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Inuyasha parody: Tier 1 Mixed Harem

Kagome 1/2

Kagome was living with a curse, thanks to her Grandfather. He took the family on a trip to China to find some new charms and wards for their shrine. There was a bit of an accident and Kagome fell into a cursed spring. Now when she’s splashed with cold water she turns into a he.

Chapter 1

Kagome’s Pov

The name is Kagome Higurashi, and while I look like your everyday High School girl, I wish that was the case. You see my family runs a shrine, and my grandfather sees himself as a monk. So he took the family on a trip to China to find some new wards and charms to sell at the shrine. He even decided to go on a tour at Jusenkyo a mysterious place full of cursed springs.

Grandpa wanted to see if the place was legit, so he picked me up and dunked me in one of the springs. I’m not kidding, he did crazy things like this, which is one of the reasons why my dad traveled for work, to not deal with him. So imagine his surprise when his granddaughter came out as a grandson. Also, there is no cure, a curse was a curse, and while he considered himself a monk he had no way of breaking said curse.

Needless to say, Mom was furious and I’ve grown up being both a girl and a boy. When I’m splashed with cold water I turn into a he, and when splashed with hot water I go back to being a she. It was certainly an experience, Mom told me the curse didn’t have to define me, that I could make the best of it.

I suppose she was right, but I didn’t want the world to know about it. So I made sure to keep it a secret. My little brother thought it was the best as he now had a big sister and a big brother. He was sweet, he didn’t find my curse weird or strange, but he was a kid. I shudder to think about what my friends would think.

It’s a bit strange the transformation happens so suddenly but for me, it's like in slow motion. My softer features become more rugged and manly, my breasts retract into thick beefy pecs, my taught stomach becomes firmer developing a solid six-pack, my arms and legs become thicker with muscle, my smooth back becomes firmer and my shoulders broader, my ass goes from plump to firm. All that wouldn’t bother me, but then I get balls, which even years later is a bit weird for me, and then the penis forms growing from a tiny nub, getting longer and thicker until its a solid 10 inches long and three fingers thick, and that’s just when I’m soft.

Embarrassing as it is to say, I make a pretty sexy dude. I’m sure my gal pals would swoon at the sight of my male half. I was a bit taller, of course, more muscular. I’ve always tried to take care of my body, eating right, staying fit, exercising, it seems it had a great effect on my male half. I can’t say I like being a girl more than being a guy, I was so young when the curse happened. I can’t hate being a guy even though I thought it was a bit different, but this form has been quite handy.

I do often wonder if the curse changed me in ways I couldn’t see. Like, when I’m a guy does that mean I’ll like girls? It so happens no, I still like guys even when I’m in my male form. I’ve liked stuff my female friends didn’t like, but that didn’t make me any less of a girl right? That’s because I’m still me, girl side, boy side, I’m all Kagome. I thought that would be enough for me to get through life but it seems things weren’t so simple.

For all of Grandpa’s talk of demons, mystical artifacts, curses, and what not outside of the Cursed Spring he’s never had any proof this stuff was real. He’s told us stories of the old well house and the Bone Eater’s Well, where in ancient times people would throw the bones of monsters and demons into the well as a way of sealing them. He told stories of the Shikon jewel, and how its power to grant a single wish drove countless souls to try and claim it, the dark desires tainted the jewel requiring it to be purified and protected by a priestess.

Despite my curse, I’ve always taken his stories as simple fairy tales. The stuff he told to tourists and guests to try and sell his little trinkets and wards. Little did I know the stories were true, monsters were real and I was gonna get taken on an adventure of a lifetime.


Souta had heard our pet cat in the old well house and that was dangerous so I went in after him. He found Buyo, but something had him frozen in fear. “Ka-Kagome...I heard something in the well.”

“Don’t be silly, there is nothing in that old well, just dust, maybe a rat. That’s probably why Buyo came in here.”

“But...Kagome...” he wouldn’t take his eyes off the boarded-up well.

“Come on Souta let’s go inside.” I got closer to take him away from here. This was a bad idea as something inside me glowed and I felt a pulse of power.

“The Jewel...I sense the jewel!” a chilling voice echoed around us.

“It's coming from the well!” Souta screamed.

“No way, that’s not possible!” How wrong I was.

“Give me the jewel!” the boards broke and something alike a centipede monster burst out.

“Souta run!” I grabbed him and tossed him away from the well. The creature grabbed me and dragged me inside. The world around us faded and became a vast void, with floating sparkles of light. The void seemed endless, but I wasn’t alone.

The monster was a woman with six arms and her lower half was that of a centipede. “You have the jewel...give me the jewel...” her tongue came out and licked my cheek.

“Get away!” I tried to push the monster away and then felt a strange power sparking through my palm and fingertips. Pink light erupted and the monster’s arms were turned to dust and she was forced off me.

After I was thrown back I found myself at the bottom of the well, only one problem there was no well house. I could see the sky and trees. I climbed out of the well thanks to some vines, but Buyo I don’t think I was in Japan anymore. It felt like I was Dorothy in the Land of Oz, but what was waiting for me was certainly not the friendly Scarecrow or king Munchkins

I walked around a bit, and what I found was certainly not normal a boy with dog ears wearing red robes. He appeared to be asleep but was stuck to a tree with an arrow piercing him. The tree I recognized as the one in my family’s shrine.

Before I could do anything, I was found by men with spears, and they dragged me back to a village that looked like it was out of a history book. An older woman wearing an eye patch approached me. “Foul demon what were ye doing in Inuyasha’s Forest?”

“What?” she threw ash on me. “Hey quit it!”

“The sacred ash does not affect ye?” she looked to the men. They were speculating on what I was, going from imp to nymph, to some kind of demoness. “Bring me the sacred water.”

“Water wait...” It was too late, she splashed me and the change occurred. My school girl outfit bulged as my body changed, I felt sorry for my panties as they were stretched to accommodate my balls and cock, how embarrassing.

“She is a demon...he..she...he...she...”

“Hold ye tongues!” the old woman said. “Bring me some hot water.” It was done and the woman poured it on me.

I changed back and people gasped. “Fear not, she is no demon, the poor child be cursed by the springs of jusenkyo.”

“You know of the springs?”

“I’ve heard rumors. I am Kaede acting priestess of this village. If you came here for a cure to your curse, I’m afraid I do not know how to break such a tragic spell.”

“I didn’t come for that, I’ve accepted this curse.”

“Then what were ye doing in Inuyasha’s Forest?”

“I don’t know, I was dragged here by some monster.”

“A monster?” I told her what happened.

“That’s not possible, Mistress Centipede was the monster we killed and put in the well just a few days ago. Plus the Shikon Jewel no longer exists in this world.” She told me the story of Inuyasha, who was a half-demon, who sought the power to become a full-fledged demon so he tried to steal the Shikon Jewel. Kaede’s sister Kikyo, years ago sealed Inuyasha to that tree, for his crime. She had been gravely injured and had her body burned along with the jewel. “So many demons sought to claim the jewel for its power its better gone from this world.”

It was getting late and I wanted to find my way home, but things were not easy as Mistress Centipede attacked the village, looking for me. So I ran, having it leave the village alone, but then I had a centipede monster chasing me, overall not good!

I ended up back at where Inuyasha was sealed but this time he was awake. “What’s the matter Kikyo, having trouble with a little bug?”

“Excuse me, I’m not Kikyo, my name is Kagome.” I was attacked and the monster ripped the jewel out of my body, before tying me and Inuyasha together.

“The jewel is mine!” she said and ate the jewel, her arms returned and she became even more monstrous. “Now you both shall die!”

“Damn it...hey woman...pull this arrow out!” Inuyasha ordered.


“Do it, pull the arrow out and I’ll kill this monster.”

“Don’t do it child, do not free Inuyasha!” Kaede called out to me. Storm clouds gathered above and I was faced with two options, death by centipede or death by dog boy, I felt I needed to trust Inuyasha.

I grabbed the arrow and a surge of power raced through me, the arrow shattered in my hand. “My word she broke the seal!” Inuyasha’s powers were unleashed and he began to rip Mistress Centipede apart, but it kept regenerating. “Unless ye remove the jewel this fight will never end!”

“Then where the hell is it?” Inuyasha shouted.

They couldn’t see it, it was right there. “I got it!” I pulled the jewel out of some demon flesh and its body withered and died. I thought it was over but then Inuyasha came at me with his claws.

“Hand over the jewel or die.” he flexed his claws.


“You aren’t Kikyo, that means you don’t have the power to stop me.” He began to attack me so I ran. The storm was rolling in fast, but not fast enough as he nearly killed me three times before the rain started to fall. “Hand over the jewel or die!”

He jumped at me, but the rain had changed me as soon as he jumped at me. Wham! I punched him hard right in the face. He got sent flying back. “Wha...what the hell?”

“Who are you calling weak dog boy?” I cracked my knuckles.

“How...what...you were a girl and now you’re a...” He was caught off guard, just enough time for Kaede to work her magic. A rosary appeared around Inuyasha’s neck.

“Speak, child, speak the words of binding!”

“Words of binding?” I looked at his ears and smirked. “Sit Boy!” Wham! Inuyasha was dragged down and put in a position of submission.

“Damn you old hag!” He growled.

“You need to learn some manners!” I pulled Inuyasha’s pants down.

“Hey, wait...what are you doing?”

“Teaching you some manners!” I began to spank his ass in front of everyone, my big hand colliding with his plump ass, again and again, making his cheeks jiggle and the half-demon yelp. “This is for being rude!” Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack!

“This is for being ungrateful!” Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack!

“This is for trying to kill me!” Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack!

“This is for overall being a very bad boy!” Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack!

The villagers watched as the most feared creature in the area was put over my knee and spanked like a naughty misbehaving child. By the time I was done with him his ass was a several shades red, he was blushing to what I believed humiliation.

So that is where I am at, Kagome Higurashi, a cursed girl who was trying to lead a normal life, until I was pulled down a well and brought to the past, where monsters and demons weren’t simple fairy tales they were real, and after the Shikon Jewel. I had no idea how to get home or what to do next, but hey at least I survived my first encounter.

To be continued


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