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Ultimate Spiderman parody: patreon reward

Chapter 1  https://www.patreon.com/posts/32884174 

Chapter 2 Peter’s Strangest Day

Venom woke up Peter as he normally did. “Morning Venom,” he said before yawning again.  The brown-haired hero stumbled around, naked as a newborn babe, he was so out of it he completely ignored his morning wood. The 12-inch grower dick bounced around as he made his way for the morning shower. He yawned and rubbed his eyes.

“Let’s get you into the shower, you have classes in a couple of hours.” With Venom’s help, he was able to wash up and fully wake up. Once he was dry, Venom had him suited up in a flash, becoming the typical outfit he wore to school, so he had time to organize his backpack before heading down for breakfast. Aunt May made pancakes, fluffy and soaked with cinnamon and maple syrup.

“Thanks, Aunt May,” he kissed her on the cheek. He snuck some big bites to Venom, the ooze had to fight back so he didn’t make any noise, but the pancakes were so good! It was hard not to make the yummy sound. “They are delicious!” he licked his lips and downed some milk.

“You have a good day sweetie.” she kissed him on the top of his head. “I got an aerobics class, you have a good day sweetie.” Aunt May was a very active woman, doing all kinds of activities to fill her day. She was trying new things and if she found an activity she liked she stuck with it. Peter finished his pancakes and some fruit washed the dishes before heading out.


Peter also had helped Venom a bit too. He found a chemical solution to help a symbiote’s weakness to sound, a stabilizer. So the loud hustle-bustle of New York, and the school bells and alarms wouldn’t disrupt them. Now...a supersonic blast that was still trouble for them. Science can only do so much, and Venom was grateful for what he got, he didn’t know the world could be so noisy. Outside of being hit with a sound-based weapon or attack, he was good.

“Puny Parker!” Peter tensed and rolled his eyes. “It’s locker knocker time.” He punched the nearby locker as he approached him. Flash has been his bully since the fifth grade, stuffing him into his locker, taking his lunch or lunch money, wedgies, and other typical annoying bully stuff. The irony is he loved Loved LOVED Spiderman, he was a total fanboy. If he only knew he was picking on Spiderman, or that Peter could take him easily, and Venom could rip him apart, but they didn’t.

Peter ended up in a locker and Flash walked off laughing just as the bell rang and everyone was in class. Once things were quiet, Venom slipped through the slot and went to the combination lock. After some fiddling, the door opened with a click. “Thanks, buddy.”

“Mr. Parker, late again?” The teacher said.

“Sorry sir,” he took his seat. Flash snorted and chuckled. His friend Harry Osborn, mouthed a sorry. He was usually the one who got Peter out of lockers before Venom helped him. “It won’t happen again.” As he said that the class burst into laughter.

“I’ve heard that before, Mr. Parker. You are a smart young man, but be late again you’ll be finding yourself in detention every day for a month.”

“Yes sir,” Peter sulked.

Venom, however, was currently thinking of all the ways to punish Flash for his bad behavior. A spanking would be a good start. He’d have Flash tied up, strung up with his ass stimulated for hours, with his cock bound and plugged. He’d be begging for release, begging to please Peter in every way possible, and when he was allowed to he’ll take joy and pleasure from serving him. It will be glorious to see the jock in the throes of passion.

Peter was having a strange day, he thought it started off normal, but he was normally tired during the day, but today he felt full of energy. Usually, he was ready for a nap by the time it was Gym, but today he felt energized. “Hey Pete, you looking good today,” Harry said. “What’d you do, sleep for a week?”

“Haha, I don’t know man, I feel good today too.” he stretched a bit. “Really good.” They changed into gym clothes.

“Sorry about Flash, I thought you were in the clear.”

“It’s cool man.” he hugged Harry. It was returned, the boys were close. Venom noticed the skipped heartbeat the rich boy had, the rise in temperature, and the light spike in his musk, the hint of arousal. He noticed how Harry clung to Peter, ever so slightly, getting a whiff of Peter’s natural musk before pulling away.

“It’s not cool, I don’t know why Flash messes with you so much.” Harry crossed his arms.

“Who knows...” Venom had a theory but it would need to be tested.

“Better hurry up nerds,” Flash said, and Peter rolled his eyes. It was lap day, so Peter and Harry doing laps together.

“Maybe I just woke up on the right side of the bed today,” he said. “I haven’t felt this good in weeks.” Saying it out loud it was a little weird, maybe his powers were growing?

“That’s good, I was getting worried about you.”

“Thanks, Harry, I’ll try not to make you worry.”

“I’ll always worry...uhh what are friends for...right?” he blushed and chuckled nervously.

“We are more than friends Harry, we are Best Friends.” Venom felt bad for poor Harry. Peter didn’t mean it in a bad way but those words were like an arrow to the gut.

“Osborn, Parker, if you have time to chat you have time to run, double time!” they had to run faster. Peter did break a sweat. The coach made sure of that, he loved to push and push. There were days after lap day Peter thought his legs were on fire or gonna melt cause they felt like jelly. Today he felt a bit sweaty but he still felt good. Then it was time to hit the showers, and well he was catching some eyes.

It wasn’t just the way the water cascaded down his body, the way his muscles shimmered and shined. The loose clothing he wore, or what he asked Venom to make didn’t flatter his figure. What was so eye-catching was Peter’s larger cock. Until recently Harry had the biggest dick in the room at 7 inches, now Harry was blushing and feeling things as he gazed down at Peter’s growth spurt.

Flash was currently fighting a nosebleed, he had intended to mess with Puny Parker, but he wasn’t so puny. The blonde was currently trying not to stare, fight a nosebleed and hold down his 6-inch hard-on.  Harry kept stealing glances at his naked and wet friend, not sure how to ask about his sudden growth without revealing his feelings. Plus he was too busy running through every gross thing he could think of to keep his cock from getting hard.

Seeing his new size was causing some feelings to rise up to the surface, Peter didn’t notice, but Venom did. After Peter excused himself and Venom redressed him, he came back out and noticed people were looking at him strangely. “What’s going on? Did Flash put a sign on my back or something?”

“No Pete, it’s nothing don’t worry about it.”

Peter was starting to worry cause something strange was going on, after lunch and some more classes, he felt full of energy. All day long, which was odd, and why did guys keep staring at him and blushing. He didn’t know what was going on but was in for a big surprise. “Whoa!” he gazed at his dick and blushed. “Was this why the guys were acting so weird?”

“It’s highly possible.” Venom said.

“Could my powers really be mutating?”

“Would it be so bad?”

“I dunno...” While he peed, he didn’t have the need to make a bowel movement, plus his insides felt tingly. This was Venom’s work, his body still had to expel toxins from his body, so he still had to urinate but his body was breaking down all food, and converting it to energy. This meant his ass existed purely for mating. His ass was positively throbbing, and his cock began to stir becoming a semi-hard state. ‘Maybe its because I haven’t had any alone time.’ He thought. ‘I’ll just burn off some steam.’

After school, he went on patrol Venom shifting to be his spider suit. “Venom, could I have a virus or a bug or something. I feel a bit weird.” he perched himself on a building, he rubbed his stomach.

“Good weird?” the symbiote responded.

“I...I guess...I haven’t...you know...” he crossed his arms, and stared down at his impressive bulge. “My powers have messed with my body before but...” he began running through the possibilities.

“I think it might be a good thing. Maybe now you can have more time exploring, other avenues...”

Peter’s eyes widened. “Venom...did you...ohhh!” He felt a tentacle wiggle inside his ass. “Venom!” His ass opened up for the tentacle allowing it to venture deep into his channel. His blood rushed south and his penis swelled, the suit shifting to perfectly encase his cock and balls. “Venom what are you doing?”

He pressed himself deeper against the wall as the tentacle shifted and formed becoming a replica of his hard cock. “I want you to be happy!” Venom exclaimed and began to stimulate Peter’s erogenous zones.

“Oh fuck!” Peter was blushing through his mask, his body shaking as the dildo began to expand and retract. Venom fucking him while keeping him full. The friction and heat felt so familiar to Peter, so hot, so good, it had his dick weeping and his nipples becoming little peeks. The symbiote suit hugged his cock so tight, it began to shift and squeeze adding to Peter’s pleasure. “Oh god!”

His hips rocked making his massive tool bounce and bob. “Ohh fuck fuck fuck VENOM!” the symbiote had the dildo pounding his sweet spot now. Peter was almost in tears it felt so good. His climax hit hard and his semen was allowed to shoot and cover himself in thick white goo. The orgasmic distraction could only last so long. Venom cleaned up the mess in an instant, purring in delight.

Peter wanted answers and Venom had to explain himself. “I just wanted you to have the chance to find love. I wanted you to be happy.”

“So you messed with my body?” Venom nodded and Peter sighed. “I’ll forgive you, but please don’t do it again.”

“I swear on our bond.” Peter kissed the blob, and the two made up.

Peter continued his patrol, his ass stuffed, and his semi-hard dick hugged tightly. He was rather enjoying the fullness and his balls were itching to cum again. Peter found the results of his new body quite fascinating if he had more time in the day maybe he could pursue a social life. He had some ideas of his own, the door was open and the possibilities and the thoughts he always pushed away were now overflowing. ‘This is gonna be good!’ Venom thought.

To be continued  


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