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My Hero parody: Tier 6

 Chapter 1 https://www.patreon.com/posts/prime-and-theta-24842095 

Chapter 2 Prime Academia

Izuku was given a crash course in Prime biology. He had to register as a Prime and go through many sex ed courses about the primes and the thetas. His biology was taking effect now that he came of age. His cock doubled in size reaching 14 inches soft, when erect he reached 28 inches, and that was without his knots. Yes, plural, while alphas and betas had a single knot, betas having a smaller knot than alphas, a Prime had 3 knots, the smallest knot being the same size of a beta, the second knot matching an alpha, and the third knot being far larger.

He also had to train his prime element. Similar to alpha intimidation, Izuku had to gain control over his prime rule. It was intense training, Izuku was put up against alphas and they tried to intimidate him to draw out his own abilities. He was able to use it but it was too intense for most alphas, they weren't hurt or anything, the intent was a key factor of all sub sex abilities.

Even older alphas were brought to their knees. Virgin alphas were forced to orgasm, while mated alphas rushed out of the room no doubt about to give their mates a wild time thanks to Izuku. What was also a struggle was turning it off once he had it activated. Even All Might couldn’t approach him until he calmed down.

Izuku was such a sweet-natured boy, it was hard to believe the boy was anything but an omega really. To think he was a prime of all things. The boy when he wasn’t doing his Prime Training, would scurry about and fanboy over the other heroes. Even some of the B and C list heroes who didn’t think much of their standing were gushed over.

He looked so happy after he got his questions answered and got to see a demonstration of someone’s quirks, it warmed their hearts. His love of heroes was so strong and it actually lifted the spirits of some of the heroes. His notes were quite impressive, he had filled so many notebooks with hero data. His study and knowledge of quirks helped All Might believe he was making the right choice in passing One For All to him.

The fact he was quirkless was another surprise, All Might wanted to ask him about it, but it seemed a sore subject. He always looked so sad when asked what his quirk was, only to have to explain he was quirkless. After what he said to Izuku, he couldn’t blame him for being hurt, so he decided to leave it alone. Had he asked Izuku he would have gained a rather strange piece of information.

After his crash course, he had to learn about natural sub sex abilities. Since he was a late bloomer he didn’t receive any proper training. He had to be careful cause in the battle of instinct and pheromones things could get very hectic very crazy very fast! Pheromone control was a key factor in living in their society, those that couldn’t have to wear pheromone blockers, which wasn’t very enjoyable.

Bless the poor heroes who had to be Izuku’s partners in pheromone control, those guys would be hard for days. Being a prime he had a knack for rejecting someone’s pheromones. It sounded harsh, but it was just a way of saying you aren’t interested. It was natural for a prime to do the asking, instead of being asked, since their targets were alphas it made sense.


Bakugo was living an Alpha’s hell, his desired mate was ignoring him. In the last 10 months, Izuku hadn’t spoken to him, looked at him, or acknowledged him in any way. What’s more, since the boy was a late bloomer he wouldn’t respond to his pheromone call anyway. He could just go talk to him, but after the Sludge Villain incident, Katsuki felt humiliated. To the world, he was praised for being a brave alpha who withstood a villain attack.

He saw it different, he was acting brash and reckless, making it harder for other heroes to help. So the influx of mating offers because of the incident just soured his mood further. He was so trapped in his own inner turmoil, he failed to notice Izuku’s changes.

Since becoming a prime it allowed the results of his training to really flourish. His muscles were truly drool-worthy, most just weren’t taking interest in him relying on pheromones to find their mates. Izuku wasn’t focused on mating right now anyway, All Might had put so much stock in him, and he had worked hard over the past few months.

He had to become the perfect vessel for One For All, he wanted to get into U.A. and become a hero. He’s worked so hard, trained, and developed his body. He also had to pass his exams to even get the chance to shoot for U.A. it was quite a hectic time.


There was an important thing All Might needed to do in order to give Izuku his power. He commended Izuku on his bravery, fortitude, and discipline. “Young Midoriya, it is time to take the next step.” he plucked one of his hairs. “Eat this!”

Izuku’s face sank. “Huh?”

All Might blushed and rubbed the back of his head. “You see in order to inherit one for all you need to ingest some of my DNA!”

“Does it have to be your hair?” Izuku covered his mouth, just the thought of swallowing hair made him retch.

“Well no, but...” he scratched his chin blushing.

“I think there is a better way.” Izuku released his pheromones.

“Wait...now Young Midoriya…hold on...wait...OOOOOOOHHHHHHH MMMMMYYYYYY GOOOOODDDDDNNNEEESSSSS!!!!” Izuku licked his lips, as All Might was in his civilian mode twitching and drooling. “I pity the young Alpha who trifles with you.”

Bakugo sneezed.

“I’m not looking at any mates right now.” he blushed and scratched the back of his head.

“Oh really, what about the angry young man, with the explosive quirk?”

Bakugo sneezed again. ‘Is someone talking about me?’

“Kacchan?” Izuku blushed. “I mean, him and me, me and him, us together...I mean...we could never!” he twiddled his fingers. “Kacchan doesn’t want a quirkless loser like me?”

“Young Midoriya, you do have a quirk, and you are not a loser.” he patted his shoulder and gave him a thumbs up. “Why if I was just 10 years younger I’d...” Izuku chuckled.

“You aren’t that old All Might.”

“Be that as it may, you’re a special kid. Don’t put yourself down anymore, stand tall and be confident. You are a prime!”

Izuku felt a surge of pride, and his eyes burned. “You are right!” He balled his hand into a fist. “I need to be more confident, I’ll tell him...I’ll tell him tomorrow...I’ll tell him before the U.A. exam...I’ll tell him after the exam...I’ll tell him after I graduate...” He sulked.

“We need to work on that confidence of yours.” Izuku nodded. “Why don’t you try to court him after the U.A. exam?”

‘Just you wait Kacchan!’ His eyes burned.

Bakugo sneezed again. ‘Okay what the hell?!’


Izuku would be facing Katsuki sooner than he expected when the teacher announced that they would be partaking in the U.A. exam together. Bakugo was pissed.

He found the boy and dragged him to a secluded spot. “What do you think you are doing you, damn nerd?” Izuku blinked at him in confusion. He felt his instincts scratch the surface, threatening to come out and put the alpha in his place. “Are you crazy? People die in that exam, you are quirkless do you wanna die?!” he hissed.

Izuku looked away, trying to calm himself. Bakugo growled and pressed him against the wall. “I’m ordering you, don’t take the exam!” his pheromones flared. They were face to face as Bakugo’s red eyes bore into Izuku’s emerald ones.

“No!” Izuku said defiantly. Bakugo was taken aback. “I am entering, and you can’t stop me!” Izuku pushed past him.

Bakugo’s eyes widened, there was a smell on Izuku’s breath, and it was definitely that of an alpha. ‘Does Deku...have an alpha…?’ Oh Katsuki if you only knew.

Despite his explosive temper and prickly nature, Izuku had eyes for only one Alpha. It was him, but he wasn’t the one that was gonna be hunted, Izuku was a prime hunter!


Izuku’s body had enough time to digest All Might’s...DNA...but he didn’t really feel any different. After a good night’s rest, he was sure he’d be ready to take on the exam.

Bakugo should also be resting but he couldn’t sleep. He growled as he brushed his teeth vigorously. ‘I’ll find that damn Alpha, how dare he put his filthy hands on my Deku. Oh yes, he’s so dead!’ He spat. “Just you wait you bastard, I’ll make you pay for putting your filthy scent on what’s mine!”

All Might sneezed. “I hope I’m not getting a cold.” he rubbed his nose.

To be continued


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