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Bleach parody: Tier 1

Chapter 10  https://www.patreon.com/posts/bleach-legend-of-30738617 

Ichigo: 12 inches, Level 24 Healing/Support Magic

Renji: 8 inches uncut, Level 28 Fire Magic

Grimmjow: 7 inches uncut, Level 28 Wind Magic

Komamura: 13 inches cut, Level 76 Light/Dark Magic

Toshiro: Two dicks 5 Inches, Level 16 Ice Magic

Chapter 11 Magical Stone Expedition

Thanks to Toshiro and the merchant seal travel had become a breeze. Not paying for travel tolls was saving a lot of money. Plus it allowed him to open up shop and sell wares wherever they went. Ichigo had quite the operation since the quality of the herbs he farmed were improved, and the medicine he made also received a boost in quality, he was able to offer a high-quality product.

He farmed for herbs, while Renji, Grimmjow, Komamura, and Toshiro did magic training. Using the Shadow Double Spell, allowed them to practice magic and skills without hurting each other. Ichigo practiced his magic by placing a Defense Boost on each of them before they started training, and healed any wounds they accumulated during the training after.

Toshiro learned how to use First Frost (Fast Frost) and Icicle Lance a stronger ice spell. Renji learned First Explosion (Fast Explosion), Grimmjow learned Tornado Fist, a stronger wind spell. They were able to test their skills a bit through monster farming.

In their travels, they took on a Giant Frog, Amethyst Frog, and a Gray Salamander. Renji’s Fast Explosion and Grimmjow’s Tornado Fist, while powerful enough to destroy a monster...it also destroyed any drops the monster had. Ichigo couldn’t find any pieces left of the monsters they destroyed. Though they got EXP, Ichigo wasn’t able to enhance his shield. “Those skills will be good during the wave, but when farming it might be best to take them with combat.” he picked up a piece of Amethyst Frog, but it was scorched and crumbled between his fingers.

“Sorry,” the two bowed their heads. Ichigo patted their heads.

“It’s okay, you two have grown very strong.” It was good to know how powerful their magic was, so they could best form a strategy. They did gain some levels as they continued farming monsters further down, and they managed to stumble across another Amethyst Frog.

White Usapil Shield: DEF + 2

Dark Porcupine Shield: Agility + 12

Amethyst Frog Shield: Jump + 5

Usapil Bone Shield: Stamina Up (Small)

Porcupine Bone Shield: SP Up (Small)

Frog Bone Shield: Compounding Boost (Small)

Toad Oil Shield: Medicine Effect Boost (Medium)

Toshiro reached Level 19, Ichigo reached Level 26, Renji and Grimmjow reached Level 30. Komamura reached Level 77.

Ichigo frowned as he noticed the stat boost shields were nice, but he actually wanted a shield that could perform better in battle. He didn’t want to feel like he was holding everyone back, that fear of his party leaving him still lingering.

When they made it to a town, they opened up shop. Toshiro took human form, bare-ass naked, and had to put his clothes on. Komamura hid himself as to not scare customers. Grimmjow moved merchandise, Renji handled the money, while Toshiro was acting as a poster boy. He attracted a crowd and Ichigo handed out the medicine. Toshiro was a crafty little dragon, using his cuteness to get a bit more on the animal pelts.

While money was good, he did have five mouths to feed so it was all balancing out. Again Toshiro was playing up the cute card, to get extra food for free. “That kid is scary...” Renji nodded in agreement.

“Is there a place to mine around here?” Ichigo asked one of the villagers.

“Well...there is the old alchemist base.”

“Alchemist base?” he raised a brow.

“There was an old mine an alchemist made his base out of. It was a place you could mine magical stones, so it was perfect for his synthesis and experiments.” the man sighed. “We were mining the stones, but a powerful monster made its nest in there, and more monsters made the mine it's home.”

Ichigo had to be sure, so they made a run back to Yoruichi and picked her up. “Ahh, it's been so long since I’ve had an adventure. I should get out of the shop more.” she stretched. Toshiro’s speed at pulling the wagon made trips back and forth a breeze. She was impressed with their magical growth, recognizing that Komamura was close to using Tier 2 magic.

They only had to stop for one night, and Ichigo made them a fine meal. “You are quite the chef Little Ichigo.” Yoruichi complimented, everyone turned in with full bellies.

“Thanks, I’m used to cooking. I think some of my skills improve it though.”

“No skill can make cooking like this, its love!” Ichigo blushed and choked on his food. “Don’t try to deny it, as a witch I’m good at reading people.”

Ichigo sighed. “I...I don’t...”

She winked at him. “Don’t worry, I have a feeling if you keep walking the path your on, it’ll work out.”

“My focus should be the waves, should I really be thinking about love or anything like that?”

“There is always time for love, Little Ichigo,” she said and patted his shoulder. “Love can give us meaning, can guide us, show us paths we didn’t know were there. Love is an experience, good or bad, it changes us.”

“Can’t say I have much experience in that.” Though as he thought about it, Renji and Grimmjow were able to pull him from his rage and despair after being cheated at the palace.

“Are you sure?” Ichigo didn’t respond.


Yoruichi had heard about the alchemist base, he surrendered it after a major failure. He had tried to create a super plant to end hunger. “The legend is pretty huge in this area. He left the seed in a chest with a warning not to let it loose upon the world.” Supposedly he had created a monster to protect the seed, but after he died the monster became wild.

“Well, we aren’t after the seed just the magic stones.” They find the entrance to the cave and go inside. They find the chest, but it was empty. The message of the alchemist scrawled into the podium. “This seed is a bastardization of my dream, and I pray it never sees the light of day.”

“So some fool took the seed,” Yoruichi said. Ichigo shook his head.

“Maybe it was bandits,” Renji said, there was a bandit problem in the area.

“Who cares, if some idiot took the seed despite this warning then they have to be the king of the idiots,” Grimmjow said.

“Indeed,” Komamura had been teaching them how to read this world’s language, even Toshiro was able to read it now. The warning was clear as day.

“Hmm,” Ichigo wasn’t sure, but they were after the magic stones. “Let’s keep going.”

They started venturing deeper into the cave. Toshiro had hung back a bit, having caught a strange scent on the box. “Toshiro, don’t fall too far behind, stay with the group.”

“Yes master!” he called.

Stupid dragon, always goofing around.”

“Ehh?” Toshiro blinked. “Master?”

“What’s wrong Toshiro?” Ichigo asked.

“Oh um...nothing!” he ran forward.

I can’t believe this, you are no help at all I’m gonna sell you back to the Slave Merchant.”

Toshiro froze.

“Toshiro?” Renji looked at him.

As if I could love a demi-human!”

Renji froze hearing Ichigo’s voice.

Once the waves are over I won’t need you anymore.”

“Ichigo-sama...” his voice was trembling.

“What the hell?” Grimmjow hissed.

All you do is destroy, once the waves are over you are gone!”

Grimmjow tensed.

I don’t care about you.”

I don’t need you.”

I don’t want you!”

“Stop it!” Grimmjow shouted.

“Everyone calm down.” Komamura snapped.

Filthy beast!”

Sajin froze.

As if I could ever love someone as ugly as you.”

You suffocate me I don’t want you around.”

You freak me out!”



Komamura was brought to his knees.

“Everyone, what’s happening?” Ichigo asked.

Ichigo-sama is so weak, I hate having to fight for him.”

Ichigo froze hearing Renji’s voice.

Why do I have to fight for such a weakling, I’m so gone!”

This time it was Grimmjow’s voice he heard.

I’m only sticking with Ichigo-sama so I can stab him in the back!”

Now Komamura’s voice.

Master looks tasty I wanna eat him!”

Ichigo got attacked by some strange creatures. “Are they attacking me?” He realized that was impossible because of the slave crest, so something was manipulating them, making them hear voices. It wasn’t just Ichigo’s voice they were hearing but fellow party members.

“Enough!” Yoruichi released her magical power, dispelling the illusion. “All Anti Bind!” Everyone came to their senses. “They are Voice Gengars they confuse their targets by replicating voices and making people hear the worst or last thing they want to hear from someone in their party.”

“What nasty monsters.” Ichigo groaned. “Are you guys okay?” Ichigo sweatdropped as Renji, Grimmjow, and Toshiro were pissed!

“You bastards!” they screamed as they ripped through the lot of them.

“Ichigo-sama, you don’t find me disgusting, do you?” Sajin asked.

“No, I don’t, in fact, I find you quite fetching.” he pets him.

Toshiro jumped on him and cried. “Master, you aren’t gonna sell me right?”

Ichigo hugged Toshiro. “No, I’m not. I do want you to behave and listen to me, but I’m not gonna sell you.” he rubbed his back.

Renji and Grimmjow were hesitant, but Ichigo hugged them. “I’m sorry you guys had to hear that stuff, please know that’s not how I feel about you guys,” Ichigo said. “You guys are the bright spots in this world for me,” he said to his whole party.

Ichigo fed the monsters to his shield and gained two Voice Gengar Shields, the bat form and the rat form.

Voice Gengar Shield (Bat): Sound Wave Endurance, Special Equip Skill: Megaphone

Voice Gengar Shield (Rat) Blinding Endurance, Special Equip Skill Megaphone

Ichigo sweatdropped, not sure when a Megaphone skill would be useful. They ventured deeper and found the vein with the magic stones. “Whoa?” the stones sparkled, giving off a warm light.

“And that must be the Alchemist’s monster...” the team gazed upon the Nue. Quite the fearsome monster, that reminded Ichigo a lot of the Chimera. It was level 40, higher than his party. “It’s quite strong...”

“Ichigo, I have a plan,” Komamura said. “All First Hiding!” he cast and the whole party was hidden by magic.

“I knew it, you got quite the talented Beast Man here.” Sajin blushed. Being able to cast All on Tier 1 Magic was a sign you can learn Tier 2 magic. Ichigo wasn’t sure about this, but the party surrounded the Nue, staying downwind of it.

Just as they were about to attack it, it woke up and dodged. “How?” It crackled with electricity. “Can it smell them?”

Renji took a step toward the Nue. Its ear flicked and its tail honed in on Renji. “No...Renji get back it can hear you!” Renji lunged at the beast too late, the Nue dodged Renji’s sword swing, and his tail lashed out and struck him. “Renji!”

The red head was poisoned. Ichigo charged in and the Nue lunged at him. Ichigo blocked him with the shield. The monster crackled with electricity. “Master!” Toshiro transformed, his clothes ripping apart, he charged in and grabbed Ichigo and pulled him away from the electric attack.

“Grimmjow grab Renji!” The bluenette used Gust Quick, with his speed boosted he was able to get to Renji and pull him away from the Nue. Renji coughed, he could feel the poison race through his system.

“Hey Yoruichi, Komamura cover me!”

“Got it!” Ichigo charged for the two, followed by Toshiro. “Second Blaze!” Yoruichi blasted the Nue, stunning it.

“Chains of Darkness!” Komamura cast, dark chains began to bind the Nue holding it in place.

Ichigo made it to Renji. “Fast Cure!” The poison was dispelled. “Fast Heal!” he healed the wound. “Be careful, I don’t want you guys getting hurt.”

“Ichigo!” The Nue broke free from the chains using its electricity.

“If it’s got great hearing then...Sajin cover your ears!” he obeyed, he changed his shield to the Voice Gengar Shield Bat form and activated Megaphone. “Toshiro, give it a roar!”

The combo of Toshiro’s roar getting amplified by the Megaphone. The sound was so great, it burst the Nue’s eardrums. “Get him, guys!”

Renji, Grimmjow, and Komamura stabbed the Nue, while Toshiro kicked him shattering his skull. Ichigo fed the beast to his shield.

Nue Shield: Level Locked

Nue Viper Shield: Synthesis Boost

“Great work guys, all of you.”

The mined some of the stones, they had enough so Ichigo fed some to his shield.

Crystal Ore Shield: Fine Crafting 1

“You boys are super interesting, I bet my little brother would grow up into a fine man if he traveled with you,” Yoruichi said.

They traveled back to the Witch’s shop, on the way Yoruichi gave Ichigo some magic lessons. First Barrier (Fast Barrier) creates a magical field that shields against physical and blunt attacks. Light Screen a magical barrier that defends against magic. Safeguard a magical barrier that shields against miasma and status conditions.

“If you keep practicing and leveling up you might be able to learn Wall, the ultimate defense spell that protects all within it.”

“Thanks, Yoruichi.”

With the magic stone acquired, they were able to make some magic thread and not just Toshiro. It worked their magic muscles so they each spun magic thread. They gave it to Shutara, who got to work on making clothes.


She remade Toshiro’s outfit but this time using magic thread, so now when he transformed it became a beautiful scarf around his neck.

“What are we doing again?” Ichigo was forced to sit in front of a stage by Shutara.

“I had a wealth of inspiration, so I thought it best for them to try on my designs, and you can purchase what you feel is best.” Ichigo sweatdropped. He had made some good money selling the rest of that crystal ore, he wasn’t so sure about blowing it on random clothing if they didn’t need it.

First up was Renji and when he came out Ichigo’s jaw dropped. The red head was wearing a red choker with a black vest, showing off his arms, pecs, and abs, since leveling up he’d gained more tattoos. What made his jaw drop was the red see-through pants Renji was wearing with no underwear, so Ichigo could see his legs, cock, balls, and ass silhouetted.

Renji was pleased with the reaction, next was Grimmjow, who was wearing a similar outfit, but with a blue choker, white vest, and blue see-through pants. Grimmjow really strut his stuff, while Renji was more reserved.

Komamura was next, he didn’t have a vest but he was wearing a collar. His see-through shorts were purple. Then came Toshiro blue vest, green see-through pants, and a white choker.

Ichigo felt like he was going to have a heart attack, and this was just the start. Renji was wearing black swim trunks with red flames at the pant leg. Grimmjow was wearing blue speedos. Komamura was wearing a white loincloth. Toshiro had tight swim trunks light green with blue trim.

That was it for swimwear, next was underwear and Ichigo wasn’t sure if he could take it. Renji was wearing panties, full-on red panties with black frills. Grimmjow wore a thong, an actual thong. Komamura was wearing some kind of tribal garment It showed off his ass fully and his package was really standing out. Toshiro was wearing light blue panties with green fills. “Are you trying to make them into perverts?”

“What that happens to be traditional demi-human underwear.”

Ichigo facepalmed. “Of course it is.” Renji and Toshiro’s were quite the show, while Grimmjow’s were a model for battle. Sajin’s was a similar show model but for beastmen. Renji also got a thong version made, and Grimmjow got a frills model to.

Sajin got some robes made from magic thread, so it breathed on his fur. Renji got a dancer’s outfit, with a red sash connecting two cuffs with bells. Toshiro got a singer’s outfit, it was similar to the dancer outfit, just reversed and the sash was around the waist and over the chest. Grimmjow got a brawler outfit, that had a bunch of black straps over his body and a blue robe.

The show ended with them dressed in kimono with their signature color. Ichigo was impressed, each garment was made from the magic thread so it breathed for Komamura, and Toshiro’s wings, and Renji and Grimmjow’s tails could slip through easily. “How do we look master?” they asked.

Ichigo smiled. “You all look great.”

“If you’d like I can make some evening wear, or maybe a bit more sensual.” Ichigo didn’t want to think of what she had in mind.

“No this is enough. We’ll take what you made for them.”

“Really!” Toshiro said excitedly.

“Ichigo-sama, that’s way too much!” Renji said.

“You guys have been working hard, you deserve a treat besides food. Our gem expedition was very profitable.” Getting all the outfits and clothes did burn up said fund but Ichigo wanted them to have these clothes, they all looked really happy when wearing them. “We can’t spend money like crazy, but this time we can splurge a little.”

Ichigo was concerned about how they could travel with so much, but Sajin had the answer. “Re-Quip Magic!” With this they could store their outfits inside a pocket dimension made from their magic, so that way they didn’t have to worry about it getting lost or stolen. It was low tier magic that anyone could use, so it was quick to learn and easy to use. Ichigo could even see their stored items in his Icon

With their stuff stored safely away for special occasions. It was time to get back on the road.

To be continued...Mess of the Spear Hero


Damion Andrew

I cannot wait for this harem to finally take off.