn a lot. If you really don’t want me to leave, I...I won’t...” he headed to his room.  

“Kakarot...” Baba frowned. “He wanted to go out and see the world didn’t he?” Gohan nodded.  

“Didn’t you when you were young? It was dangerous back then too but did that stop you?”  

“He’s like my own child.”  

“I know.”  

“I raised him, bathed him, clothed him, watched him grow.”  

“I know, I know.”  

“He’s not just my student, he’s like a son to me!” Gohan smiled at her. “Stop it!”  

“You are an old softy.”  

“Look who’s talking halo boy.” she poked the golden ring floating above his head.  

“He’s not like us, he’s a Saiyan witch, he’s stronger than us both. I think the world is ready for him.”  

“But is he ready for the world?” she tried to teach him, but a parent always worried. Kakarot was good-natured and people could take advantage of that.  

“If you don’t give him a chance you’ll never know.”  

“Fool, of course, I’ll know I’m fortune-teller Baba!” she summoned her crystal ball but stopped before looking into it. “I should let him go, shouldn’t I?”  

“I think so.” She got on her crystal ball and floated to Kakarot’s room.  

The Saiyan witch was meditating, his few belongings were floating around the room, it was like he had his own orbit. “Kakarot...” He opened his eyes and everything floated away going back to its proper place.  

“What is it, Baba?”  

“Do you really want to go out and see the world?”  

“What?” Kakarot gasped, and he shook his head. “I told you, I’ll stay, I love it here. I’m your best fighter after all.” His tail was wagging behind him, the boy’s tail always gave him away.  

“Yes and I love you, so I think it might be good for you to go out and see the world. Become a hero, a champion, whatever you want to be.”  

“I know what I want to be Baba, I just don’t know what to do with that.”  

“Well...what do you want to be then?”  

“A Saiyan witch!” he said with a smile.  

The old woman got teary-eyed. “Then you should have your adventure.”  

“Really!” his tail wagged vigorously.  

“Yes, but take this old woman’s advice. It’s not safe to go alone, it took me a long time to realize that an adventure is only as great as those you share it with.”  

“I think I understand.” he hugged her.  


Kakarot left, inheriting Gohan’s power pole, a crystal ball, and a strange little orb that had four stars in it. Baba had worked her magic on his childhood armor, making it bigger and molding it. The shoulder guards were shorter, the armor was reinforced by magic and made to be lighter. Goku stored it away with his magic and chose to wear his weighted gi, it’s appearance similar to Gohan’s clothing.  

He could switch clothing with ease with his magic, he’d wear his armor when he fought. It wasn’t a matter of if, but a matter of when. Baba gave him some money. “Make sure you spend it wisely.”  

“I will.”  

“I’m gonna miss you.”  

“I’ll miss you too!” the two hug.  

“It’s just gonna be for a few years Baba, he’ll come back.”  

“Shut it you old ghost or I’ll trap you in a bottle.” Gohan sweatdropped and backed away, letting Baba hug Kakarot. “I’ve taught you all I can, now it’s time to see where you take it.”  

“Thanks, Baba, I owe you a lot.” he waved them off and headed out into the world.  

“You are doing the right thing, Baba.”  

“I can’t keep that boy from his future.”  

“What did you see Baba?” the old woman chuckled.  

“Now that would be telling.”  

To be continued… Kakarot Meets Bandits  


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