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Seven Deadly Sins parody: Tier 1

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The Goddess of the Forest

Meliodas is a member of the goddess clan and has a powerful Grace known as Forest. The Demon King mysteriously wants him dead and sends one of his best demons to do the job, but things don’t go as planned. Meliodas/Monspeet/Harem

Chapter 1

If there was one thing Meliodas hated it was boredom. He didn’t look down on any creature, he saw their potential. Even when his brethren looked down on demons, humans, giants, fairies, and all the other races and subspecies that existed. In their minds why would Meliodas wish to leave their utopia and walk among the lower class?

He didn’t care what they thought, the world was full of such interesting things, and people regardless of race or power. There were good people and bad, but that didn’t define any one race. He could count several goddesses that were arrogant assholes, bitches, or dicks. He befriended giants and danced with them, he partied with fairies, he befriended humans and drank with them, he met so many interesting people and creatures. He traveled the land and helped people.

The world was facing some troubles, the world was thick with magic, and Demons were trying to claim the abundance for themselves. This started an all-out war, the Goddess Clan wasn’t gonna allow the demons to harness such power, it would become a threat. The Demon clan unleashed untold horrors upon the world, terrifying weapons, creating different kinds of demons to drain magic and take out their enemies.

Meliodas didn’t agree to the war, he just wanted to protect his friends and the people. His power did make him a threat, so the Demon King sent one of his elite warriors the Ten Commandments to end his life. This demon found his target sitting alone, staring up at the moon and stars. Just as he was about to strike. “It’s such a nice night, it would be a shame to ruin it with fighting.” Meliodas sat up and turned to him. “Why don’t you come sit with me? We can fight in the morning.”

The demon was shocked, and surprisingly enough listened to Meliodas. He’d face off against other Goddesses before and they’ve always looked down on him. It made it easy for him to cut them down, some Goddesses lie, but he can always tell by how they look at him. Meliodas was different, he didn’t see him as a demon or a monster, he saw him as a person.

They sat together, gazing up at the moon and the stars, the night was so clear they sparkled like diamonds. “Have you ever seen a sky as dazzling as this?”

He paused, not sure if he should answer the goddess if this was some kind of trick. Meliodas seemed to be waiting patiently for him, so he sighed. “In the demon world the skies are dark, we don’t have stars in our sky.”

“Us too, in the divine realm the sky is always bright, no stars to gaze at.” Meliodas laid back. “This place truly has the best sky.” The demon was so confused, the goddess gave off an air of innocence. He looked completely defenseless, it was almost unnerving.

Other demons have tried to kill this goddess and failed, why? Was he truly so powerful? He wasn’t even one of the four archangels. According to some reports, he’s a fierce warrior, who shows mercy, he’s allowed demons to retreat, only demons who’ve attacked him and hurt innocents after he gave them a chance to leave died at his hand.

Meliodas continued to talk about various things, but the didn’t respond to a lot of it just listened. The demon laid back and looked up at the sky. “It really is a nice sky, isn’t it?”

“I know right!” Meliodas chuckled. “Even the other goddesses don’t see it. They think the Divine Realm is perfect, but it's boring.”

“Our world could be called exciting, demons trying to get stronger, battle after battle, struggling to survive. It’s rough but it makes you tougher.” he balled his hand into a fist.

“From one extreme into another.” Meliodas sighed. “I’ve seen so many struggles, but despite it, all humans, giants, fairies, and so many others have found a way to coexist in this world.”

The demon gasped as suddenly Meliodas appeared on top of him. “Do you think it's possible for all of us to coexist in this world?” the question caught the demon off guard. He’d never thought of it before, the whole idea sounded silly, impossible, crazy, but as he looked into the excited Goddess’ face, he wanted to believe it was possible.

His silence did make Meliodas sigh and roll off of him. “I guess that was a stupid idea, it's hard to change someone’s mind. I’ve been exploring this land for a few years now, and my fellow goddesses still think I’m crazy.” he laughed. “I bet you think I’m crazy too huh?”

The demon paused but looked at him. “No, I don’t think you are,” he said before looking back up at the sky. The demon lay there as Meliodas talked about his friends, the current Fair King Gloxinia, the leader of the giants Drole, he’s met all kinds of humans, beastmen, and vampires. The demon listened, not responding much, and soon the Dawn’s morning light began to peek over the horizon.

“You don’t talk much, but you are a pretty good listener.” he stood up. “As promised, we can fight now if you want.”

The demon stared at Meliodas for some time, before he stood up and Meliodas took a fighting stance. “Not today, I’m tired I shall fight you another time.” he brushed himself off. “The name is Monspeet, don’t let any other demon kill you.”

“Meliodas, it was nice to meet you Monspeet, see you again!” Monspeet left and was chastised by other demons. He ignored them, this was his mission and he’d handle it his way. The Demon King allowed this but told Monspeet not too take too long, claiming Meliodas was a threat that couldn’t be ignored.

The commandment observed Meliodas, watching him even in the most intimate of times. When he fought, when he trained, when he hung out with his comrades. He had followed Meliodas to some hot springs, where the goddess disrobed. Monspeet blushed and quickly looked away, and hid behind a tree. What he wasn’t expecting was for a naked Meliodas to appear behind him and cover his eyes. “Guess who?”

Monspeet jumped and spun around catching the sight of a very naked Meliodas. His face burned and he got a nosebleed. “If you want to join me you can, you don’t have to sneak around you know?” Monspeet nodded and joined Meliodas in the bath, he knew he should have refused but he didn’t have the strength to say no.

Though he didn’t understand what happened to the tree that he was hiding behind. He removed his clothes showing off his very chiseled and muscular body. ‘Hot springs are amazing.’ He thought. The image of the naked goddess would be burned into his memory for eternity.

Meliodas leaned against him and sighed happily. Monspeet tensed, but put an arm around Meliodas and relaxed with him.

Over time Monspeet started to develop feelings for Meliodas, it was hard not to. Not that he could ever tell the goddess this, his commandment prevented those from expressing hidden feelings or emotions, their voices would be silenced. He had thoughts of relinquishing his commandment so he could be with Meliodas, but the Demon King would never allow it.

Time was also not on Monspeet’s side since he failed to kill Meliodas fast enough, a new assassin was chosen to carry out the order. The demon had used its magic to get close to Meliodas by possessing one of the humans he was close to. He made his move while possessing someone his demonic presence was completely masked, he could also read one’s soul and mind so he could mimic them perfectly. His weapon was ready and he would have gotten away with it too if Monspeet hadn’t used his own magic.

Trick Star allowed him to swap two objects with each other. So he switched places with Meliodas and took the hit. “Monspeet-sama what are you doing?” He didn’t answer.

“Bloom!” from the ground sprouted a tree, who’s vines and roots ensnared the demon. “Ark!” A white light was cast and the demon was forced out, still being bound by the tree. While the human collapsed unharmed. Meliodas rushed over to Monspeet and healed his wound.

Meliodas’ had Grace a unique power on par with the Ten Commandments created by the Demon King, his grace was known as Forest. He’d been using his power to help with crops, helping humans discover herbs to deal with illnesses, and repairing forests after the wood was cut to build homes. For Meliodas it was all about balance.

“Go ahead and kill me! That’s all you goddesses can do!”

“I will not kill you, so long as you leave and never try to harm another person again.”

“Haa, are you stupid? I’m a demon, I’m not gonna stop till I kill you!”

“Very well, then until you kill me, do not harm another soul!” The demon just didn’t understand. Meliodas released him. He looked between Monspeet and Meliodas.

“You traitor, the demon king will have your head!” he ran off, cursing both of them.

“I guess you aren’t gonna try to kill me anymore?” Meliodas asked him. Monspeet blushed.

“Your life is mine to take, and only mine!”

“Okay, but thank you.” he kissed the demon’s cheek. “That was really brave!” So began a new path for the two, a demon and a goddess falling in love with each other.

To be continued


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