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Yugioh parody: Tier 1

Level Up

Yugi has completed the Millennium Puzzle, unlocking the Shadow Games, the world seems normal but Yugi is unlocking life hacks and leveling up, making him stronger, making things bigger and better in his life. Growth Macro Hyper

Chapter 1

Yugi Muto was just a normal guy, a bit on the smaller side despite his age. He lived with his Grandfather, above a Game Shop, while his parents were archaeologists. His grandfather used to be one, his father simply followed in his footsteps, met his mother and bow chika wow wow later, Yugi was conceived and later born.

He had a knack for games, card games, capsule games, puzzle games, you name it. He was a smart guy, but sadly wasn’t very popular, he had no friends and was often bullied by the bigger guys. He was beaten up, tossed in the trash, had his lunch and lunch money stolen, not a day went by he didn’t have a struggle.

His Grandfather was too busy to notice, either running his shop, having Yugi help out in the shop, which was more common as he was busy with some form of a puzzle. Yugi’s parents had sent back some kind of puzzle inside a mysterious box. Solomon Muto has been frustratingly working on it, leaving Yugi to watch the shop after school. It didn’t matter if he had homework to do, or if he had a hard day.

It wasn’t until one day where he gave up and gave it to Yugi to figure out. “That darn puzzle, I just can’t figure it out. Here Yugi, you like puzzles why don’t you give your old Grandpa a hand?” He couldn’t say no...could he?

He was in for a long night, but Yugi was able to see the patterns to the puzzle that Solomon couldn’t. Slowly but surely Yugi put the entire puzzle together. It was in the shape of a reverse pyramid. “Here we are the last piece!” he set the final piece into place.

Little did Yugi know, as he was working on the puzzle a strange storm began to form. The land, sea, and air, trembled as the puzzle neared completion, as light and darkness clashed with each other. As soon as he completed it, a new law was cast over the world, in an instant, the whole world changed and the fate of this world fell into the hands of those possessing the Millennium Items!

The puzzle glowed, a bright light escaping from the eye symbol on the front. Yugi gasped as a feeling he could only describe as...his soul leaving his body...his whole world went dark. He blinked, taking in his surroundings, he was no longer in his room.

“Greetings little one,” Yugi turned towards the commanding voice. He met a dark-skinned Adonis, dressed in fancy royal-looking clothes. His face kinda looked like Yugi only older and more mature features. “I am Atem, the previous user of the Millennium Puzzle.” He gave a polite bow.

“Uhh, I’m Yugi...where am I?”

“You are inside the puzzle, a special feature granted to the user of the puzzle. Each item holds a special to its holder for the Shadow Game.”

“Shadow Game?”

“Yes, a game that can change the world!” Atem said. “Once the game has started it won’t end until a winner is chosen.”

“Well, how do I win?”

“There are two ways, survive until the end game with your item, or collect all seven items and call out the name Yu-Gi-Oh!” he called out and the puzzle trembled at the spoken name. “Each item is set with a number of points, so there will be a lot of enemies coming after you, trying to take the puzzle.”

“What?!” Yugi gasped.

“If you plan to survive, you’ll need to level up.”

“Level up?” his head was spinning, this hard to take in, but he didn’t feel he was dreaming, this was too fantastical.

Atem nodded. “You can view your status with your icon skill. Simply conjure it by saying Properties.”

Properties?” Sure enough a magical screen. He was level one. HP 1000, SP 1000, ATK 10, DEF 10, SPD 10, CHRM 15, INT 100, LUCK 100, STM 150, Skill Points 20 Puzzle Points 10.

“Impressive, your SP, LUCK, and Stamina are quite high for a base stat.” Compared to his own former stats. “You also have quite a bit of skill points, have you been leading a tough life?”

“You could say that.” he couldn’t believe this, this menu showed his stats down to his penis size. While it was a little scary, having a target on his back, it was something he was used to. He felt the thrill and excitement as he did when starting any new game. “So...I have skills?”

“Yes, you can level up and gain more skill points which you can use to unlock skills, some will give boosts to your stats, while others will help you fight, gain members, and more. You can also apply your stat points to boost any of your stats or attributes.”

Yugi checked the skills he could purchase, there were A LOT of different skills but some were locked because of his level. He noticed he had three skills already unlocked.

Game Champion: Doubles the EXP gained when playing games.

Bonds of Friendship: Gain a boost to stats and skills for each Friend you have in your party. Party members under the friendship status or higher will gain some exp when you do.

Mind Crush: Offensive Skill: Attack using shadow magic, can destroy spiritual beings but will knock out physical beings.

“May I?” Yugi asked.

“Please do experiment, you have all the time in this world.”

“What does that mean?” Yugi asked.

“It is the special skill of the puzzle, Puzzle World! Here you can train, do shadow battles, practice your skills. Time flows differently in this world. One Week in here, is only a minute in the real world, One Month in here is only an hour, you could stay in here for a full year, but your body would be defenseless for a full day, so I wouldn’t suggest it.”

“This is amazing!” Yugi gasped. His Properties skill came with a help menu, which was a big help. He found learning the rules of the games he plays helps him figure out the best ways to win.

He could take back any modifications he makes, but he can’t change his settings in the middle of a shadow battle or a battle. “What’s the difference between a shadow battle and a battle?”

“A Shadow Battle takes place here in the puzzle, you’ll face an opponent’s soul here. If you defeat them here, it’ll affect them in the outside world. Once a Soul is defeated you can choose to Claim or Destroy.” He explained, a destroyed Soul just means they leave the puzzle and will not return. If a Soul is claimed, Yugi gains ownership of said soul and he can mess with their settings, as he can mess with his own. “A real battle will take place in the outside world, you can kill your enemy and gain money based on their level.”

“Kill them?!”

“Do not worry, they will respawn back in their load spot, believing it was a dream. Only those in a party or holding the items will have any memory of what occurs.”

“So if I die...I’ll just respawn?” Atem nodded.

“However, you will lose the puzzle and your stats might take a hit. There is also a chance you could lose one of your unlocked skills.” Yugi was interested in playing this game, and he wasn’t planning to lose.

The Puzzle Points were a gift from the Millennium Puzzle, something he could apply to his physical body. He tested it and gasped as his clothing vanished, and his body appeared on his menu. He tested the puzzle points and applied them all into his body.

Yugi gasped as he grew taller, he was now as tall as Atem, his baby fat was melted away and he was lean. He looked like a lot of the other guys in school in the body department. “Hmm,” he pulled back five points and he shrank slightly, he was still fit just not as tall. Least he didn’t look like a grade-schooler anymore. He then applied the points to his dick.

He moaned as his 6-inch dick began to grow, it pulsed and hardened reaching 11 inches in length. “Whoa!” His cock felt heavy in his hand, he lazily stroked it feeling the warmth. He thought about how Tristan and Joey flaunted their dicks in the locker room and now he was bigger than both of them.

“Ah so you are that type,” Atem stroked his chin as he eyed Yugi’s assets.

“Oi!” Yugi blushed and covered himself.

“No need to be shy,” he showed off his own impressive bulge. “I often played with the men in my party.”

“No kidding?” Yugi was surprised.

“Indeed, I can assist in helping you train in the bedroom, it’ll boost your CHRM and help you win the hearts of your party members.” Yugi was a bit intimidated by Atem’s size.

“I’ll think about it.” He left the puzzle points section after saving, and his clothes were returned to him. He hissed as his former clothes barely fit his new body. His underwear was pinching his plump ass and fat cock.

Atem waved his hand, and Yugi’s clothes became enchanted, shifted and adjusting to fit his size. Yugi breathed a sigh of relief. “Thanks.” Atem gave a polite bow.

Yugi went back into the Skill Points menu when it came to games and building a character it was always best to be balanced to see how your character grows. So he decided to get ten 1 point skills and five 2 point skills, he could always cancel skills later and regain his points.

Power Skill: ATK + 10

Guard Skill: DEF + 10

Swift Skill: SPD + 10

Allure Skill: CHRM + 15

Pheromone Skill: CHRM = 15

Growth Skill: Gains an extra boost to all stats upon getting a level up. Small Boost when training in Puzzle World.

Scan Skill: Offensive Skill: Can check an opponent’s stats, once someone is scanned they will appear in Puzzle World. Can be used without using SP or Stamina

Telekinesis Skill: Offensive Skill: Can move small objects with your mind. Drains Stamina if used on larger objects.

Shuffle Skill: Offensive Skill: Can switch any two objects with each other. Drains SP.

“Might I suggest a more offensive skill.” Atem pointed to one.

Yugi sweatdropped. “Well can’t say it's not a classic.” Yugi picked it.

Fireball Skill: Conjures a Fire Ball to blast your opponent, uses SP.

Next was picking the skills that had two-point costs.

Muscle Beginner: Increases muscle development and strength, boosts the effect of muscle training in Puzzle World.

Tamer Beginner: Increases chance of claiming souls. Claimed Souls will more likely join your party.

Yugi blushed seeing one particular skill, but he was curious so he selected it.

Harem Beginner: Can place the lover mark on more than one claimed soul. Gain a stamina boost for each lover in your harem. Gain a reward boost for each lover in your harem.

Eye of Truth Skill: When activated the user can see through lies and deception. Illusions will be dispelled. SP cost, prolonged use of the skill will drain stamina.

Atem pointed out another selection that made Yugi blush, but in the end, he picked it.

Bedroom Beginner: CHRM + 10 Grants user basic sex knowledge. Can seduce souls in Puzzle World.

Yugi moaned as his mind filled with sexual knowledge, quite a lot thanks to his high Intelligence points. The boy’s pants were bulging from his hard cock, and Yugi got a bit of a nosebleed.

Achievement Unlocked: Lucky Lover, Bedroom Skill Tree Available, EXP can be gained through sex.

“Congratulations, the game has just begun. I look forward to seeing your growth as you level up.” he offered his hand to Yugi. “Shall we get started?”

Yugi was panting, processing his new information. If he had any doubts this was really happening they were gone. He was in! “Let’s!” he took Atem’s hand.

To be continued  

HP 1000, SP 1000, ATK 20, DEF 20, SPD 20, CHRM 55, INT 100, LUCK 100, STM 150, Skill Points 0 Puzzle Points 0


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