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Seven Deadly Sins parody: Tier 1

For more seven deadly sin ideas:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/seven-deadly-25064394 


Last of the Lamia Clan

Meliodas is the last of the Lamia Clan, during the great war, the lamias helped battle against the demon clan. However when faced against the terrifying power of the Ten Commandments they didn’t stand a chance, and because of their monstrous appearance, they were abandoned by the other races. Meliodas was believed to be the last, and he did the unthinkable, he charmed both a member of the demon race and a member of the goddess clan. He was cursed, and his partners punished after the demon race was sealed away.

Chapter 1 Last of the Lamia Clan

Once one of the great races in the world, the Lamias were mysterious and powerful, born with monstrous strength, unique skills, and a high sex drive. When the great Holy War began the Lamia chose to side with the Fairy, Giants, and the humans, aiding the goddess clan in the battle against the demon clan.

The demons found the tide of battle going against their favor, having lost three of their commandments, so they began playing more strategy, turning the races against each other. They planed on human fear, jealousy, greed, and their lust for power. While the demons sowed their seeds of chaos and deceit, a lamia known as Meliodas sought to bring the races together. He won the hearts of a powerful goddess and a powerful demon, and they shared a mating bond together. Fearing what this union would create, the Demon King and the Goddess Deity began to set things in motion.

A cease-fire was made between the two races, but it was soon ignored by the Goddess clan, who captured many of the demon clan’s children and family and destroyed them before their eyes. Meanwhile the Ten commandments the Demon King’s elite guard made their move against one of the races. The lamia clan called for help, but thanks to the seeds planted by the demon clan, the other races abandoned the lamia clan, be it out of fear, jealousy, or disgust.

Pick your poison but the end result was the eradication of the lamia clan, or so they thought. Meliodas’ demon lover learned of the plan and managed to save his mate from the eradication. With a race wiped out, and the demons on the warpath after a cease-fire, drastic actions had to be taken.

The coffin of darkness was forged, to stop the chaos that was unfolding. With the power of humans, demons, goddesses, fairy, giant, and lamia combined the demon race was sealed away, and the goddess clan was banished to the divine realm. Meliodas and his mates thought they could be free to live their lives, but fate had other plans.

With the Demon King and the Goddess Deity ripping the lovers apart and placing a curse on the lamia. The curse of immortality. Now, not only was he the last of the lamia clan, he couldn’t die and join his brothers and sisters in the afterlife, cursed to live forever separated from his mates. Should he die by battle, he would lose a bit of his mind and become nothing but a monster.


Meliodas was cursed to slither through the world. He carried on, having hope he would see his mates again one day. They would want him to survive and stay strong. Though after living 3000 years it would be hard for anyone.

He was hunted, battled demon stragglers, framed for a crime he didn’t commit, and he joined the Holy Knights of Liones. There he found other lost souls like him and formed the seven deadly sins. Though they didn’t know his past, they followed him as their captain and respected his strength and skills.

The seven sinners with their sacred treasures were considered to be the strongest knights. On par, if not stronger than the Grand Holy Knight. So when the man was found murdered, the blame fell on the sins, and they were forced to scatter.


In a small tavern, that seemed to appear out of nowhere, there was a rumor there was a lamia serving drinks. The rumor was true as the owner was, in fact, a lamia, but of course, that isn’t what they saw. As soon as people entered, they were greeted by the owner and his hypnotic eyes.

Nothing sinister was done to them, just a low tier hypnosis to make it so they couldn’t see what he really was. It was the first trick he was taught, though he didn’t like using it. He felt lamias and the other races could coexist, but bad things happened and he was currently in hiding. Over the last 3000 years, he’s had many dreams, ambitions, and goals, little things to past the ever-growing years, but one he had yet to try was running a tavern. So he sold his sacred treasure and bought the place he currently ran.

The booze was good, but the food sucked. Meliodas could always make a pretty plate, but as a lamia, his taste buds were 1/15 effective. Even the sweet booze couldn’t make his food any better. “Welcome to the Boar Hat, the booze is good, but the food sucks.”

“Why you little?!” One of the guys tried to get physical with him, but saw his weapon and thought against it. The sword was fake, he just used it to mind the riff-raff, not that he couldn’t trounce them with his lamia strength.

His only other employee was a talking pink pig named Hawk, the Captain of the Order of Scraps Disposal. When people couldn’t eat Meliodas’ crappy cooking it was up to Hawk to finish off the scraps. Talk of the Seven Deadly Sins could be heard, many people think they are dead, but if that was true, why did the Kingdom keep updating the wanted posters?

“The sins are dead, but did you hear about the Rogue Knight?”

“Rogue knight?”

“He was one of the Holy Knights, but he apparently abandoned the knights.”

“The Holy Knights are meant to protect us!”

“A holy knight turned traitor?”

“After what the sins did, he’ll be made an example of.”

“Head up on a pike stuff.” Meliodas washed a glass quietly.

One of the guests returned in terror. “The Rogue Knight...he’s coming this way!” The patrons ran in terror planning to call the guards.

Sure enough, a knight clad in armor did appear at the doorstep of the Boar Hat. “Sins...” he said before passing out.

“Is this guy one of the seven deadly sins?” Hawk asked.

“Nope,” Meliodas said confidently and picked the guy up effortlessly and carried him up to his room. The guy's armor was removed, exposing blonde hair done in a pompadour style, he was broad-shouldered, with muscled arms, beefy pecs, a solid six-pack, thick legs, and big feet. He was stripped down to his black underwear, the undies were tight, putting quite a bit of pressure on his crotch and plump ass.

Meliodas felt the blonde up, feeling up his muscled arms and legs, groping his pecs, flicking his nipples, caressing his abs, before jostling his bulge. His cock and balls getting mixed about as the lamia’s hand teased him.

“Nnhhh,” the blonde woke up and looked at Meliodas.

“Yo!” Meliodas continued to fondle his crotch, palming and squeezing his package. Hawk expected the guy to punch Meliodas for the groping, but instead…

“Meliodas-sama!” The blonde hugged him, pulling the younger-looking blonde to his pecs. “I’m so glad you are alive!”

“Hey Little Howzer, you’ve grown up nice.”

“You two know each other?” Hawk gasped.

“Meliodas-sama used to train me when I was younger, its thanks to him I got strong enough to join the Holy Knights...well I was a Holy Knight.” he hung his head before smiling. “I’m so glad I found you!”

“What has happened?” Meliodas pulled back.

“I have to ask, you didn’t kill Grand Master Zaratras right?” Howzer asked Meliodas could see the hope in his eyes. “When I heard it was you guys, I couldn’t believe it, but then you all disappeared.”

“It wasn’t us,” Meliodas said. “Once we returned from the mission, we found him dead. Before we knew it we were being accused and we had to run. I was gonna stay and try to sort things out, but someone knocked me out, and I woke up in the basement in a town far away from the castle.”

Howzer breathed a sigh of relief. “I knew it, I just knew it!”

“Are you really a rogue knight?” Howzer’s excitement died down.

“Yes, but something is wrong in the Kingdom of Liones. I had found some evidence of some weird demon experiments, I tried to talk to Gil and Griamore, but Gil just dismissed me and Griamore didn’t believe me.”

“Little Gil and Little Griamore? You three were always so close, you were my star pupils.” Howzer blushed.

“I tried to show them proof, but all the evidence I had disappeared and my room was trashed. I tried to go to the King about it, but as soon as I did, the King and his daughters were put on lockdown, they claimed it was some kind of illness.”

“You said there was evidence of demon experiments?”

“Yes, I got suspicious as the number of New Generation of Holy Knights began to increase. They are weird, cold, sadistic, and brutal. The weird part is I knew one of them, and he was a good guy, but now he’s psychotic, he takes joy out of beating on new recruits.” He did some digging into the Knight in charge of the New Generation Hendrickson.

He had snuck into his room and found research notes and a vial of demon blood. He had stolen it but his room was trashed and all the evidence he had gathered was gone. He had been attacked by his former friend who had tried to kill him, Howzer defended himself, but he didn’t kill his friend.

“Then something happened, he suddenly began to balloon and he blew up and I got covered in his blood. I couldn’t stop it...I tried to stop it...but he...” he started to cry. Meliodas hugged him and rubbed his back.

“It wasn’t you, it was whoever gave him the demon blood. It was a setup.”

“After the incident, I ran and have been labeled a rogue knight. Since this happened it confirmed my suspicion that the Sins had been framed as well. So I decided to try and find you guys and try to stop what is happening in the Kingdom.”

“Well, you found me, and I couldn’t turn down a request my from my Little Howzer.” The blonde blushed.

“I’m not a little kid, anymore Meliodas-sama!” he said.

“Oh, you want me to treat you like a big boy?” Howzer gulped as he found himself pinned to the bed. “I can do that.” Meliodas sealed his lips over Howzer’s the blonde moaning into the kiss.

The kiss deepened and Howzer had his moans devoured by Meliodas. The lamia’s tail hooked his underwear and haled them down his thick thighs, and his hard 8 incher snapped up into the air. The kiss broke and Howzer was left panting. ‘My first kiss...was with Meliodas-sama...’ his heart fluttered.

“You really are a big boy now aren’t you?” the lamia pumped his cock as he kissed his neck.

Before things could get fun, some guards began pounding on the tavern door. “Looks like we got trouble, should be interesting.”

To be continued


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