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Ranma 1/2: Tier 1

Chapter 2  https://www.patreon.com/posts/curse-of-ct-chap-29124900 

Chapter 3 Tips Guides and Weapons

A tip from the universe Genma Saotome sucked at life, he was a man born under a very sad star. From his youth to adulthood he often acted in his own self-interest, lying, cheating, stealing, to get the best for himself. The saddest part was if Genma tried he could be a good man, he would have succeeded. The star he was born under had become sad because Genma was a lazily bastard of a man. Fate often gave him multiple chances to lead a decent honest life, and Genma avoided these chances and options to try and have a luxurious life, one he didn’t deserve or earn.

Genma wasn’t a bad martial artist, in his youth he could have once been considered cool. He instead made bad choices, slowing building up a life haunted by those bad decisions, and what’s worse there were too many times he got away with bad stuff he did, which only allowed him to escalate things. Not that the stress didn’t get to him, a warning sign from karma, having him lose his hair. This should have been a wake-up call but instead, Genma made it his goal to live a stress-free life, not that he changed his ways to create said life.

His star grew dimmer and dimmer until it collapsed into a black hole sucking the light from any other stars around it. Which suited Genma to a T, he was trouble, a creep, a jerk, and overall a bad father. He never did anything for the sake of someone else, even his few kind moments to Ranma were used for emotional manipulation when he needed it. Ranma’s growth and strength should have been praised, but instead, it was met by fear because he knew he was a scumbag.

Genma knew every dirty rotten thing he’s ever done to Ranma, and he didn’t care. He hoped he could keep Ranma under foot until he married the boy off and mooched off his wife and their family. This wasn’t happening so he currently found himself trying to sneak into an Amazon Village to steal their scrolls so he could continue to bully and torment his son without fear.

One could argue if Genma was evil or just stupid, as he continued to lie cheat and steal, until the consequences of his actions finally caught up to him and he tried to put it on someone else. Far to obsessed with momentary gain, and when he dreams big he charges for the goal even when he really should stop. At this point it wasn’t even that he had pride, he had stubbornness that kept him from changing his wicked ways.

Genma managed to burn away and good luck and karma he would have had. So it was no surprise when he tripped the alarm, and the amazons caught him trying to steal said scrolls. He was locked up and thrown into a heavy cage. “What was a panda doing in the Amazon Library?”

The Elder of the village approached him. Her eyes narrowed and Genma tried to pretend he was just a normal panda, but he was sweating bullets. “This is no panda.” She said and hopped away. Genma had no idea what she said, so he thought he was in the clear, but then she returned with a hot water kettle.

‘Oh no...’ the water poured down and Genma reverted back to human form, without clothing.

“I see a Jusenkyo Curse.” She spoke in Japanese. “What are you doing trying to steal from the Amazon Library?”

“Me steal...I would never...” he had shifty eyes and was sweating bullets.

“You dare lie to me, I believe we shall have be having Panda for dinner.”

“No please,” he bowed his head to the ground. “Forgive me, but you see I uh...I have a son...and he’s been cursed, and I just knew the mighty majestic and lovely amazons would have a cure. You don’t allow outsiders so I had no choice!”

“A tip, one should not lie to an amazon and especially such a pathetic lie as that.”

“I’m not lying my son really is cursed!” Cologne kept a close eye on the man.

“Such a waste of a martial artist, you’ve squandered whatever potential you had.” Saotome took the position of absolute submission, like a fish waiting to be cut up. “Tell me where this son of yours resides, we shall bring him here, and if he can vouch for you we won’t kill you.” Genma breathed a sigh of relief. “But!” he tensed. “You shall still face punishment.”


Ryoga Hibiki was born under a very unfortunate star, he and his family were cursed to be lost. Even with a map, a compass, a gps, they will always, always end up lost. However, all was not lost, under this star Ryoga’s life would meet misfortune if he lived a life of revenge and spite. His luck could change with forgiveness, love, and friendship, as corny as that may sound.

The boy didn’t know this, of course, so it was no surprise he was having trouble finding the shack entrance, he had just tried to walk around to the door and ended up very lost. With a bit of luck, he managed to not leave the country, as he was following his heart and not looking for revenge. He ended up at the Jusenkyo Guide’s house. “Hello sir.”

“Can you help me I’m looking for a rented shack, possibly rented by a young man with a pig tail hair cut?”

“Oh sir, I know who you talking ‘bout. I can’t give out personal info on the guests, you understand?”

“I just um...I saw...” he blushed and shifted in his seat. Just remembering had the poor lost boy getting hot under the collar.

“Ahh you saw the Cock Tail.” Ryoga blushed and nodded. “That boy in quite a bit of trouble, he was led into forbidden training grounds by a stupid old man.”


“Amazons protect that training ground, they won’t be happy to find boy with Cock Tail, there might be killing!”

“Killing?!” Ryoga gasped, jumping up. “Please, I want to help him!”

The guide sighed. “You fight amazons to save boy you don’t even know?”

“I...I have to try, I have my own honor I have to live by.” He may have had a grudge against Ranma, but he couldn’t let someone just be killed, and do nothing.

“I feel sorry for that young man, if you really want to help, I’ll take you too him.” He was a humble guy trying to do his job, he didn’t want to piss off the amazons. He understood the danger of those eggs, and they shouldn’t be allowed to escape, but the boy was already cursed and nothing else escaped. If they could escape, he would wish them well.


The Amazons were spread thin looking for the perpetrator who had disturbed the breeder crab eggs. So Cologne chose Mousse to find Genma’s son and bring him to the village. “I will not fail you.” he left and went to where Genma said the shack was. ‘If I do a good job maybe Shampoo will love me!’ he thought as he rushed to complete his mission.

Mousse was born under a unique star, a male Amazon, who followed Amazon Law. He was gifted with what his fellow Amazon’s called weird magic. He was able to hide weapons on his body, you’d think it’d just be in the clothes he wears, no. Mousse can fight bare ass naked and still pull weapons out of thin air. He had poor eye sight, which required him to wear very large thick glasses, which he often misplaced. He had a crush on his childhood friend Shampoo, but the girl only liked strong men, and Mousse while skilled was weaker than her. He trained and trained, he even traveled with a circus for a short time to increase his skills and techniques, but it didn’t matter, he still lost.

Under this star Mousse was doomed to have bad luck when it came to his stubbornness. His pursuit of the love of someone who did not want him brought up trouble and pain, he never even considered there was someone else out there for him. His luck could be turned around but it would not be easy for him, but change is hard for most people.

He arrived at the shack and was stunned to see a topless...woman? He blushed as said “woman” dried “her” long dark hair.


Ranma Saotome was born under a warm star, a possible bright spot in the dark universe. Without any interference Ranma would have grown up to have a nice life, with friends, a loving mother, a home, and even some martial arts skills. Sadly no star was perfect, and Ranma’s fortune and misfortune were out of his hands, he may survive with skill and his wits, his fate was tied to those around him.

The bonds he would make would determine if his future was bright, or dim. His best bet would be being open and honest, misunderstandings would cast a negative shadow on his actions and lead to trouble.

Ranma had finished cleaning up and washing off and was coming back to the shack. His cock tail was safely tucked away up his ass, keeping him in a state of arousal. His inner walls squeezing his phallic tail as he walked, making every step an erotic experience. He had his hard cock tucked into some loose pants, creating a rather erotic bulge. “Pops sure is late, I wonder what trouble he’s gotten into.” he sighed as he dried his hair. He had untied his hair to wash it.

He certainly looked different with his hair down, it was a good look for him, even if it did make him look a tad more feminine. “Young lady!” Mousse called, making Ranma gasp.

“How long have you been here?” He hadn’t sensed the guy at all.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb you. I’m looking for a shack rented by a young man and his father.” Ranma sweatdropped.

“I’m here with my father.”

Mousse chuckled. “I’m looking for a son, not a fine lady such as yourself. Don’t you think it’s a bit indecent though to go around topless.”

“I’m a guy you jerk!” Ranma hissed, this was killing his buzz.

“A guy?” Mousse began searching for his glasses, which were on his head, but he kept searching his robe and pockets.

“Are these what you are looking for?” Ranma took Mousse’s glasses and gave them to him.

“Oh yes thank you.” He put them on. “Oh you are a man, whoa!” His eyes widened as he saw Ranma’s impressive bulge. “And what a man!”

“Excuse me?” Ranma crossed his arms.

“Oh nothing.” He blushed and his glasses steamed up. He’d never seen such an impressive bulge before. “Please come with me, your father needs you to vouch for him.”

“What did he do this time?”

“He tried to steal from the Amazon Library, he claims he did it to break some kind of curse on you.”

“That idiot...” Ranma rubbed his temples. “Listen, I am cursed but I really don’t mind. I am sure my father didn’t break in to steal something for me. Whatever you guys have planned for him I’m sure he deserves it.”

“That isn’t good enough, you have to come with me. It’s my mission.” He got frustrated, because in his mind if he failed this mission Shampoo wouldn’t want him. “I’ll take you by force if I have to!”

He launched a barrage of weapons which Ranma dodged. “What the hell is your problem?!” Ranma hissed. Mouse conjured two swords from his sleeves and began slashing at Ranma. The boy jumping and dodging the blades.

“You are quite fast!” He launched a barrage of chains, Ranma tried to dodge them all, but felt his cock tail brush his sweet spot, which caused a momentary falter and he got his arm wrapped. “Now I got you!”

“You asked for this pal!” Ranma charged forward and knocked Mousse back, hitting him hard and fast and he was down for the count. This wasn’t a good thing, as Ranma was an outsider who defeated an Amazon. Since they were both the same gender Mousse would have to give Ranma the kiss of death, swearing to avenge his honor by killing him.

Mousse got up and stumbled towards Ranma, who untied himself from the chain. In the blow back Mousse’s glasses fell off. “Sorry buddy, I don’t know what my old man did, or what’s going on, but I want nothing to do with it. I’m not gonna get sucked in to his nonsense.”

He wasn’t listening, he got in close, and the kiss of death required Mousse to kiss Ranma on the cheek, however, Mousse was blind as a bat and instead of kissing him on the cheek he kissed Ranma on the lips.

“Ranma?” The kiss broke and the two looked to see Ryoga with the Jusenkyo guide. A resounding wave of shock and confusion occurred as their stars collided.

To be continued


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