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Baka to Test parody: Tier 6

 Chapter 6  https://www.patreon.com/posts/caged-yuuji-chap-26635574 

Chapter 7 Taking Down Shoko...Mission Impossible?!

Shoko was not pleased, she continued to check her phone every 5 minutes. “Yuuji should have broken by now.” Judging from the amount of porn she had found in his room, she had mathematically deduced the number of times Yuuji jerked off in a given period. He should have come to her begging before the first day of the weekend. “Could he have gotten the cage off?” she shook her head. “No my plan is perfect, I’m sure he’ll come to me for the key before the school day ends tomorrow.”

She continued to check her phone and wait at home all weekend. She wanted to be there when Yuuji called and came begging to be hers. She threads the key and made it into a necklace. “I’m not gonna let you go, Yuuji.”


Yuuji felt a chill run up his spine. “Everything okay Yuuji?”

“Yeah, I’m fine, just got a chill.” The boys were in Yoshii’s shower.

Yoshii smiled and pulled the redhead into a warm embrace. The two kissed, and Yoshii felt up Yuuji, making the shower a lot more steamy. “Better?”

“Lots!” Yuuji kissed Yoshii again, the brunette fingered him, giving him a prostate massage that made his caged dick twitch. Yuuji moaned as he was milked, his essence getting washed away by the shower spray.

They had breakfast, Yuuji finishing first before going down on Akihisa. The brunette moaned and let Yuuji work. It was amazing how just sucking this idiot’s big dick would affect him so. He felt so relaxed, Yoshii’s dick was between his lips and down his throat, his manly flavor dancing across his tongue, his rich manly musk filling his nose as he took in each breath.

He almost wished he could just stay there forever, he knew he couldn’t, but hard not to wish for something when it made one so happy. Akihisa finished his breakfast and came into Yuuji’s mouth, the redhead didn’t waste a drop, chugging down his thick seed like a champ. He licked his lips as Yoshii pulled out to put the dishes away, the flavor lingered on his lips.

They got dressed for school and Yuuji felt odd, it was amazing how just a few days of pure nudity could affect a person. It felt almost strange having to put something on. Once he was fully dressed, he wanted to take it off, be with Yoshii naked all day again.

Sadly it was a school day, and there was no running away from this. Literally, if they ran Shoko would find them. Yoshii gave him another kiss, which did make him feel better. They walked to school together, “Are you sure about this plan of yours Akihisa?”

“I got a few ideas.”

“Just be careful Shoko is crazy and dangerous.”

“I promise!” once they reached the gate they split up, Yuuji taking the anti-Shoko route getting to Class F as fast as he could.

Yoshii waited for Shoko. ‘Time to dish out that old Akihisa charm!’

Shoko arrived at school. She was looking all over the schoolyard for Yuuji. When she spotted Yoshii she made a B-Line for him. “Akihisa, where is Yuuji?”

“Haven’t seen him today.” he lied. She was wearing the key around her neck. “But I’m glad to see you, Shoko.”

“You are?” she raised a brow.

Yoshii flipped his hair. “Yes!” he gave her the charming eyes. “I’m not blind like Yuuji, Shoko. I can see how cute you are!”

“Wait...huh...say what?” he took her hand.

“Shoko, I never thought I had a shot with you because you always had your eyes on Yuuji.” Shoko was actually taken aback, her cheeks heating up in a blush.

“Akihisa, I can’t, Yuuji is my future husband, I could never betray him!” she looked away, and Yoshii had his eye on the key.

“You may have known each other longer, but just think if we date now we have our whole futures ahead of us,” he said as he reached for the key.

“AKI!” Akihisa froze.

“Oh crap...” he turned and saw Minami. She was burning with rage, he knew how it looked, and he couldn’t even deny it.

“You better have an excuse for this Aki!” she marched forward, cracking her knuckles.

“I...I...I...I gotta go!” he ran, and Minami gave chase.

“Get back her Aki!”

Shoko was still in a daze. She’s had boys flirt with her before, but only to make Yuuji jealous, which never worked. ‘But perhaps having Yuuji’s best friend might be the key to getting him.’ she caressed her key. “It’s always nice to have a plan b, even still.”

Even she had to admit, Akihisa’s words did strike a chord in her.

Akihisa made it back to class F, but a little worse from wear. Yuuji used the secret bro code, to communicate.

{Did Shoko do that to you?}

{No...but Minami caught me…}


{I know...I’ll be more careful...I almost got the key...}

{You saw it?}

{She’s wearing it…}

{Damn it…}

They winked code back and forth. {I made my move...I’ll get the key for you…}



The two stared at each other, getting all warm and fuzzy. Akihisa wasn’t safe yet, as the class F punishment squad heard about him talking to Shoko. Akihisa was chased out of the room, a mob of boys in dark robes carrying scythes and pitchforks behind him.

Things settled down once class started. Yoshii made another move on Shoko at lunch. “Hey Shoko, would you want to eat lunch together?” he asked.

“I was actually gonna eat with Yuuji, where is he?”

“I dunno I believe he brought a lunch today.” Yoshii had made them both a lunch before they left the home.

“A lunch?” she turned on him fast. “Who made it for him?”

“Dunno, probably his mom. Yuuji has no luck with girls after all right?”

“This is true,” Shoko was curious though, Yuuji hadn’t been home all weekend.

“Well Shoko, I’m free for lunch if you’d like to eat with me.”

“I did make this lunch for Yuuji...” she stared at it while rubbing the key with one hand. “We can have lunch together I suppose.”

“Sweet!” he cheered.

“Akihisa...” the boy tensed. It was Himeji, she was releasing a dark aura. “Minami told me, but I didn’t want to believe it. Here I even made you a lunch.” Akihisa eeped as the toxic aura leaked out of the contained boxed lunch.

He felt his stomach recoil at the thought of eating her psychotic cooking. Himeji didn’t taste her cooking, and she put whatever popped into her head into the food. Akihisa had no choice but to run. “Come back!” she called and ran after him.

“Maybe Akihisa is too much of a player,” Shoko said and went to find Yuuji.


Yuuji was hiding out in the boy’s bathroom. He had finished his lunch, he was just draining his lizard. He stared down at his caged penis, away from Yoshii it felt like he had a leash around his dick, and so long as Shoko had the key, he’d never be free.

“So you still have the cage on you.” Yuuji jumped, Shoko was peeking from over the stall.

“Shoko...what the hell?! This is the boy’s bathroom!”

“It’s okay, I’ve already seen all of you, and once we are married we’ll be sharing a bathroom anyway.”

“That’s not the point, get out!” he snapped.

“Ohh, you sound so upset, it must be agony to not be able to get off.” she eyed the cage. “Your balls must be full to bursting.”

“Give me the key Shoko!” he hissed.

“Say you’ll marry me.”

“Never!” he snapped.

“Then are you really gonna leave little Yuuji caged?” he glared at her. “I can wait, so long as you have that, I know you can never cheat on me.” Oh, how wrong she was. “You might wanna hurry Yuuji, if some other guy steals me away, you’ll never get this key.” She left and Yuuji couldn’t help but smirk.

‘You can do this Aki!’


Shoko was making her way back to class when Akihisa bumped into her. “Hey Shoko, sorry about that.”

“Not to worry, Akihisa you seem to have a few girls interested in you.”

“Well, they aren’t the one I’m interested in,” he said and he took her hands again.

“Oh really, and what exactly would you do for this someone.”

“Believe me Shoko, for someone I love I’m willing to do anything!”

“Prove it, prove your feelings for me.” she puckered her lips. “Kiss me!”

Akihisa gulped. He put his hands on her shoulders and started to lean in. “Okay, close your eyes!” She did, and he focused on removing the key. Of course, he took too long and this time he was caught by both Himeji and Minami. If that wasn’t bad enough the whole Class F punishment squad was positively foaming at the mouth.

“AKIHISA!” the girls yelled.

“TRAITOR!” they screamed.

“Damn it all!” Yoshii ran off and got chased by the two girls and the whole army of Class F boys. This time he got caught and was facing punishment.

“This hurts me, more than it hurts you!” Minami said before nearly breaking the poor guy’s spine.

“It is for your own good Akihisa!” Himeji said. “Bad boys only learn through punishment.”

“Yes punish the traitor, punish the traitor!” the boys cheered.

“That’s enough!” Yuuji came into the room. “You two claim to love Akihisa don’t you!” the girls blushed. “If you truly loved him, you wouldn’t hurt him like this!” he snapped. He dispatched mob with a glare, while the girls surrendered and let Akihisa go.

Outside Kubo had been listening in, he was gonna step in if Akihisa needed his help but Yuuji came to his aid first. ‘Interesting...’ he thought and headed back to his class. ‘He speaks of such passion for Yoshii.’


Yoshii was exhausted, each of his attempts was interrupted, which resulted in him getting chased around and beat up. “I’m gonna try just one more time,” he told the red head.

“Akihisa, be careful.” Yoshii gave him a thumbs up.

He finds Shoko. “You are quite persistent today.”

“As I said, I’ve seen the light Shoko,” he said. “Please, forget about Yuuji and be my girlfriend.”

“I’m not sure...” Akihisa laid on the charm, reminding himself he was doing this for Yuuji. He went for the key, but when he got it off her he went too far and the two fell over. Yoshii was on top of Shoko, but he had the key. “What are you doing with that key Akihisa?”

“Key...what key?” she narrowed her eyes on him. “Oh this key!” he laughed and tried to run, but Shoko tripped him up and he dropped the key.

“Nice try, Yuuji put you up to this didn’t he?” she got the key back. “You really are a good friend Akihisa, but you should not get between Yuuji and me, it will not be pleasant for you.” She brought out the tazer.

“Shoko...wait...” ZAP...everything went black.

To be continued


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