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Bleach parody: patreon reward

Other Bleach Ideas:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/bleach-ideas-22044824 

Chapter 11  https://www.patreon.com/posts/bleach-legend-of-33081638 

Chapter 12 Mess of the Spear Hero

With their supplies stocked and magic clothe acquired. They upgraded their weapons and armor. Sajin upgraded his weapon to a halberd, it suited his size and strength. Toshiro didn’t have a suitable weapon for him yet.

They set off once again, this was going to be a long trip, there was still plenty of time before the next wave, so Ichigo wanted to get their levels up. Ichigo knew they could make money along the way for their day to day needs. With Toshiro and their wagon, they could give rides for transport, move goods, and so much more.

His skills also boosted the effects of medicine, with an added boost if he applied. He could take cheap medicine and make it supercharged, what’s more thanks to the ranged effect if he gave medicine to one person the healing effect rippled, and those around could gain some healing. He kept the Book Shield out so he wouldn’t be recognized as a hero, by turning it over he could blend in as a normal merchant.

This brief lull of peace gave Ichigo time to think. While he couldn’t say he liked this world as he did when he first came here, he did want to protect for their sake. It was thanks to Renji and Grimmjow he was able to prepare for the first wave, which led to his current standing, and it was Komamura and Toshiro that gave him more drive to make this world better. There were good people in this world, people that grew his list of those he would protect.

He regained his ability to taste, could see the beauty of this world like in the mines, the dazzling glitter of jewels and the light caught them made the whole room light up. Little did he know Ichigo’s efforts were building a reputation. People were calling him the Saint with the Dragon Lord. “Master, I’m hungry!” Toshiro said.

“Yeah, let’s stop here for now and have some lunch.” Ichigo cooked, the food becoming more nourishing this way.

“Ichigo-sama,” Renji sat next to him. “You were summoned from another world right?”

“Yes,” he said, focusing on the stew so it wouldn’t burn.

“Do you have someone special waiting for you?” Ichigo tensed at the question, not expecting it.

“Besides my family and a couple of friends no, I didn’t.” He liked guys but didn’t have much luck with that. He heard one of the nobles tell say he lacked charisma, he wondered if that was true in this world or if they were just making fun of him. This made his rage bubble as such thoughts made him think of the bitch and the trash king. “Why are you asking about this stuff?” he asked.

“I was just wondering what you think of me...us?” he blushed and chickened out, chuckling nervously.

“You guys are really important to me. I want to protect you, not just as the Shield Hero, but as me!” he said. “I care about you, a lot.” he had faint blush on his cheeks. This brought a smile to their faces.

They ate and got to rest a bit, before setting out again. The days passed farming, hunting, training, crafting. Ichigo even went to bed wearing a different shield, thus allowing him to master that specific shield. They traveled and built up some goodwill while also increasing their profit. Toshiro was also gaining extra exp by eating some of the monsters they battled.

Ichigo noticed that some areas had different kinds of monsters that were unique only to that specific area. For a moment Ichigo thought about being more cautious but then thought how fighting different monsters would be key to the waves because there is no telling what might get unleashed.

The group went further than ever before and they encountered a stronger class of plant monsters, the Torrents. They were like living tree monsters, they carried clubs, and one arm was morphed into a shield. Fighting these monsters gave a small boost in EXP for each one they defeated.

Ichigo fed the monster parts to his shield.

Torrent Shield: Plant Classification 2

Blue Torrent Shield: Intermediate Compounding 2

Black Torrent Shield: Rookie Compounding

These three shields were from the common Torrents, but there appeared to be some form of rare spawn, where there would be a slightly bigger, and have unique skills and attributes like the Pink Torrent had flowers growing on it compared to the mushrooms and moss the other Torrents had. It was still quite dangerous, even capable of putting Renji and Grimmjow to sleep with its Flower Storm attack.

Sajin used his new halberd to strike and cut down these monsters. His power was truly impressive, Ichigo could only imagine what Renji, Grimmjow, and Toshiro would be like when they reached level 70 and higher. Ichigo was able to make some smelling salts, which helped awaken the two sleeping demi-humans. The boost to his compounding was exciting.

Toshiro helped defeat a few more of the Pink Torrents using his ice magic to counter their attacks. They found some Yellow Torrents, and they were full of Honey, Ichigo had them collect the stuff as he believed it would sell well. The last rare spawn was a Green Torrent, it was covered in moss.

Renji tried to blast it with fire, but it had no effect. Grimmjow tried to use wind and slash it apart, but it had no effect. Komamura even chopped them up only for them to regenerate and heal. Thankfully Toshiro was able to freeze them and wham bam smash the Green Torrents were defeated.

Pink Torrent Shield: Sleep Resistance Medium Unique Skill Sweet Scent – Produces a sweet aroma that can attract and calm some monsters, it can bring ease to party members, highly effective on Demi-Humans, Beast Men, and Monsters in your party.

Yellow Torrent Shield: Charm Resistance Medium Unique Skill Honey Production – Can spend stamina to create delicious honey.

Green Torrent Shield: Petrification Resistance Medium Unique Skill Regeneration Small

Through their battles and hunting they managed to really boost their levels; Ichigo Level 34, Renji and Grimmjow Level 37, Komamura 83, and Toshiro 32. Renji and Grimmjow called Toshiro a glutton for eating so many monsters. Toshiro’s body had matured upon reaching level 30, but not by much, he was still short just more muscular and had more manly features, this still didn’t stop him from acting like a brat.

In their trading, Ichigo was able to get his hands on some insecticide and herbicide. He fed some to his shield and unlocked some more shields.

Gurihosato Shield: Attacks from plant enemies reduced by 5%

Plant Fire Shield: Fire Resistance (Small)

Killer Insect Shield Alpha: Attack from insect enemies reduced by 3 %

The shields with enemy reductions piqued Ichigo’s interest, believing if he could find similar shields, it wouldn’t matter what kind of monsters the waves through at them he’d be able to reduce the damage. He asked the merchant who traded the stuff to him how he made it, and learned the recipes and found the grass one used to make insecticide. By feeding that herb to his shield he unlocked the Killer Insect Shield Beta version which gave him an additional 3% reduction from insect enemies.

Sadly monster enemies weren’t the only kinds one would find these days.


Ichigo was giving a lift to a merchant named Hachi, the large man had apparently heard of Ichigo as the Saint. “I’m very fortunate to have the Saint of the Dragon Lord escorting me.”


“Ichigo-sama has become quite popular under that name,” Renji said. Grimmjow didn’t like it, he felt Ichigo should be recognized as a Hero. The rumors about the “Useless Shield Hero” were continuing to spread. It wasn’t like he was in this for the glory he just wanted people to see how amazing his master was.

Before they could reach their destination they were attacked by bandits. “Hand over the merchant and your cargo and you can leave with your lives.”

“Is that so?” Ichigo’s shield turned to normal.

“The Shield Hero?” The bandits gasped.

“The scum hero who forced himself on a party member?” one of them gasped. Ichigo glared at them, but before he could respond.

“HE DIDN’T DO IT!” Grimmjow roared.

“Ichigo-sama isn’t that type of guy.” Renji and Grimmjow were ready to fight.

“Hold off, I want to fight them myself, I need to test my skills a bit,” he said and went to fight the bandits alone.

The bandits chuckled. “We aren’t scared of you, we’ll get a pretty penny if we capture you. Get em boys!” the bandits charged at Ichigo.

One skill he wished to experiment with was Change Shield, which allowed him to reduce the cooldown when switching between shields after using one of their skills. He used the Bee Needle Shield to attack, inflicting those hit with Bee Poison and paralyzed them.

When he had to defend he used Change Shield to change his shield to Chimera Viper Shield. When struck the snakes on the shield lashed out and coiled around the bandits and biting them. The venom of the shield numbed their body and once the poison took hold of them the snakes released them.

Some bandits tried to attack him from behind only for Ichigo’s defense to cause their attacks to bounce right off. One bandit tried to attack long-range, but Ichigo used change shield and it became Baby Frost Dragon Fang Shield. When the arrow hit Frost Bite activated. It’s jaws open and it released a chilling burst of frozen wind.

This froze some of the bandits, but not all. Ichigo used Change Shield to switch it to the Silk Spinner Shield quickly, and used Steel Thread to tie up some of the bandits. When attacked he changed his shield to either Dog Bite or Chimera Viper Shields. Soon the bandits were tied up one by one.

“Damn it!” The bandit leader whistled. It seems they had some backup. Ichigo could tell this guy was different from the others. “Now you’re gonna get it, this guy is a class up warrior.”

“Class up?”

“Ichigo be careful!” Komamura shouted.

The class up warrior was fast. Ichigo couldn’t keep up and started getting knocked around. This guy was actually able to wound him, only for his shield to numb the pain. “Okay enough testing, let’s bring this guy down.”

Grimmjow cast Gust Quick on Renji and then Toshiro, while Komamura cast Fast Hiding All, making them all invisible. The boys forced the Bodyguard off Ichigo.

“Detect!” he saw through the spell and began fighting with Renji. The two clashed back and forth, but he soon succumbed to numbers. Komamura doing the most damage to him. The bodyguard was a tough bastard, even overwhelming him with numbers it took a while to bring him down. Ichigo was curious about what a Class Up was but had to focus on the task at hand so he decided to shelve that for now. 

The bandits and their bodyguard were tied up, but they had the nerve to smirk. “What’s so funny?”

“I get it, if we turn you into the guards, you’ll blame this incident on me won’t you?” The leader laughed.

“Of course, The Shield Hero is to blame, we are innocent travelers and you jumped us trying to shake us down.”

“You were after Hachi-san.” Renji pointed out.

“No doubt one of my competitors put them up to this, the trader business can be quite cutthroat.”

“Regardless, I can’t have you spreading my rumors about me. Toshiro, dinner time.” Toshiro licked his lips.

“Yummy!” the bandits paled.

“Wait you can’t be serious?!”

“Toshiro gets hungry, after a rumble like that he must be starving.”

“Wait please...we’ll give you anything!”

“No, you’ll give me everything, everything but your lives!” Ichigo smirked.

They raided the bandits’ hideout and took everything they had, weapons, items, money, valuable jewels, and food. Toshiro and Grimmjow were loving it, while Renji and Sajin were concerned he was going a bit too far. Hachi was impressed in fact.

“Please know we’ll be back if you cause any trouble.”

“Yes, sir!”

Hachi was impressed with Ichigo and helped him with his Crafting, showing Ichigo how to enchant gems and items with magic creating an accessory that could boost the stats or grant protection. This added to their business selling Ichigo’s accessories.

He even gave Ichigo different materials as a reward for protecting him. Ichigo fed them to his shield gaining more shields.

Copper Ore Shield: Metal Working Skill 1

Iron Ore Shield: Metal Working Skill 2

Silver Ore Shield: Demonic Monster Damage Reduced by 2%

Lead Ore Shield: Defense + 3

Gold Ore Shield: Demonic Monster Damage Reduced by 2%

“I have a job for you, Ichigo-kun!” Hachi said.

“What’s that?”

“A village near here has ordered a large amount of herbicide, I’d gladly pay you for transporting it.” It was good money, but Ichigo had no idea what trouble taking this job would bring.


“THIS IS ALL ASKIN’S FAULT!!!” Ichigo screamed. Plant problem nothing, 90 % of the village was overrun by vines and plant monsters. Here is what happened…

The one who removed the Seed from the Alchemist’s lair was, in fact, the Spear Hero Askin. The village was desperate as they were facing famine, and Askin offered a seed powerful enough to end the problem. They trusted the Spear Hero, despite knowing rumors of the Alchemist’s Forbidden Seed, so they planted the seed and while the seed grew overnight bearing fruit that did stop the famine, but well...it mutated into a Bio Plant Monster, that began growing monsters, seeding the people, and turning them into it’s food.

Ichigo was able to treat the people, enhancing the herbicide, and bringing the inflicted together to treat them. This was just putting a bandage on a serious problem. The village mayor asked for his help dealing with the problem. Ichigo agreed, so long as he was paid upfront.

“Look at this mess!” This was ridiculous, just fending off the plant monsters was a serious chore, to say nothing of traversing towards the boss. Some were spitting poison, forcing Ichigo to stay in the Chimera Viper Shield, to shield his party from the poison and any lingering miasma.

The whole village was like an insane jungle, with teeth. Ichigo cast Fast Guard on each of them, not wanting any surprises. They sure got them as the Bio Plant Boss Monster sent its soldiers to attack those foolish enough to get near.

Plantriwe were its foot soldiers, humanoid in shape but made of vines, and attacked with a cloud of poisonous pollen. Then there was the Mandragora, a tank-like monster plat that spit poison stunning its prey before snatching them up and dragging them into its mouth for food. The soldiers and tanks were taken out but they were burning through their stamina.

They cut their way to the boss, but this is where things got weird. Ichigo planned to use the herbicide to kill the main boss but things didn’t go as planned. The Bio Plant monster was quite powerful, and it had been feeding on the surrounding nature and people to get even stronger. It learned and mutated as it fed on humans.

Ichigo was trying to protect them but was suddenly caught off guard by the monster’s roots. “Ichigo-sama!” “Master!” his party cried out. The Bio Plant’s vines quickly captured his party.

“You think you can stop us?” Grimmjow growled and got ready to rip out of the vines using wind magic.

“Let me go!” Toshiro was ready to unleash his ice magic.

“Damn plant monster!” Renji charged some fire magic.

Before they could release their magic the Bio Plant had created a new flower that spat poisonous barbs. It shot them, but it wasn’t any normal poison. It was a powerful aphrodisiac!

“Ahhh!” A chorus of moans was heard as even poor Sajin got stung.

“Master...it’s hot!” Toshiro moaned.

“Ichigo...” Renji and Grimmjow moaned.

“Mas...ster...” Sajin panted like he was in heat.

The plant boss couldn’t rip their clothing but it had no trouble stripping them, its vines disrobing his party one by one. Ichigo’s face went red as they were stripped and spread eagle, bound in humiliating positions.

Bio Plant’s eye twisted to show perverted glee, and the vines began to toy with their bodies. Its high intelligence allowed it to scan its prey and learn just how to mess with them. Renji had his pits and feet tickled by vines, his fat cock bouncing and wagging as he thrashed. In his aroused state his tail had become a full-blown erogenous zone, so a tentacle grabbed it and squeezed it hard, pumping it and sending Renji into a fit of pleasured howls.

Two yellow flowers latched onto Renji’s nipples, they had little pointy teeth and bit into his hard nubs, before sucking his energy out. It slurped away his mana, making any chance of a magical attack 0. More vines grabbed his cock and began pumping him, three vines teasing his shaft and tip. Another vine tugged on his balls, jiggling his heavy sack in a wild manner. “Ichigo...Ichigo-sama...don’t look...I can’t...” He tried to resist but he wasn’t fairing well, neither were the others.

Grimmjow was having his ears teased, tentacles teasing the insides making him purr. Some yellow flowers chewed on the tips of his feline ears making Grimmjow moan. His nipples also suffered the same fate with yellow flowers nibbling on his pert buds while sucking his magic away.

The green tentacles massaged his arms and legs, some more strange flowers made their way over to him, they also had mouths, no teeth but tongues. Grimmjow blushed and growled as his pits and feet were licked, similar flowers attacked his cock and balls. “You damn flowers...in front of Ichigo-sama...shitty plants, gah fuck!”

Komamura had his muzzle bound by the green vines, muffling his moans and growls of pleasure, but still allowing him to drool. His pits were tickled, while his feet were licked. The green tentacles brushed over his abs and pecs, drawing more pleasure from the beast-man. His nipples hardened and peeked through his fur, the yellow flowers found them and began feasting on his mana.

The tongue flowers teased his long hard cock, while a green vine fondled his balls. To make matters worse, a green vine thinned out and found his weeping cock hole. Komamura could only shake his head as his tail wagged excitedly, his pipe was penetrated by the vine and his eyes blew wide. The humiliation didn’t end as the vines took turns smacking Sajin’s ass, making the furry cheeks bounce and jiggle. ‘Not like this, not like this...’ Sajin closed his eyes, unable to stop what was about to happen.

Toshiro pretty much got a little of everything, his pits were tickled and licked, his nipples were chewed on and his mana drained. His feet were tickled as the tongue flowers moved between his toes. One of his cocks was pumped while the other was licked. His pointy dragon ears, one got licked while the other got nibbled on. “Master...I feel hot...I can’t...”

They came, Komamua’s tentacle even pulling out of his dick to let the thick beastman cum rain down on the Bio Plant’s roots. The Bio Plant absorbed their semen growing even stronger! Ichigo was so caught off guard, stunned at the sight and noises they made. He was rock hard in his pants, and his focus wasn’t on battle as he watched the erotic show on display. He couldn't help it being a virgin and his growing attraction to the four. It wasn’t till the plants forced their cheeks apart did Ichigo snap back to reality.

“No want my first time to be with Ichigo-sama!” Renji moaned.

“Damn these flowers!” Grimmjow hissed, not wanting to get fucked by some stupid plant. “Ichigo-sama is the only man worthy of taking me!”

Komamura broke through the muzzle. “Please master, I want you to claim me!”

“Master, I want you to be my mate, not some plant.” Hearing their confessions, filled Ichigo with a burning desire.

“GET YOUR SHITTY VINES OFF THEM!” His sudden rage made his power surge and the vines holding him blew up. He stalked towards the Bio Plant but its attacks were weakened thanks to Ichigo’s stat buffs causing its vines to explode coming in contact with him. No distractions this time.

Ichigo used the enhanced herbicide and spread it on the main Bio Plant’s roots. It may have evolved but it was still just a plant. It died, struggling to try and regenerate only to decay and wither till only its original seeds were left. “To think such tiny seeds caused all this mess,” Ichigo said, only to gasp as he was pounced on by naked and horny men from his party.

To be continued  


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